Day one!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  N4M11S 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi, this is my first day starting the 5:2 diet. I saw my holiday pictures and felt so sick at how much weight I have put on over the years! I need to lose 2 stone and 10lbs! I planned everything yesterday ready for today and didn’t start then as it was my husband’s Birthday. The posts on the forum are very inspiring! Wish me luck and I will let you know on Thursday how I got on. Can someone let me know please if the exercise on fast day and how much/what type should I do?

    Hi, wynnifred, welcome aboard.
    Your reaction to your holiday pictures reminds me of my own reaction to my wedding photos 4 years ago. Already overweight, I’d been put on steroids to treat polymyalgia rheumatica. The poly whatsit soon cleared up but the quack kept me on the steroids for two and a half years! Result: size 20 wedding outfit (I’m only 5ft 1in so imagine what I looked like, but at least it was black!), huge moon face with little piggy eyes. I deleted the whole lot.
    As soon as I came off the steroids I lost 2-3 kilos (up to 6 lbs) without even trying. Now, after 18 months on 5:2, I’ve slowly but surely lost another 12 kilos (2 stone)and the weight continues to creep off. If it works for me, it will work for anyone. So very best of luck!

    Hi, Thank you hermajtomomi! My mum was on steriods a couple of years ago and piled on the pounds, and became quite depressed with it. After coming off them and with dieting she too lost weight. My mum has always been able to lose weight easily, however I think that has a lot to do with self discipline! You have done so well. Keep up the good work. I usually vet all my photos and rarley have any taken from the chest down! However friends posted them on face book and what a wake up call that was! Thank you for the encouragement. I will keep you posted on my progress!

    Hi Wynnifred,

    Thanks for your sympathy and encouragement. Soon after the wedding, I went back to uni part time and am now coming to the end of the part-time MA. This means that all the ID photos I needed for various passes – library etc.- , were taken at that time, so the horrible moon face and piggy eyes are still there to remind me. I’ve never like being photographed and have become very skilled at diving under tables or somehow leaping out of the way if someone points a camera in my direction.

    Hi Hermajtomomi and wynnidfred,

    I am in my second week of Fasting and its going well so far but I too have the horrid fear of a photograph being taken. I try really hard to hide the chins (with an arm, or scarf, or hair) and or when I see a photograph of myself, I can never see what a nice photo it is,or what a nice time everyone looks like they are having, all I can see is how fat I think I look how wide I think my face looks or how mistakenly pregnant my belly looks (had a few strangers comment on that one, very upsetting)!

    I’m hoping that with 5:2 I will actually be able to one day look at a photo of myself and not cringe!

    I’ve lost 4 lbs so far and an inch off of my bust and waist so its looking promising and I’m not finding fast days too hard… at the moment!

    Good luck to you both and I look forward to hearing your progression 🙂

    We are so critical of ourselves aren’t we! Well done N4M11S. I am now at the end of day one and have just had a very much needed 40 cal hot choc drink! Going to do day 2 tomorrow to get it over and done with. I hit 40 in March so feel a lot more determined! I have been having a good nosy at everyone’s posts Great forum, has really helped me through Day 1

    Hi wynnifred,

    yes i agree, we are all way too hard on ourselves. I hope this process is able to help us all with that.

    well done on completing your first day! How did you do your fast? Split your calories over the day or 1/2 meals?

    I a low fat choccy with a splash of milk in the evening helps me get through. Really comforting.

    just got back from dinner at a friend’s house this evening and was explaining why I have found 5:2 so helpful so far and one of my friends housemates made some thoughtless comment about my weight in response, preceded by, oh maybe I’ll try that! its very hard not to turn in on yourself when that happens. Trying to remind myself of what the benefits of this are and why I’m doing it.

    hope you have a great day tomorrow, fast or non fast. 🙂

    People like that are what I call diet saboteurs. I feel quite sorry for people who cannot think of anything nice to say but as my mother says ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’! don’t let people like that break you! I spilt my day. No breakfast just black coffee. Ham salad for lunch and French onion soup for tea, followed by my hot chocolate – life saver! I woke up quite energised after a full night’s sleep (which is rare). Dropped my son off at my parents and they handed me over a brown paper bag to take to work. In it was a Danish pastry! I am very pleased to say that I gave it to my lovely slim work colleague. She wolfed it up. She can eat anything but is extremely active! Hope you have a very good day!

    Thanks Wynnifred, yea I think she was just one of those people who don’t engage their brain before they open their mouth! Water off a ducks back, today’s a new day and a fast day for me.

    I have lost an extra pound which is great, although not sure how as I drank quite a lot of wine and ate quite a lot yesterday. Ah well the figures speak for themselves, all I know is there is something magical happening :). I too feel alert and pretty good today.

    I tried splitting my calories over the day but I found it just made me so much hungrier. Now I don’t eat breakfast or lunch and only drink during the day, then have a normal, healthy meal in the evening, no alcohol but always a hot choccy before bed, I really look forward to it!

    Well done on handing over the pastry! that must have been hard but that’s great. I hope you have a good day too! 🙂

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