The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,101 through 4,150 (of 11,689 total)

  • At what point does it go from being a slow learner to actually, no, not learning at all?! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sorry to hear you think it will take 3 fasts to mitigate one cheesecake Lichtle. I think rather than do 3 in one week, I’d be tempted to spread them and just be more spartan on non-fast days. 4:3 does indeed seem like a high price to pay!

    So now might not be the best time to admit that I won’t be fasting this week. Think I must naturally be achieving a calorie deficit at least on some days and, without processed carbs and sugar and with a few good fasts in the last few weeks, More active too, now the days are longer if not warmer! So I’m at quite a low weight this week. Fasting for health benefits will have to wait, as I don’t want to dip below 58.

    I’ve had a couple of days of meetings, with food provided. Depressingly bread and pastry based. Tasty, I admit, but all beige!

    Funny watching some people’s reaction to cake at the buffet. They dived in greedily and put a cake (or two!) on their plate before savories, terrified that the cake might all be gone and they’d be forced to eat fruit or go without?! Lots of talk too of the horror of meetings where no cake is provided! The very idea!

    H, I have vivid memories of a day conference for school Heads and Governors – pre-austerity – where an amazingly generous (free) buffet lunch was provided. I watched with horror as highly educated, highly paid professionals rushed to overload their plates with two, three, sometimes four, miniature chocolate eclairs apiece – with no apparent consideration for whether there were enough for everyone to have even one – at the same time as the first, savoury, course. It was long before 5:2 and my own more moderate eating habits, but even then, I was appalled at the sheer greed and bad manners displayed by people responsible for socialising and educating young children. The memory haunts me still!

    There is something really strange happening to people when there is “free stuff” to be had. The fear of missing out is quite deep. Having made the comparison with alcohol earlier, I can’t get my head round people’s reaction when there are free drinks. At work, when I organise promotional items like poloshirts it is the MD who needs one every week. Same goes with branded items like memory sticks or pens. You would think they were all students on grants.

    Well I was happy to stand back and let the looters grab the shop bought chocolate muffins! Although it would have been a different story if it had been homemade coffee cake… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Had an excellent 24 hr fast today finished with a few vegetables and low cal dip followed by an apple for desert. On top of that, I attended my first yoga class and thoroughly enjoyed it. Will be aching tomorrow but what fun. Originally i wanted to join a Pilates class but I couldn’t find one that met straight after work. I live a little out of the way and don’t fancy driving all the way back into town for a class once I get home after work. I will definitely keep this up.

    Interesting discussion about “free” food on offer. I wonder how long each of them was in a penniless student situation. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Just listened to a report from Grains Council about the fact that grains consumption has dropped 20% in Australia. “Because of people adopting Paleo diet or going Gluten free, etc, and eating no bread or rolls or buns”. Woohoo, I say !

    Needless to say, the Grains Council have dragged out the nutritionists who will agree to say that by going GF, we may be giving ourselves diabetes type 2. Go, figure! ๐Ÿ™„

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lichtle, well done on the yoga and the fast. I’m with Happy in that I only do two fasts in any one week, and I can rely on that and generally moderate eating to rebalance my system. Bay ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks, Bay. I had such a great fast that I have a feeling that Friday will not be necessary (tomorrow morning will tell) but will probably end up eating fruit for lunch and a satisfying evening meal. I never have to worry about my main meals It’s a habit learned from my mother to only put small amounts of food on the plate to limit wasting food (as children often don’t eat up)

    Occasionally when I go for seconds or thirds people remark how lucky I am that I can eat so much…. Not realising they had piled as much food on their plates the first time round than I did with several helpings.

    Hi Bay,

    Interesting news re: grain consumption. I did see a report which suggested that it was whole grains and not cakes and pastries that Aussies were eating less of?!

    I also read that the current dietary advice (Aus) is to eat 6 portions of grains a day? I can’t get my head round how I could eat 6 portions a day and still have the room (or calorie allowance) to eat much else!

    Lichtle, good work on the fasting. Do you think the cheesecake helped focus your mind this week? …Could be the way forward to ensure we all keep motivation for fasting twice a week!

    First of all, sorry for all the typos and grammar mistakes late last night on the ipad.

    Thanks, H – My weight this morning was as per pre-weekend, 49.5kg. Middle of my maintenance range and I am happy. So two fasts were enough and yes, definitely made me more focused especially yesterday. No carbs yesterday and only fruit and veg in the evening. This morning I was not hungry and only just had a couple of apples and a banana for lunch.

    What a difference to Monday’s fast (after carby weekend) when I struggled to keep under 600 cals. Off for my walk now.

    Hi All,

    Lichtle. So have you got a whopping great treat lined up this weekend? ๐Ÿ™‚

    I must admit I’m probably going to do some baking. I need to put some weight on! I haven’t fasted this week, but this morning am only 58kg.

    I don’t think I’ve eaten less than normal, and I certainly haven’t been more active (it’s too cold agsin!)

    I don’t know if I should be worried or not?

    I’ve got a three day weekend now so will make a valiant attempt to overeat and see where I am on Tuesday1

    Hi Happy

    What a great post to give us losers hope! Enjoy the baking. I’ll be joining you in spirit while I do my third fast of the week. I’ve already marked my diary to target 58 kg, revised the date the other day, to the end of this year instead of next April. I’m going to put ‘only’ next to it now!!!!


    You are really lucky. As soon as I look at sweet things the weight goes back on. However, fasting tomorrow to lose the kg I just put on by over indulging. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Bay,

    I have the same response to the sweet stuff! I’m just lucky that my preferences have changed and I’m no longer a carb/ sugar addict.


    Thanks! I must admit it’s an odd place to find myself! Before 5:2 I was thoroughly depressed, the weight had started to pile on and I felt powerless to do anything about it. Fast forward a year and a half, and I’m worrying about how to eat enough so that I can still fast for health benefits without losing any more weight. Pinch me, am I dreaming this?!

    Good work by the way, loving your dedication. Hope you’ve got a bikini picked out for when you reach goal ๐Ÿ™‚

    You have made me laugh!

    Just revised my plan, now the aim is to get to 56kg, on my birthday, a few days before Christmas.

    Only problem is it will be my 59th, if it happens I will certainly feel like running around in a bikini.

    On the other hand, it would almost certainly scare the neighbours!!!!

    Mile a – if Helen Mirren can do it (and look wonderful) so can you!

    Happy – well done, and I’m sure it’s just your changed-for-better tastes making the difference, but if your instincts start to tell you you should be concerned, don’t wait too long to get checked, will you? Why not have a fast-free, non calorie-counting week and see what happens? If you gain, you’ll know all is well – and you can always pull it back; if you lose even more, perhaps time to ask questions? I suspect you’ll find you maintain beautifully – win-win!

    Ok, you’re on- Ill work out how to post photos and Ill post a pic of me in a bikini.

    Thankfully plenty of time to learn photoshop!!!!


    You will undoubtedly scare the neighbours running around in a bikini… a few days before Christmas… in the UK. Unless of course you have a hot tub? In which case they won’t think you’ve gone mad, but will be insanely jealous that the neighbours can have that much fun in winter!

    Hi Fast,

    I don’t count calories as a rule (with my nut and cheese habit I’d rather not know!), but I might keep an eye on what goes in this week just to make sure I’m not inadvertently turning into a CRON…

    PS Today I’ve been mostly eating cake ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sounds good to me – a girl does need an occasional cake day.

    . I’ve just made some ‘healthy sweeties’ (!!!) – which are going straight into the freezer for surprise-visitor days – which I’m sure would do the trick: equal amounts of dates, ground almonds and chopped pecans, whizzed with a little water, some vanilla extract and some cinnamon and ginger, packed into a baking tray, decorated with flaked almonds and set in the fridge. Enough nuts for you? (Sorry, no cheese!)
    I should say I’ve also made a nut roast (bit of a theme developing here!) , baked beetroot for a beet and lentil risotto, and prepared a cauliflower for roasting whole on Monday – very scrummy and surprisingly few calories. So not all wicked stuff! Today has been mainly eggs and spinach – not a FD, but balancing last night’s monthly meal out when I actually scoffed 3 courses – unheard of these days, but I was actually very hungry, chose sensibly and thoroughly enjoyed it. (DH, on the other hand, in some sort of regression to childhood or farming days, managed to choose the heaviest, most calorific option at every course and spent the night groaning that his tum hurt! Poor love – he claims it was because he’s out of practice, and wants to go back to being a ‘happy fatty’. But he’s actually had a miserable day, so is now vowing to eat more mindfully again in future. That’s better!)

    Have a good week )

    Enjoy your week.

    Mmm, Fast, those treats sound right up my street! In addition to my nut habit (often almonds) , I eat 2 – 3 medjool dates every day. I may have to make them…but I might not share them!

    Sorry to hear about DH and the sore stomach! I think we have to do these things every now and then to remind ourselves why we don’t do them more often! As I ate my (smaller than pre 5:2) lunch I had a twinge of sorrow that I wouldn’t be able to eat more! It takes the brain a while to accept that smaller portions for a smaller body really is the best option…

    Of course DH could have made the same food choices but left some of each course? I must admit I still struggle with leaving food on my plate, but it’s easier when it was someone other than you who decided how much you’ll want?

    Oh Happy, you have no idea of the psychological effect of being a wartime / immediately postwar baby! Of course he could have left some, – it’s one of the things I have at last learned to do – but when you’ve spent your early years being exhorted to finish every scrap its a really hard habit to break – and he hasn’t! (And, to be fair, if you opt for fried whitebait, followed by wild boar burger with cheese, a fried egg and a mountain of chips, and finish with chocolate brownie and ice cream, washed down with 2 pints of Guinness, perhaps you deserve a sore stomach!!) I suspect guys are perhaps less evolved than we are at appreciating light food – or just plain greedy!

    I (she says, smugly) toyed with some smoked chicken, roast cod with pea risotto, and a lemon and lime
    posset. Far too girly for a Real Man! (And still fairly hefty on the calories, so not all that smug, actually!)

    Funny, but your choices appeal more than DH’s! Too much fried, too much red meat, too much carbohydrate. And I know if I drink beer I’m unlikely to have much room left for food these days.

    I think they do approach it differently. They look at each course separately, what would they like? We look and think hmm, I fancy x but if I have that I won’t have room for a starter/ pudding. So my 3 courses is a compromise between what I’d have ideally and what I’ll be able to eat in reality. His is just eyes bigger than his stomach every time!

    Hi Happy, Fast and Lichtle

    I’ve fallen for the dread sugar trick again, and believed that I could have just one square of dark chocolate, or a small helping of sweets, or even take it or leave it. Wrong. Whenever I start on dessert, I just want more. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Am now on a 24 hour water fast, trying to din it into my brain that all forms of sugar have a diabolical effect on my system. ๐Ÿ˜†

    Enjoy your treats. Mine will have to be something else that I have yet to work out. Brazil nuts are great. An occasional glass of wine is ok. Looking forward to Advent already. Hehe!

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Bay, sorry to hear about your sugar regrets. I suppose, the reason for the big regret was probably not just the calories eaten but the fact that half the stuff wasn’t actually that enjoyable any more. The last part of the treat was maybe eaten because of habit or not wanting to waste and in doing so the food WAS wasted by eating unnecessarily. Bay, these over indulgences do get less and eventually we can eat a small amounts and toss the rest as FFS suggested. We are just practising for Advent. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am convinced that I will find the next challenge a lot easier.

    FFS your dried fruit and nut tray bake sounds interesting and infinitely better than my flapjacks last week.

    Re food choices: I agree that men choose differently. It may not look like it but my food choices eating out have changed. Before 5:2 I would choose a small/light main in order to have space for a big desert. Now I don’t eat deserts in restaurants any more and fill mysel up with a good main meal eating only half the carbs. I reckon most pubs and restaurants buy the desert in.

    We spent the last two days at FIL and I have been eating well within my TDEE. Yesterday we were visiting more family and I set off without breakfast and had two apples for brunch in the car. For late lunch they seved roast chicken and roast sweet potatoes with a green salad followed by a small shop bought desert. For supper I had raw carrots and a pepper with a dip which I mainly ate in order to join the family for dinner as I wasn’t really hungry. In a previous life I would have obediently eaten a proper breakfast and dinner out of habit.

    My sentiments precisely, Happy!

    Bay, so sorry about the sugar. As agreed earlier this week, it’s becoming clear that we each have our own individual enemy! But at least we’re each learning what it is – and that when its that dangerous, total abstention is the only way forward. That must be a painful prospect, but your self-knowledge is impressive.

    Lichtle – well done!

    Hi fellow MCers

    Thanks for your warm support. I fasted on water for 22 hours. ๐Ÿ˜† Since then, I have only eaten a large bowl of my homemade vegetable soup. And one hard boiled egg. I will have an early sleep and be right again for the new week.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Bay, I don’t know what to say. Unfortunately it does appear that you are at the furthest end of the addicted to sugar spectrum. I know I have the same response, a bit of sugar leaves me wanting more. But I’m lucky that I can just stop at ‘a bit’ if I want.

    As the others say, knowledge is power. And you know what to do to gain control. Going completely added sugar free would not be an easy choice though, much like an alcoholic/ smoker/ drug addict… But if you choose to, it will get easier with time. And you will find other foods become treats.

    My ‘eating up’ weekend continues! It’s raining here, and OH is bored, so has decided to cook us a roast dinner later (and he doesn’t do low cal!). While foraging at the shops, a packet of sausages apparently ‘fell’ into his basket, and he has just presented me with a sausage sandwich… I think I can confidently predict that I will be heavy enough next week to do at least one fast day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Make the most of it, seems to be the appropriate reaction. Enjoy guiltlessly – both husband and food!

    Hi All,

    Sorry for not posting yesterday. Iโ€™m sure 1 May is a bank holiday for many on this list. There are no bank holidays here in the US, and it isnโ€™t that sort of holiday for us, but on 1st May here in Seattle there were a number of anti-capitalist protests such that though I would normally work at the office on Fridays, I was given temporary reprieve and allowed to work from home. Also, in my faith, 1 May is a holiday, so this weekend has been full of one celebration or another (including another later today). To say Iโ€™ve been busy is an understatement.

    I like chocolate too. There is a local company to me that produces dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free, and most importantly sugar-free chocolate bars. I have just ordered a bunch, but haven’t yet gotten to the point where I’ll be incorporating them in my diet (please read on to find out why). However, if I lived in the UK I would undoubtedly be eating one of these products:

    Stevia isn’t sugar, but it fills the bill for me–all of the taste, none of the junk.

    At any rate, by rights this past week should have been my first week of maintenance, but between attending a movie last Sunday (and sharing popcorn with a friend), attending an all-day conference Wednesday (breakfast, lunch, and mid-morning/mid-afternoon snacks includedโ€“otherwise known as how to gain a kilo in a day), and then festivities due to the aforementioned holiday ever since Friday including today, my weight has really yo-yoed.

    After Sundayโ€™s popcorn I wasnโ€™t even up a pound, so fasted on Monday (back to goal or so by Tuesday). The morning of Wednesdayโ€™s conference I was actually .8 pounds BELOW goal, so the kilo gain put me at just under a pound and a half over goal. I fasted on Thursday and went UP by nearly half a pound the next day, though yesterday was back to .1 pound above goal.

    I strength trained yesterday to make up for not doing so last Thursday. Last night I ran in to a buddy I hadnโ€™t seen in years at a show I was recording. After the show we went to breakfast (at 1:30 am or soโ€“I canโ€™t remember the last time I ate so lateโ€“itโ€™s been years). After all that I am only about half a kilo/1.1 pounds above goal this morning. True, there is another event later today, but Iโ€™m about to strength train again today (to keep to my usual scheduleโ€“I normally strength train on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). Hopefully that will help.

    At any rate, due to being more than a pound above weight and ensuing food later today, Iโ€™ve decided to increase my water intake by eight ounces (back to pre-maintenance level). Iโ€™ll be doing another >200 calorie fast day tomorrow and HIT workout after work.

    If only it was all over after the weekend, but Tuesday is Cinquo de Mayo, and a celebration at work also involving foodโ€“necessitating another >200 calorie fast day and Tabata class on Wednesday. However, I do think Iโ€™m beginning to get the hang of this, and really enjoy the flexibility. When you consider Iโ€™ve been going off plan every other day or two for what will ultimately turn out to be the better part of a week and a half, Iโ€™m thrilled, and hope to be back at goal weight by the end of this week (even if I end up throwing in another fast day).

    I hope I havenโ€™t bored you all to tears.


    Hi Jayneyw,

    Wow, a lot to try and juggle!

    I think you’re being hard on yourself though! You ARE at maintenance. You’ve reached your goal weight, and now it’s all about staying there.

    The reality is your weight will vary in a range of maybe 2kg/ 5lb ish through the week. Much of this up and down day to day is water. You just can’t gain 1 (or 2, 3, 4) lbs of fat in a day. So get to know what normal variation is for you, but don’t stress!

    And yes, some days you will eat more, and more calorific. But the next day (or the day before) you can eat light. For me now, weight maintenance isn’t all about fasting days, it’s about ‘smoothing out’ the calories consumed. And the fasting days aren’t necessarily regular, that too depends on what the longer term trend (not daily) in weight shows.

    I set an upper limit on my maintenance range (60kg). My weight is at a low on Saturday mornings, and highest on Mondays (post weekend carb excess!). To be under 60kg on Mondays I probably need to be aiming for 59ish at my Saturday weigh in.

    It’s all about small tweaks for me. I don’t want to gorge and gain 4lbs of fat and then fast them away. I want to be roughly eating my TDEE every day (bearing in mind I don’t calorie count, this is now intuitive and guided by daily monitoring of weight), or at least averaging TDEE over a few days.

    Hmm, not sure this stream of consciousness is helping! Anyhow, the bottom line is that you know how to lose weight (fasting) and that’s pretty much what maintenance is. Eating a bit less every time you eat a bit more!

    It does get easier! Or at least you stop worrying about it as much… It just isn’t possible to wake up tomorrow and find you’ve regained all your weight overnight ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks Happy,

    I appreciate the reality check. Of course I won’t gain that much fat overnight, and honestly, in some respects, I’m surprised it isn’t more. However, you’re absolutely right that I now have strategies for dealing with times when I go off plan (one of which is PLANNING when to go off plan ;-).

    I think in the past, if I went off plan (even if I planned to do so), even though I would immediately get back on track, whatever I gained from going off would tend to remain a deficit (that would only grow larger the next time I went off, etc.). Now I have a way around it (though in my case that tends to involve fasting AND HIT/HIIT exercise).

    I also meant to mention that as part of my maintenance I’m going from exercising six times weekly down to four. Last week it would have helped if I could have added another HIT day or two, but the week was so packed I had to leave it at four. However, I will add one more HIT exercise day tomorrow (that will make it five times this week). I completely agree though, that if I can’t splurge when I’m on maintenance, when can I?

    Many thanks once again for your support.


    Hi Jayney,

    Maintenance is a funny thing to get your head round. Weight loss is easy by comparison ๐Ÿ™‚

    Whereas when you’re trying to lose weight, gaining 2lbs seems more like 4lbs (since you were hoping for a 2lb loss!), when you’re at maintenance you’re constantly playing with the same 2lbs!

    Re: exercise. It will be interesting to see if reducing your exercise has any effect on your weight. Since you’ll still be doing a good amount of exercise I suspect not!

    Thanks Happy. That was an absolutely brilliant post! A great overview of maintenance.

    Jayney, I do much the same as Happy. My upper limit is also 60kg and I fluctuate anywhere between 55.8 to (this weekend ๐Ÿ™ )59.8. Like Happy, I don’t count calories, (because of her, I’m also a big nut and date fan), but “smooth out” my calorie intake. It is a fine line between gaining weight and losing too much. I guess that is what we call “maintenance”. ๐Ÿ™‚

    We had a super high carb weekend, but tempered it with skipping breakfasts and other meals and fasting today. But gosh that pizza, that ginger and cinnamon cake, that yum cha were all great. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hey, it was raining here all weekend too. No real harm done and lots of enjoyment. The main negative spinoff I find from carbs is the bloating that I rarely get on my normal very low carb diet.

    Thanks for mentioning Cinco de Mayo. I LOVE a good excuse for a celebration and I need one tomorrow. I Googled it. Celebrating the defeat of the French by the Mexicans back in 1862 sounds like an excellent idea. ๐Ÿ™‚ Today is Star Wars Day “May the Fourth be with you”. ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’ll be in Seattle in a couple of weeks, Jayney, I’ll have to look out for any other local celebrations.

    Ffs, I KNEW I shouldn’t have logged on the forum! Your nut and date thing sounds yum. Great idea first thing in the morning on a fast day. Ah well. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi Bay, Lichtle and Carol too. Keep up the healthy lifestyle MCs. Purple

    Hi Jayney, like Happy and Pirple have said you will find your own way of maintaining your goal weight. And it is a bit more difficult to begin with because we need to find the balance. I too fluctuate about 1.5kg during the week. I have been on maintenance since about November last year but am currently keeping a food diary because I had noticed I had started to go up more over the weekend. The weekends have always been my downfall because I usually don’t restrict myself at all. I drink wine and eat what I like, have a FD Monday which brings me back on track. I then try and keep under my TDEE during the week unless it’s a week where there are celebrations goin on such as this week when it’s my birthday. This morning I was 59.6 and I am always 60kg or a bit higher on a Monday morning and we had people for dinner Friday night, went out to eat Saturday but i didn’t have breakfast Saturday or Sunday. However, two dinners out this week so I will go without brekkie both those days to help counteract. I’m not anticipating putting on enough to cause me to include another FD, just eating a bit lighter should be enough. You will need to experiment a bit and of course life comes along and gets in the way, not much we can do about that!

    Hi Purple! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope you had a happy birthday, Carol ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Hi Purple
    Good to see your post ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Happy, great post, says it all. ๐Ÿ˜†


    You will find your own method of maintenance. I move between 60-62 kg on a weekly basis. Occasionally, when I have a carb free week, or two, I can get under 60 kg. And that feels amazing.

    When celebrating, most of us find we can control things by not eating meals leading up to the events, and going easy on the day following an event. The sooner you hit the pause button, the greater the control.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Feeling better after yesterday’s 22/2 water fast day that was brought on by overindulging in sugar carbs. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    Happy, That’s a great post, Thanks.

    Thanks Happy, PVE, and Carol,

    I appreciate what you’re saying. Have any of you been having refeeding days? The naturopath suggested that I use different TDEEs based on whether or not I’m exercising, fasting, or refeeding. What he has suggested is to take the TDEEs based on somewhat active, active, and very active, and use them for working at a desk, exercising, and refeeding, respectively. He has suggested refeeding two days weekly and fasting one day. However, I think reversing those might work better. I’m going to look into having a Vo2 Max test done. If it’s not exorbitantly expensive (he’s said that it is) I’m hoping that in addition to telling me how to exercise most efficiently, it can take the guesswork out of when to fast, when to refeed, and how many days to do each.

    In the meantime, I’ll do what you’re doing: trial and error. However, I also wanted to say that this past week has pretty much been the first time I’ve splurged since February. Yes, it has been a week of weight yo-yoing, but it also hasn’t been the end of the world. Weight fluctuates. I get it. At the same time, I feel better than I have in years, and the aerials are easier than they’ve ever been, because I weighed considerably more than I do now when I started doing aerial work, and that went up significantly before I started working on reducing. It’s nice to be at the point where my weight is pretty much where it’s supposed to be so I can fly more easily–finally! That’s been my motivation for getting the weight off this whole time.

    Thanks for all your thoughts, suggestions, and support. Please know you have mine in return.


    Hi Jayney

    What do you mean by a refeeding day?


    Sorry Bay,

    This was from another forum I’m on here (Mid Fifties โ€“ Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!).


    Increase your calories (re-feed) for a full day periodically (once a week or so if you are heavy, twice a week if you are already lean), to restimulate metabolism. On the higher calorie day, take your calories to maintenance or even 10, 15, 20% above maintenance and add the extra calories in the form of carbs (carb cycling). The leaner you get, and the longer youโ€™ve been on reduced calories, the more important the re-feeds will be.

    However, I guess if you’re unaware of it, you haven’t been doing it, so that kind of answers my question. I’m afraid to start doing it myself (especially after this past weekend–I’m now three pounds over goal–ugh!). However, once a week might be OK.


    Hi Jayney – I’ve been doing it, without giving it a name, every 10 days or so, having worked out for myself the need to give the metabolism a periodic kick (and as an excuse for occasional indulgence!). Be reassured: it works, and you’ll be ok doing it, as long as it doesn’t creep back to being the norm!

    Sounds to me like refeeding is what I do on the weekend!

    Refeeding is a cool term for overindulging/ letting loose / pigging out, in moderation, or, as Carol says, weekends!
    It definitely fits in with my understanding of the philosophy behind 5:2, as I’ve discussed before: the fasts need to be balanced by the banquets to emulate man’s earlier eating cycles. Give the body a rest to heal, but don’t eat minimal every day or the metabolism will slow. Challenge your body weekly with the full variety of healthy foods. Avoid prolonged avoidance of food groups as this could result in intolerance when reintroduced. That said, eat what’s in season. It is probably has the nutrients you need at that time.
    Cheers (she steps off the pedestal) P ๐Ÿ™‚

    On the contrary, Jayney, I’ve been doing this as part of the natural way of life. I would rather not change a natural pattern of eating into a formal routine. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I don’t count calories ever, on my non fast days. I weigh myself every morning, and if I’m trending upwards, I have a low carb day. I fast once a week for the health benefits. I never willingly have a high carb day. If I am at a celebration, then I eat whatever is being dished up in small amounts. Portion size makes this a very manageable way of living.

    When I have a higher carb day, then I try to eat way less the next day. Or eat less the day before, if I know it’s coming up. Hope that answers your query.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS of course I over indulge in sugars, and then go sugar free for some time to make up for this. : lol: This way of life means famines and feasts in proportion. Alarm bells go off when the variation is 2 kg in weight.

    I have refeed days each week, like Carol it’s called the weekend!

    Monday through Friday I eat very little processed carbs or sugars, so generally no bread, pasta or white rice. I do eat beans and vegetables like swede, sweet potato, etc though so I’m not carb free, And I suspect that some week days will be calorie restricted if not full fasts. At weekends I eat bread, rice, cake. And drink wine. Although I don’t count calories, I don’t need to to know I consume more at the weekend!

    I hadn’t thought about the weekend eating in terms of stimulating metabolism! Is that the same as waking on Monday feeling slightly bloated, retaining water, weighing heavy and looking forward to a light eating day? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Haha! Happy. ๐Ÿ˜†

    ๐Ÿ˜ณ I posted this already on the wrong thread. What I want to say is an Amazon rolling on the floor laughing emoticon.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yes Happy, feel that exactly Monday mornings! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I like the description refeeding better than piggin out which is how I usually refer to my weekends ha ha!

    Good thing you are diverting me, Happy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Only the dog is around me in my revolting sugar withdrawing mood! Dogs are so forgiving and so optimistic that you will take them for another walk! ๐Ÿ˜†

    Meanwhile the Devil keeps on tempting me to just have a little sweet. What harm can that do? Only another 2 days to go until the spell is broken. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I’m pretending that it’s like the beginning of 5:2. Just one day at a time!

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Bay,

    My Dad hasn’t gone sugar free, but when he started 5:2 last year he did stop eating biscuits. He still buys a packet each week though… because his dogs are in the habit of having a biscuit with his morning coffee…

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