The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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  • Under the duvet… with cake, wine and a good book… for the next five years!

    And why stop at an armband? Full widow’s weeds seems appropriate 🙁

    Hmm Carol, pleased to hear you think it’s funny that I want to eat yoghurt EVERY morning but now I know that’s only because I’m living a shallow meaningless pitiful excuse for existence… 🙂

    Definitely the wine weakens my after-dinner resolve, Carol

    Less calories at the sewing machine, FFS. 🙂

    Btw Pete, kefir “grains”, aren’t grains, that’s just what they call the kefir starter. 🙂 P

    Hi Lichtle

    OH is way fitter than I am, so the Fitbit is because he asked for it. To check on whether he does 15,000 steps a day. 😉

    Hi Carol

    You mean I shouldn’t bother reading the link. I haven’t had time today, so will give it a miss.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi happy. I found this video on Youtube that I think everyone thinking about their gluten free dieting should see: also a good and essential follow up video:

    It really opens the eyes to the potential dangers of going gluten free. I have now cut out all dairy after watching this.

    It takes 30 days to heal the gut and then wholemeal foods only are fine (I hope)
    Good luck with your diets everyone.

    Hi all

    I am going to stick with my no wheat, low sugar and some dairy. With a little simple protein every day.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    I started reading the link, Bay, but when the second point was, you HAVE to have a healthy breakfast, (shrug) that was it for me.

    Interesting that my SIL, who suffers from both heart and anxiety problems, has gone sugar-free. She refuses to take medication for these issues (the side-affects of one are detrimental to the other, and vice versa), and is using diet and meditation instead, is feeling great. I haven’t talked to her recently about 5:2 yet, though.

    Thanks for that Purple. It’s new to me and just made the assumption.

    Hi All,

    Sorry for posting so late. Just FYI, the next two weekends are music festivals all weekend (where I’ll be recording), so I’m not sure I’ll be posting again until the end of the month–but I’ll try.

    I’ve heard about the UK elections, but haven’t had the time I’d like to really figure out who got elected and what the ramifications are. Sorry about that–due to being an anglophile, I’m normally better informed on these things, but it just hasn’t happened this time.

    Exactly two weeks ago today I first reached my goal weight. Tomorrow will be two weeks since I first reached my goal and then started yo-yoing above and below it due to various events involving food (including a visit from the new CEO of my company involving free lunch–with one day’s notice this past week). I’m thrilled to say that I’m back on track and below goal–and just in time to have the clothes I got at the clothing exchange (and others that are too big for me now) altered at the seamstress’ this afternoon! Yippee hooray!

    Since I was below weight, I increased my TDEE today to follow the new maintenance plan, and kept below it (because of going off so much, I’ve still been about 200-250 calories below the new plan on days when I didn’t go off). I’ll see how much I weigh tomorrow morning, but as long as I’m at goal I’ll start my maintenance plan officially then. I had half a chocolate bar after dinner: and feel more full than usual, but not too much.

    I’m still trying to figure out maintenance. To that end, I’ve made an appointment for a Vo2 Max test toward the end of next month. That will tell me exactly how much fat I burn during exercise, and with the help of the new fitness trainer we will figure out the most efficient way for me to exercise to burn fat (there’s still way too much of that for my liking–even at my target weight, and is the next hurdle for me).

    I’m really looking forward to eating more than I have been, and foods that I haven’t been eating (I’ve even bought salmon for next week–I haven’t had that since before 5:2). They were out of the chicken today, but should have more on Monday, and I look forward to getting it then–at a health food grocery with a deli counter that does all the food weighing (salmon too) for me so it’s properly portioned when I get it. Life is good!


    Well done Jayney! You’re approaching this in a very professional way! Good luck with the fat burning!

    Many Thanks Carolannfud,

    All the best to you with your wine and wheat experiments!


    Hi All,

    Well no fasting again this week, still in the low 58s and don’t want to go lower. Funny really that I should be vaguely annoyed and disappointed that I’m maintaining my weight and can’t fast!

    Jayney, I’ll be interested to see what you can do with your test results. You put us to shame with your rigorous scientific approach, we’re just shambling alomg!

    Ah Happy, “shambling along” works. It’s called a healthy lifestyle. Well done on your easygoing maintenance 🙂
    We are all different and find what woks for us. You have many fasts, as you usually don’t eat breakfast. My understanding is that this does allow maintenance time for your cells.
    Vive la difference! P 😆

    Ah, very true P! I should have qualified that, what I meant was ‘no low cal fast days’!

    Lucky you happy (tongue in cheek, I k ow it’s hard work not luck!). I’ve completed two weeks of my food diary now and am about to plot the results on to a graph today. I can see a pattern in the weight loss/gain but so far can’t see any correlation between food. The graph may show more. I’ve had the odd day or two where I have missed breakfast because there was a bid day coming up and have found that to be really quite effective at maintaining weight. Trouble is I LUV my breakfast and don’t want to give it up! I’m also beginning to think ever since Jayney reminded us about reseeding that I’m probably just making a bit issue about the weight. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with what I am doing, I think I have just got into a bit of a competition with myself. We will see what the graph shows! I’m finally over the birthday/Mother’s Day celebrations and can’t wait to get back to normal eating. Of course, after a weekend of refeeding I am feeling hungry this morning for my FD! Have a good week all.

    Hi Carol
    It is interesting seeing patterns, but as a long term breastfeeding counsellor, patterns in human behaviours are frustratingly hard to fathom 🙂
    Some time last year, Happy convinced me, the cooked breakfast queen, that it is perfectly possible to eat that same lovely food later in the day and call it something else. Skipping breakfast regularly does seem the painless way to reduce total calorie intake.
    Good luck. I look forward to reading your thesis 😉 P

    Ha Purple, I have decided I don’t have enough data yet! I’ve kept a record for two weeks. I didn’t calorie count just noted what I ate and drank. First thing I noticed, Thursday is my lowest weight day of the week. A steady decline from Monday FD to Thursday and then a pretty rapid incline to Friday and Saturday with Sunday being similar to Saturday. What I also see is if I go out I have the whole gamut of ‘bad’ food, ie wine, bread, dessert. The next day’s weight reflects the eating of the night before! I now need to do more no breakfast days (call it something else 🙂 ) and see if there are any differences.

    Good luck Carol. I find it works. I simply eat less after skipping breakfast. It’s all part of “smoothing the calories ” as the 18:6 guru (Happy) days. P

    @jayneyw, your scientific approach is impressive. Keep us informed about your results. After all we are a kind of scientific study group here, sharing and reporting how we maintain on 5:2.

    @carol, well done for keeping a food diary. I only make daily mental notes. But you have inspired me to start one myself. Seeing it written down over weeks possibly months may be an eye opener. I am particularly interested in seeing what goes on at the weekend.

    Yesterday evening (Sunday), I had a crazy thought: “Let’s have some of that ice cream in the freezer, because tomorrow is a fast day and you can’t have it then and you are trying to cut down sugar during the week, so let’s enjoy whilst you can” I then asked myself if I really needed it now or just in anticipation of the upcoming sugar deprivation. It was quite a sobering realisation so I made myself a good cup of coffee and a mental note to question my motives for eating (sugar) at the weekend. Classic example of food hoarding impulse. Made me think about re-feeding (catching up on calories) or pre-feeding (giving the body food in anticipation of shortage.

    It’s probably been covered already, but i haven’t read every one of the previous posts.
    Has anybody else noticed a drop in heart rate when fasting?
    My regular BBM is 60, but it falls to the low 40’s when fasting. My wife also experiences a drop but not quite so much.

    Classic Lichtle, I was doing exactly that last night – prefeeding! Knowing there was a FD the next day so I would be missing out but FD would also counteract my overeating. My head sabotaging again! Hard to change these years of behaviour!

    Hi, Pete – no I haven’t measured heart rate so far, but I have noticed that after a very strict fast of 0 cals or only 200 cals that at night my heart seems to beat faster and I find it hard to sleep which is the reason why I eat all my calories (now in maintenance up to 500) in the evening.

    Hi Pete

    I will check on heart rate. I can report that I feel calmer and fall asleep earlier at the end of a fast day. I suspect that’s because my fast days are low carb, very low sugar days. I notice on high sugar days my BP goes up and I have trouble falling asleep.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂


    Well done. Your mental approach is admirable. 😉
    I am yo yoing with sugary foods. Not gaining weight, but still not totally in control of sugar intake. Life!

    Bay 🙂

    Hi All,

    Well through the magic of carbs and cake I have managed to eat back up into the 59s, so I may fast later in the week.

    I’m off to visit Dad this weekend, and he does like to give guests a three course meal, with too much alcohol! So it may be wise to get an early fast in.

    He still does 2 fast days (sadly not quite 600 calories, he hasn’t quite understood that! He fasts 24 hours but then eats a normalish meal), and does now generally eat less and better on non-fast days. But he’s been a feeder of others all his life and some habits die hard! It’s like groundhog day. Dad, you weigh 13 stone (used to be 15), I weigh 9 stone, why have you given me a larger portion size than you?!

    @happy, I think your dad is probably doing exactly the right thing for his age, since he doesn’t really have to lose much if any weight. It makes the fast days much easier as he only experiences a few hours of hunger (if any) and gets a satisfying meal in the evening ensuring a good night’s sleep. It is what makes it sustainable for him. Since I am in maintenance, my second fast days often end up like that. but I still save about 800cals which is not to be sniffed at, enough to cancel out the days I exceed my TDEE.

    Enjoy the time with your dad and him fussing over you. 😉 Call it parental re-feeding. 😉 Good idea to do a bit of damage limitation beforehand and the rest can be ironed out next week.


    Fast Day horrors as I detox from yesterday’s sugar fest. We are the same, as you say, owing to the wonders of carbs and sugar, you have put on a little weight. Works every time. 😉

    Your dad sounds wonderful. Have a lovely time being fussed over. 😆

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    I’d say your dad is doing really well Happy! Enjoy that special time with him. 🙂

    Thanks everyone!

    Dad had wanted to lose a bit more weight, originally he set 12st7 as his goal, hence the frustration with him not achieving 600 calories on a fast day! I think where he is now has him just into overweight BMI, but he looks good and has lost his pregnant with twins gut (one of our big worries for him).

    As you say, it’s proving to be sustainable for him and he’s maintaining, so that’s the main thing. Lucky really because he is shockingly ignorant about calories (there aren’t any calories in bananas/ wine/ cheesecake surely?!).

    Anyway, I am gearing up for a fast tomorrow in anticipation!

    Bay, hope you’re surviving and not climbing up the walls? Your house must be spotless 🙂

    Hi Lichtle,

    Yesterday, I made the decision to fast today. And then set about pre-feeding! I hadn’t really thought about it previously, and when I was doing 5:2 I was generally much stricter so I don’t think it happened, but now I’m at maintenance… Strange mind games!

    Ha, ha, great stuff, you are right though it might have something to do with maintenance. Our minds are cunning. 😉

    Its just a reminder that whilst we can relax more in maintenance it is still good to keep questioning our eating.

    Good luck with your fast today.

    Interesting, as unlike re-feeding, pre-feeding is definitely all in the mind. I wonder if I can trick myself next time by planning to fast on a Wednesday OR a Thursday, then tossing a coin in the morning? Or maybe planning to fast any day, except Sunday, and then rolling a dice. If 1 (seeing as I’m more a 6:1 girl!) comes up, I fast.

    That way my brain wouldn’t actually know it was the day before a fast?!

    Thinking about it, it couldn’t be toss a coin of course because if the first day wasn’t a fast you’d know that the second one would be. Doh!

    Could work Happy!

    Hi gals and guys, I need a bit of advice and information. You may recall I had a hysterectomy late last year which affected my already under active thyroid. I’ve felt pretty bad for the past few months but have now seen a doctor who specialises in thyroid disorders. A lot of what he told me was a bit hard to grasp but basically he said that he believes my body does not convert insulin properly and this in turn affects the thyroid. This makes sense to me because prior to 5:2 I often had BS levels that were gettin a bit high and I believe I have insulin spikes. Anyway his treatment involves taking low dosage hormones for a while and doing a metabolic diet for six weeks. He says this will fix it all up. I’m not that keen on the hormones but he said I only need to take them long enough to realign my hormone levels.

    Anyway, I don’t know yet what the metabolic diet involves but googled it. And it seems to be no wheat, corn, dairy, alcohol, caffeine. All the usual things you would expect. The only one of those I am concerned about giving up is yoghurt because I have started adding that to my diet as a protein source.

    What worries me most about the diet though is the rationale behind it. It is used primarily as a weight loss diet but also used to regulate insulin. The theory is we need to eat more not less to lose weight (they talk about starvation mode etc and having 3 meals a day and 2 snacks). I’m not sure wether to tell the doctor that I’m on 6:1 or not because I am not giving up my FD. The other thing is I don’t want to lose more weight. Just wondered if any of you had any knowledge or experience of this diet and what your thoughts were.
    Thankyou in anticipation 🙂 Carol

    Hi Carol, I am one who generally goes with doctors advise when it comes to medical issues. 🙂 unless I have tried it and it didn’t work.

    I would give the doctor’s orders a try so that you can see if his theory is correct. It is only for a period of six weeks and I wouldn’t worry about losing weight until it happens. You have been reporting that you gain more easily than before the operation so your worries might be unfounded.

    As for telling the doctor about 6:1, I would tell him exactly about my current/past eating plan – maybe more for the records and should you be referred to another doctor etc. He may or may not know much about or not like fasting that is irrelevant but you are giving all the information for him to make a diagnosis or treatment. What you do with his advise and expertise is up to you but I don’t see a point asking someone for help and not giving all the info.

    I hope you will be feeling better very soon. 🙂 good luck

    Thanks Lichtle, that all makes sense! 🙂

    Hi Carol,

    I don’t have any experience I’m afraid! But…

    I am often sceptical of the medics. However, in this case you have a condition that will not resolve itself without intervention, so you will have to be guided by the experts?

    If this diet has been shown to achieve results in normal weight women, and not just the overweight who you might expect to be more predisposed to metabolic syndrome, then you have nothing to lose? As Lichtle says it’s only 6 weeks.

    In terms of losing more weight, it seems unlikely that you would, being normal weight to begin with? You might gain though!

    And to be honest, I am surprised that he has not already discussed your eating habits. He proposes a diet to fix you, but for all he knows that might be what you currently eat?!

    I would want him to be in full possession of the facts before he prescribes the diet, so I’d volunteer the info if he doesn’t ask!

    Hi everyone, my first communication with you all. I began 23/1/15 at 69.3kgs. got down to 66kgs then plateaued going up and down late March through to mid April. Depressing! Broke up the 2days fasting to Monday and Thursday and that was the trigger to boost the metabolism. Biggest enlightenment throughout is that on non-fast days my appetite has dropped, don’t have to think too much about what to eat to keep within calorie boundaries, and keeping off bread/potatoes/pasta/rice/cereals. I still have those carbs but can eat very little now. When I do cook and find I have to put less in the pot to cook. Sweet potato is excellent too. Eating more fish. I have wine each evening, cannot eat much chocolate anymore, but do have a little during the week.

    I have tea each morning followed by stewed fruit e.g. apples/pears/rhubarb or plums. This fills me until around 1.30pm and then an apple and cup of tea or coffee. This makes me very hungry around 4.30pm begin preparing dinner and cook meat or chicken or fish and have it with greens and/or roasted tomato, I am finding I cannot eat as much now and on the non-fast days I am dropping the weight. When I go out shopping I have a pot of tea or coffee with a citrus tart or scone with jam and cream and that is enough until dinner.

    I have disciplined myself to have very little after dinner and the cravings are slackening off, but other times I have a little chocolate. When the scales read 65kgs. I whooped for joy in breaking that barrier.

    I spent an enjoyable couple of hours trying on pants and checking out in the mirror, so good to get back into my size 12 jeans and pants and feeling comfortable. Muffin top disappeared. Still a way to go for me to really be happy but this has been the best diet I have ever been on as I love cooking and although not baking many cakes these days, I love that I can fix my own food that I love.

    Hi Tuscany,

    Congratulations on the weight loss and saying goodbye to the muffin top! It’s a great feeling isn’t it?

    Your experience echoes that of so many of us in terms of altered food preferences and smaller appetites. Like you, I have cut back on processed white carbs, and use more sweet potato (still white potatoes for OH!). I think that’s probably the key for me for maintenance.

    Interesting that you eat a lot of stewed fruit. My rhubarb is now ready in the garden, and I’m thinking I will start having some stewed with my yoghurt in the morning instead of dates and banana. We don’t often eat puddings, and although I love rhubarb and ginger jam I eat it rarely now I eat less bread! Are you stewing yours with sugar/ juice? It can be a bit tart otherwise! And natural yoghurt might not be sweet enough to take the edge off….

    Hi Happy, Thankyou for the response and so nice to meet another sceptic! 🙂 agree with what you are saying and yes I had thought also I might put Weight on rather than take it off! I know enough about calorie balancing now to feel confident I will be able to manage things. I see doctor again on Thursday so am anticipating a more in depth conversation about the diet and I will share my 5:2 experience.

    Wonderful result for you Tuscany! We are all in love with this diet because it is so effective and simple! Keep on going!

    Hi Tuscany75, a great WHOOP from me too 😉 Congratulations, You have grasped this WOL very quickly and you should be very proud of yourself. I am impressed by your reports of reduced overall appetite as you have only been fasting for 4 months. You will certainly lose more and find the weight you are meant to be. We are very pleased to hear about your onward journey.

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry to post so late. There was a music festival this week where I was recording, so most of my time was spoken for as a result.

    Tuscany, it’s very encouraging that you’ve lost so much of your appetite. In a way, it would be nice if I could experience that as well.

    Carolann, it sounds like the metabolic diet is very similar to the modified 5:2 I did (with suggestions from the naturopath who recommended 5:2 to me–see for more info). Please let us know how it goes. I hope you don’t lose more weight since you’re trying to maintain now.

    Great to hear all the progress. Just to recap, I officially reached my target weight (well half a pound below) on April 25th. The next day for about a week and a half it was one event after another that caused me to delay starting my proposed maintenance plan. At most I was three pounds (roughly a kilo and a half) overweight.

    Last week was my first official maintenance week. I followed the maintenance plan that the naturopath who recommended the 5:2 to me suggested. I’ve actually been below my target weight for much of the time. In fact, due to the fast day, I actually ended up being two pounds BELOW target by yesterday morning (which afforded me the ability to really pig out yesterday–and was still just under half a pound BELOW goal this morning. My current plan is to muddle through with the maintenance plan as discussed with the naturopath (though that involves too much trial and error for my liking) until I have my VO2 Max test (currently scheduled for end of June).

    I really appreciate the flexibility of this WOL, though next week has it’s challenges ahead. A week from tomorrow is a holiday here in the US–which means a three-day weekend (and ensuing music festival where I’ll pretty much be recording the whole time). In honor of the festivities I’m planning to have one treat each day of the festival. I’m thinking of having in essence <500 calorie days except for treats. That way I might have a hope of staying within TDEE. How does that sound? BTW, due to next weekend’s festival I doubt I’ll be able to post much until the last weekend of May. I hope you understand.


    Hi Happy, Purple and others

    Since I reported 12 months ago that my BP meds had been reduced by one third, I feel I should report that they’ve gone back in the last week. I don’t know why, (and the doctor doesn’t know why this has happened) The weight loss had a serious impact on my BP that lasted for about 12 months. Then in the last few weeks, the BP went up again. I will continue to monitor it. Interesting 😉

    Lovely sunny day of 18C is apparently our last one until Spring. Cool change coming in tomorrow.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Bay,

    That’s really odd about your BP meds increasing. Please let us know if you discover any reasons for this. Has there been additional stress for you lately–or other environmental factors? Sometimes the strangest things can effect us in these ways. Just a thought. I really hope your BP goes back down again so you can decrease your associated meds accordingly.


    Hi Jayney, I’ll look at the link you provided. I might want to pick your brains on how you coped and if you have any tips. I see the doctor Thursday and dare say he will go through the diet with me then. You seem to be doing great managing 5:2 and your lifestyle. The flexibility of the 5:2 is so amazing and you can do it anywhere anytime :).

    Bay, your BP results are interesting and no doubt disappointing for you. Think I would be looking for the reason as Jayney suggests. Less exercise? Different foods? Hormones? Maybe you won’t find out what it is and maybe it will just correct itself again. Fingers xed!

    Hi everyone.
    @jayneyw – I love your journey with the weekly reports on how you tackle your maintenance. This will be very useful for so many people who are close to maintenance and want to find out a bit more.

    @Bay, sorry to hear you are back on the meds.

    @carol, we are rooting for you with regards to your doctor’s appointment. I hope you can find a diet solution that both you and your doctor is happy with. Please let us know how it went.

    Not much to report from my side – I am happily maintaining about one or two pounds above my intended weight (weigh-in Monday mornings). I tend to reach my goal weight mid week just to put on a pound or two over the weekend again. As this has been going on since last October, I think I have to accept that I probably have reached my set weight and stop trying to reach a lower buffer zone.

    If anyone is fasting today, I hope you have a successful fast.

    Hi Lichtle

    That sounds like maintenance to me. You get to desired weight after a fast day. And then you enjoy your self over the weekend and so on. 😉

    My usual sugar addiction has not gone away, just lying in wait (pun intended) for me to indulge in a weak moment. Then I fast and the weight goes away.

    I am fasting today on a cold overcast day, which is always much harder for me than a bright sunny day would be. I really admire all of you NH ladies being able to fast through a long cold grey Winter. At least I will have a short Winter this year, with the trip taking six weeks out of it.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    LICHTLE, Thanks for the kind words about the BP meds. Even after taking the extra amount, I am waking to high readings. May ask doctor if I can take the meds in the evenings to see if it makes a difference. Bay

    Hi Bay, I am feeling for you. It is indeed so much harder to fast through the cold season when I get terribly cold and soups are life savers. How lucky you are to be going away to warm climates for some of your winter. Some years I have gone away just for a week in February and it really meant a re-setting of the system.

    Re your sugar addction: I am amazed how well you did in lent. I find that on a fast day I don’t crave sugar which is a good reason for me to keep fasting in maintenance.

    I hope the doctor finds the reason for the sudden change in BP. All the best

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