Week 14 of my diet and blog – Full Appraisal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  HappyNow 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Week 14 of my diet and blog – Full Appraisal

    Hi jonno,

    I’d love to know how you’re getting on, any chance you could summarize your results here, on the 5:2 forum?

    Hi Jonno79, your blog is really inspiring and you can clearly see an improvement in your pictures. Well done 🙂

    Happy now – started at 17st4lbs but just toyed with the first week so calling my actual start weight 1st exactly. Weight loss/gains as follows

    Week 2 lost 6lbs
    Week 3 lost 2lbs
    Week 4 lost 1lb
    Week 5 lost 1.5lbs
    Week 6 lost 1.5lbs
    Week 7 GAINED 0.75lbs
    Week 8 lost 2.5lbs
    Week 9 zero
    Week 10 GAINED 0.5lbs
    Week 11 lost 3.25lbs
    Week 12 zero
    Week 13 GAINED 2.5lbs
    Week 14 lost 1.5lbs

    Current weight – 15st 12.5lbs

    But you are going to have to read the blog to find out how!!! 🙂

    Thanks Emma

    Hi Jonno,

    Nice numbers! Congratulations. Have you got much more to lose?

    I lost my weight (30lbs) last year, and have been maintaining since last June.

    But you’d have to read the maintenance chatbox thread to find out how… 🙂

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