🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

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🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 758 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernDawn 4 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 760 total)

  • Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Still bouncing around the same weight, but better than a gain I suppose. I would be very interested to see that MM programme on catch-up but it will have to be after this weekend.

    I was hungry this morning and had a very very rare bowl of porridge with my own hand-picked blueberries. Very yum, but now I actually feel snoozy and I have to head out to work now. That’s what early breakfast does to me, makes me want to lie down again 😆

    @snowflake56, I guess if there was an open bag of crisps or dry roasted peanuts about the house it would not last long. So I tend not to have them in the house. And when they ARE in the house the bag is rarely open for long before its empty!!

    @flourbaby..mmm…exercise, I used to do a bit of running but not interested now, swimming was a thing years ago, I was a gym bunny too, but not interested now….definitely not cycling, mmmmmm, good question for me to ponder….continue with the walking I suppose.

    Have a great Friday.

    D6 NFD Lake District UK

    MFD went well yesterday

    Sorry if I missed replying to anyone yesterday. Internet issues. Will catch up on posts today.

    @flourbaby I started Couch to5K just before lockdown so am off for a run this morning.

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – joining you in PFDS! 💪

    Awful weather yesterday, & I only managed 4000 steps. I’ll make up for that over the weekend.

    As for running/jogging, not for me. You’ll only find me running if I’m being chased by a wild animal. Which hasn’t happened yet, despite living in Africa. But I understand why many people do love running, & the ‘runners’ high’ is real. I have a close friend, same age as me, who thinks nothing of getting up in the morning & doing a 15 km run. It amazes me.

    @i-hate-lettuce – that breakfast sounds good! I’ll be having my avo & poached eggs – later.

    Happy Friday! 🍷

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍋
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 7 🍳

    Day 7 UK NFD

    No lists for me today – busy day want to get all my exercise in early then longish walk to nice pub with a big garden where I’m treating hubby to birthday lunch First time I’ve eaten out in AGES so looking forward to it

    D7 NFD Lake District UK

    2nd post

    Question please. I do IF 16:8 minimum but it does vary day to day. I eat 3 meals a day on NFD and 2 on FD.

    My eating window is 11am till 7pm. Does this qualify me to join the ZBC? I have not been adding myself on NFD just in case. Don’t want to cheat there is not point.

    Day 7 NFD UK

    Good morning all.

    Feeling a bit better today. Doctor thinks the problem might be diverticulitis. Waiting for some test results when we’ll see hopefully.
    Not going mad on food but not fasting or counting either. Giving myself a rest for a few days to get back to square one.
    Good news is I have remained at the same weight so that’s a plus.

    Very many thanks to @at, @suki2 @kazoo. @judyjudes and @daffodil2010 for your good wishes and sympathy. Lifted my spirits when I was very down with pain. Hope I haven’t missed anyone, if so my apologies and a general thank you.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 7……Florida……FD

    Yesterday was a rough day food wise. One of our contractors brought in donuts for us. Not sure but I had two, I just could not stay away from them. So, today, I must stay in my FD! The mean ole’ scales hated me today!

    @annabelle48…… a young man I work with has been having issues as well….. come to find out that he had an bacterial infection in his GI track. They first thought it was diverticulitis, then they ruled it out then he was rested for crones. The crones testing hasn’t come back yet but he’s feeling better now that he’s on an antibiotic. I wish you luck and you’re in my prayers.

    As far as exercise, I must confess, I just not that into it. I feel like with all that I do, exercise just fills like one more thing I have to do when my time feels so limited.
    Then, I live in heater, so the heat and humidity outside, is no joke. Just walking from work to the car after work, leaves you sticky and sweaty. So that part of it to!
    Maybe once the heater gets turned off, maybe I will find more time.

    Okay well…..Headed for another cup of coffee then getting ready for my last day of work this week.

    Before I decide to be your ride or die chick. I have a couple questions.
    Where are we riding to?
    Do I have to die?
    Can we stop for food on the way?

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Meh, sort of a plateau week. Up to 251, nearing 252 lbs. today. I need to try to get in my evening walks after work. Hard to do when you arrive at 6 p.m., and before 8 p.m. you want to eat your last meal, check on your parents next door, and do whatever else needs to get done before turning in! But I felt better with doing a daily walk and I think it helped the weight come off easier, too (gave it a little nudge).

    So, I’m not sure my parents want to share their weigh-ins. I got funny stories about their crazy scales (a family tradition?) and how the weight hasn’t come off as much as they wanted. Funny how we tell ourselves it’s best to lose slowly, and then immediately get upset when it does exactly what we want it to! I try to encourage them, saying that the weight is going down!

    My father did have to pay $500 for the medicine. Apparently, Medicare demands the entire year’s deductible on a tier III drug before the exception rate can be applied. So if he has to stay on it (hopefully not), next January, he’d have to pay out $500 again. So many broken systems in the world; some more broken than others 🙁

    Anyway, good luck to everyone, particularly those on a Fasting Friday!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍋
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 7 🍳

    Day 7 – London – NFD

    @daffodil2010 I’m with you! Scales holding steady at the same number as last Saturday. I’ll admit I’m a little disappointed, but at least it’s not a gain. Got up v. early this AM to complete week 2 of the NHS Couch to 5k, and a full week of Yoga with Adrienne. I hate exercise, especially in the heat.

    It’s so hot in London today… it will be a struggle not to beach myself in our paddling pool with a gallon of Pimm’s…

    Day 6 Canada NFD

    PFDS 😊
    Love this WOL💕💕💕

    2nd Post – Day 7

    @kazoo – I can’t speak for everyone, but I’d say yes, you definitely qualify for the ZBC. 11 am or later is sort of brunch/lunch. Unless you wake up at 10:45 am; then I’d have to say you’re just cheating 😜. A fast day I think is 800 calories or less. So traditional 5:2 is 500 – 600, & a modified fast day (MFD) is 800 calories.

    @annabelle48 – good to hear you’re feeling better, & I hope you get some answers soon. Feeling ill always seems worse when you don’t know what’s wrong 🤗

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍋
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 7 🚫🍳

    Day 7 – UK – CD

    Yesterday, calorie wise I went over 800 by 50. I jiggled my menu about so that I could have a small amount of rice with my evening meal. I needed the sleep 😴 the carbs would facilitate. It did improve my sleep and I got nearly 6.5hrs. However the scales are up. Having a controlled day today by trimming portions.

    I’ve been busy decorating so will catch up with thread later.

    Have a great day and weekend.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍋
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 7 🚫🍳

    Day 7 North Canton OH WFD 5

    I love running! There is an exhilaration that you feel when you are pushing yourself to the limits of your endurance. My daughter is my running buddy, she hated it previously but has become an aficionado. I also enjoy walking, it gives me a chance to enjoy nature and I know it’s an effective form of exercise. IMHO both are great with pros and cons to each; I prefer to run very early in the morning just before dawn and I go for walks in the early evening usually with my significant other

    Meanwhile OH has lost 14 pounds in 2.5 weeks eating OMAD within a 5 hour window 🤷‍♂️. He is not a calorie counter, and he has a glass of red wine every evening with his dinner. He is still in shock because he can’t believe that he can lose weight without daily exercise. He is delighted and plans to keep going until he reaches his goal weight; I am very happy for him and very delighted with his progress.

    As you can probably guess, we have been able to resolve our differences and we are moving forward together. Our children are very happy about our reconciliation ✨

    @northerndawn this forum has been a lifesaver for me with accountability. Lately I lurk more than I post (@Flourbaby😁) but I am happy that I can read posts for encouragement and contribute when i can.

    I break my fast in the morning and this may be my best one yet. I could probably keep going, but I do not want to overdo it. I will practice ADF next week, engage in another 5 day stretch and that should take me to goal weight well within schedule. According to my scale, I am 5 pounds away from goal.

    Looks like dykask and I are on the only declared fasters today. Do we have other takers

    Day 7 pocket list👀

    Day 7 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Yesterday I managed to have coffee, black (!), in the morning and water only until 4:30p, and then had a dinner of 2 eggs, sautéed spinach, scallions, mushrooms, and a bit of salsa, (thanks @missybear for mentioning similar meal as you’re dinner the other night….sounded so good, and it was delicious). At 6:30 I had some raw carrots and celery with salt. Ended by 7:30 and that was 356 calories done. Best FD in over a year!

    I had forgotten how cold I get when I’m fasting. especially when trying (trying the key word there) to sleep. I’ll have to dig out the flannels.

    It’s strange how even though sleep seems restless and deficient the night of fasting, when I do get up in the morning I’m tired, yes, but not exhausted, if you know what I mean? I feel better than when I’ve had a restless night after overeating, or waking with reflux, or disturbed by a restless husband; and especially better than when waking with a hangover from a late night of fun. So, I will plan to take a bit more magnesium to see if that helps, and then just take it for what it is. Not really that bad, and worth the benefits from this WOL.

    Down from 174 lbs Tuesday to 171.6lbs (78kg) today. If that’s just water, that’s fine. Still feels much better.

    @stitchincarol and @emma-taylor, if I had heard of Fast-5 before, I have forgotten it. I had to look into it. It seems it’s been around quite awhile. It helped me stay off the food until after 3p yesterday and I think I’ll try to incorporate that into 5:2 WOL. I’m thinking a window between 2:30 to 7:30 would suit me most days. Seems doable. Once I eat during the day, I am just hungry from then on. I’ll be interested to see what you think of it as a viable way to lose weight or fat, or shift it around. And I like the Doctor’s theory on guilt=limbic hunger=bingeing. Sounds about right to me!

    @saffy420 I hope a great position comes up for you. And congrats on getting down two sizes! I can’t wait for that to happen for me. Doesn’t it feel so good when clothes are comfortable and loose?

    @kazoo I hope the week is going well for you, that your husband has a good chemo week, and you have a chance to catch up and really enjoy your son’s visit! I haven’t seen mine since January and really miss him and his family. Luckily, my DD, her husband and my two little granddaughters live less than 10 miles away, and we get together (with some distancing, as possible, and masks) every weekend to grill outside. I am so grateful for they are close!

    @judyjudes You bring up a good point about “tasting” the food when cooking, or licking the spoon when adding things (mayonnaise is one I have a weakness for). I wonder how many calories that has added to my fat stores over a lifetime? Or, even just the past couple years? It’s silly to tell myself it doesn’t really count. Of course it does!

    @daffodil2010 Have fun on your motorbike trip this weekend! Sounds like you’ll be in a beautiful area. Good for the soul. I’m going to look into Leslie Sansone. It sounds like something I can do during the cold and icy Minnesota winters to get some exercise at home.

    @at I hope you can keep those of us without access to MM’s new program somewhat updated on the main points, and any new information or advice. I did searches and found some interviews with him, but it was time consuming and all over the place: hard to get the best parts of it. Obviously, some of the articles were written by people that don’t agree with fasting and calorie reduction. Histrionic comments about starvation and needing 2000 calories a day, from some. Good luck losing weight on that without a very active lifestyle! Thanks for sharing whatever seems important to you, going forward!

    @snowflake56 Have a great weekend with your friends! Sounds fun, so enjoy without guilt!

    @fasterjo Good for you! Turning away from that voice that says, “Oh, just a little snack won’t hurt” is really hard sometimes. This forum makes it so much easier, that’s for sure. Be proud of yourself! And self discoveries in this WOL are part of the benefits. I love the self-knowledge that comes along with it every day. You’ll have to find the best days for fasting that suit you, and maybe even will change week to week. The flexibility of this program is part of its beauty.

    @i-hate-lettuce I’m a walker these days, too. Though I did run when younger, for a couple years. I remember when Jim Fixx died….that really shocked the trendy runners and medical advocates of running at that time. For me, I stopped because I was always getting one niggling injury after another to knees or feet. It didn’t seem a very natural way to stay in shape, from an evolutionary point of view. But, I did miss the endorphin rush and the weight management, when I quit.

    @penz and @funshipfreddie I’m with you in the PFDS club! I’m determined to be there frequently going forward!

    @brightonbelle Enjoy your lunch out! I’m kind of jealous, it’s been so long since my DH and I have been out!

    @annabelle Glad you are feeling better. Diverticulitis is no joke! Can be very serious and certainly painful (I’m a retired nurse). Take care and eat sensibly for now. I’m sure doctor gave you some guidelines. Good luck with test results.

    @bert1802 Stay strong today! We all know you can do it! Cheering you on! As far as exercising in Florida? When I’ve been there I can’t get over the heat and humidity outside, and then the cold, cold air conditioning in all of the buildings. I wasn’t very comfortable in either environment, to be honest. We get very humid up here, being landlocked and the humidity from the corn crops in Iowa and southern minnesota (yes, it’s a real thing), and I can only manage walking when it’s hot and humid, and then only in the mornings.

    @northgeorgia You’ll break through that plateau! Just a matter of time. Isn’t our health care system so screwed up? No other country pays the prices for medicine that we do. The pharmaceutical companies have to get their profits somewhere, and our government/politicians are happy to help them, in exchange for campaign money, that is. Had to be said.

    @basyjames It sounds like you are in a really good place, all the way around! Congrats! Only 5 lbs from goal! I can’t wait until I can say that! Have a great FD!

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Day 7 Second post

    Sorry that got so long, people, I had a lot of catching up to do!

    @murielpuce I think I missed you….Don’t worry about the steady scale. It will suddenly move in a week or two if you stay on track. It’s a fact! Good luck!

    Day 7, UK NFD

    Yesterday we travelled to visit friends who live on Anglesey in North Wales, it’s about an hour and a half for us and we spent the whole day there, they live right by the beach. Another set of friends joined us so we had a lovely day at the beach – assorted dogs loved it. Despite there being alcohol, as designated driver I abstained and the day ended somewhere around TDEE – we had a BBQ lunch and I stayed away from the coleslaw and salad dressings.

    I’m shattered today though. I’ve had a sandwich for lunch and have chicken salad planned for later – I should end up around 1000 cals for the day.

    @flourbaby – re exercise, I used to run up until a couple of years ago but picked up so many niggles with it that I stopped I don’t think I have the right build for “proper running “.
    I’ve promised myself once I get down to a much lower weight I’ll treat myself to some horse riding again. A friend has a couple of horses and she’d let me ride but I’d feel so sorry for the poor thing that would have to carry me at this weight. Plus jodhpurs and riding boots are only a good look for someone with a much smaller arse than me😀😀.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    @flourbaby, honestly, having scales with me at this stage would derail the whole Fast5 plan, I’m certain: from the size of my belly, I’m guessing I’m up a few pounds! I console myself with how well I’m sticking to my five-hour eating window even on vacation, and how certain I am that will eat less once we’re home. I’ll sure keep you posted!

    Day 7 – on vacation in Sacramento, California

    SOOOO fascinated to get home and see what the scales say. Doing Fast5 means sometimes I feel fat and sometimes I feel like I’m on the way down… Often within minutes of each other.

    I’ve read all the posts and am so sad I done have time to respond to everyone, but must say to @basyjames how thrilled I am that you and DH are at peace and moving forward!

    Now, we’re off to Lake Tahoe!

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I have a dilemma. I have logged what I plan to eat and drink this evening and it takes me over TDEE……if I halve the 🍷 I will be bang on target 🤔. Then again if I look at my average daily calories intake this week I am well below TDEE……does it show that my resolve is weakening?!! The little girl within is stamping her feet and shouting that its Friday and I want wine….. I wouldn’t bet good money on the adult me winning this argument 😉

    Enjoy the weekend everyone, I will be back on Monday to report on my weekend behaviour 😎

    Wt2goIrena I started IFD Nov 2019 and got down to 80 and after quarantine in Spain its crept up to 80. Back on FD on Monday. Had a MFD for 10 days with salads, juices and re-set my taste buds. Sadly, too tired to do the cardio. Enough is enough and ready to start up again! Have a lovely weekend. Will have my first glass of wine on Sunday.

    Day 7, London, UK, LFD,

    Up and out early today, so no time to post until now (naughty host!!😜). I was trying to get as much done before the 37 deg 🌞heatwave hit, at which point I hid under an umbrella in my mums’ garden …………………………. And promptly melted!!!! @murielpuce that paddling pool & Pimms would have been heavenly!!! 🥂

    Lots of PFDS out there!!! 😇 The sense of achievement is jumping off of the page …………………………. DO NOT FORGET THAT FEELING!!!😍

    @basyjames, I’m turning a decidedly unattractive shade of green!!! 😉……………………… 14lbs in 2.5weeks!!!! Way to go Mr. B!!! You had more important things to concentrate on, so lurking is all good …………………………. Just don’t leave us!!!😢😭😰😟😢 I’m glad you both got over that hump in the road🙏, it’s getting smaller in that rear-view mirror!!!💜💕

    @missybear, I ALWAYS plan the vino calories first, mainly because I know I lose the ability to say no after the very first sip, enjoy the meal, leave a forkful on the plate ………………………. Job done!!! 😂😆

    “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John R. Woode

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍋
    @dykask WFD
    @flourbaby LFD

    ZBC List – Day 7 🚫🍳

    2nd Post,

    Welcome @irenak, you’ll find lots of support here!! Have a look at the first page to see how these challenges work & …………………. Good Luck!!!

    D7 NFD Lake District UK

    A very humid day today but I did manage a 5.7km run and a Hour and a half walk this afternoon.

    Well we have done a week of the August challenge, my how time flies.
    @i Hate Lettuce. Well done on your loss. You must be pleased. Hope you enjoyed your walk. i’ve been for one this afternoon. Great just to be able to walk from home.

    @annabelle48 Glad to hear you are feeling better today concentrate on getting better.

    @Bert802. Hope your fast day went well

    @murielpuce. I did the Couchto5K. really enjoyed it. A bit hot for running today though. Did you enjoy it.

    @funshipfreddie. I do 800 on FD’s so should really call it MFD

    @basyjames congrats to your OH on losing 14 pounds

    Day 8 – NZ – NFD
    2nd post
    SW 86.8kg in Feb 2020
    SW before starting 4:3: 85kg
    CW: 83.9kg -1.1kg yaaass

    Did an FD yesterday, went well! I usually have coffee in the AM, apple around midday, yoghurt around 4pm and dinner 6-7.30pm. I’m hoping to lose 25.9kg with just 4:3 alone. On NFDs I’m not counting calories or any restrictions. I had tried calorie counting from Jan til last week and had lost 1kg, just going up and down the same 2kgs so what worked for me in the past obviously doesn’t work now. So I’ve been doing 4:3 and hoping to get somewhere with it. So far so good, have actually lost something after my first fast day.
    Had a really good day yesterday, wasn’t too busy at work (I work in a general surgical ward at a local hospital, specializes in general surgery, vascular and ear/nose/throat). Fast days are easier while I’m at work, the smell of the hospital puts me off eating lol and also there are lots of nurses who do intermittent fasting, and it’s getting easier to sit around people who eat while I don’t. At about 2pm my stomach was hurting like really sore, from hunger I guess?
    What else? There was a bake off at work yesterday on my FD, so many good stuff lol, so I got my little lunch box out and put some cakes in there to take home to eat today on my NFD hahaha.
    It’s 10.43am here I’ve had porridge and honey, some toast with peanut butter. Really need to get a one hour walk in today, I’ve been walking every day, 3 days I walk for one hour (on my days off work), other 4 days I walk for 30mins (after work). The weather isn’t great but I’m trying to time it so I get to walk without being rained on 😊
    Anyway have a good day y’all!
    Sorry this is so long lol

    D8 NFD Lake District UK

    Good morning everyone. Sun is shining here so looks like it is going to be a nice day.

    Off for a swim later this morning (after a couple of cups of green Pocket List – Day 7)

    Pocket List – Day 8

    ZBC List – Day 8

    Day 8 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    What a fabulous morning, bright sunshine no wind, going to be a cracker today, our garden is a suntrap, but we have a raised decking area (which nicely covered up a grotty concrete area) with a big ‘shade sail’ so can BBQ and sit out for hours! Which after the morning walk is the plan for today, gardening today will consist of deciding which plants are moving and which are going this autumn.

    @kazoo – Happy to see the scales drop yesterday, it may only be 1 lb but I’ve not been losing anything recently, been rather busy on a DIY decorating project last month, did well not to put anything on so to see an immediate shift downwards this week was good!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, funny, both retired, still look forwards to weekend, it’s still ‘our time’.

    Take care all.

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @irenak – welcome back!

    @kazoo – I’m a bit baffled by your post. You put ‘D8 NFD’ & then started a pocket list; undecided? And ‘cups of green pocket list…’? 🤔

    Have a good weekend everyone. 🌈 ⛅️

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍓
    @kazoo ?

    ZBC List – Day 8 🚫🍳

    Day 8 OMAD London

    Brad, glad I wasn’t the only one baffled by @kazoo’s post. But I’m also very jealous of the swim. Lucky thing. @kazoo – where do you swim? In a lake or in a pool?

    Day 8 – UK – NFD

    Yesterday’s controlled day went well. Scales down. Going to have a steady on-plan weekend. All meals are enjoyable and feature salmon, mozzarella, chicken, eggs, salad and olive oil.

    Have fun!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍓
    @kazoo ?

    ZBC List – Day 8 🚫🍳

    Day 8, London, UK, NFD

    It’s gonna be another scorcher here in London🌞😎. @emma-taylor, have you managed to book a dip at Hampton Pool yet 🏊??

    I’m planning to try to get some housework done, but if I have to venture out (floor to ceiling /wall to wall windows mean I live in a greenhouse in summer and an ice-house in winter!!), it’ll only be to my mums to melt in the garden with a glass of wine (I might be forced to chill the vino!!😕)

    Congrats on the loss @fastingto58kgs, it all helps to keep the motivation high!!!💪

    As usual, I expect the weekend to be a bit quiet here, I hope everyone checks in just to remind themselves the challenge DOES NOT STOP for weekend shenanigans!!!! Stay strong💪, stay controlled🙏, stay mindful😇, but remember, if the worse comes to the worst ………………………………. 1 EFS😠 does NOT a disastrous challenge make!!!!!!😚

    @judyjudes, that sounds like my kind of NFD 👌 …………………….minus the eggs, but plus the vino of course!!!

    I see from the spreadsheet @kazoo that you’re on a NFD, so I’ll only post the ZBC just in case!

    ZBC List – Day 8 🚫🍳

    Onward & Downwards folks …………………………………… 👀 on the prize!!!!!

    Hi @flourbaby. No, I threw in the towel, so to speak. I had to use an app to book, and my old iPad has a small memory and it’s nearly full, so I got sick of trying and deleted it. Off to Norfolk with DH and friend next week, so we might swim in the sea.

    Thanks for your encouragement this week. It made a big difference.

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Phew ! It’s hot,hot hot so planning a nice lazy day in the garden Just had a delivery of lovely fresh wild seabass for dinner so might be able to make up for yesterday’s indulgence Have a good Saturday all x

    Day 8 Melb Aust NFD

    It’s been COLD here the past few days, and my FDs have disappeared out the window again. Warmer this coming week, so IT WILL BE BETTER!

    @funshipfreddie, read your suggestion for sleep – not for me. When I get a song going over and over in my head when trying to sleep – no sleep. Have to try to cancel it out with a different song, and when my mind is quiet, then I can sleep.

    @basyjames, very glad to read of your reconciliation with OH. Can I gently suggest, if you’re not already doing so, that you consider continuing with couples counselling, or something like that for a little while, just to ensure you iron our all the bumps?

    @flourbaby, there’s no exercise I’d want to take on if (when!) lighter, but I would like to be more agile, especially doing things like getting up from a kneeling position. Why didn’t anyone ever warn me when I was younger that it gets harder to do as you age??

    @northgeorgia, maybe your folks don’t want to tell you their weights until they have lost enough not to be ashamed of what they weigh? Maybe just ask them how much they’ve lost, not how much they weigh now?

    Onward and downwards we go!

    D8 NFD Lake District UK


    So sorry typing error. It should have said after a couple of cups of green tea and the pocket list should have been below.

    I copied and pasted and it went in the wrong place.

    D8 NFD lake district UK
    3rd post

    I apologise for causing confusion about my earlier post. I was in a rush to go swimming.

    Yes I am doing a NFD and only meant to set up a ZBC.

    2nd post,

    No worries @kazoo, you’re just keeping us on our toes😉!! Enjoy the swim!!!🏊

    Day 7 Oxfordshire, UK – NFD
    Day 8 Oxfordshire, UK – NFD
    Forgot to post yesterday.
    Trying times with MiL yesterday and today. She couldn’t get into bed so slept in her chair Thursday night. Needed help getting to bed last night then had a minor fall this morning. She’s now been admitted for tests. I think it’s probably dehydration but at 93 you can’t be too careful.
    Had a NFD yesterday which was slightly over my TDEE because I had an ice cream. Today hopefully I’ll stay within my calories.
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 8, Massachusetts, USA, NFD

    Sorry have been MIA. Things have been crazy with wrapping up my job before moving to the next. Just popping in with a spreadsheet fix.

    @irenak, I think you accidentally put your data in the header line. I’ve tried to move your info down into the alphabetized list, but I think some of it may have gotten lost, as it seems a little random. Specifically, I think your FD markers might have gotten lost, because everything was #VALUE.

    I used your handle here to alphabetize, so you are IrenaK. As of this post, you are row #24 in the spreadsheet. Just make sure your row is what you want it to be. When you put in FD, MFD, etc, the color of the cell should automatically change. Just make sure you’re only editing your row – it’s easy to get confused with all the data looking the same!

    Hope to catch up with everyone and everything else soon.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Ho hum, 251! So close to 252. It’d be nice to stay 251 through Monday morning. We shall see!

    Good luck to everyone fasting today! I’m off to the grocery store to buy, actually very little haha

    Day 8 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast 62 went well enough. I was talking about exercise yesterday, but right now I’ve cut back myself. I’m still exercising, just not as long or hard for a while. I seem to have issues with recovering from exercise in the heat. So today I did about 2/3 of a workout and then followed with a walk in the still hot evening. Ugh. At least Japanese summers aren’t that long.

    Day 8 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Alive and well.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 8 – 2nd Post

    @kazoo – no problem; just relieved to hear you’re not consuming pockets of green stuff 😜 I hope you enjoyed the swim. I hear the UK’s having a bit of a heatwave. BTW, you always have the option to edit your post for a few minutes if you’re not happy with something you’ve submitted.

    @betsylee – sorry to hear the song idea didn’t work. Have you tried ‘white noise’? There are lots of free apps playing repetitive, soothing sounds, like lapping waves or waterfalls, etc? I have the real thing, i.e. the Indian ocean across the road; which is probably why I seldom have a problem getting to sleep 😴

    Day 8 – on vacation in Sacramento, California

    I made yesterday my Sunday, where I eat earlier, because when we got to Lake Tahoe, we went to a brew pub for lunch. It was a beautiful day and only about 80, and the outdoor seating allowed us to watch people–except we were too busy talking to notice much! My DH, sister, and BIL shared an artichoke and spinach dip, then DH and I split a 10-inch pizza. I think the “appetite correction” of Fast5 must be working because it was TOO much food. When we got back to the house we cracked a crab for a salad, so that was not only delicious, but reasonable in the calories.

    @dykask, in 1971, my mom and I were in Japan, in Musashi Koganay (not how it’s spelled, but how it sounds), a suburb on the south of Tokyo, from June 20 to August 24. I’ve never forgotten that, on the day we headed home, it was 96 degrees and 94% humidity….I know well the misery of a summer in Japan!

    Day 8 Second Post

    @funshipfreddie, Mine was only a comment re your suggestion. In general, I don’t have a lot of problem dropping off to sleep (unless I’ve been on the computer too late), and according to my Fitbit, generally have good quality sleep with not a lot of awake time, which seems to be unlike many of the other post-ers here. But, if a song does get into my head – aghh!
    Also, I find I can’t go to sleep too early (e.g., 10 p.m.). I’m likely to wake at around 2-3 a.m. (loo break) and stay awake for a couple of hours, dropping back to sleep around 4-5 a.m. If I go to sleep at midnight, I’ll wake between 4-5 a.m. (loo) and go straight back to sleep. Strange!

    Day 8 Minnesota, USA NFD

    About to go to DD’s house to grill some brats and see the granddaughters. I mean to stay mindful, but may have a glass or to of something cold and relaxing! Quite warm and humid today, with possible storms tomorrow.
    Enjoy the weekend, everyone.

    Day 9 Melb Aust TDEE

    Early afternoon, and just having my first “snack” of the day (270 cals). So much easier not to eat earlier in the day! 🙂

    Day 9 ZBC

    Day 9 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Fabulous fun day and plenty of warm sunshine yesterday, good walk in the morning, then lazing in the garden, BBQ and a beer or two, excellent relaxing day!

    Looks like more of the same today, going to make the most of the sunshine.

    Take care all

    Day 9 UK NFD

    Going to try and get some yoga done before it gets too hot , controlled day planned Fast tomorrow

    @northerndawn Brats ? that’s what we’d call naughty children I’m hoping they’re some delicious treat ?

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @betsylee – re the middle-of-the-night loo break. I know what you mean; so annoying. I don’t look at the clock, helps me get back to sleep quicker. I only know what time I woke up a few hours later after I check my Fitbit app.

    Odd weather here too, going up to 28C today. I think the sun’s forgotten it’s winter.

    @brightonbelle – re brats. I was thinking the same thing; grilling them seems a bit harsh 😱

    Happy S🌞nday everyone!

    ZBC List – Day 9 🚫🍳

    Day 9, London, UK, LFD,

    I’m looking forward to today’s LFD after the vino yesterday, I think it was too much in the heat since my head is banging this morning 👿, anyway, water, water, water!!!!

    @brightonbelle, that seabass sounds lovely, I had a crab salad yesterday followed by ice-cream, which was all I could manage in the heat, If only it had stopped there!!!🍷🍷🍷😉

    @suki2, I hope your MIL recovers quickly🙏, dehydration in the elderly is a big thing!! My mum often thinks she’s drinking lots and lots of water when in reality it’s the same glass being sipped throughout the day!!!

    @hedwig 🙏, you’re a spreadsheet super- 🌟, no apology necessary, life goes on, this challenge rolls forward, pop in when you can …………………………. We’re not going anywhere!!!

    @dykask, I don’t recall you updating us on the frog & planche challenge you set yourself? I’m working towards a ‘proper’ push-up …………………… just the one though😆!!!!

    Grilled Brats???…………………………. Sounds about right to me!!!!😂😝

    Pocket List – Day 9
    @flourbaby LFD

    ZBC List – Day 9 🚫🍳

    “If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.” – Elon Musk

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