Latest 50 posts

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 29 country west Australia CD 81.5 kgs 179.3 lbs.
    @funshipfreddie, I Had a very good FD yesterday, surprisingly easier than I had anticipated.
    If I don’t have anything to eat in the morning, the rest of the day is often usually not too bad.
    But that first bite and the leptin/ghrelin get to work and then it is a different story altogether !
    I am finally winning the battle with the Fat Fairy though the superglue she has used to secure that spare tyre around my waist needs to be patented. It appears to be stuck fast !!!!
    My jeans are getting looser 😁 and I almost need to use a belt but THIS time I will ditch the jeans when they are too loose ( oh happy day !!) and not make the mistake I made last time which was to keep bigger clothes ‘ just in case’….😱😱 and voila! here I am … again…..
    @stitchincarol, busy times ahead. Good luck with your shift. How lovely to have your own space to do with as you choose.
    @penz, we could do with some much needed rain. Temps in the mid to high 30Cs here ,still ,and we are about to head in to the second month of autumn. ( Where is the year going ????)
    @ccco oh the disruption of having you9r house painted – but the result is so worth it. As you say, at leat it might keep you out of the kitchen !!
    @north Georgia, your trip to Uruguay sounds fabulous. A Lot of travelling for you but such an experience!
    Yes I am more than happy to host April as I have my 5:2 mojo BAAAAACCCKKKKK !!! It’s taken a while….
    Shout out to @at to kindly set up the spreadsheet, please 🙏🙏for this rather computer inept baby boomer !!😬
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Remember hunger pangs are the feeling of fat cells shrinking . And a growling stomach is the sound of fat cells shrinking….🤔

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hello everyone,
    Ooh so much news, and I am out of coffee!

    When I wrote last, electricians were here, and now I have a new range hood, a lovely kitchen light replacing the rickety fluorescent one, light switches that no longer crackle, and a new power box with all safety switches. (But I did find that amusing myself without electricity for 90 minutes was harder than I expected!)

    And haha, Thin, you were right to pick me up on my ‘sort of fasting’ really I am working on keeping to my 4 tiny meals which is so hard now I know I don’t get painful consequences if I slip up. And I really need some fast days to balance out the slip ups… but on the way (omg this is embarrassing) I argued to myself that trying to eat properly is almost fasting. (I am very good at fooling myself). Well, I have said it now, I can’t hide.

    But I was barracking for you Quacka! And woot! Aren’t you doing well! Yay for the 74’s!

    Neil, hooray for your fundraising! I did contribute (Joy).
    And hooray that your roller coaster is gradually heading to your healthy weight.

    Thin, I can relate to that awful feeling of overeating. I always was a binge eater and it always felt terrible. But there is something different now after my stomach got used to never being very full. And hooray it is a deterrent.

    As someone who was overweight and with eating issues all my life, it is fascinating to see the different journey of people who never had an issue and are now getting rounder and rounder. Good luck to your uni friend, I do hope 5:2 suits her.

    Congratulations on your big Perth sort out.
    Welcome back to your wonderful life on the water. I hope it is a lovely Spring.

    Gday, hooray to see you posting, sorry you have to do back up steps each time, but it is so good to have you here.
    Lovely to hear about your wonderful time at The Fringe, and hooray for delicious icecream.
    Good luck with the non dairy fortnight. It will be a win win, whether you find that ‘no dairy’ gets rid of those symptoms, or you find that you can eat dairy knowing it doesn’t cause those symptoms.
    Good luck with the mayo!

    Anzac hooray!
    I hope you found some great office clothes and get some really lovely people to work with.

    Lindsay, I am so sorry that you and Mr Lindsay have had to face the legal drama after the dreadful initial incident. It is so cruel and so bad for your health.
    Hold on to that truth, and I know you will be doing everything you can to keep as healthy and balanced as possible. I hope it is over soon and that then you can recover well.

    Thank you so much for letting us know what is happening.
    I was thinking of you when your island was buffeted by Alfred.

    Well I need to go shopping for coffee. Sending best wishes to everyone.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 29, NFD, Aus

    Even though I start the post with the day of the month, I am still surprised that it’s going to be April on Monday! Thanks for stepping up to host @lilymartin.

    I’m with you @ccco – definitely not a winter. Unless winter lasted about 2 weeks – that I could handle! The end is in sight for your rennos!

    Woke to beautiful soaking rain this morning. Lovely!

    Thanks for the trip report @northgeorgia – sounds like you had a wonderful break.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Still no news from roofers. Another week to wait then see what’s next. Back on the bread but not gone mad. 5 days to last weigh-in. Do don’t want to spoil things.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    USA. Day 28. FD

    Stitchincarol I wanted to congratulate you on your new home and wish you the best with your renovations. 👍🏻

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD

    I just realized I read posts this morning, but never posted myself–oops! This is such a busy time, as I’m working on editing the Leaguer (I’ve talked about this in the past, if you remember, and am so very happy that it’s my very last one, as our move to our new house takes me away from a location that makes me eligible to serve as editor), working on taxes, working on negotiations with our seller (the furnace is old enough that it needs replacing and she won’t be happy to do that), and all the church and piano lesson stuff I always do. So you’d think that losing weight would be easy because I’m too busy to eat, right? No, I’m NEVER too busy to eat, LOL!

    I’m doing OMAD today because DH has been losing weight, and I will NOT allow him to weigh less than I do!!!! ☹️🤣

    Have a grand one, everyone!

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    USA. Day 28. FD

    Thank you, Lilymartin, for volunteering to usher us through April. I can’t believe that we are already at the end of March but happy that it is Spring! I am not a Winter person.

    Today, the inside of my entire house is being painted. I can’t wait until this is all done. I am told it will be done by Tuesday or Wednesday. Wednesday, I am supposed to be a surprise visitor to my grandson’t class where I will read the class a book. Even my grandson doesn’t know that I will be there. The last time I did this last year, he didn’t seem to recognize me. That surprised me, so later I told him how much I loved doing this and I would love to come back. IO really had to laugh when my 4 year old grandson told me that I had to let someone else have a turn because I already had my turn. LOL. Little children say they the darnedest things!

    Well, tonight, with all my furniture moved all over the place, I am not even sure where I will sleep. The painters asked if they could come back tomorrow, Saturday, to work and I said yes. I am at the point that I will do anything to finish this!! Fortunately, painting is the last thing I have to do!!

    Anyway, fasting today will be easy. Even my kitchen is filled with things and furniture that doesn’t normally go there, making getting around there and cooking difficult!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥕
    @at FD800

    Hope everyone is having a great day! 🤗

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Its another lovely day bright sunshine although a sharp wind . its a good drying day… a line full of sweaters.

    Well my reward for a indulgent week was a 2 pounds gain this mornings weigh in.
    Its ok ..I did enjoy it lots of eating out.. t will soon come off . There are no treats around now and I dont need to shop for a while.

    Day 67 no alc

    Nana and Sym.. I hope you are enjoying your day.

    Dave…Enjoy your sausage mash and onion gravy ..Any response from the builders.

    H H.. Its the time of year to get the garden sorted can kill stumps with natural remedies if you google.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. Mistakes are proof that we are trying. Xxxx

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Very cold wind here today. I had a sandwich for lunch so back on the bread. I won’t go overboard though. Chloe was glad to get out of the wind, fastest she’s moved for a couple of years. Bangers and mash for tea I’ll peel the spuds in a minute.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    2nd Post – Day 28

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥕
    @at FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28 UK

    Sounds lovely @northgeorgia and glad to see things settling on the weight front

    Definitely not my strength but giving a “controlled weekend “ a go 🤞

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 239 lbs. I made yesterday a FD500/800 (probably was like 525), so that should help get things going in the right direction.

    Uruguay is a gem if you want to disconnect, not worry about a lot of sightseeing, and enjoy nature and the beach. No cars honking all the time, no haggling vendors on the beach, a lot of Italian-inspired dishes and grilled meats, friendly people, traffic that obeys speed limits and signals, and water straight from the tap that tastes better than in the U.S. Restaurant and grocery prices are the same as the U.S., some things maybe a bit more expensive, and for most people (including me), it takes a very long time to travel there. In my case, it was genuinely about 24 hours when I take the airport shuttles, busses, wait times at airports, and flights all into consideration. It was great experiencing all four seasons in one week! And somehow, on my last day in Montevideo, I went to five museums in five hours (and had lunch)! I would go back.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28-No. VA USA-FD800
    Checking in for accountability today. What a chubby month this has been for me! I guess when I fall off the wagon, I have been cushioned by the extra three pounds or so…oh well, climbing back on today!

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Read my post back… misspelled focused but turns out it can be spelled either way… double “s” is a rare variant spelling.. apparently commonly used in Australia. Who knew!! The things I learn here 🤗

    No excuse or variant for Hahnks though 😂 how autocorrect thinks that is acceptable/ok is beyond me …

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    157.9 lb

    Early start – have already cycled for an hour in beautiful Sunny weather ☀️☀️. Now to work.

    @brightonbelle 🎯 keep the faith!

    @stitchincarol hopefully keeping busy kept you focussed and away from food.

    @northgeorgia that extra weight should shift pretty quickly… I say that all the while hoping it’s the same for me… 😁

    @funshipfreddie enjoy your brunch 😋

    @iona72 glad to hear you are back on track. Yeah, we would rarely hear of a five week turnaround here either – well done to your daughter. Good to keep busy and away from temptation 🤗
    @lilymartin hahnks for offering to host April 😇

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Congratulations Neil on the fundraising fantastic work.

    Lindsay, I can’t even begin to imagine the stress of what you are going through. Lawyers have perfected the art of dragging things out as long as possible, less money for them if cases are settled quickly. And to put yourself and OH through those horrible questions from the psychiatrist, which I assume is an attempt to discredit you or find something to use against you. Just shocking beyond words. I do home these resolves for you both very soon and you can put the legal battle behind you.

    I think when we are under pressure and stress, we become super sensitive to things that normally wouldn’t bother us. I know I felt this way when Mr GDay passed, every little thing bothered me, whether it was something that directly impacted on me or not.

    When I was speaking to the lawyer with OH’s will when it was contested, the lawyer told me that the law was there to be ‘fair and equitable’ to everyone and I just laughed at his face and asked him if he seriously believed that – he downcast his eyes and didn’t respond.

    Day 3 completed with no dairy, and I can’t say I feel any different other than I’m really, really missing dairy. But will persevere and try to complete 2 weeks. I will attempt to make homemade mayo in a moment so I can spread that on my homemade bread as a substitute for butter, cheese etc as well as mixing with mashed boiled egg as a spread. My homemade mayo attempts in the past haven’t always been successful; I struggle getting the emulsification process to work properly so fingers crossed for success this time around.

    Quacka don’t be disappointed with your results, there will be weeks with a loss, a gain and sometimes no change at all and that is the nature of how the human body works but as long as your trend is heading downwards over a period time then all is good.

    I think Dr Clare and her son Dr Jack are doing brilliantly at continuing the work of Dr MM. I follow them both on Instagram and am really impressed with them both for providing down-to-earth advice around good health and wellbeing.

    Thin, it is so sad to see the UPF’s and drinks people are consuming. Unfortunately, governments around the world have a severe lack of political will to stand up to the UPF companies and enforce proper food labelling laws that make it blatantly clear what the product is and the negative effects it has on the human body, and mind for that matter. I know we’ve had this discussion before and yes there is an element of personal responsibility but the circumstances of so many people doesn’t afford to give them the knowledge or understanding to make the right food choices. They believe what is on the label because they honestly don’t know any different, UPF is all they know.

    Mmmm…..worried about LJoyce, it’s been so long since we’ve seen a post from her I do hope all is okay.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.2 kg

    Another March FD accomplished 💪 One more to go..

    @northgeorgia – I can’t believe how quickly your trip passed?! I was thinking you’d just gone this week until I checked the date of your previous post. How was Uruguay? Hopefully the ‘excess baggage’ will disappear as quickly as it arrived.

    @lilymartin – I hope your FD was a success; thanks for offering to host April 🙏

    Brunch date at Doppio Zero. Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥕
    @at FD800

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  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28 country west Australia FD 82.0 kgs
    Day 27 CD 81.6 kgs.
    Having a very good FD so far as DH is also doing it.
    @stitchincrol, it will be so good to have your own home again.
    @penz the conference sounds fascinating.
    @iona72 good luck with your daughter’s move. Lots of people moving house and having a clean out at the same time ??
    @NorthGeporgia, I hope the bloat reduces soon. It can be a real problem when travelling.
    @brightonbelle, I hope you have a very controlled weekend.
    Pocket list for today
    Lily Martin
    I am still happy to host April and will not be MIA. But I would need @at to set up the link.😁

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 28, P&RWD!! Aus

    Hello all

    Lots of house moving and renovations by a few of you! Stressful times but hope it all goes well. Oh of course, @stitchincarol, I forgot you didn’t own the house you’re in now!

    @northgeorgia – welcome back, but I’m sure I speak for the forum when I say, please give us details of your trip away!!!

    Cycling trip around southern Spain? Sounds delightful, @jaifaim.

    The conference was the national gathering of a new not-for-profit organisation I’ve joined. Those in the UK and NZ (@merryapple, looking at you!) may know of it. The Australian organisation is based on the UK’s The Arts Society (business name the Decorative and Fine Arts Association) and has recently re-branded to ArtsNational. It provides “superbly illustrated, informative and entertaining lecture presentations on diverse topics relating to the arts across Australia.” and also promotes education and conservation of the arts. We also raise money to donate to young arts. NZ has a similar organisation and we often share lecturers across the ditch. Sorry – that was a long blurb! As a newbie to the organisation I found it very interesting.

    Have a good weekend everyone! I’ve raked the leaves this morning (autumn has hit already) and expect some nice soaking rain this afternoon.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 NE England CD

    I feel like I’ve had a few good days and the scale is back to its normal plateau number. I’m making notes on where I think I’ve done ok and where improvements can be made. This is in the hope that it keeps me on track and accountable.

    My daughter moves house on Monday, a 5 week turnaround, unheard of in the UK. Luckily missing a big increase in stamp duty on April 1st. Her Solicitor said she has been happy to push it through for her as she is so polite. Just what a parent likes to hear!! Anyway we will be busy at the weekend helping with packing, cleaning, babysitting and dog walking for her.

    @northgeorgia Glad you had a good trip, travelling upsets my equilibrium too so I would wait a few days for a more accurate idea.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Dave- well done without the bread, you are doing really well! Hope your son is okay when he’s away, a worry…
    Hemmy- well done without your wine! All these roadworks are so annoying, they’ve painted something at the end of our road so that will probably be dug up again! I’m not planning on sticking to keto this weekend though, will have a couple of cakes!
    Jean & Nana, hope you’ve both had a good day…
    Been beautiful weather here, we spent a while in the garden, hubby wanted to take out some hebe bushes by the front door, they are looking a bit scruffy now. We’ve taken one down but the stump is too big to get out in one go, going to take a while…I said I’d only let him take them out if we can shingle it all & buy some new pots, so will need a shopping trip soon! Popped into town to see my friend with Juno, she’s going away for a month to Malaysia and Australia.Just had one meal today- spring greens with walnuts in a blue cheese sauce, it was really good…

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good evening I ended up having a salad for tea. Will have the chicken casserole Saturday I think. Sausage and mash with onion gravy tomorrow, Denise as put her order in. Still no bread but extremely hard now. I keep looking at it🤪😬.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    It s a lovely day again…. early walk in the sunshine. Lots of baby deer around. So very pretty.

    After walking it was off to The Post office to pay bills then decided as there is now 3 sets of temporary traffic lights at road works to Brackley I called in at Tesco and topped up for a good many days..

    Naughty day as I got Tesco sandwiches for lunch and a sell of curry for this evening.. I just felt I wanted some tasty easy food.. I will start again on Monday.

    Day 66 no wine. ( I am not bothered at all)

    Nana.. how is your day going..

    Dave.. Oh well done on no bread that is a really hard one… It s a good idea counting the days down I find.
    Still no Butter beans in Tesco.. I think that’s really strange. I forgot to look in M&S .
    It a worry this drinking spiking.. its easy todo I guess in a crowd.
    Enjoy your casserole one of my favourite meals..

    H H Oh a busy time for you.. I really dont know how you do so well with your weight cooking up that lovely food for others.
    Mind you my friend Pam is very slim and works with food.
    The tea for your Mum sounds a wonderful treat.

    Sym..I have 3 wall lights no centre light .. I never turn them on I use the side lamps I find them softer lights. I don’t like scented candles as I don’t think it good for Pip. I buy the big packs from Tesco for £4 ..
    Well done on your painting.. you are so good at handyman jobs.. I can remember you doing them with Steve. Xx

    Enjoy your evening everyone. “Every step counts.” Xxxx

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    USA Day 27. FD

    Pocket List – Day 27 🎯
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    2nd Post – Day 27

    Pocket List – Day 27 🎯
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I’m hopeful today will be an actual WF, rather than turning into a FD500, as I ate very decently yesterday, so hopefully won’t be hit with such huge hunger pangs. It’s another super busy day today, so I’m off.

    Have a grand one, everyone! Oh, and @northgeorgia, welcome back!

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 – USA/GA – ZBC

    Weigh-in: 243 lbs. No, I haven’t got those numbers transposed, so I’m a little embarrassed to be nearly 10 lbs heavier than I was at the end of February! It’s also six pounds more from before I left on vacation, and three pounds over yesterday! I am hoping some of this is just “travel bloat.” I find if I’m on a bus and plane or whatever for over five hours, my body becomes dehydrated, no matter how much water I drink, and holds on to any drop for dear life for the next couple of days until it realizes it’s OK to relax! At least, that’s my theory. I also ate more than necessary on the return flight due to very little sleep just to keep me awake at the airports and stations.

    But anyway, it was a great trip. Maybe today will be a FD. I’ll start back in earnest on Monday.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 UK f800

    Maybe my final FD of March but really going to aim for a controlled weekend to stay on track for a small loss this month – then plan on hitting April 💪

    Good pocket list today

    Pocket List – Day 27 🎯
    @brightonbelle FD800

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning everyone. The sun is out again so it feels good to have some warmth. Hemmy,butter beans 😀. Would be funny if you like them. Hanging on with the bread it gets harder every day. I keep looking at it and drooling🤣. chicken casserole tonight I like bread with that so I have to eat it and wash the bowl out quickly so I’m not tempted. No speedway this week so my son is off to Southampton.A group all meet up from all over the UK and even Germany. That all listen to a DJ, she as even ginger him a lift back to his hotel once. I suppose you would call it a rave😀 goes on until around 3 or 4 am.Worring for me though one of his group seemed to have had his drink tampered with, luckily for him son stayed with him and helped him back to the hotel he was staying at. My son dosent drink alcohol only as coke or pepsi. So I told him to finish his drink before he goes to the toilet then get a new one.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Pocket List – Day 27 🎯
    @brightonbelle FD800

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Quacka and Neil, I’m enjoying reading of your progress in fitness and weight loss. Your determination is admirable. I’m about to help a uni friend get started on 5:2. She was always petite and, like my OH, quite infuriating to live with as she could eat anything and never gain weight. Fast forward forty years and she’s pre-diabetic and weighs more than when she was 9 months pregnant. I do love bucking the trend as we age and being able to brag that I haven’t gained an ounce in ten years. There were many sceptics around me when I started this WOL but they’re all firmly back in their boxes now.

    Lindsay, the diet soft drinkers make me laugh. Often accompanied with a cheeseburger and chips. Who are they kidding? The interview with the oppositions’ lawyers sounds very intrusive and I wouldn’t have answered those questions. My mind boggles at 100+ pairs of shoes. I doubt I’ve ever owned more than two pairs at a time. Are they stored in see-through boxes?

    We’re up to double figures in temperature now. The sun is shining. I can hardly wait to get out of this wharf and start cruising (1 April). OH just installed four new leisure batteries so we are ready to roll.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 27 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    159.1 lbs

    @brightonbelle ok let’s do this! There is no better target 🎯! I’m off May 1st – cycling trip in southern Spain – so must get it together before then 🏖️👙🏖️

    @stitchincarol I thought that alright… that you are currently living in a house that you don’t own but how exciting to be moving to one that you can absolutely make your own… it’s wonderful 💕🏠💕

    @ccco – i hope you had a lovely day and that everything went according to plan.

    Good controlled day yesterday… thought I’d drop a little bit not today …. Here we go for a good FD.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Fay 27 🎯

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hello again.
    FD yesterday and it worked! (surprise surprise). Doing a back to back today, but ravenous.
    Thank you Quacka – it’s been awfully stressful. I feel I have changed over the past couple of years. Things that once would have been water off a duck’s back (eg a neighbour on the island complaining about some little branches off a tree, after a huge cyclone) now trouble me. I hope I can get my old zing back.

    Neil just catching up with old posts and I read yours about the Dr Mosley program where the man drank gallons of coke. All those artificial colourings and additives, never mind the sugar. One of the women who shows gundogs has a similar habit. At shows she lays back in a reclining chair, reaching into an esky for yet another soft drink (often diet coke …but have you ever seen a thin person drink a diet softdrink?) as she complains that she’s too old to run her dog. Ah, you’re 60. It’s not your age that’s the problem.

    It’s sad, with Michael Mosely gone. I see his wife is attempting to pick up where he left off, and also his son has written a book. I can’t get over the image of Michael laying, dying, with his family so very very close. (sorry to introduce a glum image).

    Cinque I’ve been going back on posts but can only find your reference to your legs being better. What has happened, that I missed (but very happy it seems to have resolved).

    Ah decluttering. How wonderful it is (says the person with 100 + pairs of shoes). My new mantra? If something goes in, something goes out. Of course it would be so much better if it were “if something goes in, two things go out.” But baby steps.

    Back to the cooking – a massaman beef curry. I’ve cooked potatoes and carrots which will go in later to Mr L’s meal. They won’t taste quite the same, but they won’t leech those horrid carbs into the curry.

    Have a good night all.

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Morning all

    Quacka, 13,000 steps a day is huge. I should get out walking more often. I’m bike fit, but I’m definitely not walking fit. I went for a ride out to a local golf course to help set up for a frisbee golf tournament. I rode 20km to get there which I had no trouble with, walked around the course for 2 hours carrying gear and setting it up, and I was really struggling with that. Then rode the 20kms home and had no trouble with that.

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!


    You’re doing great Neil! I’ve managed to get to my 96kms of walking for the month and now I’ve stopped counting. I’m still doing a 6km walk most days and getting to around 13k steps per day with incidental walking.

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Good Morning everyone

    It’s great to hear from you Lindsay. The situation with the lawyers sounds horrible! I hope that there will be positive ending to this ordeal that you and your OH are dealing with x

    Well today is check in day and I’m a little disappointed. I did my two FDs this week and ate very mindfully (and not over my cals) in between but this has only resulted in a 400g loss. Down to 74.4kg. I know it’s still in the right direction but I was just hoping for a bit more. I do think I know why though. I had a tough FD yesterday – just really hungry all day. Usually it comes and goes but nope, yesterday was just consistent hunger ALL DAY! I ate within my calories – 574 to be exact but I know I ate too much salt. Today is no, or very low salt day for me!

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. We are expecting a rainy one here so I’m going to try and get some exercise in between the rain or head into town to the gym.

    Take care all XX

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Quick post, feeling a bit weary…we did a big shop, got the boys coming Saturday for dinner, then doing afternoon tea for Mum on Sunday. Hoovered & washed hubby’s car, youngest has been round for dinner. He’s had assessments all week but has done well.
    Catch up tomorrow!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    I have three wall lights but only use two..maybe have a think about candles.. do yours smell or just lighting.
    I did a big shop this morning. I touched up some paint on a wall in the back bedroom, I gave it a rub and the paint came off! I never liked that paint but I think it’s covered.
    Then cut the grass, I got my shorts on then sat and had a cuppa outside.
    Your 2lbs will soon move.. last week I had an eating week so will be up too.

    Well done on the bowls very close. We won one and lost two this week, again very close so a good game..

    Jean x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Had 2 games of bowls won both 21-19 and 21-20 so very close, also did 8000 steps. Only practice matches between the 4 of us. Beautiful day today so I’m ready for tea. The MoreLife ladies are pretty quiet,I always seem to start them off on WhatsApp then they come alive. One of them as been to Wales and is going to Blackpool at the weekend for 35th wedding anniversary.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good afternoon everyone.. Xxxx

    Its a lovely day again.. long may it last.. Still only March though.

    I am having a quiet day.. I needed to go to Brackley Post Office today but just fancied a quiet day so tomorrow will do

    I am 2 lbs up will need to cut back a bit.. At least no wine. We did have puddings and cakes eating out.

    M&S Italian pasta today .. 3 for £9 they are tasty.

    Day 65 no wine.

    Nana . What are you up to today..

    Dave.. Enjoy your bowls.. Well done on day 11 no bread its not easy .. I bet it will have been worth it though when you weigh in.

    H H … Oh very well done getting into the healthy weight chart .. its a lovely feeling and well worth the effort you have put in. Xx

    Sym.. I burn candles all the time.. First thing I do at 6pm is light tea lights ..or sometimes a big candle also .. I don’t use centre lights at all in the lounge I never have I have 4 lamps around the candles.
    What have you been doing this afternoon.

    Enjoy what ever you are doing everyone …. Happiness is the very best medicine. Xxxx

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    USA. Day 26 FD

    Lilymartin, 6 Months of renovations! Wow! I love the outcome I am seeing but it is nerve wracking. Today, they are ripping up all my wood floors! Scary watching them. I guess you definitely can understand!

    Stitichincarol, your new house sounds exciting!

    Thank you, Jaifaim! I am trying to not be overwhelmed by everything. Fortunately, I believe this will be the last time I will ever do anything like this.

    Penz, I am glad you are beginning to feel better. I know I love the weight I lose, if I get sick, even if that is not the best method to go about this.

    Today is my son’s birthday but we will have to put off celebrating until the weekend. I can’t leave the house. I need to be here. They have so many questions and I don’t want anyone second guessing me. I bought a lovely table with two chairs for my son’s front porch. It’s a suprise but I know he will love it! 😊

    I hope everyone is having a lovely day!
    Pocket List – Day 26🍌

    @brightonbelle FD800

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s WF turned into a FD500 because I was RAVENOUS. I kept insisting to myself that “hunger is not an emergency” and all the other quotes I could think of, but I decided better to eat a reasonable FD500 than suddenly lose the plot and eat far worse choices, and the weight was still down two pounds this morning. @penz, I give you a thumbs up for the weight you lost while sick (the great silver lining, right? Nonetheless, I’m glad you’re recovered now!) and your thoughts on the challenge of maintaining the loss. I’ve gained back one pound from what I lost when I had Influenza A, but it’s been hard. A thought I had yesterday was that I simply have to accept that losing weight means I’m going to be hungry. And that’s okay–hunger is not, after all, an emergency, right? And hunger feels far better than eating far too much feels!

    Here’s a quote I just read from the “Eat Like a Bear” gal: These days I don’t touch snack items because it simply takes more discipline to stop eating than it ever does to avoid eating it all in the first place. My life has gotten far easier and I have gotten thinner by recognizing this key point.

    I’ve also learned that lesson; now the trick is to always APPLY that lesson, LOl!

    Lots to do, so I’m off, but to those of you who’ve commented about possibly remodeling the house we’re in, I’ve probably not said very often that we HAVE to move, because we live in a parsonage–a house owned by the congregation for its pastors. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I’ve gardened as if it were my own, but it isn’t, and all I can think about these days is how impatient I am to move, LOL! I am so looking forward to owning our home again instead of being “temporary residents.”

    Have a grand one, everyone!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely river walk with Natalie, haven’t seen her in a while, busy flying.

    Popped out shopping, blankets on line. Debating on what to do…

    You got some good bargains, Katie has a thing about finding a good leather bags from charity shops.
    I never know what to do with candles, do you turn your lights out?

    Good game of boules.. won one lost two so not so good but was close.
    Good you have got in the healthy space, they are very long fasts!

    Well done on the smaller sized clothes, it always gives you a boost. Lovely lamb to look forward too always very expensive.
    You will miss the more life and the girls.

    Jean x

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 26 UK f800

    Fab post @jaifaim and you covered everything for me – yes it certainly gets harder as the years progress and I’ll be joining you in trying to get beach ready during April – Procida & Naples booked for 07/05 ☀️👙🌊

    Pocket List – Day 26🍌
    @brightonbelle FD800

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 26 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    159.1 lbs

    With you @excelsior12309 – we can do this! 🤩

    @stitchincarol the new house sounds amazing with all the different floors – I’m sure it is stressful but it will be so worth it when all is done 🏠

    @icystorm hopefully the apathy will pass… it’s tough to stay focused but you’re really doing very very well and inspiring us as you go…

    I hope so @brightonbelle 👍 It does feel harder to shift the extra lbs these days although that may just be my focus waning and I’m making excuses… I need a drastic plan for April as I will be on holidays early May 👙☀️ and generally I just feel sluggish 🙃.

    @iona72 – good to hear you are back on track too! It’s hard sometimes… but then if it wasn’t none of us would be here I suppose. I agree re keeping medication to a minimum of possible and am currently trying to keep my cholesterol from rising.

    @lilymartin mindset is everything I think… I realise now that a lot of my tiredness, etc is down to what my mind is doing rather than my body. I’m taking a lot of steps to address this now as I feel that a little like weight gain it can reach a point where it is difficult to tackle so best to get stuck in to new habits and self care now. Great to hear that your renovation work is complete!

    @ccco – hope you are taking care while working so hard on the house.

    @penz was the conference for pleasure? As you are not working now are you? Hope you are feeling much better now! And that you can put those kilos behind you and never see them again 😄

    @northgeorgia and others I hope you are keeping well 👍

    Enjoy line dancing @funshipfreddie 🕺!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning everyone.A nice sunny day so going bowling this afternoon need the practice. One more week to weigh-in at MoreLife, that will be the final one so hopefully I’ll have lost some more weight. I have been trying hard to do so.Day 11 without bread I think, getting really difficult but hanging on. How are you all doing?

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz welcome back, & good to hear you’re feeling better AND that your weight is down! I’ve visited Atlanta a few times, & was always fascinated by how busy it was. Just sitting by a window & seeing the planes constantly landing/taking off 🛫

    @iona72 – I don’t know if I’d never take weight-loss drugs. I can imagine how tempting it must be for someone who’s very overweight to have the option. Especially if they’ve struggled for years & have tried all other options. I’ve only even been around 9 or 10 kgs over my current weight though, so hopefully I’ll never have to make that decision 😅

    Almost late for line-dancing

    Happy Hump day y’all! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 26🍌
    @brightonbelle FD800

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 26 country west Australia FD 82.0 kgs 180.4 lbs.
    March seems to have been bit of. ‘mehhh’ month for some of us!
    Fortunately I finally feel motivated to keep going consistently with 5:2 as a WOL, again, which I did quite successfully when I started way back in October 2017! 🙄
    Seeing the scales inch, or should that be ‘gram’, slowly downwards is quite motivating at present.
    I have a LOONNNGGGGG way to go, but every journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. So baby steps it is.
    @funshipfreddie, I so agree re habits, taking drugs for weightless etc. As Tom Venuto says ‘ you can’t outrun a bad diet’!!
    Isn’t that what they say about insanity – doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome?
    @iona72, mindset is SO important, so glad your set-talk has got you some inspiration.😊
    @ccco, good luck with the Renos!! We are at the tail end of 6 months of Renos. The flat looks great now , but my word , the effort ….!!! 🥵
    @stitchincarol, good luck with the cleaning up in preparation for you9r shift. I hope yo9u find some treasures….😬
    Have a good day everyone.

  • Mindful March 2025 Challenge

    Day 26, NFD, Aus

    I’ve been offline for more than a week it seems. Was away for a conference, at which I picked up some lurgy that’s had me plagued with swollen tonsils and lethargy since. The good news is that I’ve lost 2 kilos!! The trick now, of course, will be to keep it off.

    I’m reading all the exciting news; a lot seems to be happening at the moment!

    I once transited Atlanta airport. I do not have fond memories of that place! My connecting flight was delayed and they kept changing the departure gate, from one end of the airport to the next. I must have walked the length and breadth of that terminal at least 3 times!

    @icystorm – I’m guessing you must have testified in court many times. Do you find it stressful? Or are you well used to the tactics used by opposing counsel? I’ve always wanted the experience of being on jury duty but never get called up…

    I was about to suggest @stitchincarol, that you keep visiting houses that aren’t up to scratch and maybe your OH would agree to renovate your current place. Then I read you successfully found a new one!! Exciting news! It sounds lovely especially the big porch. Congratulations!! Oh, and I feel your pain re not being able to make coffee (day 19). I forgot what an addict I am, and after 3 days of a crippling headache, which I put down to being ill, I had coffee. Instant bliss!

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