
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dummerchen 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • On your diet day have always a bottle slimfast drinks with you
    is 230 calories you get them by boots and tesco
    You will not feel hungry.

    Why would I buy overpriced sugarwater with artificial colour and flavouring when I can have a delicious omelette on my fast day?

    agree! the more natural unprocessed foods are much taster and better for your body – take some fruit/nuts/natural yoghurt and some water with you. x

    This drink has all the Nutritions in it and is very healty.
    It is already 30 yeaars on the market
    Lots of vitamins and minarals.And it fils you up and it is tasty.

    It is anything but healthy and misses all the nutrients that real foods have. It has a lot of artificial stuff like hydrogenated soy bean oil, artificial sweeteners and artificial flavouring. Having a successful marketing campaign for 30 years does not make it healthy or good.

    And tasty? I bought a six pack of those shakes for my late husband as a food supplement. He took one sip, I took one sip – the whole lot went straight in the bin. It was ghastly; I’ve rarely tasted anything more artificial.

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