What does everyone eat on the non fast days!? NEED HELP!

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What does everyone eat on the non fast days!? NEED HELP!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  fitnfast 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    I’m in my second week of this diet so far and i’m not sure how much i’ve lost yet.
    I’m worried I’m eating too much or all the wrong foods on the non fast days. I usually eat toast for breakfast or eggs on toast, a chicken wrap for lunch and anything I like for dinner. Sometimes pie… Sometimes normal things and sometimes takeaways….
    I found that in the weekends I always crave bad food and sometimes will get takeaways.

    Does anyone else do this? And if so, are you still losing weight this way?

    I did this diet because i’ve tried so many and everytime I crack and binge but I thought on this diet its only two days a week I have to give up and on the other days I can eat reasonably normally. Is takeaways occasionally or some of the foods I listed above classified as “normal”?


    Thank you in advance!

    Hi there kiwidieter, I don’t think you are alone here. I lost 3 stone a few years ago on a well known diet and I completely lost all sense of how much and what to eat. I subsequently regained 2 of the 3 stone. This time I was determined to do it differently and I picked up an old copy of a Rose Elliots low GI vegetarian diet book and sat and read her advice at the beginning. I don’t count calories other than for my 500 fast day evening meal. I have lowered my appetite = unbelievably to me as I have no ‘full’ gauge at all! I’m losing 2lbs a week at the moment. I make weekends treat time by having homemade bread or cake. The advice about lowing your sugar levels is critical here as cravings just don’t exist now. I fancy things and I enjoy them. I don’t think you can expect to lose weight by eating all the wrong foods on 5 days and fasting for 2. This diet is about learning to eat well all the time. Have you read The Fast Diet book? There is lots of help and sensible advice out there so good luck and stick with it!

    Afternoon, Kiwi Dieter

    What you are eating on non-fast days is absolutely fine. I was initially worried about what to eat on non-fast days but just went with what people were saying on the forums and ate normally (usually up to 1000 calories) I started this diet on Monday and weighed myself this morning and have lost 1.8lbs (despite my fast days being over the 500 calorie threshold and attending gym once this week). I usually have egg and toast for breakfast, leftover dinner for lunch or salad with fish/chicken (mexican rice made in lots of butter & chicken wings today) and whatever is made for dinner (which is usually filled with carbs) lol.

    If you eat within reason, I am sure you will see results on a weekly basis.

    Hope that helps! x

    Dear Kiwidieter,

    There are many times I have seen people on this forum who write about how healthy they thought they were eating before they even started this diet, yet they are having to be on a diet. Even though we eat healthy things, many times our proportions are off. It may not be the quality but the quantity that brought us to this forum. More than likely it is both.

    I try (try, but not all the way there, yet) to stay away from carbohydrate dense foods on nonfast days, and I really try to watch my serving size. I also no longer go back for seconds. Fast days have really shown me I don’t need to eat as much as I used to.

    Good luck.

    Hi Kiwidieter,
    I follow the High Fat Low Carb diet on my eating days, and I have lost 6 kilos in 6 weeks using a combination of the two diets.
    I love my eggs/fish/cheese/meat, and I can take or leave bread and potatoes, so I have found this the easiest to stick to. I do eat lots and lots of veg and salad but no fruit.
    One thing I like about the HFLC diet is that if I hit a week when I’m not losing anything, I just add a little bit of extra fat to my day (just cream in my coffee or mayo on my salad) and it kick-starts the weight loss the following day (added advantage of being painless! 🙂 )
    I think we’re all so different that you will probably need to try them all and see what you will find easiest to follow long-term.
    Good luck,

    Hi Kiwi,

    I started the 5.2 three weeks ago and so far, on my non-fast days, I eat no differently than I did before. Others in the forum have changed how they eat to move towards healthier items and I commend them for it, but I haven’t moved in that direction at all. My goal isn’t weight loss, though, as already my BMI is in the low twenties, my goal is to extend the healthy years I’ll have in my retirement.

    Today is a fast day for me and I’m following the ‘it’s easier not to eat’ strategy – going straight from supper last night to breakfast tomorrow only on water.

    I also use the low carb plan guidelines on my non fast days. But I will say this: you need to figure out your TDEE and then write down ALL the calories you eat every day for a week, to get an idea of how much you are actually eating. You can’t expect to lose weight or be healthy if you are eating way over what your body needs. And eating out (take always, as you call them) is usually extremely high calorie. Use it as an occasional treat. But if you eat poorly now, throwing in a couple of fast days will lead to disappointment.

    This is your chance to really make a difference in your life and health. Why not embrace the whole thing, and use the high calorie or sweet stuff to treat yourself at the end of the week? Just my thoughts!

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