Using 5:2 as a restart mechanism

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Have lost nearly 6 stones over 22 months with a ‘lifestyle change’!! That is calorie counting and regular gym activity.
    Gained around 5lbs on holiday a few weeks ago and have hit the doldrums and not yet got it back off.
    Starting 5:2 next week (on holiday this week-again!!) and hoping it will give me the boost I need to get going again!!


    Hello Dra57

    Welcome to the fast diet forum

    Wow you have managed to lose 6 stones – Way to Go!

    I think you can cut yourself a bit of slack after all that effort.

    Hey Sandra! Amazing weight loss so far! And as you’re used to already counting calories I think 5:2 is going to suit you perfectly.
    Don’t worry too much about those 5 pounds… that’s 5 pounds on 6 stones, and the weightloss will start up again, I’m sure of that.

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