April 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 740 replies, has 53 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Can you do the 5:2 way of eating for 30 days? Maybe you’ve read the book and feel inspired, so why not join a worldwide group of fellow fasters for that all important support? This is a friendly group, so join us and see how you get on.
    These monthly challenges were started nearly three years ago by @coda and many people have participated over that time.
    So, some of you will know the ropes already and others will be new to this. Some will have lots of weight to lose and others less. Especially motivating are our “maintainers”. Always welcome! They’ve reached their goal weight-range through 5:2 and have stayed there….proving it’s a sustainable way of life.

    Here’s how the challenge works….check in every day, if you can, to stay accountable:
    Starting on Day 1 on 1st April as follows…
    The day (always the same as the date) where you are (eg, Oxford, UK) and whether, for you, it’s a fasting day (FD) or Non-fasting day (NFD).
    As in “Day 1, Gloucestershire, UK: FD”

    You can say as much or as little as you like on a daily basis, but tell us a bit about yourself, your goals, how you’re getting on etc.

    Add your name below….

    @ciren2 thank you so much for hosting the April Challenge, I’m in!

    Here is the link for the spreadsheet:


    You can add your name to it, if not already on it, or I can do it for you.

    Aah thank you so much @snowflake56….glad to have you here!

    @ciren2 you’re welcome, I’m with you and help you whenever I can.

    Just added my name to the spreadsheet. Cheers!

    @ciren2 Thank you for hosting April! I’m in – already on the list 👍
    Looking forward for a new month, new goals, new experiences, new input and ideas!

    @rabbette and @miraclelou: great to have you both.

    @ciren2 – I’m in for April! 🙂

    @ciren2 thank you for hosting, I’m in too x

    Count me in @ciren2. Thank you for hosting.

    @ciren2 – i’m in for April! Thank you for hosting! 😀

    April is a fantastic moth to start, count me in too.

    Welcome to old friends and new. @annemarilyn, @russetfox, @daffodil2010, @shelliz and @smaug….lovely to have you all. We start on a Monday, this time….which seems a good time for those, like me, who need new beginnings!


    Ciren, I am in, too. I’ve been doing this for over a year and can’t imagine not being all in. Thank you again for being our hostess for April! Maybe I’ll get into that bathing suit by the end of April! LOL

    @ccco: I can’t imagine you not being here either. Now for that bathing suit!

    I’m in for April! Thank you for hosting @ciren2 🙂

    Oh boy I’ve got some bathing suits! I taught aqua yoga for a while (and I’m not a lean lady *but I’m working on it 😉 and when I was first hired, I realized I had not bought a new swim suite in 10 years. So I bought 2 of them. Now all I can think of is how nice it will be to buy a smaller size suit.

    Thank you so much @ciren2 for hosting and to @snowflake56 for her excellent job last month. Count me in!

    Yes, I would like to get back on the five-two system. Thanks for offering to host,@ciren2.

    I’m in 🙂 Looking forward to it. Thanks @ciren2 for hosting.

    Hello to all. i am looking forward to the April Challenge! Count me in.

    Welcome to all of you who’ve joined up so far.
    @debster251: you’re in.
    Also @excelsior12309 and @alisa253: welcome, Monday will be a great start for you both.
    @aglowworm: good to see you again for April.
    Have a good weekend.

    thank you! Question: do people plan to eat 500 cal on FD or 800 ( it was allowed couple years ago), or eat nothing at all? Also, I like free app Zero on my phone which keeps track of fasting hours, check it out.
    on April 1st i am going to join my neighbors for lunch, we do it once a month. I was debating in my head ‘go or no go’ – april 1st is a great start for FD ( agree, Ciren2)… I am going to lunch and will start fasting at 4pm. and full FD day on the 2.
    – all the best

    I’m in! Looking forward to it! Thank you, @ciren2 for hosting.

    @alisa253, I’m a newbie on here (joined in Feb and my first challenge was the March Spring Challenge), and the impression I’ve got is that people do whichever they like or can cope with!

    Some people are eating nothing – water fasts, some are eating 500 calories, and I’m doing 800 calories. So whichever one you go for, you’ll have plenty of company. 🙂

    @ciren2 I am in! Thank you for making yourself available to host. 🙂 I am not able to edit the list; would you be willing to add my info?

    My April SW is 140, April goal is 138, Overall GW is 135.

    Many thanks. Let’s do this!

    I’m back because this is working, thanks to you guys.

    @alisa253 Like @bluesqueak says it really does depend on the person. I’m doing 500 just because it is what works, though I am also still playing around with the days that are best. I only started in January also.

    @ccco Bathing suit? I bet you will end up rocking that bathing suit.

    @alisa253 A warm welcome to you! I am new to the forums this month, but started 5:2 in the middle of January.

    I started by restricting calories to 500 on fasting days and gave myself time to get used to that. Lately I’ve done some water fasts, some 500’s, and some 800’s. It really depends on how my week looks.

    On 5 days, I eat to my goal weight TDEE. I eat whatever I wish, but I noticed my appetite is smaller and I don’t have the taste for junk food as much.

    Happy Fasting!

    … today and tomorrow are the last two days before April 1, and I want to eat big portions of ice cream, and start behaving on Monday. Am I the only one?
    Could you share how you deal with thoughts- I will be good tomorrow but today I do not care?
    Is it okay to write about stragles here?

    @bluesqueak, @fiftyandfabulous, @hieiren: Got you.
    Anything to do with the spreadsheet is beyond me, but others (@Snowflake56 especially) know more about the technical side than I do (sorry, I was brought up with pen and paper)!

    hi @fiftyandfabulous I added your stats to the spreadsheet.

    @michelinme: Welcome to April….good to have you.

    So, tomorrow’s the DAY 1! Always the same as the date, regardless of when you, personally, actually joined the challenge.
    For those of you new to this, have a look at these FAQs. Also we are a really friendly group and many have been on these challenges for ages. So anything you’re not sure of, just ask.


    On these challenges we also have a daily POCKET LIST. This is a list of that day’s fasters. Anyone can start the pocket list or just copy and paste the existing list and add your name.

    I’m in, and thanks for adding me. @ciren2, I’m sure you’re going to be a fabulous host for April, which for me has the theme – “new beginnings” seeing as I went out of March with a whimper 🙂 !

    @alisa253, Please do share your struggles – lots of the more established 5:2ers have given me (relatively a newbie) a lot of encouragement and good advice. We’re all in this together, and try to help and encourage each other along. Also, remember that this is a WOL (way of life), not a diet – have a bad day, okay, pick yourself up and follow it with a good day.

    @ciren2 – I’m in for April – these challenges are so much part of my life now I could not step out of them, so a BIG THANK YOU 🤗 for taking up the reins this month to keep them going!

    I will be starting Day 1 of this April 2019 Challenge with a much needed FD after an indulgent “Mother’s Day”


    good morning ( East coast,US) it is a very nice spring morning here!
    thanks for the good thoughts and notes to Betsylee,bluesqueak,50&Fab,HiEiren.
    AT – the motto is very good!
    i have a busy day today: going to cycling class in few min; talk to my brother on Skype; take a walk out side and listen to an audio book; and go to spa in the evening ( no time for ice cream today)
    have a great day to all

    @betsylee and @at: glad you’re both in the April Challenge. For me the challenge is to get back on that wretched wagon!
    @alisa253: Phew you ARE busy today. I’ve managed a couple of dog walks and church.

    @ciren2. I’m ready for April.

    @ciren2 — haven’t missed one for 3 years, so I am IN! 🙂

    @kaywesterman, you’re in.
    @songbirdme: you’re my hero….a maintainer for so long. I’ve said before, I love to see maintainers on here, you’re an inspiration to the rest of us.

    Hi @ciren2

    Count me in – I’ve updated me on the spreadsheet and thanks for hosting April!

    @rafiki44: You’re welcome….and thanks for the spreadsheet work. I’d probably foul it up!

    Hello All! I have been away for a couple of months and ready for April “Spring Cleaning!” Excited to get back on track with 5:2 after a period of intense travel.

    Hello to everyone!

    I would like to be part of the April challenge and I hope this month I can stay focused and hit the big reset button. Last month I went AWOL the last couple weeks due to a family issue involving my older sibling, and it really knocked me off balance and into a spiral of comfort eating to deal with what is still not a good situation. But, it has only made me feel worse to have gained back 4 lbs, so eating thoughtlessly is not the answer. My hope is that now the weather is better I can be more active and use exercise to manage my frustrations and anxieties, especially regarding my sister.

    @ciren2, thank you for hosting this month……it is much appreciated. And @snowflake 56, a big thank you for hosting last month…. you were a lovely and encouraging host. I read the forum as often as possible, even when not posting to it myself.

    In looking back over the years I have noticed that March has always been the most difficult month for me as far as weight is concerned, and I’m always at the heaviest weight I get to during winter.

    I first started 5/2 in April of 2016, and went on to lose 28-30lbs. So, looking on the bright side, even though I’ve gained some back, I am starting this April already at a lower weight than several previous years. That makes me hopeful that I should be able to keep losing over the summer to reach goal of 145 lbs.

    Best to everyone! Hoping we can all stay strong and focused to reach our goals.!

    Day 1, Melbourne Australia, FD.
    Hello Ciren2 thank you for hosting, I would like to join in. I won’t post every day, but as often as possible. I first joined in Oct 2016 and shed the 6kg needed by about March 17, with the fabulous help of this forum. I kept it off until Dec 18 when I started a ‘nosh fest’ that I haven’t been able to break until 2 weeks ago. I try to eat reduced carb or lchf, as bread is my downfall. No problems with sugar as sugar, luckily. Also do 16:8, and i believe that is mostly what kept the weight from coming back quickly, but downfall again…snacking after dinner. Have really struggled with that. I have been 5:2 now 3 weeks and last weigh 62.4. Aim 60 by end of April. Longer term, 57kg would be a dream. Will definitely eat some traditional hot cross buns! Best of 5:2 wishes to all here in the April Challenge.

    After 18 months of no effort, ill health & a huge amount of stress I’m going to give it another go. I’ve gained so much weight I’m easily out of breath, struggle to get up when kneeling down & feel bloated & uncomfortable everyday.
    I hope we all have an amazing & successful month.

    Day 1 New Zealand FD
    Hi @ciren2, I’m in for April. I’ve added my name to the spreadsheet. Not too good at daily posting, but enjoy reading everyone’s comments. Being accountable and knowing that I have a goal is key for my success – plus everyone’s support!

    Day 1 country west Australia FD
    I’m definitely IN!!
    Looks like April is the month that many of us are hitting the reset button.
    Thanks @ciren2 in advance for hosting.💐
    I was doing OK yesterday until I cut the simnel cake I made for morning tea after church- and ate more slices than needed!🍰🍰🍰
    And I don’t even like marzipan!😫
    Onward and downward.🤞
    PS does anyone hear how @fatrabbit is going or@Bert1802? I’d love to know.

    Please count me in!

    Day 1, Japan, FD

    A new month! Let’s get rolling with a wonderful FD!

    Yesterday turned out to be a feast at the end, but a very balanced feast…;P
    I’m going on a long vacation to Italy for 2 weeks from this month to next month. It’s my first time going to Italy so definitely going to enjoy some nice food and wine… So I will seriously try my best to keep track to all FDs before and after the vacation. Yes we can!!

    @snowflake56 Thank you for adding my info to the spreadsheet. All of your time is truly appreciated!

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