The Fast Diet arrives in the USA

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The Fast Diet arrives in the USA

This topic contains 106 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  susan j. 10 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 9 posts - 101 through 109 (of 109 total)

  • Actually, Jeanius you’re the one with the perfect name! Thank you for your wise posts on this site. You always get the message right. It’s great to have such loyal voices who really understand the Fast Diet and all it can offer. We love your input, thank you!

    Hot, red cheeks, Mimi, but thanks very much for your very kind comments! Such great, good news about your Dad’s achievements – no wonder you are so chuffed. I’m very pleased for him and for you.

    My husband is a type 2 diabetic who is not greatly over weight. Is it safe for him to fast or should his fasting day be spread over the whole day rather than breakfast and dinner. He gets low blood sugar with too much exercise and not enough food.

    Hi, quilter – I know very little about diabetes but found that if I did an online search for ‘intermittent fasting and diabetes’ all sorts of interesting articles and forums came up, including contributions from diabetics following a low-carb approach (That was on ‘Jimmy Moore’s Livin La Vida Low-Carb’ – see his if you’re interested.)
    Apropos of nothing in particular and very un-PC, this quote from a contributor on that forum made me laugh in all its silliness: “Never eat more than you can lift.”—Miss Piggy

    Better late than never!

    Just discovered The Fast Diet (and am soon to buy the book) a bit more than two weeks ago. In my first week I lost 2.5 pounds!!!!! ADF. Also find that on non-fast days I am eating significantly less than I used to…actually wanting smaller amounts. This is one lifestyle change that I intend to continue 🙂

    Thanks you Michael and Mimi!!!


    Carla (In the States)

    Can someone please help me? I just started the fast diet today. I had my last meal yesterday at 8:00pm. I had to go to a funeral dinner today and ate my 500 calories at around 12:30pm. What do I do now?? and when is my fast over?

    If I am not mistaken..tomorrow morning.

    Hi, ktweily52 – Having to fit your calories into a funeral dinner is perhaps not the best first fasting day for you. Ideally, if you can last out, you will get the most benefit if you don’t eat again until your usual breakfast tomorrow, as Carla says. However, given that you were unable to choose your own eating schedule today, I would say don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you feel the need to eat this evening, then do so, and then, perhaps, choose another day to start this new approach – a day when you are free to arrange your eating pattern to best suit you. It can take a while to work out how to fit the 5:2 approach into your particular situation but the system is very flexible and not meant to cause stress. All best wishes to you for success in the coming weeks and months.

    I have purchased both hard copy books from Amazon. Any chance that there might be an electronic version for the iPad?

Viewing 9 posts - 101 through 109 (of 109 total)

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