30 Day April 2017 Challenge

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30 Day April 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,616 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  Chubbybiker 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,901 through 1,950 (of 2,621 total)

  • Day 21 Croatia FD
    Weight 79.8 Kg

    Day 21 Hampshire NFD

    Day 21 UK FD. 🌈

    Well my new scales lie to me, I now much prefer my old scales now, either that of the Easter Bunny🐰 had his big fat thumper foot on the back making the numbers rise! 😂😂😂my four day treat break has been hard to control, 4 days later!!!🍫🍫🍫🍫.

    Think FDs till the end of the month, serious damage control now! That’s a joke, but will be more strict to see if I can end this month a little better!!!

    1.Drink water
    2. FDs
    3.Controlled NDs

    Easy 😳😳😳😳Good luck all

    P.s haven’t caught up on posts YET, do well when I have the time and keep up on posts, when busy and left to my own devices not so good, need you guys!!! 👫👭👫👬🗡🐲

    Day 21 – UAE – NFD

    To my disappointment, i woke up this morning to do weigh myself. I gained 0.07 kg since last week, so I am 2.7 kg from my target weight! It will be very challenging week to reach my target! Any idea?

    Day 20 UK FD

    1lb down today. This only gets me back to where I was the week before Easter! But very relieved to be 10lbs from goal (again). Feeling back in the zone at last. My experience of the last two weeks has made me understand just how dangerous and wholly addictive sugar is.

    Stay strong everyone. It is hard if you are having a struggle but you will be so happy if you tough it out.

    Sorry okeydokey meant day 21 above

    Day 20- Montreal-NFD
    Day 21- FD

    Day 21, Newcastle UK, CD

    Good controlled day yesterday and after 5 hours gardening the scales show another slight drop this morning at 136.7lbs. So @coda – I’m winning with the dragon – thanks for asking. However, after looking at @okeydokey‘s impressive spreadsheet I realise that I have not lost a thing this month as I started out at 136.1lbs – lol!! However, I am feeling slim and am back in two pairs of trousers that didn’t fit for quite some time. I think maybe I’ve put on a little more muscle with work and dancing and that may account for recent blips on the scales.

    @nurseannkirk – I echo all the other sentiments – no apology necessary whatsoever. If you read back through the previous month’s challenges you will see that this particular forum (I’ll call it The Challenge Programme initiated by @coda in May 2016) is a place where lots of people feel safe and able to bear their innermost thoughts and issues. Not only are we supporting ourselves through a new way of healthy way of eating and weight loss, many of us have worked through issues that, in my case, I haven’t been able to conquer before joining this forum. I expect for many of us it’s these very issues that lie behind our relationship with food. Good mental health is very much in the news at the moment – and this forum in particular is a shining example of how a community/global family of like-minded people can help each other overcome our individual dragons.

    Having a good day slaying dragons my friends – Together we are Stronger!

    2nd post – Today has been hard, not as hard as fasting was six months ago, but a lot harder than I’m used too …

    @lilymartin – Yup I’m not a spring chicken and I wish I had got more sleep. My body is completely off today! This is why I would retire in a heartbeat if I could afford too. However I’m looking at another 13.5 years.

    Day 21 UK FD800

    @sarah57 Yay for you losing that pesky pond and getting back in the zone:))

    @lynzm it looks like a good plan:))

    @taraga I think counting such a small change as negative is being unnecessarily hard on yourself. Small variations don’t mean much as they are more about the contents of your digestive system and bladder than about your actual body weight. The way you look at things makes all the difference. If you regard it as failure it will make things worse, if you regard it as a irrelevant blip you will be more able to continue in good spirits with a positive mindset that makes success easier.

    @strawberriesandcream Well said:))

    day 21 uk FD
    @at thanks for your reply it’s helpful to have a glimpse into a way of being
    @strawberries I too haven’t changed weight wise or inches but comments have been made about change of shape, odd but helpful!
    @annursekirk sounds like you coped with the visit really well, not sure I would have managed it if anyone started cooking in the middle of the night, at best extraordinary at worse infuriating. Sometimes a vent keeps us all sane 😊

    Day 21/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Day 21, London, UK, NFD (but very CD),

    Quick check-in.

    Well, I managed to get rid of the Easter gain!! It took a B2B2B, but I only have myself to blame………….. and the hot cross buns of course! I’m still not on track to meet my target, but there ARE 9 whole days to go, so we’ll see.

    @annnursekirk, no apologies necessary, this is a great place to vent, no judgement, we of all people know nobody’s perfect.

    Have a great day everyone, keep the faith and prepare for the end of challenge (??) BIG PUSH!!!

    Day 21 Newcastle UK FD.
    Here we go last one of the week.
    Weigh day tomorrow hoping for a loss rather than expecting one.
    Amazed how one day of binging can through you off track. lesson learned I hope 😇
    The wife found a book called the two day diet Dr Michelle Harvie & Prof Tony Howell. First published 2013. £1.50 from the charity shop bargain. My reading for the next few days. What little reading so far they recommended back to back fasting days. Only a few pages in so far they may offer different options. Good luck everyone stay focused

    Day 21 Kent UK Fast Day

    Sorry I have been absent, just very busy, lots of days out. Disaster for fasting. Getting back on track.

    Have a good day everyone, smile!

    Day 21 FD NZ
    It’s been a tough FD today.
    Yesterday turned into a NFD as it’s school holidays and I took the kids out for lunch which wrecked my FD. It was a choice, I fasted until 1.30pm then decided that a family bonding moment was called for so FD was abandoned.
    So today even though it’s been really tempting to scrap it I’ve held strong knowing I don’t want to fast on Saturday or Sunday so I don’t have a choice but to go through with a FD today. I will be close to a whole 500cals today but I’m ok with that.
    At this point I’m so hungry and could easily eat more but I came on here to shore up my ‘won’t power’ and push through. It’s quite strange as I never normally struggle this much with a FD. I think it’s to do with the fact I normally work on Thursday and Friday but I’ve had the week off and it’s thrown my routine.

    Day 19 – London, UK – NFD
    Day 20 – London, UK – NFD
    Day 21 – London, UK – FD

    I weighed myself yesterday and I actually seem to be down a bit, which is great! I’ve been feeling less ill this week, so managing more walks, a couple of runs etc. Hoping to get into a proper routine next week when my work isn’t all out of whack and my cold has hopefully completely gone.

    Today shouldn’t be too bad as I’ve got work to do and my husband is around a lot today, so that might distract me a bit. Planning to go on a nice long walk in the park!

    Day 21 Maine NFD

    Successful fast day – hubby made a yummy dinner of a cauliflower rice bowl w/lots of veggies. Decided not to weigh ’till after Monday’s FD – in an attempt to keep strict control this weekend.

    @lilymartin – we love fawlty towers! I didn’t watch it in the 80’s. Since I work in a hotel, my son suggested we watch it – it’s now on Netflix. We’ve been binge-watching – soo funny! Good luck with your positive thinking – hope you computer responds! Very funny image!

    Make it a great day everybody!

    Day 21 UK NFD

    Day 21…..Florida…… FD

    All is well……. I think that stop to the hardware store did the trick, as I’m still on the wagon still holding on!

    Steve our taxi driver…… I completely agree, the Internet can be a two way street, if one is not careful with what one believe but again I think most things in life are….. lol
    As for myself, I have been obsessed with the food industry and diets for years now. Researching, testing even a little developing along the way. Anything, I’ve read it heard, I’ve put the leg work in to find the truth. In college, I did a paper on nutritional power, pretty dope title right? It’s was mainly centered around obesity in our children. In my quest to find out besides the fact our kids are not active enough, why 75% of our children are classified as obese even before the enter kindergarten. That’s when, I ran into the information on the food industry. Now, to this way of life, it took 6 month of research and a little testing before I came on board and began using 5:2 as a wol. Some interesting things came out of it, making this WOL, a good choice for me and by the looks of it many others on this journey.
    In the end, I believe that no one diet is right for the majority, each person must find their own road, walk that road and work through the obstacles found on that road on their own. If they are lucky enough, like we are on this forum, they too will find like minded people who will give them strength and support to continue on that road.

    Annursekirk……. I’m glad your still with us…… I’ve been to many weight loss groups such as WW, OA and other online forums. Most stick with just talking about the diet, how to become successful and overcome. But what makes our little group different from the others is we understand that dieting/WOL, is so much more than the food we eat or don’t. It about real life and whys of real life. When we vent, cry and anguish over life, find support to tell our real stories and adventures, we find the key that unlocks the success of why this WOL works. Telling you all my story, about my childhood, my own mother, I was able to get the much need comfort, love and support and I didn’t need the chocolate or cake heck any food to do what this group gave me.
    So instead of shoving the cake in my gut for a moment of comfort, I spoke to you all and your comfort has been with me since.
    Stick with us kid through the good and bad and we all will make it through!

    Okay, well I’m off!

    Be classy, sassy and a bit bad assy!

    Day 21 – CARDIFF UK – FD

    Starting Weight : 160.8lbs

    Today’s Weight : 163.0lbs +2.2 lbs

    First FD for a while today, so good to know I’m not doing this alone. Weight jumped a bit this morning, probably water retention as had smoked mackerel at about 9.30pm.

    Hope to see a positive result of FD in the morning on the scales.

    Day 21 lancaster pa FD
    Day 22 same place NFD
    Day 23 same same NFD

    Day 21, Germany, NFD

    @annnursekirk, no apologies necessary, we all have our issues, we’re just human and get frustrated once in a while. It’s good you can let off steam here. Just keep going and stay with us.

    @lilymartin if computers were cheap and easy to install I would distroy my computer at work almost every day, on some days nothing seems to work. My DH is wondering why my computermouse is still working, I hit it on my desk much to often.

    Day 21 Chicago, Illinois USA – FD

    Day 19, Belfast, NFD
    Day 20, Belfast, NFD
    Day 21, Belfast, NFD

    Oh dear! The holidays have been great for catching up with family and friends, but not for FDs. I haven’t had a chance to catch up on any posts here, I’m hoping you’re all doing better than me! serious planning required for next week 😏

    Day 21 USA-WA, FD
    I am so thankful for the “human-ness” of this forum! I’ve been having my own private vents with an employee-yoga teacher who thinks she can push her way of life and feelings about nutrition/weight loss/philosophy/life onto her students. I’ve been attempting to explain body-positive teaching and acceptance as the job of the teacher, which she doesn’t really buy. So glad for a group where this is practiced so well!

    Day 21 – USA (IL) – NFD
    Day 22 – NFD

    Checking in for today and tomorrow as I am judging choral music contest this afternoon/night and all day tomorrow. I doubt I will be able to check in tomorrow. Also, I expect to be sitting far too much, and they bring around treats (donuts, etc.) for us judges. Heaven help me!

    Great CD yesterday though and still under goal at 158#. Happy for that!

    @bert1802 is ever so right that our group is oh so different. We are human beings not just robots trying to do a diet! I think this is ever so special.

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post

    just overlooked the 23 posts before my posting, @strawberriesandcream, @bert1802, @coda and all the others give a much more substantial reply to @annnursekirk than I ever could have. Thank you all for saying what I’m not able to.

    For Day 21- US – FD 5 of b5b
    8:25 am here in PA, US as I type😊
    @coda I am so grateful to you for our Challenge groups and grateful to all the people keeping it going.😊✨

    Since the beginning of March I’ve lost 21.8lbs. It is easier and less painful to get around on my knee. I feel light today and I feel happy. I’m looking forward to weighing myself to see how much I’ve lost after these 5 FD’s. Although I will keep on keeping on no matter what the number is.
    I’ve noticed we all have difficulties. I’ve found that accentuating the positive in our lives helps us become happier, stronger and more resilient.
    @dykask Not easy getting through a day after a night without sleep, as any of us who have had children or studied all night for finals have experienced. Wishing you well today.

    @abogage Welcome and thanks for sharing. It looks like you’ve been doing very well.
    @lynzm I know you can… I know you can…✨

    Good Luck Everyone✨Wishing all NFD and FD members a great Friday✨

    Put your Pocket list’s whether on phone or on paper, in your pocket. We are doing this together.!! ✨✨We are Stronger Together.😊✨✨
    @okeydokey 5th of 5 FD’s, b5b

    This helps me, it might help you.

    Please grant us the serenity to accept the things we can not change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. – 12 steps

    ✨Stop hating yourself for everything you aren’t and start loving yourself for everything you are.✨

    Today is the day.😊
    Let’s let go of the unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy habits…. even if it’s 1 at a time, 1 day at a time.

    Day 21 – US – FD

    @taraga ✨✨🎉Congratulations you’ve already lost 2kgs that’s 4.4lbs. Be happy! Don’t be hard on yourself. But if you really want to make your goal; 3 FD’s in a row, possibly M Tues. and Wed. next week will get you closer. That’s what we do. It’s a WOL. Whether maintaining or losing it’s all about the health. From what I can see! ✨You Got This!✨✨Keep on Keepin’ on!😊✨

    Day 21- US- NFD

    Day 21 – FIN – NFD

    Yesterday’s eating totaled to about 435 kcals yesterday. Ended up making a carrot-broccoli puree as a side for the chicken instead of a full blown salad, along with mini plum tomatoes and cucumber on the side. I also had a snack consisting of some grapes and a slice of cheese.

    I started the day with exercise (mostly strength, but personally I would have preferred to start the day with yoga as I usually do), and recently got back from a late lunch. I fell for the sweets temptations again after returning home and am now contemplating whether or not to make tomorrow a third FD for the week, as I can’t seem to keep this candy thing under control otherwise.

    For Day 21- US – FD
    @krisnia ✨Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree.✨
    I’m wishing all NFD and FD members a great Friday✨
    Found a couple updates to the Pocketeers✨I hope I got everybodies information. If not please copy paste your info onto a new post!😊

    ✨ We are doing this together.!! ✨✨We are Stronger Together.😊✨✨
    @okeydokey 5th of 5 FD’s, b5b
    @fordprefect 3rd FD this week.
    @sarah57 2nd of b2b
    @fatrabbit 4th FD800 b4b
    @bert1802 5 FD’s of b5b✨
    @krisnia 3rd FD this week
    @annmarilyn 5th FD800 b5b✨

    ✨✨Happy Fasting✨✨

    Day 21 – SW WA USA – FD 800

    Adding my name to the pocket list – as still needing to take back 1.4 lb increase due to earlier indulgences & then continue downward!

    Okey-dokey – I plan on doing either 500 or 800 FDs M-F next week.

    @taraga – I’m not sure how long you’ve been doing 5:2. At the beginning the weight loss is usually faster but it slows down to 1-2 lbs a week loss for most. One challenge is to set a realistic goal/target. You are moving in the right direction. Okey-dokey shared one way to speed things up. As you see on this forum, people tweak it to work for them.

    Put your Pocket list’s whether on phone or on paper, in your pocket. We are doing this together.!! ✨✨We are Stronger Together.😊✨✨
    @okeydokey 5th of 5 FD’s, b5b

    Hi all
    @okeydokey can you take me off this months challenge.
    I’m giving myself a break from 5:2. as I don’t think I’m in the right frame of mind – too many things going on in my life – my mum in a nursing home, I’ve not long moved house and my dislocated shoulder. I feel like I need to give myself some time to relax and stop racing around.
    I am watching what I eat and trying to keep to 800 cals on 2-3 days a week. I’ve even been told that I look like I’ve lost weight – although it’s only 3-4lb at the most.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your daily lives and your struggles on here and for all your words of wisdom and for your hard work, especially @okeydokey

    Day 20 – London FD
    Day 21 – London NFD weight today – 50.8

    All going well on my maintenance, I’ve been keeping mainly to 6:1 but did an extra FD this week just because of Easter and having in-laws over this weekend. (they love eating out)

    I’ve been focussing a bit more on exercise the past few weeks and have really got into HIT. I have been watching Joe Wicks on Youtube either on my phone or by bringing up Youtube on our TV at home. I’ve really enjoyed his routines and especially as the vidoes show him doing all the exercises in real time. He actually gets tired too and has to rest and do the easier modifications (eg push-up on knees) in the final sets.

    Starting to see some definition in my chest area which is the main bit I wanted to build up and that is promising so I need to just continue building the intensity to get significant results. But happy with progress so far. My arms and abs are now very defined…it’s just the chest area that’s lagging behind, but unfortunately most of the chest exercises I can do at home seem to engage the upper arms and triceps a lot. – Even more than the chest area…. I will continue with my plan to build as much muscle as I can for 6 weeks and then re-assess and maybe switch up the exercises.

    Good luck to all on FD and NFDs and may we all eat mindfully over the weekend!


    Hello UK co down day 21 FD

    Not caught up on posts on this pages but hope all is good with everyone as we head into the weekend.

    Saw this quote which is my pause for thought – Every time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it!

    Day 21 – Cumbria UK – NFD/CD

    Yesterday was a NFD – but did not break my Fast from the day before until evening as no food eaten until the Indian meal at 2000hrs after seeing the film. Not sure I can say that I enjoyed A Quiet Passion but it was interesting style of cinematography! The Indian and the company was very good but I think I managed to stay around my TDEE……or is that wishful thinking on my part??

    @bert1802 – Great job – I’m still going to hold on to you tight girl!!!!
    @redrockgirl302 – nice to hear from you – did not realise that you were from Vienna – enjoy being back in your home city even if it is cold! I loved it when I visited (at least twice!) – its rambling palaces, winding cobbled lanes, elegant Kaffeehäuser (coffee houses) and cosy wood-panelled Beisln……
    @okeydokey – great going Day 4 of 5FDs – I have never attempted more than 3 in a row when I was trying to lose – such positive energy and stamina!!!! and losing 21.8lbs since beginning of March – Well done and have a 💃 or several if that knee allows!!!!
    @coda – So happy for you – I just knew that you would find your way back – you have supported so many on these challenges – just hope that we offered you some support when you needed it – HUGS
    I will admit that I pop on and off the scales most days but refuse to register my weight until after my second FD of the week – although this week for the first time I am registering it tomorrow and today is not a NFD but hopefully a CD one!!!!
    @sarah57 – hope you managed to press that RESET button yesterday 😉
    @lilymartin – I sympathise and feel the same that it is incredibly easy to fall in to old habits – however if I have a bad day or two I give myself a firm talking to and press my RESET button with a good FD and that seems to get me back on the straight and narrow……..😇 and hopefully not 😈 BTW also a great fan of Fawlty Towers and Monty Python stuff too….
    @helenalee – great job 💃I did the same when I lost weight as I promised myself I would never let myself go back there……..ever…….
    @hfxhrt – no you don’t need that layer of fat back!!!!! Much better to put on one that you can put on and remove at will……..😀
    @annnursekirk – as many others have said – no apologies required – we are your friends on this forum and you should always feel free to vent any frustrations or share anything you wish with no recriminations and if keeps you away from the fridge/cupboard how can it be bad 🤗
    @calamitycazza – stick with it- you have been given some good advice from others already – I would suggest that you follow the original 5:2 WOL for a few months until you feel comfortable with it before you start experimenting with different types of fasting – it’s what I did to lose the bulk of my weight loss and now I’m maintaining nicely on still doing 2 x FDs a week….
    @skinnylove – lesson learnt – sugar addiction is a real issue for a lot of us – next time ask for no chocolates at Easter and if given any, give it away so no temptations around the house 😇
    @lynzm – naughty new scales – must be a relative of “Cruella” 😈
    @Strawberriesandcream – well done dragon slayer!
    @fatrabbit and @annemarilyn – great advice to @taraga – I was about to write more or less the same things and then saw your posts
    @jojo58 – Welcome back – I know you will get back on track – you are such a strong and motivated person
    @hereigo – I would ask you to reconsider stepping away from the forum – when we are having a hard time emotionally, it is just such occasions that great support is required – this is your global family, no judgement just support and advice – please log in (even if you are not fasting) and “talk” to us you might find that you are stronger than you think!
    As @bert1802 @krisnia @songbirdme and others have expressed many of us are so thankful for the “human-ness” of this forum!

    Well done to those losing and stay strong to those who are struggling remember that Together We Are Stronger!


    Day 21: Gloucestershire, UK. Just logging in.
    It’s another NFD.

    @hereigo 3-4 lbs is a great loss to feel great about.✨ I can tell your mum means the world to you.💛✨I can see you have a lot of changes going on. I can see why it could be very stressful. Very sad as a loved one gets older as we miss the relationship we had with them. I hope your mum does well at the nursing home.✨ I’m glad you shared that with us. Please still check in when it feels beneficial for you. I care and We will be here. ✨

    For Day 21- US – FD
    @scs, @fordprefect and I have the cauliflower and the veggies. Thinking about making the cauliflower rice bowls and veggies.😊Do you sauté the cauliflower with small olive oil or do you microwave it?
    @coda Thank-you I love the past 2 quotes you posted. The 2nd one I will keep in mind today and this weekend.💛Every time you eat or drink you are feeding disease or fighting it. ✨I find that to be so true!

    Fast days updated✨😊✨

    I’m wishing all NFD and FD members a great Friday✨
    Found a couple updates to the Pocketeers✨

    ✨ We are doing this together.!! ✨✨We are Stronger Together.😊✨✨
    @okeydokey 5th of 5 FD’s, b5b
    @fordprefect 3rd FD this week.
    @triplet 3rd FD b3b✨
    @saffy420 2nd FD b2b
    @sarah57 2nd of b2b
    @fatrabbit 4th FD800 b4b
    @maisie1 3rd FD this week
    @bert1802 5th FD’s of b5b✨
    @krisnia 3rd FD this week
    @annemarilyn 5th FD800 b5b✨
    @coda 2nd FD of b2b

    This helps me, it might help you.

    Please grant us the serenity to accept the things we can not change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. – 12 steps

    ✨Stop hating yourself for everything you aren’t and start loving yourself for everything you are.✨

    Today is the day.😊
    Let’s let go of the unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy habits…. even if it’s 1 at a time, 1 day at a time.

    @lilymartin – you brought a chuckle to my brain with your visualizations — 25 again. Perfect. Svelte. Wonderful. I am 68, have way too much belly skin from losing my 35 pounds, and I look at bikini bathing suit women who are model thin and young. And people ask if I am getting a bikini because of my weight loss? Ha ha ha! That is worth a belly laugh! (Pun intended)

    Day 21 UK 68.6kg NFD

    DAY 21 – FD
    DAY 20 – Berlin, Germany – NFD

    sad day, broken with soup. Soup was very good, though, and has been lovingly prepared the day before by BF and I 🙂

    @at Thanks for the compliment😊✨I’m fasting in my physical body, yes I’m hoping to do a happy 💃 dance, in my mind 🤣Saturday morning after I weigh myself.😊✨😊

    Day 21 – USA- NFD

    Day 21 Newcastle
    FIrstly thank you all so much for the support & kind words as I was really feeling a rotten human being.

    Nearly the end of another FD.
    At work so not bad really as busy running around until this pm when I came home.
    When I walked in, for the first time, I actually said shall we just have eat as we were both starving (but really, not literally – what wimps are we?).
    I am please to say we resisted & I had 80 cals from a graze box with a hot drink to stave off the hunger until our meal tonight.
    But we are finding it tough particularly as we dont appear to be loseing much. I forgot to use the new scales today so do not have an up to date weight.

    I am wondering if the comments about how prepacked/calorie counter meals are not filling enough & we should do more ourselves.
    Maybe week after next when the visitor has gone it might be easier as we have to consider a non low cal meal as well as our own until then.
    Anyway, another cuppa & another early night beckons.
    Keep going all. Well done all you losers.

    @moppet How do you mean sad day? I hope everything is well for you and your loved ones.✨😊✨
    You have reached and are maintaining my goal weight 😊girl 💃. Don’t be sad be happy!✨

    2nd post
    Taraga, did you mean 0.07 or 0.7?
    0.7 is only 700 gramms.
    That is nothing, possibly the weight of your jim jams or if you dont mind me being basic (well I am a nurse after all !), a bit of wind/pee/poo. So dont be down. It could also be hormonal as well if you are female. It may be gone by the end of the day.

    Thanks @fatrabbit, @okeydokey and @annemarilyn for the support and guidance. I have to be realistic, I have only been in this forum this month. I will be trying to add more fasting days… I’ve done 30,000 steps today and I guess tomorrow will be a fasting day …

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