Today is The Day!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Zenfull 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello Everyone!

    Today is my first Fast Day and I’m feeling pretty excited.

    Welcome to the party Zenfull ! I have been doing this for the last two months and I have lost about 2 kilos, which super-duper really! But you might loose more, just stick to the plan of not eating more that 500 calories on your Fast days and not to over-eat on your non-fast days… will see the result!!

    Hope things are going well. Please stay hydrated , when I started I didn’t realize how much of my water intake was as meal times. I got a lot of minor headaches , but started drinking much more water and teas. The headaches nearly stopped completely .

    Best wishes !

    Thank you for the tips.

    Today is my second fast day and last night I had quite a bit of anxiety about it. I feel better this morning and I’m ready to tackle today head on!
    Today I will use my calories for breakfast and lunch.
    So far, there is only one thing I miss on my fast days and that is French Vanilla Cappucino from the vending machines at work.

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