Two weeks in and…..

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  milena 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Just joined forum as I am two weeks in with no result- it’s a bit frustrating but I love this idea as it allows me to not have to obsess over what i’m eating everyday and I do feel pretty good on fast days. I’ve seen so many positive results on this forum and I’m disappointed that I’m not steadily dropping like so many of you. Anyone else get a slow start? I’m worried that the lady factor might be affecting me.

    Hi s_bee, welcome

    if youve stopped gaining, that is the first target reached, so be pleased.

    It can take a while, took me three weeks but atjust over nine weeks in, 19 lb down.

    Keep the faith, and good luck!

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