What to eat and drink on fasting days?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kilda 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Done it! I am starting tomorrow and tomorrow is fasting day – what do I eat and drink? heeeelp – thank you

    You eat and drink what you want as long as you keep to under 500 calories on your fast days. Mostly people eat proteins, veg/salad because it fills you up but really it’s up to you. You could eat 2 chocolate bars which probably adds up to about 500 calories but really not recommended because that’s all you would be eating in a day. Probably best to have look at the FAQ and How section at the top of this page.You also need to calculate your TDEE and BMR and eat between the 2 on non-fast days (it shows you what to do on the How section). It’s not a quick fix but does work and many people on here have lots lots of weight slowly but steadily.

    Good luck

    Good luck Yasemin. Most Subway six inch sandwiches are under 500 calories. The mcWraps with grilled chicken at McDonalds are under 500 calories as well. If I’m on the run that’s my quick and easy. Drink lots of water.

    Subway is one of my fast day meals too. I do a six inch sandwich with turkey, cheese and egg white (for extra protein) and load it up with lots of veggies (lettuce, tomato, spinach, cucumbers, peppers). I don’t even like spinach but you don’t really taste it and it adds nutrients. It’s easy and pretty satisfying.

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