well made it 22 hours

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  pia 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi just had my first fasting made it for 22 hours before my body said no more and my blood count was down to 2.6 which is to low to go also my body began to fell not right and my hands was being to shake,so as i said i did 22 hours of fasting with my 500 kcal allowance and no i am not diabete but my husband is use to BE diabetic but no more. Anyway my next fasting will be thursday pm to friday pm, so we will just see how my body will be on that day. Did anybody else have to stop before the 24 hours was up?

    alot depends on what the 500 cals consists of — enough good quality protein. For many of us that 22ndhr + is usually sleeping.

    Hi Pia

    Sorry you had to stop your fast, not sure what to advise you so hopefully others will be along to help! I have not done a fast from pm to next day pm, it shoudl really be form the evening till the next day evening, ie more than 24 hours..

    Dont give up, give it another go and make sure you eat enough the day before, good luck 🙂

    Perhaps until your body is used to fasting, it would be easier to do what many of us did and that is split your carbs into two smaller meals. try doing from dinner on your non fast day until a very light lunch on the fast day then gradually increase the time until you are doing the full 24 hours.

    24 hour fasts do not suit everyone – you need to see what suits your body and your lifestyle best.

    It’s not about making yourself ill, nor is it about having a competition with yourself to see how long you can go without food.


    Hi,right first yesterday i was almost good but then i went out for a family birthday lunch to a Chinese buffet…. Anyway knowing that i was in the evening was going to start my fasting i had more then maybe i should have, after 6pm i did not eat anything on til next around 7am in morning when i had a boild egg and a cup of bouillon to drink ,did not eat anything again untik snack time 9.30am ish where i had half of a alpin bar and finished it before 12 noon. For lunch i had beef with no add sugar and a big hand full of red gapes and another alpin snack bar plenty of drinks throughout and 2 cups of black coffee without sugar. Maybe i did not have all my 500 kcal that i don’t know. Regards the sleeping though my fasting is no good as i got 2 children to get of to school and then i got my own things to get on with so sleep only happen from around 10pm until 6am anyway will just see what thursday evening to friday evening brings me.

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