Losing Weight on 18:4 Intermittent Fasting

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Losing Weight on 18:4 Intermittent Fasting

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fitnfast 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I started the intermittent fasting last Tuesday. Today I have lost a total of 7lbs. I was surprise since it has not even been a week yet. I need to lose a total of 90lbs. Is anyone doing the 18:4? Let me know how it is working out for you guys. This is my first time trying this diet. I am trying to cut down on carb intake, sugar intake. Just trying to eat healthier. I did start seeing a difference how i feel after i eat healthy and a non healthy meal.

    HI! I have been doing a combination of 4:3 and 16:8. A lot of people here seem to be doing it as an added benefit. It definitely works for me!

    I also have to eliminate carbs. I swear if I eat even one biscuit, it goes straight to my gut! And peanut butter, any nuts, milk and dairy….Anyway, I just started reading “Good calories, Bad calories”, and they talked in depth about a protein and fat ONLY diet; not even good carbs! And the studies showed incredible results. I had never heard of it before, so thought I would give it a go also. The only downfall I as is financial!

    So for the next week, 4:3, plus 16:8, plus only meat, eggs, and cheese!

    It feels like having a deadly enemy, and shooting him, stabbing him, bludgeoning him, and poisoning him! Throw everything at him to make sure he dies! Me vs. My Fat!

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