This works!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Applepie 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all, was thinking of starting the 5:2 but couldn’t imagine fasting. Bumped into a friend who had managed it so that was all the motivation I needed. Started in January 15, 11st 6 and 5ft 8. Target to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Got on great. Do fast mon and Thursday. Skip breakfast, cycle 4 miles to work. Actually this stops me getting hungry by my break at 10 30 as digestive juices or something haven’t kicked in. I do have a really nice coffee though. Small lunch, small dinner. Always the same , don’t bother with recipes. How easy is that? I lost over a pound a week. Developed better habits like not snacking, getting used till waiting till mealtime. Always got plenty of exercise so obviously just needed to reduce calories. No sense of feeling weak or anything, I am going on hol this weeken, now at 10 St 2. Aiming to stAy between tHat and 10 6 over time. This really works for me and is now a lifestyle. So give it a go! Thanks to the creators of this pgm.

    Well done! you must be proud of yourself.

    It is marvellous isn’t it? For the first time in my life I truly believe I can be thin and stay thin.

    This WOL rocks!

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