The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • “Beauty regime”? Other than eye makeup. ..I look very ill without it as I’m so fair…and UV30+ sunscreen/moisturizer, I just let the world cope with me as I am;)

    My wardrobe sounds similar. Colour is usually a scarf or a hat. I agree that now that I am my destination size, I buy less, but quality and coordinates. In summer 2013, I took up wearing dresses again. Knee length, floral. I feel great, comfortable and feminine in them. A nice change from my usual black tops and pants. And for years I just couldn’t get them to fit πŸ™

    Ffs, our Autumn is always our wet period, but the average April rainfall over the last 5 years is 40 to 180mm for a whole month. This April we’ve had 440mm already. We had 170mm in our suburb the other day! The drains just don’t cope with torrents like this.

    This morning the kookaburras and sulphur crested cockatoos have gone crazy. The noise is deafening! They must think the rains are over πŸ˜‰

    Interesting. Despite no breakfast and a fast style dinner and a high tea for lunch (about 650 cal) I rose to nearly 59 last night, the highest I’ve been in many months, but dropped 1.5 just by sleeping. Further reinforcement that frequent weighing stops panic about temporary gains. I could easily have blamed the high tea, felt guilty, tossed it all in, vowed never to eat such foods again, if I didn’t see the natural drop again this morning. The difference is, I know it’s normal now. πŸ™‚ P

    Hi FFS, VCO (VIrgin Coconut Oil) Is one of those allrounders and seems to be one of the healthiest oils.

    There is a website I like that embraces al things natural about the home. and.

    Also make your own cleaners which I have adopted and they work perfectly. I only use a commercial oven cleaner now.

    I think you might like the websie – there are all sorts intersting ideas.

    Thanks L – I’ll check that lot out.

    Reversible skirts sound wonderful (going back a bit, but I’ve been technologically locked out for a few hours) – unless you’re as clumsy and ha handed with your food as I am. I always look at the magazine articles on ‘how to go on holiday for 3 weeks with 5 garments, and know that unless I have laundry facilities ( or the reversible ones are made of impermeable stuff) they’re a complete non-starter for me!

    Well in my youth I went through rock chick and hippy phases, and then settled into I’m not really sure what! One thing I’m not is smart, no suits and boots here!

    I’m with you though P, I love a nice dress and I wear skirts a lot especially in summer, from floor length to knee but no higher!

    I’m just not sure that I’ve moved on much from my 30s. Outwardly the body may be aging, inwardly I’m not growing up!

    I did have an experience a couple of years ago in town which made me think I perhaps was dressing too young… I’d been for a lunchtime walk in the park, and on my way back a younger man loitered ahead of me smiling… until I reached him, at which point he grinned at me and said ‘oh, you’re an old bird’!! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

    Lichtle, thanks for the links. I’ve been meaning to have a go at cleaning products at least, just need a few extra hours in the day…

    P, I take it you haven’t been evacuated then?

    Lichtle I would like to know more about the coconut oil too for cooking and for beauty. My DIL left a couple of jars here when she went back to Canada and I haven’t used it yet because don’t know what to do with it. Re home made beauty products – the only thing I have made is a makeup remover that is almond oil with a few drops of Rosemary oil in it. I read somewhere Rosemary is good for ageing skins and couldn’t find anything in the shops that contained Rosemary so just made my own. I’m happy with it, it was pretty cheap and I’ll make it again when. It runs out.

    Hi Purple and fellow MCers,

    Cracked it! Been away 3 weeks to South Australia and Brisbane. Came home again last night and weighed this morning. Drum roll 59.9 kg. woohoo! πŸ™„ Ate a little of everything I felt like over the past 3 weeks, including dark chocolate, wine, French flans, strawberries and cream. Had four fast days during the 3 weeks. Yay! I am so relieved.

    So many discussions to catch up on. My wardrobe has been revamped in three stages. I also only buy quality clothes, at sales! I have always had lots of colour in my clothes. This years colours are soft coral and teal green. So flattering to my skin tone. I use moisturiser, plus lipstick. And rub in the Aveeno cream after every shower.

    Twiglet, it depends how pressing your clothing needs are. I bought size 12 trousers when I had reached 60 kg. I am 5 ft 4 ins and of solid build. However, without losing any more weight, my trousers size has settled on a roomy size 11. My size 12 shorts and trousers only stay up with the aid of a belt that OH has punched new holes into. πŸ˜†

    For style, I recommend trying clothes on in many small boutiques as well as in main stream stores. Go outside your comfort range when trying on. You don’t need to buy. I tell the assistants that I have recently lost weigth and ask their advice as to style and size. My best purchase since losing weight was with the assistance of a 30 yo experienced boutique shop manager. Best of all it was on sale, as she pointed out. Bright red draped and shaped top. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers all you wonderful support people. Bay πŸ™‚

    Sorry Lichtle, all your updates came in while I was writing my post about the coconut oil?

    Happy, I have had that happen to me too, I take it as a compliment. Must mean I look good until you get up close lol!

    Woowoo! Fantabulous Bay!!! **** What a champ. πŸ˜† And, yes, you have cracked it! Now for the rest of your fabulous, healthy life. … πŸ˜‰

    I definitely agree with going into boutiques and telling them about your weight loss. I only bought my now fave pencil skirt because a young assistant suggested it. I really didn’t believe it would work. It does! It is SUCH fun reinventing yourself and wearing clothes that fit all over. πŸ™‚

    Sun shining this morning. Life is returning to normal. P

    Love the pencil skirt PVE! I think a common mistake women make as they get older is trying to cover up all the bumps and lumps with loose, shapeless clothes. I think all women whatever their size or shape (within reason) look more attractive in fitting garments that suit their body shape. My whole clothes wardrobe changed once I found Trinny and Susannah many years ago. I have a style but I don’t know what you’d call it lol! Texture is very important to me, I love flowy fabrics (just like my garden, I love flowers that bend and sway). Maybe classic romantic if there is such a thing πŸ™‚ I wear jeans, dresses, tops but always with some interest to them, I don’t think my style is conservative. I don’t wear skirts above the knee unless I have very thick tights on as well and I always wear a sleeve if I can. I get compliments so must be doing ok, but worry sometimes I shouldn’t be wearing something because it’s too young for me. Retailers have a whole community of us middleaged women out here crying out for something to wear that is trendy but fits our body and our age. I also have learn not to underestimate the knowledge of young shop assistants just because of their age.i find them also very good when I ask ‘well how do I wear this?what do I wear this with?’

    @Bay,well done, what a fantastic result. we are so pleased for you. And you managed four fast days. That probably kept your system calibrated. I am yet to undergo a lengthy time away from my normal routine, so the jury is still out for me.
    You obviously seemed to have kept the low sugar rule up. (Dark chocolate is not really sweet)

    I fasted yesterday, (at 600 cals) and can’t sleep. Hence the post. I felt like I had to eat something so I just had two handful of mixed nuts, hoping it will settle me down and probably ruined a perfectly good fast day. I am increasingly finding that after a successful Monday fast 300-400cals, my body just won’t play along a second time, especially when I also had a careful eating day in between. My body seems to be saying: “I have had the famine, where is the feast? “. Not sure if this is purely a physical thing or if the mind plays a role, too

    I am thinking about the famine and feast concept quite a bit recently. I am reminded of my time in Africa where people would invite all the extended family and neighbours as soon as they had a bit of food to share i.e. slaughtered an animal for special occasions. They shared even if it meant going hungry the next day. They were hoping that soon some other family member would come by some food to share. Food could not be stored due to lack of refrigeration and insects so they had to eat it whilst it was there. Hence famine and feast.

    Well, I better try and see if I can get some sleep now – feeling definitely better.

    Excellent result Bay! Four fast days in three weeks whilst on holidays is no mean feat! πŸ™‚

    Hi All,

    Well it’s been interesting to learn that pretty much everyone has or has had the same clothes/ style dilemmas! I feel better now about going out in my miniskirt and boobtube (I wish! Toastrack tube!) πŸ™‚

    And Carol, I’m liking the flower analogy. Today I’ll be dressing like a delphinium/ foxglove/ bergamot…

    Bay, you must be feeling well chuffed! Whilst I now know I can lose weight, I really don’t want my eating to be consistently so over TDEE (out of control) that I come back from holiday with much weight to lose. And you certainly seem to have mastered normal eating. You’re an example to us all… As is P, obviously πŸ™‚

    Well done indeed, Bay! Whole chorus of congratulations – that’s real success!

    What an incredibly stylish lot we sound! I love hearing about our different looks and strategies – please keep going. What a pity we can’t do group photo! I think we all sound wonderful – and Carol and Happy, that was definitely a compliment! The second thoughts on realising you were a Grown Up were definitely their loss!

    Lichtle, I have exactly the same problem with a second (normally Thursday) fast these days, even if I’ve yet had an indulgent day and feel I need it. I think my body is saying ‘please don’t lose any more. ‘ I now weigh first, and as long as I’m not way up my maintenance range I let it be a semi- fast – 700-800 Cals. Seems to help. I don’t suppose for one moment that your handful of nuts ruined your day, but well done for lasting as long as you did!

    My FD today: here I go!


    I think I may be fasting today also… if I can manage to fully commit! And the body doesn’t rebel!

    Sorry, girls, if I go back to the style issue of yesterday.

    I am still looking for a really great fitting, stunning blazer or jacket preferably in a vibrant colour(s) that goes with black and jeans (and hopefully my face too ;-). A well fitting jacket can make you look smart even when accompanied by a pair jeans and flat shoes… (aaaaand wellies???? Not so sure). The same jacket can then be worn with a (black) skirt and high heels etc. For the perfect blazer I would not mind spending quite a bit of money, this and a really well fitting pair of jeans and a smart matching skirt.

    Unfortunately finding this blazer is not easy because of my size – being petite/short, the proportions never seem to be right, Often the shoulder to waist and shoulder width measurements are wrong not to mention the arms. Yes, I do scour the petite ranges in the shops. I have even contemplated sewing one myself but I don’t think my skills stretch to that.

    I have one black jacket that fits well but looks a bit shabby now and whenever I wear it, even with a pair of jeans people ask what the occasion is, why I dressed up. All I did wear a jacket over my usual garb.

    Hi Lichtle – obvious answer is what brand is that black jacket? (Or is it so old that you can no longer read the label, as much of my stuff is?) odds are that that brand will usually be good for you.
    Depending on budget, I’ve veered from charity shop to Mary Portas (aimed squarely at stylish 40+ women!) via Next (who do a good petite range, I believe), Gap ( surprisingly good) McC, Klass and Kettlewell (brilliant colour range but perhaps less formal than you want) .i agree with you – a good jacket can magic anything better! Hope you find something.

    I do envy those of you who can do floaty, flowery feminine – they just make me look ( and feel) like a bloke in drag. (Not that there’s anytthing wrong with that if its what you feel at home in, but it’s not actually the look I’m aiming at!)

    Happy, nice to know you’re fasting today, too. Let’s do it together! I’ll think of you mid-afternoon, which is my low point!

    Lichtie – another quick thought: have you discovered Phase Eight? I’m told they’re brilliant for petites ( or even ‘petted’, which the iPad decided was better!)

    Lichtle, hi, sorry to butt in, I dream of being on this forum – halfway there!

    But I’m a bit of an expert on jackets – being short, busty and high waisted, the opposite of a cat walk queen.

    Vyella and Jacques Vert – always a great choice, Vyella have an online sales at the moment. Not cheap, even in the sale, but extremely well tailored. I have bought loads from them over the years, and have yet to throw any out. Sadly put away as too small, but bringing them out soon I hope. Never fashion, but wearable for years. I have a tartan jacket, sounds uck, but deep blues and purples, navy velvet buttons and edging, goes with everything, smart skirt, trousers or jeans. Otherwise check out menswear specialists with a ladies department, my local one is in Edinburgh, nice ladies suits, but they are altered by the suit tailors. They expect to alter as part of the service.

    Finally, Debenhams can surprise.

    Good luck.

    Hi Milena, come on in, we love everybody here. Congrats for being half way there. I am sure it won’t take you too long to reach goal.

    Thanks for all the great tips. Even though I live in a small town with not many fashion houses we do have a Vyella and a Phase Eight. Milena I am exactly after the kind of jacket you describe made up of several strong colours so it is versatile and also long sleeved. I think this is where I fall down. Most jackets have 3/4 length arms which is too cold for me for most of the year.

    Funny you should mention Phase Eight, FFS, Most of my clothes are from Phase Eight – it just suits my shape the best and we have the shop is in town to try on.. I bought my dress and Jacket for DDs wedding there. The Jacket has three quarter length arms, is a deep fuchsia (pink) colour and goes really well with the light summer dress but eventually I can wear it with a black skirt or trousers for formal occasions (whenever that happens) However, it is very much a (formal) summer jacket.

    FFS, I am sure you would look lovely in a soft floral pattern. It might not be what you are used to and maybe you may need to take someone with you who has a neutral objective eye (like your friend the other day) Unfortunately we tend to buy what we feel safe in which is good most of the time but occasionally we can step out of your comfort zone. πŸ˜‰

    Hi gang
    I had to laugh when I logged on to discover you were discussing jackets. I’ve been showing my new navy 3/4 length, fitted woolen jacket all day today to very admiring comments from different age groups. A top buy. The brand is Marcs if that is a help. Stylish, versatile with jeans or skirt. Dressy or out in the paddock! One coat for all occasions and weather. ..can be zipped up to the neck or open.
    Top evening celebrating another family birthday. Cheers all, P πŸ™‚

    Hi Purple, Lichtle, Happy, Fast

    Many thanks for the chorus of support. Love you all. I am feeling seriously chuffed. πŸ˜†

    Purple, love the sound of your new navy jacket. Will be great to have on your trip. πŸ˜‰

    My choice of dressing style is a colourful shaped jacket over a soft patterned silk shirt, teamed with navy or Ivory slacks. The brand of clothing that fits and suits me best at the moment is Sportscraft. I also have some items from the Clothing Company and Yarra Trail.

    I have red, black and brown boots from Ziera for Winter and red, black and coral sandals for Summer. And lots of scarves to go with my jackets. Have a long pink jacket, a short tailored coral jacket, and a medium length soft fabric apple green jacket, and a white cotton jacket. These have been bought at the various sales over the last 12 months. I also have a lovely knitted coral top and a blue knitted top ready for Winter. And soft navy striped tops from Marcs.

    See what I mean about having lots of colour. Absolutely no one thinks I am mutton dressed as lamb. πŸ™„ OH objects if I wear plain navy shirts and slacks. Too dull for him. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Lichtle, I love the sound of the deep fuchsia jacket teamed with black or navy. Go, girl, go! Bay

    I forgot about my 3/4 length cardigans in black, red and bright green. They pep up any outfit.
    Bay, you would never look dull. I am envious of all your jackets. I’ve undergrown all my favourite colourful ones. πŸ™ P

    Hi Purple, time to buy some new ones. πŸ˜‰

    Well FFS,

    I hope your fast has gone well? I’ve eaten now, and all’s well with the world again!

    I succumbed to a boiled egg at 1.30, followed by a half hour walk which nicely deterred me from carrying on eating. Another walk after work, watering and hen chores…I was definitely ready for my evening meal.

    Oh, and it was a jeans and t-shirt day πŸ™‚

    Hi Happy – glad your day went well. Yes, mine has been ok, too – a pleasant surprise as, like Lichtle, I’ve been finding the second FD of the week really hard lately, and ending up often with a semi-fast. I did cheat a bit on Monday, so perhaps that’s why today has been better – and today honour has been satisfied!

    I had some cold baked salmon – left over from last night – and salad around 1 – our main meal, because I do pilates on Thursday evening: can’t exercise on a full tummy, but don’t get home till 8.30 + , by which time I’m past it. Just had a nice bowl of yoghurt with some strawberries (first English ones I’ve seen – too excited not to buy a few!) and blueberries. I gardened this morning, which meant I didn’t think too much about food – though DH has just put in an order for a bacon sarnie for breakfast tomorrow, so he’s obviously feeling it! And yes, definitely a jeans and t shirt day – until it actually got too hot for them. Last taste of that for a few days, I gather ( day off tomorrow, that’s obviously why!) but it has been the most lovely promise of summer.

    Oh dear, now I’m hungry again! I can almost taste that yoghurt and new season strawberries and blueberries… Just lucky I can’t smell the bacon!

    It’s been glorious here also, such a shame it’s coming in cold (I would add ‘and wet’ but we could do with a drop of rain!). Mind you, the house needs a good clean and that NEVER happens when the weather’s good. Best not put the thermals away just yet πŸ™

    Good morning/evening MCs

    Today is 2 years since Mr P and I started on our 5:2 journey. We have come a long way, learnt a lot about ourselves and others; how, when and what to eat, and the joys of taking control of our own health again.

    We went from obese to middle of healthy weights in exactly a year. We have maintained, and dropped a little more, for another full year.

    At our present weights, he has lost 34kg from a top of 100kg and totally reversed his insulin dependent diabetes. I have lost 29kg from my top weight of 85 and have reduced my blood pressure medication by 75%.

    He has gone from XXL to S sized men’s clothes. I have shifted from 16+ or XL to 8 and S. We can fit comfortably in economy seats in planes, run whenever we want without puffing, buy mail order clothes and know they’ll fit, get approving comments from everyone. He doesn’t snore or fall asleep driving any more. Our feet don’t hurt. We can wear shoes we had given up on. Ironing his shirts is much quicker as they are smaller!

    We thoroughly enjoy food still and love planning new menus. We live a full life with plenty of socialising, travelling and eating out, but we now eat tiny amounts compared to 2 years ago.

    We have learnt that we were radically overeating. We have learnt that we can go long periods without food and that meals don’t have to be at β€œmealtime”. We have learnt to say no, to stop as soon as we are satiated, to choose wisely when eating and that socialising doesn’t have to mean eating. Conversing with people instead of eating is a very satisfying pastime.
    We have developed the habit of weighing ourselves morning and night. It guides our consumption. Without this practice, we could easily slip off the rails. We have learnt to skip breakfast if we have β€˜overdone it’. We have learnt that white carbs are hugely problematic and have reduced them significantly in our diets. We have minimised our reliance on processed foods, making our own bread, yoghurt, kefir and growing veg and herbs. We have learnt to have a standby of basic β€œthin people” foods available…salad makings, lemons, limes, chillies, garlic, ginger, onions, fennel, leeks, carrots, beans, sauerkraut, fish, nuts, berries etc. Salads and berries are the skinny person’s friend. And miracle noodles!

    We have learnt to move whenever possible…at least 10,000 steps, incorporating stairs and quick runs in our daily life. We park as far away from our destination as is sensible, often finding free parking, and always choose to walk up stairs and escalators. We make multiple trips upstairs or from the car to get more inbuilt exercise.

    Fasting and eating mindfully has become a complete part of life. We are in control and loving it!

    I hope the success of our journey can help others too. Talk to your health professionals. Tell them you don’t want drugs as a quick fix for ailments. They only exacerbate many issues. Have confidence in yourself to keep healthy. Practice restraint and enjoy life.

    And most of all, thank you Dr Moseley for starting this all off.

    A very happy, grateful, Purple πŸ˜†

    Way to go, P and Mr P, poster girl and boy for the 5:2 way of life!

    Happy 5:2 anniversary, P. You really are leading by example.

    Thank you, Purple. Could you post that to some of the threads for folk just starting this journey? It would be so inspirational and encouraging.

    And happy anniversary!

    Hi Happy – you clean, I’ll iron – ok? Downside of insisting on wearing natural fibres!

    Thanks girls. I am very proud of our achievement and thoroughly appreciate the friendships made through this forum. A whole new way of life indeed. πŸ™‚ P

    ffs, I agree. I wear natural fabrics, too, and they really do look terrible unironed. In my “hippy, alternative lifestyle” days, I didn’t even have electricity, let alone iron. We did look very crumpled πŸ™ As we were living through a drought period, hanging them out for days on the line was my technique. P

    PVE congratulations to both of you and thank you for sharing your journey.

    What’s an iron…? πŸ™‚

    I’m in the school of getting things out of the washer the minute it finishes and stretching them when wet, drying flat, etc. I have even, and I shouldn’t admit this…put something back in the wash if it came out of the washer too creased. The shame of it!

    Please tell me you don’t iron pants and socks?!

    So P, how does one celebrate a 5:2 anniversary? Fasting or feasting?

    Thanks L. πŸ™‚
    ’tis a dilemma Happy. Mr P and I did discuss how to celebrate, but since we ate out last night (admittedly vegetarian with no dessert as our son is vegan)a quiet night in with a good bottle will suffice. We already have our reward.

    I totally understand your washing techniques. Bay taught me how to wash my silk shirts…hand wash and hang dripping. I have always brought clothes in from the line and hung them in the wardrobe. If the wearer decides they look too appalling, then the wearer can opt to run an iron over them.
    My mum in law ironed bras!! πŸ™„ P

    And my mum ironed nappies! My approach is similar to P’s – but there is a big, crumpled pile cluttering the boudoir. Not terribly romantic, specially with the dust bunnies under the bed (cough, cough, wheeze…)

    ffs, by hanging them up, you never have an “ironing pile”, so there is never any pressure to iron and the room looks tidy. I’m a very lazy housekeeper. Do the minimum, but have a tidy place because, unlike SOME people in the house, I put things away as soon as I’ve finished. It’s a Libra thing….like pleasant surroundings and no one else is going to do it. A bit like 5:2 πŸ™‚ P

    Congratulations, Purple and Mr P. Well done, what a fabulous journey. I admire the self control and sheer hard work at re-imagining your lives in a clever and healthful way. πŸ˜†

    Thank you for writing up your two year journey for all to see.

    Happy, Ironing is another job to be done on a fast day, along with the rest of the housework. πŸ˜‰ it makes the day pass. Wheneve I feel tempted to eat something on a fast day, I decide which of my many chores I want to do least. Voila! Two birds with one stone! πŸ™„

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚ who is facing a very gloomy late Autumn rainy day. Maintaining our cheerful face, as we’re working out the details of our trip to Croatia later this year. πŸ˜‰

    PS. I’m with Purple in that I hang all shirts off hangers to dry, and silk shirts are washed by hand and hung up to drip dry. All ironing is on hangers in the spare wardrobe. I play my most favourite music while ironing and have a glorious sing along. πŸ™„

    Thanks Bay.
    Do you wear clothes when you are singing and ironing? It makes an interesting image πŸ˜‰ The weather must be a bit of a shock for you after Queensland! But the Canberra Autumn colours are beautiful, aren’t they!
    Croatia will be fabulous. πŸ™‚ P

    Hi P

    I’m so carefree with the iron, I have to wear clothes in defence of the receding midriff. πŸ˜‰

    Love chatting with you all, but must be off to wash the floors, and then book trip. So inspiring! Purple

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚


    I am with PVE, (fellow Libra) minimal ironing, stuff gets folded and self-iron in the wardrobe, only DH work shirts and table cloths and the odd overdry top of mine gets ironed Accompanied by a good film a (period drama) fully dressed. :-). My mum ironed pyjamas, towels, nappies, socks – absolutely everything and the ironing pile was a nightmare.

    Another Libran here – share 25 September, anyone?

    What’s a spare wardrobe, please?

    On the subject of ironing, OH’s shirts pile up (figuratively speaking!) until the MIL visits. It’s a relatively recent obsession of hers, but she likes to do his ironing when she’s here πŸ™‚

    FFS, I managed to get to bed without eating anything else (just drooling slightly, thanks!), and this morning am 1kg lighter! It won’t last because it’s now the weekend and I do like a few empty calories (red, in liquid form) on a Friday and Saturday night πŸ™‚

    Enjoy your day off, I hope the rain holds off for you!

    And everyone else, have a good day/ evening whatever you’re up to.

    @FFS, no idea must be an Australian thing. πŸ˜‰ Sorry, I’m an October libra.

    @happy, well done for lasting out. Great MIL

    @bayleaf, how come Croatia, any connections? Any other countries?

    I am fasting today, πŸ˜‰ DH away, cleaned kitchen this morning, so strictly speaking I don’t have to enter that room today, hence should be easier.

    Hi Fast and Lichtle

    I meant we hang the ironing in an empty wardrobe in the guest room. Every now and again one of us feels like getting the ironing out of the way and does it. In particular before guests come to stay. πŸ˜‰

    First to Croatia then Italy, France and London. Catching up with family. We’ve never been to Croatia and always wanted to go.

    Another fast day done and dusted. Vegetable soup after 21 hours of water. Followed by a small amount of smoked salmon and spring onions for dinner.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Fantastic itinerary, Bay – enjoy every moment!

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