๐Ÿ‚ October Challenge 2023 ๐ŸŽƒ

This topic contains 208 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 8 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • Day 31 NFD 82.4kg

    -0.9kg for the month. Yeah!
    Thank you @at. Thatโ€™s great. I enjoy your posts too so v happy to have you at the helm! Tell me, what is the significance of the names in red on the weight sheet? And feel free to change the name!
    @stitchincarol Rest up and take care. A glass of whisky or brandy with a tsp of honey and topped up with boiling water is just the ticket for your cough.
    @funshipfreddie Thanks for hosting Outstanding October. I have learned a whole lot of things I didnโ€™t know I needed to know๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคฃEnjoy your countryโ€™s day off on the 15 December!!
    @northgeorgia What a great woosh! Great timing too!
    @flourbaby The monthly restarts are such a good chance to regroup. November here we come!
    @jaifaim I can see you with a lovely cheesy smile๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    @stitchsmith You sound like youโ€™re in the swing of things, I hope with a good result!
    @daffodil2010 I love that you can bend any which way! I seem to be carrying Mr Mac more often so my bending is mostly a 10kg pickup or put downโ€ฆ

    Have a good day everyone and a GREAT RESET!!!

    Day 30 post 2

    @merryapple – I put everyone in red at the start and swop them to black once they have joined the challenge – it helps to give an idea of who has actually joined for the month. P.S. I had not noticed the name on the spreadsheet until after I posted the challenge – it’s a good one and I would love to change the challenge name to it but I don’t know how to do that once it’s set up – such a shame ๐Ÿ˜”
    @stitchincarol – hope you feel better soon – horrible to be full of cold

    Managed a good FD500 today ๐Ÿ’ƒ back home from yoga class – ate my snack and brushed my teeth and now ready for some ๐Ÿ˜ด

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธโœ… ๐ŸŒพ

    Hi all, another quick check inโ€ฆ with mum today and she is enjoying all the news from family and friends in France. Sorry to hear you are not well @stitchincarol and thank you for offering to host November @at. Well done on the whoosh @northgeorgia. Iโ€™m sure those not yet retired will be glad of an extra day @funshipfreddie ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. I would be ๐Ÿ˜œBravo again โญ๏ธ .
    @merryapple thanks for the spreadsheet and @flourbaby Iโ€™ll be focusing with you in November โญ๏ธ

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ

    ๐Ÿ•ธ Day 31 ๐Ÿ•ท โ€“ South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD 70.8 kg

    3 FDs in 5 days?! ๐Ÿฅด๏ธ and I’m still up 0.6 kgs for the month. I’m still at a very healthy weight though, so I just need to ‘cut myself some slack’, as they say in America. Weird expression, but I think it means to not be so hard on yourself, right?

    @merryapple – yes, December 15th is a public holiday. Yay. The general consensus seems to be – why? We already have 3 in December. Schools & many businesses are already closed for pretty much the whole month, & there are several months with no holidays. It makes sense economically though; the usual Dec 16th public holiday falls on a Saturday this year, so it doesn’t really count. And at the risk of sounding cynical, there’s a general election next year. Well done on that almost-a-kilo down! ๐ŸŽ‰

    @jaifaim – thank you! The Springboks will be arriving at Jo’burg airport in the next couple of hours – to thousands of well-wishers, I imagine. They’ll be doing a victory tour of much of the country later this week.

    @at – thanks for offering to host November ๐Ÿ™

    @stitchincarol – that sounds nasty ๐Ÿคง I hope you’re over the worst of it now. Colds were rife here at the start of our winter, there was no escaping it.

    A couple of health-related articles for today’s UK Mail:-


    Happy Halloween y’all! See you in November ๐Ÿ‘€

    Final FUFs – Did you know..?

    There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
    The average person has four to six dreams a night.
    Itโ€™s possible to turn peanut butter into diamonds.

    The first jack-o’-lanterns were potatoes and turnips ๐ŸŽƒ
    The origins of Halloween are actually rooted in a Celtic tradition, whereby the Irish Celts celebrated a festival called Samhain (summer’s end) ๐Ÿฆ‡
    The National Retail Federation says Americans will spend more than $12 billion dollars on Halloween this year, a new record ๐Ÿง›

    Day 31 – Ireland – FD
    160lbs ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    Oopsโ€ฆ holidays, work events, family and friends catch ups and rugby world cup fun = extra weightโ€ฆ ๐Ÿคญ
    A good week ahead and a focussed November will help.

    Thanks @funshipfreddie for steering us this month and keeping us entertained with fun facts! Yes Halloween originated with the ancient tradition of Samhain – marking the end of summer and start of winter. We believed that building huge sacred bonfires would ward off ghosts and evil spiritsโ€ฆ and protect them though the long winterโ€ฆ ๐ŸŽƒ

    Have a great Halloween everyone!

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Thanks a lot — a mere 1/2 lb drop after yesterday’s FD500, making my weigh-in, exactly the same as yesterday, and making this the first month I’ve not been anywhere in the 210s in over two years. What a terrible October overall. Still, it was great to have that whoosh, and maybe more are on the way. November is here, and I’m going to try harder. See you then!

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Okay, to cut someone some slack is related to ropes, I knew, so looked it up and found this: The origin of this phrase can allude to the docking of ships, where โ€œgive me some slackโ€ meant to loosen the rope. A similar phrase, with a similar meaning but slightly different form โ€“ โ€œcut slack forโ€ โ€“ was used in 1855 by Frederick Douglas in his book My Bondage and My Freedom. Source: theidioms.com

    I decided yesterday that I should alert my students what an awful cold I had so they could say whether they preferred I skip lessons today. And before I texted them, I decided that, in an abundance of caution, I’d do a Covid test, just so I could say I had.


    GAH. So now I have to do some research to see when I’m “safe” to be out and about again. Ironically, DH and I ran to town yesterday to get some groceries, so I’ve already been out and about when I was contagious. Oh well, it happens–it’s probably why I caught it myself? And, some of you may remember May of 2022 when DH and I both got Covid as did our daughter, their two little girls, and her inlaws, all thanks to our son-in-law who had Covid shortly before we arrived for a visit, but he–an EMT and his parents, both nurses–simply thought it was spring allergies? I know many of you have had serious complications from Covid, so I’m thankful to get mild cases of it (this is my third case).

    Thirty-four years ago, for our first Halloween as a married couple, I decided to make enchiladas; the color was right (orange, you know) and the taste was excellent, so good choice, right? And I’ve made it every single Halloween since then. But when we were at the grocery store yesterday, I thought I’d be gone teaching piano lessons and doing a WF today, so I don’t have the ingredients. I’m also not sure I’m up to it, physically…I am rather tired, despite ten hours of sleep last night.

    So goes the wandering of my thoughts. Thanks, @funshipfreddie, for hosting October; your FUFs were a delight to read each day!

    Pocket list Day 31 ๐ŸŽƒ

    Day 31 – USA/TN

    Hello, all! I’ve been following the posts daily and want to thank all the faithful posters who sign in every day. You make the challenge interesting, and it is so entertaining! @funshipfreddie, thank you for hosting and for your wonderful FUFs — I look forward to them daily! @at, nice to see you again and thank you for hosting November! Please add me to the spreadsheet? I managed to go down to 143 during the month, but bob up and down between that and 145. Today was 145, so I don’t feel too bad about ending the month with that. Looking forward to shaving a few more lbs. between now and the end of the year. My guess is that Christmas will find me around 142.

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