30 Day April 2017 Challenge

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30 Day April 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,616 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  Chubbybiker 7 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 2,621 total)

  • Brilliant, thank you. I’ve done an unofficial 2 days now but looking forward to getting involved.

    Once the thread ramps up it is amazing how much posting goes on. I hope you find the support you want here.

    Australia Day 1 NFD weekends are always feast days for me but I am getting better at controlling them. Thanks for hosting @okeydokey

    Day 1 – US – NFD CD
    Weight 166 lbs. 75kg
    Goal weight 156 lbs. 70kg

    Thank- you to each and everyone joining the April Challenge! ✨ I’m posting the information about starting on the first of April now, basically we have international people from Australia, New Zealand who are already starting their April 1! Good Luck to All!✨

    Hello All
    It’s a new month and a new challenge – Welcome to the first day of April.
    ✨It would be good if everyone could post on Day 1 of April
    Day 1 – Your Area of the Country – FD or NFD or BSD:
    Then current weight (if you like) or trouser size ( if you like) then Goal weight for the month.✨😊 I will be posting that again the night before April 1, everybody can conveniently find it.✨😊✨
    For the rest of the month start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you are doing a FD (Fast day) or a NFD (Non Fast Day) CD (Controllrd Day).
    Example for me is Day 1 – Cumbria UK – FD.
    Add more to your daily post or not as you like. If you haven’t done so already you might also want to click on “Your Profile” at the top right of this page and add any information about yourself that you wish to share.
    I will check you off a list daily so you know ✨🤗 someone is looking out for you. ✨😊At the end of the month we all put in our loss, gain or the fact we maintained our goal and I will pull this information together and publish the results of our team effort.
    As this month’s host and organizer my role is to keep a “daily attendance” roster and try to keep on top of the daily posts, however there are many experienced people who hopefully will carry on from the April Challenge who are happy to share their knowledge and will be happy to answer questions, as am I.
    I am not an expert but I can promise you that we will continue to learn from each other and support each other in this WOL (way of life)
    Post about your day plan if you like, ask questions if you like and let’s make this a successful month. Just reply to this post and I will update your information on our spreadsheet.
    Thank-each and everyone of you for joining!✨🎉 We have 117 people so far and I’m sure there will be more joining tomorrow and during the next week and through the month!
    My favorite emoji is 🌈🥗 the salad because that has been the food that has kept me sane in the last month.

    @bert1802 Awesome Birthday’s coming up, We’ll be Celebrating ✨🎉our wonderful children together!😊🎉

    @annnursekirk We can celebrate ✨🎉🎂🥂together! I have a Birthday in June also.

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.✨

    ✨Remember we are All in this Together and✨
    ✨✨Together we are Stronger✨💪✨💪✨

    ✨April watch out! We are coming✨✨Together We are Stronger!✨💪💪💪✨✨🥗🥗🥗

    Well I know that it is still March but have just completed our 2 FD’s on the trot.
    Felt really strange today at work from about 11:30 until lunch at 13:30. By the time I finished work at 16:00hrs I felt like I had had speed, not remembering names of things, talking fast, woozy headed.
    When I got home & was changing out of uniform, I saw why I need to do this so it gave me the kick up the b** I needed.
    And now we have had tea feel much better. Not absolutely accurate but just under the 800 cal mark. No more food today but more fluids & another early night. Mind this Hartley 0 cal jelly has hit the mark.
    Tomorrow will get weight & report back for the start of Aprils challenge.
    Hey what do yer know? I havent died, so there!

    @hannahwatto@annnursekirk Your the 1st to post for April! ✨Awesome and Thanks✨ 😊Can you also post your current weight or clothing size and your Goal weight for the month or clothes size now? If it’s not about the exact weight and more about the health … I get it. It’s not required if you aren’t comfortable. Have a great Day! Remember our April Group is with you!✨😊👍😊✨

    Hi, April 1 in Bermuda will be a NFD. FD will be on Monday and Friday. I am coordinating those days with non exercise days.

    Weight 150 lbs
    Size 10 UK and 8 US
    Age 60

    Weight 142 to 145lbs
    Size 8 UK 6 US

    Constant Craver always hungry!!!!
    Carb lover.

    Open to incorporate more high protein, fat and vegetables with 5:2. Ambitious? yes.

    Hi, April 1 in Bermuda will be a NFD. FD will be on Monday and Friday. I am coordinating those days with non exercise days.

    Weight 150 lbs
    Size 10 UK and 8 US
    Age 60

    Weight 142 to 145lbs
    Size 8 UK 6 US

    Constant Craver always hungry!!!!
    Carb lover. Ps Wine lover too.

    Open to incorporate more high protein, fat and vegetables with 5:2. Ambitious? yes.

    Ok here I go!
    Day 1 – Essex UK. FD 99kg – want to lose 5kg this month.
    Started unofficially 3 days ago for the first time. Today has been my second FD so far. Didn’t find it too hard but I can’t drink my tea without milk so I’ve gone over – about 600. On my NFD I clocked up 1100 but this was a good day with no temptations. I’m a bit worried about the weekend though.


    Day 1 – California, USA – NFD

    Hi folks! Ok I guess it begins.
    It’s gonna be a non-fast day but controlled 🙂

    Weight: 168-170lbs
    Goal Weight: 135-145lbs

    April goal: I just wanna lose as much as I can. It would be pretty wonderful to see the 150-159lbs by the end of the month.

    Day 1 – NZ – NFD

    Thank you for hosting Oakeydokey

    Never done 5:2 before,started last Monday with two fast days so weigh in this Monday so I’m not quite in sync with everyone 😔 But hey i like the idea of the “April challenge”

    U.K. Evesham Male Age 54(in two weeks…eeeek) bmi 34.4 240lb (last Monday) target 210lb (in time….whatever for April is good)

    It’s been a learning curve this week,tbh I ddnt find the fast too tricky, did a water fast on the first day ( I’m ok if I don’t start eating…..its once I start that food becomes an issue 🐽 Oink bloody oink 🐽) and that was fine. Day two I decide to go for a bike ride….hhmmm….very bad mistake,got around 6 miles out and thighs totally in bits and had to turn back. Ate that evening (500cal) about 1700 as thighs still shot and thankfully they soon recovered….big learning curve. Took it very easy on the bike Wednesday (ride to work I do) as ddnt eat till 1300, since then I think I’ve been pretty good food wise simply due to the fact I don’t want to waste the effort put in on the FD’s. I will have eaten out twice this week ( by weekly weigh in) but have tried to counter this by being ultra good on those days, fingers x’d there is a loss of some description and it’s not my ruddy sanity 😉.

    Anyways, rambled on I have,good luck one and all but don’t just trust to luck,our fate is in all our hands and what they chuck down our necks 😁 X

    Day 1 NZ NFD Weight 80kg.
    Can’t believe its April already. Where is the year going too. OH and I are off to a 5 star hotel for a weekend of luxury to celebrate my birthday a couple of weeks ago and our wedding anniversary. Really excited. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 1/NFD/ Melbourne Australia

    Post#2 Sorry if this is a repeat. I can’t find the original.

    My 5:2 journey:

    September 2014 – 74.3kg (starting weight, BMI over 29 – goal to reboot health.) Dress size: Australian 12-14
    April 2015 – 59kg (goal)
    July 2015 – 54.5kg ( lowest weight, not quite sustainable)
    March 2016 – 56kg (happy weight)
    January 2017 – 58.7kg (whoops)
    Feb 2017 – 57.2kg (reboot – onwards and downwards). Joined the February challenge.
    March 2017 – 56.6 kg

    Today’s weight 55.6 kg. Dress size: Australian 6-8.

    I’m a big fan of Dr M’s basic 5:2 plan. I’m a bit of a foodie so I take great pleasure in planning my fast day meals much to my OH’s delight. My diet is mainly a LCHF Mediterranean style of eating. I love vegetables and eat a wide variety. I do enjoy carbohydrates and include whole grains or pasta or bread a couple of times per week for their prebiotic qualities. If I eliminated them from my diet I’d definitely feel deprived and it would make this WOL less sustainable. I rarely count calories but am very careful with portion sizes. I don’t have a sweet tooth and avoid processed and refined foods. I weigh daily and keep a food diary for accountability. Alcohol is my downfall and accounts for the recent blip in my weight. I’d allowed myself a glass of wine a night but it crept up to 1/2-1 bottle per night. During March I successfully cut out the nightly bottle. I still enjoy a drink but not every night.

    I love the simplicity and flexibility of this WOL. If I need to take a break I can and do. It fits easily into my lifestyle. I began this WOE (way of eating) for the health benefits. The steady loss of a pound a week was a happy bonus. I was convinced I couldn’t lose weight and keep it off. My 5:2 journey shows this WOL can work.

    My goal for April is to stay below 56kg. I’d love to shake off another kg but if I don’t that’s ok. I need to up my exercise. I love gardening and walking but if I had to describe myself I’d have to say I’m a couch potato.

    Have a happy and mindful weekend. Onwards and downwards

    2nd post.
    Just measured myself. Since March 18th. I have lost Bust 2cm, Waist 1 cm, Hips 1 cm, Neck 1 cm. Don’t know my dress size as I am waiting to lose a bit more before I buy some new clothes. I was size 18 at the beginning of the year, but thanks to the challenges and the wonderful people in the forums I am shrinking, yeah!!!!
    Thankyou one and all for your support, especially on my down days, I couldn’t do it without you all.

    What a brilliant welcome message. Thank you so much for doing all this work, you are 🥇Oakeydokey

    Day 1 NFD NZ
    I’m committed to month 8 of 5:2 and daily checking in here with this fabulous group.
    As I said as the end of the March challenge, I reaffirmed last month that I’m not a ‘weigher’.
    Even at my skinniest a few years ago I don’t actually know for sure what I weighed.
    It’s not an avoidance behaviour, I’ve never owned scales until this year. Occasionally I jumped on maybe once or twice a year at the gym but the numbers just don’t matter to me. How I feel physically and mentally is what I care about.
    So I’ve returned to my old habit of asking myself ‘how do I feel?’ And ‘how comfortable am I in my clothes?’
    For April my goals are to continue 5:2 and
    1. To do an hour bush/trail run at least 3x/week in between weights sessions
    2. To eat primarily fresh vegetarian foods with berries and occasional apples as my sweet treats on NFDs
    3. To put on my ‘measuring pants’ once a week and be honest about how they are fitting
    4. Fit into my ‘measuring pants’ comfortably enough to wear them all day by the end of April
    Just as an FYI-my measuring pants are about 10years old and out of style! BUT, they are a non-stretch stiff cotton drill fabric that used to fit perfectly around my waist hips and thighs when I was at my comfort size/shape. So, they are my yardstick for progress. Once they fit properly again I will have reached my target and will remain blissfully unaware of what the scales say….I’ll also never wear them out of the house cos they are uuugly!!!
    Thanks for reading my introduction and thanks so much to okeydokey for committing to be our leader. I take so much strength from the little posts with my name mentioned. I personally struggle to read all the posts in a day let alone keep track and make all the comments I wish I had time to make in reply, so I’m incredibly grateful to you for giving your time to track me.

    Hi pamie I know what you mean about clothes. Back in 2013 I lost 23 lb and was really chuffed. So much so that my waist dropped a trouser size and pushed by my wife I bought several pairs of trousers to fit my then new reduced waist size and a couple of new shirts to fit my new svelt sized figure!!!!!
    A week later she told me that I was looking gaunt due to my weight loss and to stop my 5:2 way of life. Being a weak male I followed her “advice” and subsequently put most lost weight back on. As I type this those trousers and shirts, (not even worn once) are packed awaiting a trip to a local charity shop. What a wimp….this 5:2 business can wind up expensive, and no, I dont think that this time round I could get back to the weight I was, damn, damn, damn.
    P.S. Good luck to you all out there.

    Day 1 -NSW Aust – NFD
    Starting weight for the month is 101.6kgs 1st minestone goal weight is 97.5kgs if i can achieve that i would have lost the 12kgs i put on going back to Work after a year off! Once achieved i hope to set my next goal. My thinking is to set a series of milestones because if i try to lose 35-40kgs from the out set it will appear that i haven’t gotten too far and i don’t want to lose motivation. My weight loss journey will be slow and steady. I will try not to beat myself up too much if i don’t always make the right choices as long as the number on the scales are less than the time before, if not, i know what i need to do. I value everyone’s comments and grateful to share this experience with you. It provides me strength and inspiration to keep going. Good luck everyone.
    Some additional measurements neck 36cm and waist 118.5cm

    Day 1 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 77.8kg

    @okeydokey – 5 days of fasting! WOW you have the fasting gig down. Thank you for hosting. We are a similar distance from our goal weight, I think you will beat me there though!

    @redlusso – 5kg in a month may be extremely difficult, however I think it likely you would see 94kg sometime in the month. To lose that much fat in the month could require more fast days. Some people do 4:3 or Alternate Day Fasting. Weight bounces around a lot so don’t get discouraged and you can also use a measuring tape to help track progress. If you want to up your game without more fasting, consider cutting out all refined sugar from your diet. That will force you away from process foods and into eating a lot more fruits and vegetables. Less sugar and lots more fiber can really help.

    @chubbybiker – 4 years ago I was 106kg (233 lbs). I did the standard move more and eat less for over 3 years. That got me to around 94kg and I felt terrible. Last year I cut way back on refined sugar, that helped a lot with my hunger and I dropped to about 86kg. Fasting and better diet and brought me down further. I’ve been doing 5:2 since last Sept. and find it easy to do. I’m getting close to the bottom and look forward to maintenance probably next year. The best things about 5:2 is I feel really good and I love eating! I spend a little more on my food and I really enjoy it! No guilt, over time the fat is melting away.

    @couscous – I empathize with the idea of looking gaunt. That has been a fear of mine (age 68, seen skinny women who look terrible) so I am maintaining 160# right at the top of BMI 25 acceptable. Did you feel like you looked too thin? I bet having bought those new clothes, you did not. So weigh what YOU want to weigh!

    Day 1 – Aus – NFD

    Feeling meh, it’s my “Monday” 🙁

    Current weight as of today is 61.4kg (although I don’t trust it because I was 61.9 yesterday…). Goal this month is 60kg.

    I’m just starting back after a break from fasting and gaining a couple of kilos. So it’s great to have company and be accountable!

    Weight 68.8
    Yesterday was my first FD, loss of 1kg, might be the water, see how I go, next FD will be Monday. I will report after each FD.

    Hi SongBirdMe, thank you for your comments. I am also 68 now, my wife describes me as a Grumpy old man, but I assure you I am not, in fact I still need to grow up. I did not think I looked gaunt after a 23 lb weight loss (down to around 14st 3lb) but her comments, and my reaction to them showed how negative my response process could be.
    I am very conscious of my health and have done a lot of research resulting in some good advice from a well respected nutritionalist (Angela Beecroft) up here in the North East of England. The problem now is putting it all into practice, turning around over 40 yrs of bad eating and drinking habits is a challenge in itself let alone doing the 5:2 WOL. I am now 15st 6lb so getting to my April target of a 7lb loss is I believe achievable. I also find that keeping a daily Fasting diary is a big help. Reading in my diary of my efforts from 2013 is an eye opener and a big support for me.
    Good luck to you and all posters out there.

    Please count me in:
    Mila, 48 years old, living in Munic/ Germany, still nearly 100 kg, I believe. It’s size 48/ 50 here, for me. I’m 1,80 m.

    Day 1 – Germany – NFD

    2nd Post Day 1 -US – NFD CD
    @annnursekirk I’m thinking that drinking water every 1/2 hour would help with your fasting days. Also taking electrolytes either through a drink or capsule would help reduce dizziness. Sometimes I feel a little giddy, light headed. Remember we have that 500 or 600 calories for FD. Possibly some vegetables or a good salad with chicken or fish would help you through the day. You did survive your fast day and I’m so glad you did!
    @hannahwatto Thanks for checking in! Hope your weekend goes well!✨
    @5-2fastdietbermuda 👍Thank-you for the information I will be able to put your info on our group spreadsheet right away. Welcome to the April Group! Wishing you well on your 5:2 plan!✨
    @redlusso You are doing well✨On your FD’s fast days😊 I’m so glad you are in our group. We’ve got you! We can do it together!
    @nabaht I see we are close at having similar weight loss plans! ✨😊Wishing you well!
    @triplet Thanks for posting have a good NFD.😊
    @chubbybiker Thank-you for your info. I will put it on our group Spreadsheet✨
    @pamie You have a lot to celebrate! Have fun! Check in when you can!🥂✨
    @onahealthyhigh ✨Thank-you so much for sharing. I also love the simplicity and flexibility of this WOL (way of life) it gives us more options to be healthy and enjoy life …. isn’t that what it’s all about?
    @zowie Thank-you✨Glad you are with us for the April Challenge✨
    @lany36 ✨Your welcome! I have measuring pants also🤣 Wishing you well in fitting into them. We can also have patience with ourselves and appreciate each of the daily victories we accomplish. Keep on, keeping on!✨
    @cboz ✨ Good for you! I like your plan! Be kind to yourself✨One step at a time!😊✨Thank-you for your information I will put it in our group spreadsheet.😊 @dykask We are a similar distance from our goal weight ✨ I’d say we might get there together✨Then I remembered my nieces wedding in June. My goal is to be at 131 lbs. by June. ✨ Is that similar to your goal?
    Thank-you for joining the April Challenge @soontobesvelte Good Luck with your Goal!✨😊🌈✨ @stone176055 Thanks for joining! It sounds like you had a good FD yesterday✨Wishing you well on your NFD today!✨

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.✨

    ✨Remember we are All in this Together and✨
    ✨✨Together we are Stronger✨💪✨💪✨

    ✨April watch out! We are Here! ✨Together We are Stronger!✨💪💪💪✨✨🥗🥗🥗

    Day 1 – Croatia – 79.1 Kg
    Weight goal – 75 kg
    Waist – 85 cm goal 80 cm
    Hip – 91 cm goal 88 cm
    Neck – 38 cm goal 36 cm

    @couscous – One of the problems I have with fasting is I tend to loose fat in the face fast. That gives my face a gaunter look. I think the fat just moves to my belly. Typically my BMI is from 25.5 to 26.5 so I’m not really gaunt. I live in Japan and I do see a few gaunt people. Typically their joints are bigger than the connecting parts and they probably have a BMI less than 20.

    I wish I knew how to slow the fat loss in the face and speed the fat loss from the belly. After a few NFDs my face does recover a bit but overall I lost more face fat than belly fat, at least by percentage.

    Day 1 – Cairns, Aus – NFD
    Started 5:2 a just over a week go. Have got 3 FD’s so far under my belt.It wasn’t that bad. Drank lots of water. Starting weight was 61.5 down to 59.8 kg. Did half hour of treadmill every day. Hoping to loose another 2 kg soon. Thak you @okeydokey for hosting the April Challenge. Bring it on 🙂

    I love the idea of measuring pants. 👏🏽 @lany36

    Day 1 – NZ – NFD

    Goals for this month – 2 Fasting days per week
    Find a pair of measuring pants or skirt to try on at the end of the month rather than getting hung up on what the scale says.

    @okeydokey – I think I misunderstood your monthly goal for my your final goal. Sorry about that. Right now I’ve decide not to try to stabilize my weight around 75kg. I’m 174cm so that would give me a BMI of 24.8, just barely normal. However, I’m also trying to build muscle so there will be plenty of room to burn a little more fat. My wife thinks I’m slim enough now.

    However it could take me six months to get there … so you could easily beat me! 131lbs … that is 59.5kg. I would have a BMI under 20 at that weight. Sorry for the confusion!

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Starting stats

    Total loss since starting 5/2 last Sept 35lbs

    Loss in March 7lbs

    Target for March was 6lbs

    Bmi has gone from 30.6 to 25.5

    12lbs left to get to goal of 160. Want to be there or thereabouts by my birthday in mid June

    Target for April 6lbs off. That feels very challenging….

    Good lock for April everyone and thanks to okeydokey for taking on the challenge of keeping on top of it all.

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    Goal this month: 64kg
    Doing 5:2 and starting exercising as well. We can do this!

    Day 1 UK FD (800)

    Starting weight 201.5 lbs / 91.5kg
    Waist 34 inches / 86.5 cm
    Height 5ft 8.5 in / 174 cm
    Hips/bust 43.5 in / 110 cm
    Neck 13.5in / 34 cm
    BMI 30.2

    Goals: Get solidly under 200 lbs / 90 kg and hopefully under 14 stone and under BMI of thirty leaving the Obese category at last. Plus go down another trouser size. I have a pair of 34s waiting. (I have worn men’s trousers for years as women’s are usually too short). I started off in 44s that had become too tight back in November. 36s are comfortable now.

    I have been trialing the blood sugar diet of 800 calories of no sugar or processed carbs Mediterranean style diet for ten days which got me off a plateau. I am planning to carry this on until the 9th at least when I will weigh again and decide how to proceed. So far it has been easy to stick to as the hardest part is weaning yourself off the sugars which I had already done. I am using a short eating window of three to four hours to get as many hours of fasting in as possible. I am vegetarian so I eat mainly veg, pulses and a little cheese.

    Thanks for hosting this month @okeydokey

    Day 1 – Berlin, Germany – NFD
    Weight: 59.9 kg / 132 lbs.
    clothing size: UK 10 / EU 38
    Age: 30
    BMI change in March: 25.2 to 24.0
    Goal weight: whatever I need to be so my thighs don’t rub together anymore 😅
    Will be keeping up with ADF since it’s worked so well. Will water/tea only fast on FDs, but also allow occasional 500 cal dinners. I am NOT calorie counting on NFD and will limit weighing in to once a week at best.

    Hello all!

    I have a question some of you might be able to answer. Although I’m thoroughly enjoying my fasting days, there is one side-effect I’m struggling with: sleeplessness. 😳
    Thanks to following the March thread since about the middle of that month, I picked up some good remedy recommendations from the experienced fasters:

    – Magnesia oil
    – lemon water
    – valerian

    I have tried two of them, but with very limited success, so I am wondering: Can someone explain to me what could be causing the sleeplessness while in a fasted state? Or maybe you have other remedies which worked for you and which you’d be willing to share?

    Would love to hear from you 🙂

    Good luck to all fellow fasters!
    ✨Onwards and downwards!✨

    P.S.: @lany36 your idea of measuring pants is such a good one! will try it too, to avoid having to rely on the dreaded scales 😉

    Day 1 – Switzerland – NFD

    Morning all! Starting this month at 91.8kg (14st6/202lbs) BMI 29.3. I aim to stick to 4:3 (Mon/Wed/Fri if possible); log food on MFP; eat to my goal TDEE on NFDs and try to get into 16:8, although this is secondary at the moment.

    Will catch up on posts soon – good luck to everyone in April and thank you @okeydokey for taking us all under your wing! Don’t Panic!

    Day 1 – FIN (SWE) – NFD

    Current weight: ~63 kg? (Will weight myself tomorrow (my new weigh-in day) if I can locate a scale or by the latest Monday when I’m home again.

    Goal for the month: (c/p) to shed the weight I’ve gained after moving last autumn/fall and get back to my usual range (~60 kg) or at the very least closer to it.
    I will also stay away from sweets and junk food until Easter and try my best to shed my bad habit of squeezing clogged pores when stressed.

    I’ve fallen ill, so I might have to take a break from fasting (my usual fast days are Mon & Thu) this upcoming first week of April/until I’m feeling better again. Today I will continue consuming everything I can think of that will make swallowing feel less painful.

    Day 1 Hampshire NFD weight loss target. 4 lbs

    Day 1, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Start weight 9st. 10.1lbs
    Goal for April 9st. 7lbs

    @okeydokey – you’ve got your work cut out with us lot!! Thanks for taking us on – hope you have a super month.


    Day 1 UK NFD 🌈

    Start weight 167.6lbs.

    Goal – 7lb. Although would love to see the 150’s, I love to aim high (or low).

    Things to do this month.

    1. Check in every day.
    2. Read posts do not make trip to the fridge when willpower is lacking.
    4. Plan FDs
    5. Exercise 3/4 times a week at the gym,but also do a little something everyday. To tone.
    6.Know you will eat chocolate at 🐣 Easter, celebrate and enjoy.

    Hi checking in for April in Scotland….. nearing the end of my third week on 5:2. Starting weight 70.6 Kg.. today 67.8 Kg. Target is 63 Kg. So far successfully completed 7 fast days and felt fine. Today is NFD. Will have FD next week on Monday and Thursday. Goal for April will be 66.5 Kg as going to Perth Australia for 2 weeks to see my daughter and will be difficult due to all the socialising and products from Margaret River wineries!!
    Good luck everyone. !

    Day 1 Belfast NFD
    I see this is going to be a colourful month 🌈⭐️ Thank you @okeydokey for taking on this mammoth task.
    I must confess that I am a serial weigher, and my aim, apart from those stated, is to only weigh once a week and keep control of those NFDs. Good luck to everyone, wherever you are on your journey.
    Together we are stronger.

    Day 1 Oxfordshire UK NFD

    Weight 165.6 lbs.
    Target 161.0 lbs

    1st,Newcastle Upon Tyne,UK,NFD.
    Hi everyone and good luck with reaching your goals.
    I started the fast diet last week and lost 2.75Lb. If I can loose 1 to 2lb a week I’ll be extremely happy. My weight this morning was 15st 2Lb (212Lb) my goal weight is 13st (182).I need to fit some exercise into my life so the mountain bike will be dusted down and used now the light night are back.

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Starting weight for April 246.75lbs and I am aiming for a 7lb weight loss in April.

    I started the 5:2 diet on 27th February and have lost 15.5lbs(11.5lbs) in the March challenge.

    I know I have a long road ahead of me, however I am inspired by the postings on this group and it helps to make the journey easier.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Day 1 Portugal NFD

    Starting weight 24th September 2016 – 70.8kg
    Weight end of March – 61.1kg
    Goal for April – 59.5kg
    Final goal weight 57kg

    So that’s what I’m working towards. Want to go on my holidays in July at 57kg! I hope it is possible. I need to do my waist, hips etc. measurements – will do that later.

    In April
    *i want to do regular exercise 3-4 times per week
    *i will continue with 4:3 Mon, Wed, Fri
    *I will not overeat on weekends
    *i Will drink more water, especially on FDs

    Day 1 – CARDIFF UK – NFD

    Starting Weight : 160.8lbs


    1. Lose 3.8lbs
    2. 2FD per week
    3. Drink more water – especially NFD
    3. Sugar/Refined carb free until Easter

    So I’ve decided to set a more gentle target this month as I missed March’s target. I’m also going to take things more slowly, 2 FD instead of 3 and try for 1/4 TDEE rather than my usual liquid fasts.

    I started this WOL on 17/1/17 and have lost 19lb to date, and only ever completed liquid fasts, finding eating on FD too difficult. This month I want to see if I can stop the swing from big gains following NFD and losses following FD to a more gentle ripple. I find weighing daily helps me understand how my body works.

    I know Easter will mean chocolate (I’ve got some from Mother’s day), so I want to anticipate this blip and plan for it.

    Things are still quite tough at home, up 6 or 7 times last night helping my husband, so I want April to be a gentle month, plateau if needs be, so I can make sure this WOL is sustainable.

    @okeydokey thanks for hosting this month.

    Day 1 / UK / NFD

    April goals:
    Starting weight (overall, 20 Feb): 71.2kg
    Starting weight (1 April): 65.6kg
    Goal weight (1 May): 62.5-63kg (loss roughly in the 2.5 to 3kg range)

    Most of the 3.8kg I lost in March happened in the first half. I plateaued half-way through and loss resumed but more slowly, so I am wary of asking for too much. At the moment I weigh almost every day to hold myself accountable, but only record after FDs/when it’s too good not to.

    Bust: 89cm
    Waist: 70cm
    Hips: 93cm

    During March I went from only cycling to work for exercise to that plus four gym classes and yoga (via YouTube) on the weekends. I console myself with the thought that this will have confused the scales a little as well. As opposed to the fickle scales, I will only measure at the end of April to give myself a more long-term perspective.

    I hardly EVER complete challenges and having managed to do so for March has been fantastic! Even though March may have ended on a slightly somber note for me (really wanted to get to 4kg in the end), starting 5:2 and with the exercise classes has all been part of a larger project of living more mindfully. It’s working and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

    Good luck, everyone, have a fantastic April!

    Hi dykask,” Face Fat loss” now thats an interesting weight loss I have not heard or thought about. My wife commented recently how its only the fat around my stomach that grows, my thighs stay roughly the same but I do know my shirts get a bit tighter across the chest and shoulders. I wear a beard (of sorts) and at Christmas I declined the role of Santa Claus at my grandsons school. Now that was a wake up call.
    I am going to use the Face Fat loss if my wife makes any comments on my gaunt look in the future.
    Good luck.

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