Vegan recipes

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Mywordz 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone, Ive been doing this a while but would like some vegan recipes if anyone has done the numbers? Obviously we can use tofu/tempeh/small amounts of nuts/seeds etc, I have some vegetarian recipes from the books I can alter but hoping some others have tried and had success with this!? ……. Cheers Louise

    Hi Louise
    I am vegetarian and I eat exactly the same things on fast days and aim to do as little cooking as possible. . I have 2 snack meals on diet days and my evening meal on fast days is an enormous salad with a vegan burger (no bun): in the salad there are 210g iceberg lettuce, 1 tomato, 2 BIG gherkins or 4 smaller ones and vinaigrette made with 33 per cent water. I make my own burgers – tofu and tvp and bean burgers but occasionally I buy bean burgers from Iceland.
    On non-diet days I eat curry, chilli, ratatouille or goulash with a minimum amount of potato, rice or pasta and again I have 2 healthy snack meals.
    I always eat at mid-day, 4pm and 8pm.
    The diet works best for me if I don’t go for much variety, so that attention is not drawn to food. But I do enjoy all the snacks and meals. I have been doing this for about a year now and am close to my goal weight.

    Hi Mark, That’s a good idea ( time saving!! ) to have the same thing on your fast days..saves calculating different dishes for sure! Thanks for that tip!! And I agree to cut the white refined stuff is definitely going to be better as they are processed more than whole foods! Congrats on your achievements!:-)

    And Good Luck to you, Louise. Once you’ve done the diet for a couple of weeks, it becomes a habit and much easier. The reason I still enjoy my food and don’t get bored with it is that your body feels hungry even when you are not conscious of it,so the same old treats still do the trick.
    If you have a busy life, that will work in your favour. You don’t have time to think about food. Keep a couple of bottles of water in strategic places and have a good drink the moment you become conscious of the need for food.

    Hi Louise and Mark, I am vegetarian and I like to cook. I also love variety and wouldn’t usually eat the same recipe within a week, altho I totally get it when Mark says you enjoy your food more when you’re hungry.

    Two books I have found really useful that include a number of vegan recipes, are Celia Brooks 5:2 Vegetarian, and CookNation The Skinny 5:2 Diet Vegetarian. Both include a number of yummy soups that you can make in bulk and freeze in portions, or expand the amounts to feed other people in the household who aren’t fasting.

    One slightly strange but useful idea is using minced cauliflower (blitz it in the food processor) as a replacement for couscous or rice. With a bit of imagination, it works well if you’ve made a well flavoured vegie soup/stew etc to pour over it.

    What I like about cooking low cal recipes is that I am learning how to make healthy meals that can be used any day, and really learning to understand where calories are hidden in foods that I didn’t expect to be quite so calorie dense. I know that a lot of people don’t have time/inclination to cook. I am lucky that I do have the time at the moment, and am hoping to learn a lot of recipes now that I will be able to whip up quickly when I have less time.

    There are a number of pre packaged soups in particular that are vegie and/or vegan and they get you through the day when, as Mark says, you don’t want to focus on food. I am in Australia, but I think La Zuppa is also available in other countries.

    I am only 8 weeks into this WOE and have lost weight at about the expected rate, approx. .5 kg per week but still have lots to learn about fasting and about how to stick to TDEE on non fast days.

    All the best 🙂

    Hi DT
    Though it may not be apparent from my previous posts, I like cooking too. But that can be a problem. New cook books = more temptation. And I can resist anything except temptation.
    My preference would be to avoid all packaged food. Here in Spain there is a fantastic selection of good natural food and I take full advantage of that. Like you I sometimes am surprised at the calories hidden in food but this is more of a problem if you buy pre-packaged. So till I get just a little below my goal weight, I will always try to avoid the tempting “products” in the supermarket.

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