Yummy healthy desserts?!

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  • So I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in thinking that most diets are hell:/
    I really want to lose weight but can’t seem to not crack and reach for the chocolate ect…anyone know of any low fat dessert recipes? The only thing I can seem to find online is this http://www.beautyisintheair.com/the-best-healthy-desserts-that-burn-belly-fat/ would love some more ideas if anyone can help

    Hi Laura,
    This isn’t a diet but a change in both your relationship to food and a new way of life. Low fat anything invariably means stuffed full of sugar, so avoid anything with a label. Rather than reach for chocolate have a piece of fruit or raw vegetables if you prefer-I like raw carrots which are very sweet.

    It does get easier and as you eat less processed food you will find just how rubbish you feel when you do, which in turn makes them less attractive when the sugar slump hits and you struggle to stay awake, to say nothing of the high calories. Have a look at your TDEE in ‘resources’ and then write down everything that you eat and drink for a week AND then find out what calories you are consuming in each item(on the internet). If you want to lose weight then you have to keep to your TDEE every day. Information is power. Remember that you can have what you like, but not how much you like.

    If you really need a sugar hit, try a small banana. Or a super small box of sultanas. Blueberries are also good although not very sweet.

    Whatever you do, stick to natural foods rather than processed…after a while, your tastes will change.

    Good luck.

    When I am craving dessert, I go for low fat frozen yoghurt with a berry sauce. To make the berry sauce, I simply tip frozen mixed berries into a saucepan and heat them until the juices start coming out, the berries soften and it forms a kind of chunky sauce. Tip the warm berries over the frozen yoghurt and you’re done!

    Frozen yoghurt is packed full of sugar too. Low fat anything is high sugar. Avoid anything with a label………..

    I agree you have to be careful to check sugar content, but for me a carrot is not going to cut it when I have a sweet craving. So rather some low fat yoghurt with a bit of sugar in it than falling off the bandwagon entirely and pigging out on chocolate!

    For me, the great thing about this regime is that it allows me to have a treat without feeling like I’ve failed. Each to their own, but if I interpreted this regime to require me to deprive myself 24/7 I would inevitably crack and abandon the whole thing!

    I am no paragon of virtue and will be making a couple of tray bakes that both my boys and I will share. I love to bake and do so each week, but can now walk past them all on a fast day without any pain. A huge achievement to a complete sugar addict.
    I have found that as I reduce the ‘hidden’ sugar in my diet, my cravings for sugar have also diminished significantly. I was shocked to find out just how much hidden sugar was in so many foods, especially those perceived healthy foods such as low fat yoghurt and frozen yoghurt.
    If it has more than 22g sugar per 100g on the label then I don’t buy it anymore.I have changed from having low fat yoghurt to full fat as it has far less sugar and is more creamy on my breakfast. My tastes have changed and foods that didn’t taste sweet before, do now, so I eat less of them as a result.
    A treat is not failure, but I was having several treats a day. The siren call of a bar of chocolate(who eats just 3 squares?)is now one that at 500 calories I can avoid or have if I want to.

    What helped get my chocolate consumption under control was to start making my own with various combinations of: cocoa, vanilla, coconut butter, coconut oil, cashew butter, honey, and chopped nuts, cacao nibs, and maybe just a little chopped dried cherries or apricots. Warm the mixture enough to be able to stir, then cool enough to be able to scoop onto waxed paper, chill. Only sweeten as much as you need to. Make small batches. Keep in the fridge, so it doesn’t melt, plus then it’s not sitting on the counter calling to you, and it’s harder to wolf down too fast.

    I just wing it, but for a real recipe, look for paleo recipes for chocolate candy.

    Bonus: I don’t make it sweet enough and I put in too many nuts for my child with the sugar tooth, so I don’t even have to hide it!


    If you really interested to loss your weight you should take green tea and some weight loss food.you also take exerciess

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