New to the forum, also to IF. Michael Moseley’s programs ‘The Truth About…’ have only recently been aired in South Africa, quite a revelation.
The idea of IF makes such intuitive sense to me, I decided to try it. Goals include a bit of weight loss, though I’m more or less down to where I should be, I’d also like to improve sugar balance and cholesterol (though not sure how much to worry about that).
Have now ordered the book and the recipes! I thought you had to fast for 24 hours on one day and eat light on another, so that’s what I have been doing – fasting completely supper to supper, though not going without cups of tea (with some milk, not sugar), a light supper, light eating next day, then eat what I like five days. It’s going fine, I don’t feel too hungry on fast days. For a long time now I’ve tried to keep at least a 12 hour fast in each day – this was before I’d heard anything about IF, I just realised I feel better like that and eat less overall.
I noticed that on feed days I’m more prepared to make the effort to eat healthy food, boosting fruit and veg, and avoiding starches (not completely, just more than before). It’s as though awareness of nutrition has become sharper. Anyone else notice something like that?
12:09 pm
29 Mar 14