Week 2 and going strong-ish

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone

    As with one of the earlier posters, I too have been stalking this forum for a couple of weeks now, looking for inspiration. And I certainly found it! You’re all amazing! Well done!

    I stumbled upon the 5:2 fast diet by accident a couple of weeks go (possibly after eating too many biscuits…), bought the book the next day then started my first fast the day after!

    I am nearly 38, a working mother of two struggling to balance a high-stress job with kid wrangling, and about 5-10 kilos (sorry, I’m Australian, I don’t don’t do pounds) overweight. My BMI is 24.9, so technically I am an ok weight, but I don’t feel ok within myself, and the past year I have had every single cold/flu/stomach bug going around, so clearly my immune system is not happy with me. Oh, and I also have a savage sugar addiction.

    A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to be super fit and healthy by the time I reach 40 so took up running and tried to give up sugar. The running has been great and I am totally hooked on it, but the sugar…alas, I’m hooked on that too 🙁

    Anyway, despite all the running I have been doing (5-10kms a day, 5 days a week) I have gained 5 kilos! And not 5 kilos of muscle, either! Far from it. I feel like I am a super fit person in a pudgy wobbly body. Clearly I have been using my running as an excuse to eat whatever I like. Hmm. Tut, tut.

    Soooo, that brings me to now. I’m on the eve of my fourth fast day and getting a bit excited! The first fast day was hell on earth. Let’s just say I ate a lot of iceberg lettuce that day. A lot. The second fast day was easy peasy by comparison. The third was hard again (which is weird, because I didn’t even run that morning). And so tomorrow – who knows? The things I have learned so far are:

    1. I have never let myself get hungry before. Being hungry made me really anxious to begin with. My brain just kept telling me I HAD TO EAT! It’s how I’ve been conditioned, so I figure the 5:2 system is about re-conditioning myself to understand that being hungry is ok.
    2. I can do a whole lot of exercise the day of and the day after a fast and not keel over and die. Amazing! I usually run before breakfast anyway but I have found that I actually have more energy after a fast. I can run 10kms and still feel great.
    3. Although the book says not to count calories on ‘normal’ days, I can’t help myself! I want to count them. I am really scared that I will undo all my hard work by eating too much. I am still trying to decide whether MyFitnessPal is a friend or foe…
    4. I can’t believe how little I knew about food portions and the calorie content of food before now. It’s been an eye opener and really not surprising that I have been steadily gaining weight.
    5. After just one fast day I already felt better – more energy, less lethargic, and totally alert to what food I was putting into my mouth. I wasn’t expecting that at all.
    6. I can eat just a couple of squares of chocolate or a couple of lollies and be satisfied. The whole block/packet is not necessary.

    Oops. A long first post – apologies.

    Wish me luck tomorrow!



    wish u allot of success not just 4 2morrow but for a lifetime lifestyle

    u might want 2 c vids of dr mosley on this forum

    & other dr views & why we r gaining weight

    go 2 near the end of the post it is the most updated

    everything a newbie/poster might want 2 c, use & read


    hope this helps u

    worth repeating ur thoughts b low

    nickers wrote:

    1. I have never let myself get hungry before. Being hungry made me really anxious to begin with. My brain just kept telling me I HAD TO EAT! It’s how I’ve been conditioned, so I figure the 5:2 system is about re-conditioning myself to understand that being hungry is ok.
    2. I can do a whole lot of exercise the day of and the day after a fast and not keel over and die. Amazing! I usually run before breakfast anyway but I have found that I actually have more energy after a fast. I can run 10kms and still feel great.
    3. Although the book says not to count calories on ‘normal’ days, I can’t help myself! I want to count them. I am really scared that I will undo all my hard work by eating too much. I am still trying to decide whether MyFitnessPal is a friend or foe…
    4. I can’t believe how little I knew about food portions and the calorie content of food before now. It’s been an eye opener and really not surprising that I have been steadily gaining weight.
    5. After just one fast day I already felt better – more energy, less lethargic, and totally alert to what food I was putting into my mouth. I wasn’t expecting that at all.
    6. I can eat just a couple of squares of chocolate or a couple of lollies and be satisfied. The whole block/packet is not necessary.

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀


    also once u watch the vids especially about sugar

    & dr fung & dr mosley

    would like 2 hear ur opinion

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀

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