The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,051 through 4,100 (of 11,689 total)

  • Morning everyone, bit of a rant coming up! Think I have decided wine is a guilty culprit when it comes to me and weight gain. Anzac Day here yesterday and my two sisters and two nephews came from interstate to celebrate with my dad. I had fasted Monday, was low on Friday (58.4) when we were going out for lunch but had no breakfast, shared a tapas with my sisters for lunch. Ate sparingly but the food was greasy. Two glasses of wine during the afternoon. No sweets. Out for dinner that night, another glass of wine, salt and pepper squid for tea, no sweets. The march was yesterday so no breakfast in preparation for lunch which was an open steak sandwich, 2 glasses of wine and a shot (bought by the nephews!), back to our house for afternoon tea, where I had two scones with jam and cream and an Anzac biscuit. For tea a slice of toast with a slice of meat and cheese on top. On the scales this morning and I’m 60.6! I honestly didn’t feel I’d over eaten part from the sweet things for afternoon tea. But even that I didn’t think was excessive and had hoped I had counteracted some of it by skipping breakfast. I am not a drinker really. Don’t drink during the week and unless we are going out only have one glass of wine on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday night, I k ow some of you enjoy a glass or two but you don’t seem to put the weight on. I think I need to experiment and have a weekend of eating what I like but not having wine and see what the result is.
    Congratulations Purple, reading your 5:2 journey was certainly inspiring! PS my 12month anniversary for 5:2. I started it last Anzac Day.

    Hi Carol

    You have fluctuated nearly 2 kg within what I think of as a normal weight fluctuation. Various foods cause fluctuation for me. Wheat and sugar are my two biggest culprits in weight gain. Combine the two, and I have to be very careful. We are all different and you will find what has the biggest impact on you, and then be able to decide how you want to deal with this aspect of your maintenance journey. Have fun!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Carol,

    Wine does have calories admittedly! But it doesn’t sound like you ate (or drank!) enough calories to gain 2kg of fat in a couple of days. So it’s water. Now you’d expect alcohol to dehydrate, not cause water retention, so it’s the food? More carb? More salt? Just more?! (food in transit…)

    My weight is generally maybe 1.5kg up over the weekend, then drops through the week. That seems to be a normal pattern for a lot of people.

    If I was you, I’d give it a couple of days and see where you are before despairing completely! You’d expect it to drop back when normal service is resumed…

    Anyway, apart from waking up a whale you had fun, right? 🙂

    Oh, and congrats on your 5:2 anniversary Carol!

    Talking of P, where is she? Gone awol…

    Hi Bay, you keep a food diary I think? I haven’t, but keep meaning to, to try and pin down causes of water retention/ weight gain/ digestive upset. You certainly seem to have a good understanding of your triggers now.

    You’re right Bay, carbs have an effect on me and I hadn’t eaten any this week and my weight reflected that at the end of the week. Went into the days of fearing and fun feeling very smug with myself because of that. How the mighty fall! Will take Happys advice and see what transpires today. I know I will lose most of it tomorrow on my FD but just frustrating. Think I will keep a food diary for a week or so and try and identify the culprits.

    Happy, it was fun and I don’t regret it but just a bit annoyed! Ever vigilant is our maintainers motto!

    Hi There,

    I started 5:2 this past 10 January, with just less than 30 pounds/13.6 kilos/2.14 stone to go to my goal. I’m new to this thread because I just dipped below my goal weight this morning! At any rate, I’ve been using a modified form of 5:2 (recommended by my naturopath), modified as follows by eliminating the following foods:

    1. Gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, eikorn) and all grains (with the possible exception of small amounts of amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat)
    2. Dairy
    3. Sugar
    4. Soy
    5. Peanuts
    6. Corn
    7. Eggs

    I have gradually started introducing these, and honestly, many of these ingredients were in the six or so boxes of protein bars I’d bought before starting the 5:2 that I had to use up, but I only had those foods in the protein bars. I’m sure this was a large part of the progress I’ve seen.

    In addition, the naturopath had me taking one of three different forms of fiber (I settled on psyllium because it was the least calories) three times daily, and 2 Tablespoons (American) three times daily as well. He also had me working out six times a week (occasionally five). Because I do aerial work, and was only trying to trim down by about 30 pounds/13.6 kilos/2.14 stone, I was already doing strength training plus aerial work thrice weekly. Once I started the 5:2 I started doing HIT/HIIT twice (mostly thrice) weekly as well.

    These last couple of weeks I have done everything in my power to be at the goal set my the naturopath (110 pounds/49.9 kilos/7.9 stone) by the time of my visit with him yesterday. I did 4:3 earlier in the month, and then last week I fasted on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday (yes, two days back-to-back). I followed that up this week with alternate day fasting (Monday, Wednesday, and when I wasn’t at 110 pounds by yesterday morning, I fasted yesterday as well). Yesterday morning I weighed 110.3 pounds/50.03 kilos/7.88 stone). So close, but yet so far. However, as it turned out I was close enough that the naturopath said I no longer needed to have monthly visits with him any more. This morning I weighed 109.5 pounds/49.67 kilos/7.82 stone–surpassing my goal! I haven’t weighed this little since I was in my twenties!

    At this point, I should by rights be on maintenance, however, since today is the last day of the week, I carried on with my old plan (mainly because I needed to make new meal cards for the maintenance plan–these are small cards I put in my daily diary). Because the aerial studio has been taken over since 9 April by another of the proprietor’s clients, my first day in the studio since then was this past Thursday.

    You know how when you use a TDEE calculator like this that it comes up with four different calorie counts? Because of my aerials and being pretty active anyway, he said that once I’m on maintenance, on days when I’m not working out to use the “Somewhat Active” figure; on days when I workout to use the “Active” figure, and on refeed days to use the “Very Active” figure. At any rate, I thought you might be interested to know that.

    At work this week there was a quarterly meeting where cupcakes were given out. I wrapped mine up (it’s still in the fridge) because it was so close to the naturopath visit. There was also a monthly meeting I attend where they always have chocolate chip cookies. Again, I wrapped mine up. It’s still wrapped up and I’ll likely get to it next week. Tomorrow I’m going to a movie where I’ll have popcorn. Also next week, I will be attending a day-long conference featuring breakfast and lunch. It’s on a Wednesday–when I would normally have fasted, but now I’ve decided not to. At any rate, due to all that, I’m going to postpone going on my maintenance (including reducing exercise to 4-5 times weekly) until the following week. Also, except for the first week or so until now, my fast days have been pretty much water and psyllium only (in addition to my supplements). When I start maintenance I’ll actually be having up to 500 calories on my fast day.

    It’s great to finally be here on the maintenance chatbox! I’ve really been looking forward to it!


    @carol congrats to your 5:2 anniversary. I agree with Bay and Happy, this will be gone after Monday and only a distant memory.

    @jayneyw – you should be very proud to lose over 2 stones in 4 months – absolutely excellent. It is amazing how you were able to cut out all these food groups and do almost zero cal fast days. The amount of exercise you do is also very commendable. Have you re-introduced all of the eliminated foods, now?

    What is aerial work?

    Please keep us up-to date how your transition to maintenance works for you. Well done once more!!

    Woo janeyw, that’s no mean feat what you’ve accomplished! Well done!

    You’re right Lichtle, hopefully soon a distant memory!

    Janey, welcome and congratulations -you’ve earned your place, big time! I’m impressed by your discipline , and your naturopath’s guidance. It’s a fair old list of foods to cut out: can you tell us more about what you have eaten, please? If you’re doing all that aerial work you obviously need to stay strong as well as slim, so it sounds as if whatever it is, is a pretty good mix!

    Carolann, you know – as everyone else has already told you – that this is normal fluctuation and it will go – might already have gone by now! BUT I do know what you mean about some things causing more fluctuation than others. It’s not always logical though, is it? On Friday I weighed 8stone 1lb – well within my 8st – 8 st 4lb range – and since Friday is now my ‘treat day’ I did go a bit liberal with the sugar & carbs (by our standards, not most of the worlds’ – think I had toast for breakfast, some pudding, with ice cream, and a couple of squares of chocolate ). Saturday: 8 stone exactly. Ate mindfully, but not fasting – walked a lot, went to the gym. This morning (Sunday): 8st 2lbs!

    I’m not worried – still within range, and it’s FD tomorrow – which I shall need, as we’re out to supper with friends tonight. But I’m interested in why – delayed reaction? Food in transit? I suspect you’re right, and we each have our own personal gremlin. Seems that mine is definitely sugar/carbs ( compare my lack of fluctuation during the Lent challenge) – perhaps you’re right and yours is wine? Sorry, if so – but at least you are aware of your body chemistry, and know what to do to deal with it. And you will!

    That’s interesting FFS, as quite a fluctuation over the weekend for you too with no real rhyme or reason to it! I have noticed in the past it takes a while for the extra weight or the lost weight to show on the scales. For the record, I ate quite a bit of food yesterday, drank more wine, got on the scales this morning and was 200g lighter than I had been Saturday! Your Lent challenge definitely showed fluctuations don’t need to be so great. What’s annoying me is that my fluctuations seem to be greater now than they were ie variation was 1.5kg now it seems to be 2kg and I am going over my top wiggle weight which wasn’t happening before. I need to be more vigilant and set up a food record with daily weighing and see what is happening. No doubt I’ll keep everyone posted! 🙂

    Hi All,

    @lichtle I guess I’ve reintroduced everything but eggs at this point. I was so close to my goal I didn’t want to change anything until reaching it. I bought some organic peeled hard-boiled eggs on Saturday and will probably start them on Tuesday after today’s fast day.

    The aerial work I do is known as low-flying. I use three different apparatuses (trapeze, sling, and ropes) that are each hung from one point in the ceiling and come down to roughly the height of my hips from the floor when I’m standing. Because these are hung from one point, instead of being limited to going back and forth like a circus trapeze, they can also go around, sideways, etc.

    Many thanks Carolannfud. I appreciate your support.

    @fastfastslow, I’ve pretty much limited myself to foods that have nutrition labels on, so I know EXACTLY how many calories, etc. I’m getting. I’ve read a lot of posts of people eating out, having to estimate calories, and not getting good results. I’ve estimated occasionally, but with very few exceptions, nearly everything I’ve eaten has had very extensive ingredient and nutrition labeling, so there was very little guesswork involved.

    A typical example would be one sausage for breakfast with 2 Tbsp. olive oil, one protein shake for lunch (or more likely half of one–I’ve mostly been using Raw Fit made by Garden of Life, with appetite suppressant in) with another 2 Tbsp. olive oil, and 1 cup of veggies (often broccoli, cauliflower, or spinach) for dinner with another 2 Tbsp. olive oil and another half protein shake for dinner. This is all rounded out by my supplements, and also includes gum and breath mints throughout the day. I’ve generally included one protein drink per day on feast days, alternating it between breakfast and lunch.

    Bear in mind that I’ve also been exercising mostly six, but occasionally five times weekly. I’m going to try to keep that at five for maintenance, but will have to experiment–no less than four times of exercise per week. In addition, until yesterday I was having psyllium thrice daily, but have now dropped that to twice (for maintenance). I hope this helps.

    Also, please don’t take it personally, but I just started a new job last week, so can probably only post weekly–at least for the next month or two. I hope you understand. I generally lurk during the week and post on weekends. Many thanks in advance for your understanding here. Have a great week one and all!

    Morning All!

    Janey, v impressive results! You’re clearly far more organized and disciplined than I ever was. Good luck with transitioning to maintenance.

    I must admit I didn’t have a plan, and was terrified of relaxing my eating and waking up a heifer. It didn’t happen 🙂 And now over a year from reaching my goal, I’m increasingly relaxed about it. I weugh myself daily. I eat low/ no processed carbs in the week, no added sugar, and do semi-fasts/ fasts when my weight is edging towards the top of my maintenance range. Still can’t quite believe it’s so easy to micromanage my weight!

    I don’t think I’m fasting today. I woke up surprisingly light, considering the weekend excess of carbs and wine! Will see how I’m doing later in the week, and make a decision then. I might have to try and eat a bit more before then so I can do a fast day for the health benefits without losing more weight 🙂

    Oh and Janey,

    No worries about being an infrequent poster. This is one of those threads than can go quiet for a few days at a time anyway, funnily enough it’s probably a sign that everyone’s successfully maintaining with no particular issues!

    Hi all, woke up one and a half pound up from Friday but this is due to me beeing totally unreasonable this weekend. No surprise to me as I binged on a whole lemon cheesecake yesterday. I would probably not have eaten the whole cake, as much but knowing I was going to fast today and generally not wanting to eat added sugar during the week, I polished it off, so it would be out of my sight and possibly tempt me on a fast day. It was too good to throw away.

    On Saturday, I cleaned out the food cupboard and used up all the rolled oats, dried fruit and treacle in my larder by making flapjacks. They didn’t turn out well (don’t ask – I was experimenting), so I might throw them away rather than wasting precious calories on something I don’t love that much. In a previous life this would never have happened, I would not have thrown out food especially if it was a bit sweet.

    So some good news and some bad. On the whole I do feel the lenten challenge and the fasting have narrowed my sugar consumption window to the weekend. I just need to work out how to be more restrained and not eat all the sugar I didn’t eat during the week on Saturday/Sunday. It’s odd that I should do that, since I don’t crave sugar all that much during the week. I will get there.

    I regret to admit that I would not have Janey’s resolve or stamina especially with regards to logging all the food. I have the same system as Happy. I monitor by weighing myself every morning and if the scales are up (usually on a Monday), I have obviously overindulged and I counteract this with (a) fast(s) until I am happy with what the scales say. During the week, I also reduce carbs but at the weekend I do love a good baguette for brunch etc. and a sweet treat (desert or cake). I just have to be careful not to completely cancel out all the week’s good work.

    But for me, I am still learning, experimenting and evolving, which makes this WOL and maintaining never boring.

    Sounds like me over the weekend Lichtle! I have had a good FD today. Started off feeling quite hungry (due to all the sugar over the weekend) but settled in to it and now debating wether I need to eat anything before I go to bed or not. Getting late so hardly seems worth it. I’m also a bit like you Lichtle In as much as I have to watch I don’t overcompensate over the weekend for what I didn’t have during the week. Having said that though, I have found my food tastes and behaviour are slowly changing. 🙂

    Ditto to all three of you – both about the maintenance system and the sugar window. I finished off a box of caramel truffles ( you remember – the ones that were never coming back in the house again? Easter, and a loving grandson did it!) just to get them out of my way before FD, Lichtie, just like you! Duh!

    Fasting today; bang in the middle of range; very hungry!! Book group meeting tonight – must stick to the carrot sticks. At least I’m driving there so shan’t be tempted by wine. Yum, carrot sticks and fizzy water – the company had better be good!!!

    BUT – forgot to say – a size 8 summer jacket, bought online in sale, has just arrived, and looks v good – all worthwhile. (And L, you’ll be glad to know, it’s floral – only not delicate and pastel but a riot of huge red and pink exotica on a black background. Much morere me – but still floral – Ive done it!)

    FFS, Your jacket sounds fabulous. A riot of colour. I bet you would not have dared this a few years ago. I am so pleased for you that the jacket a. fits (yippee size 8) and b. you ventured out of your comfort zone. Well done!!

    I, too bought something outside of my comfort zone. A flowy top with a light pink background and dark blue flowers falling/trailing down from the shoulders/top but not all the way down. Oh and size 8, (not that it mattered as it is flowy and lose. Trying out the “soft” and “feminine” look 😉

    Sounds really lovely. For the wedding?

    Lichtle! A whole lemon cheesecake? I’m shocked 🙂

    It definitely wouldn’t have frozen then I assume…?!

    Jealous, Happy??!!

    Ah Happy, good point. But it was one of those post Easter “lets-freeze-everything-before-it-spoils” tartes. when DS came home for Easter, I went overboard with food provisions. I needed some space in my 2 1/2 drawer freezer and defrosted two cakes and other “have-no-idea-what’s-in-this-container” left over food. The chocolate cake I gave away “BUT” I hear you say: “Why flapjacks?” All I can say is, that I was in one of those compulsive clear out moods…

    I shall be undoing the damage this week with some fasts and next weekend we will be visiting FIL. No chance of gobbling up a whole cake, that would not be very polite, would it?

    Hi Lichtle

    Im very partial to a flapjack myself. Very good for long walks and bike rides…amongst other occasions!

    And FFS, am I jealous of the whole cheesecake? No. But a slice would have been nice :). Not fighting Lichtle for it though!

    Hmm, have installed some antivirus software on my phone, and its been unhelpfully preventing me from posting all evening. Guess it thinks I’m the malware!

    Ah ha, I have control back!

    Just in time for bed… 🙁

    Lichtle and FFS, the new clothes sound wonderful! Bad luck we can’t post pictures on this site, we could all see them!
    Re leftovers and thawed out cakes: I still find it hard to toss good food out and have found myself giving away lots of food. For example, I have a plastic container belonging to a friend that I need to return so I have filled it with the weekends Anzac biscuits. She will appreciate them for her kids, she’s a working mum, I don’t get the calories and feel good because the food is being eaten, win, win!

    On another topic – a friend of my sisters said to me on the weekend ‘ you’re getting a bit too thin’. I felt like replying – ‘you’re very overweight’. I didn’t but it got me thinking that it is socially okay for people to say you’re looking a bit thin but boy if I had told her she was fat that would be a big social no no. i don’t think I am too thin but it does sow that tiny seed of doubt in maybe I am getting too thin. I’m not stopping 5:2 though because my cholesterol and BP are great, no diabetes, arthritis etc and I’m no lighter now that I was in my 20’s and that’s good enough for me! 🙂

    Had a spare moment while the cleaners are working 😉 so did a quick read. I am SO thrilled you girls are stepping out of your comfort zones to try a new look. They sound fabulous.
    Re naughty food, I made a 1/2 batch of ANZAC biscuits this morning as we hadn’t had any. And I was down to my lowest weight again. Made 12. Gave the cleaners 2. The rest will do me just fine for the next week or so with coffee. None for Mr P as they are wheat flour (I’m not stupid 😉 )

    Re the forum, there was a techy problem over the past hours, but JJ has fixed it. What a clever person. So you can go for your life now Happy!

    I’m trying to stay off the forum at present to get things ready for going away. And then I’ll be off anyway….keep maintaining girls. You know how to do it!!
    All the best Purple 😆

    I keep on falling off forum topics and have to subscribe again. 😳

    Happy, I do keep a food diary, just because it reminds me of how much I have eaten. I am pretty good about fasting the day after eating sugar and grains. We had family over and I had a piece of chocolate GF cake and cream. Woohoo!

    After the sugar free Lent I had annual bloods tested. Best part of results is that the Triglycerides dropped to 0.5 which is the lowest measure in the healthy range. As sugar and grains play a part in increasing Trigs, I reckon that the sugar free Lent assisted in the very good result. Another thank you to Lichtle and Fast. 🙂

    Keep up the good work. Cheers, Bay 🙄

    Fast and Lichtle

    Love the sound of your new colourful clothes. 😆 Can’t wait to see you in them ! It is a gloriously sunny Autumn day here and I have been gardening.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    I can’t remember who was talking about sugars and grains and fasting. Here goes 😉

    I am fasting today precisely because I had cake and pudding on Saturday and yesterday. And precisely because I had grains and sugars yesterday, today’s fast is way harder than normal. Grrrr! I have been hungry on a fast day when I normally am not.

    It is so circular and regular that you would think I would promptly ban all sugars and grains from my diet. Too easy. As we may remember, I did go sugar free for 46 days and 46 nights of Lent. But, hey, get real, this is life! That’s why IF is such an effective weight control mechanism. I can have my cake (small) and maintain my weight too. 🙄 Vigilance!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂 who is never going to lose my sweet tooth, just keep it under control. 😉

    Carolann – once again we come ful circle – I remember writing in my very first post on this thread about the ‘you’re getting too thin’ comments! That’s not to say ‘oh not that again’ btw, – just noting that it never stops, and we all (especially those just attaining slimness) need to be ready and prepared for it, especially because it’s often accompanied by not-so-subtle attempts at sabotage. I have one friend who still automatically gives me cake (a large slice) with coffee – without first asking if I’d like it! – several others, and a mother, whose first comments on meeting are always ‘have you’ve lost more weight? You don’t want to look scraggy’. The two things they all have in common are a) they’re all considerably overweight (polite term!) and b) they’d all be mortally offended if I told them so. I usually say something like ‘I prefer ‘slender’ to slim; I’m trying to look after my health, and thanks for caring, but I’ve now stabilised at a weight I’m happy with, and I’m not losing any more’ – and occasionally I scoff the cake, or a huge meal in their presence, just to confuse them.. It doesn’t work, but it shuts them up for a bit – or they say ‘aren’t you lucky, to be able to eat all that and not get fat’! No win, really – except we know we do win! Constant vigilance is not just about the scales, it seems!

    Bay – well done, in the true spirit of 5:2 – it’s called ‘intermittent’ fasting for a reason. It’s about control and balance – what our bodies evolved to do – not constant deprivation!

    But I agree that fasting is much more difficult after indulgence. Yesterday was so hard! But I did it, and had the weekend pleasure as well, so it’s all gain.

    That lent challenge may not have done what we first faintly hoped it might, but I think it did something even more valuable – rather than making us give up stuff by taking away the desire for it, it’s given us the self-knowledge and ability to enjoy it while staying in control. Win-win!


    Re: the too thin comments. Sad that being ‘slender’ is now comment-worthy, in societies where over-sized everything is increasingly the norm.

    I must admit, particularly if I’d had a drink (in vino veritas…), that I might not be as diplomatic as you ladies! I might ask if they would similarly welcome personal comments about their weight. That would be an interesting conversation!

    Happy, ‘diplomatic’ is not always my middle name – get me on something I really care about, (or when I’m really tired) and see me go! I did once tell my Ma that she’s onviously spent so much time with overweight people that she’s lost her eye for normal. Didn’t go down well! And nb I still didn’t feel able to say ‘fat people’ or directly to criticise her bulk!

    Yes people are funny FFS and Happy. If you don’t fit the mold it seems comment worthy but only one way!

    Bay, fantastic results with your triglycerides. My cholesterol is not a problem but would like lower triglycerides. If I stay off the grains and sugar a bit more maybe I will see a result!

    Good Morning, @Bay You did exceptionally well banning sugar for 46 days AND nights 😉 But I think we were always realistic about our sugar challenge knowing that only six weeks of lent won’t change our habits/addiction of a life time. Food is far too complicated. But what the challenge has taught us is that we can be in control if we put our minds to it. We are no sugar victims. But on a bright note, I do believe that tastes can change over (a long) time and if we are patient we will find a way that suits us. After my lemon-cheesecake-saga, I have decided that I am allowed sugar only on one day at the weekend. The second day will be during the week, when I allow myself to have limited sugar, a piece of jam bread maybe or a small cupcake at a colleague’s birthday. I believe that this will enforce to my subconscious that the sugar is not in control of me – I am. I am hoping that this will evolve into one day of sugar and then maybe sugar occasionally. I believe it is definitely worth working on and I challenge you girls again next lent. We want it to be much easier then, don’t we?

    @FFS, I had to laugh re: “You are so lucky, you can eat anything but I have to watch my weight”. I tell people that I “have to watch my weight” and that no, I can’t eat as much as I want. Just because I eat two pieces of cake at a birthday party, does not mean I always eat like this. I will pay for it afterwards. I guess we have done it always to an extend but without the fasting tool the recovery of an indulgent weekend is very difficult as time goes on. Reducing calories by a few hundred every day for the next week allowing only 1200/day is too difficult at our low TDEE and makes for a very miserly life. Of course it would be even better if I can eventually find a WOE when I am not having to undo an indulgent weekends all the time and just settle into a nice routine with my TDEE that is getting lower with every year I grow older.

    @happy, it is strange that we are now made to feel guilty for showing up or embarrassing a weightier person.

    Happy, Fast, Lichtle,

    Most comments on weight loss are favourable. HOWEVER, you are quite right in that the only negative comments are from seriously overweight people. BTW. They’ve done psych experiments and once people have become overweight, they see other overweight people as normal. Which most likely means that we look skinny and scraggy to them. 😉

    I can live with that, as I like my newly regained healthy body. 🙄
    Cheers, Bay

    Yep. Me too, Bay – scraggy means not puffing when I walk uphill, and I can live with that.

    Lichtle – challenge accepted! Funnily, I was thinking about it earlier on. Perhaps we should try it in Advent, too? Might be more difficult, since the world seems determined to celebrate Christmas early! Perhaps get ourselves safely through ice cream season first?

    @FFS, challenge accepted!!! If we manage to pull this off we will have done 1/4 of the year on restricted sugar. Not bad. I wasn’t aware until last year that there was a fasting time before Christmas, too. I think because of the traditional preparations (cake, pudding and biscuits) weeks before Christmas this never seemed to be obvious. I like it, because it prevents us being sucked into the Christmas and Easter indulgences too early. A few days of damage is enough.

    Well as I said above, we can already experiment and try out some strategies to make the next challenge easier.

    Oh whoops – I may have been being facetious! But if you’re up for it, so am I – and at least it’s 4 weeks, not 6! We’ll need to work out a strategy for work ‘dos’ etc, but can sort that nearer the time…. With friends like this…..

    Hi Lichtle and Fast

    Next years sugar free Lenten challenge accepted! Now for Advent. I will give it some thought. When does it begin, and how long does Advent last? Can I have mince pies and plum pudding on the Day? I make lovely mince pies, and my sister makes delicious old fashioned plum pudding. 😉

    I fasted 19 hours on water and coffee today. Just ate salad and homemade hamburger. No bun. Sugar free challenge sounds good.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Bay – roughly 4 and a bit weeks before Christmas, depending on the day of the week 25th falls – it must include 4 Sundays. You can eat whatever your heart/mouth/stomach desire from 25th dec to 6th jan (actually, technically to 2nd feb, but by 12th night you’re usually sick of it anyway!) but not before Christmas – except Sundays, which are still feast days. So no mince pies at the end of term do, but as much as you like once Christmas starts. Give it some thought!

    Hi FFS, did I call your bluff? 😉 You are right Advent lasts four weeks and starts on 29 November this year and ends 24th December. I agree, we need to have some some room for maneuver. I don’t have many events to go to,so it is relatively easy for me but it should not spoil a nice get together – let common sense rule.

    @Bay, you stuff yourself with delicious plum puddings and pies on the 25th until it comes out of your ears. 😉

    Posts crossed.

    I looked up Wikipedia to see that the first Sunday of Advent is 29 November and that Advent lasts until Thursday 24 December. Did you see that in Eastern churches Advent has a 40 day Nativity Fast. Now that would be a challenge. 🙄 maybe next year!

    I would think that a 26 day sugar free Advent is doable. 😉 Bay

    Yes, L – but yes, let’s go for it! Remind me later, as they say!

    Not sure about going Orthodox, though: love their theology, adore their liturgy, have difficulty with their views on women priests! And 6 weeks of Advent might be a step too far – though they do celebrate 1 jan (Circumcision), 6 January (epiphany) and 2feb (Purification/Candlemas) big-time, so maybe….

    I am on my second fast this week, paying for excess eating of lemon-cheesecake and aiming to do a third one on Friday. Will it teach me? Was it worth three fasts? Not in hindsight.

    I have always wondered why some people go out every weekend to get completely drunk, so drunk that they have the worst hangover the next day. As a person who does not care much for alcohol (apart from the odd Baileys at Christmas and polite acceptance of a glass of wine or two) I could never understand why a human being would go out and trade short term pleasure for a day of misery and pain. I hate pain and like to think that the anticipation of pain would stop me from excess drinking.

    When writing this post, for the first time, I made a connection from excess drinking to my occasional vastly excessive eating. We all find pleasure in different things and prepared to pay for it in different ways.

    My weight was pretty low last week if I had eaten sensibly I could have had a week without fasting or only limited fasting. Having said that I don’t mind one day of fasting it’s the second and third that are difficult for me.

    We’ve all done it, Lichtle – and all regretted it! Good luck: we’re all with you in spirit – and you’ve done us all a favour, by eating the cheesecake so we don’t have to. (And reminded me that even if I have cleared out the freezer, a third slice of banana and cinnamon cake within 36 hours is not on. ) Thanks!

    I think we can be slow learners sometimes Lichtle- I k ow I can lol!

    Yes, Carol, we’re all slow learners when it’s something we love 😉 me and sugar! Bay

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