Hello everybody! I ran into this fabulous idea while reading about the Dukan diet and trying to find out what I was doing wrong, since I couldn’t stay on it for more than 2 days… The truth is I am really fed up with dieting, I’ve tried so many diets, I even went on diets when I didn’t actually need to lose more than 4 or 5 pounds. I have moved to the UK fairly recently and have been so depressed I put on almost 20 pounds in the first year and it seems I can’t do anything about it. My biggest problem when starting a diet is the fact that I am actually on a diet, I don’t want to be a person that is on a diet, I want to be a “normal” person who eats healthy, does some mild exercise and lives. This diet seems so close to that! I can eat like a non-obese person for 5 days and feel so normal and just fast for two days. That’s actually what a thin person does! Thin (or better non-obese) people, eat when they are hungry and they might also forget to eat a lot for a day or two, they don’t care, it’s not an obsession for them.
I am very close to depression I am afraid (my doctor has reassured me of that as well) and I can’t afford to risk it since I have two children who are very vulnerable due to their moving to another country and being forced to leave so many people that adore them behind, so I need to be really strong for them. I suspect that 80% of my sadness comes from the extra pounds so I really need to do something about it.
I am 158 cm tall and 75 kilos. I know I look and feel good when I am 60-62 kilos so that will be my goal. Any newbies for support?
2:38 pm
27 Jan 14