BBC Breakfast

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Amy C. 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • There was 2 minutes on BBC Breakfast at about 6.25am this morning where 3 “diet experts” were interviewed. A bit like Geoffrey Howes economists in the early 80’s and their letter to the Times! What was was missing was interviews with those on the 5:2 diet. Why? Its just perfect especially combined with (a little) exercise

    I wasn’t impressed with the item on Breakfast.

    How did find the interview please or did just watch it. Breakfast TV?with Dr Micheal I missed it. Any ideas how I can get? Thanks JIP

    I believe you have to live in Great Britain to register, as it didn’t care for my US zip code and I don’t know any to use.

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