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  • Fantastic achievement PVE! Re the parcel – did you need to take out a personal loan to pay the postage ha ha! Lovely day here today but we had a miserable weekend and that’s possibly the weather you are getting now. Have fun in the rain and wind! 🙂

    Thanks C ; (

    P, I seem to remember that your statistics – height, weight, weight loss – are very similar to mine. For me, the weight lost is 1/3 my previous body weight! I guess yours is about the same – no wonder it took two of you to get it out of the car! And how on earth did we carry it around?!

    I went from 85kg to my current 56 (have been 55, but each time only fleetingly). So I am about 29kg lighter. More than 50% of my current weight. 🙁 Say no more 🙁 P

    That’s some achievement to be proud of! Mine’s a bit less – 76kg to 51 –but the figures are less important than the fact that we both look and feel great. Here’s to us, and all the other MCers!

    Thanks for all the kind words , it’s my daughters wedding in July so some serious dress shopping in order I’m the only one that doesn’t have a outfit yet !

    I intend to stay with my 2 fast days I always do Monday and Tuesday so I will see how it goes I have consistently lost a 1lb a week so might have to adjust a bit maybe some mini fast instead one day , thanks for all the great advice interesting reading glad nobody has just put it back on I don’t think it will happen as long as I keep fasting .


    Ooo…buying a wedding outfit, knowing you’ll look good, is SO exciting Twigglet! Make sure the dress is small enough or flexible for continued shape change. Most of us continued/continue to change shape….smaller waists etc as our bodies adjust to maintenance of our healthy weights.
    Torrential rain and winds all night. Mr P had to go out late last night to shuffle stored boxes of “children’s” belongings as water was getting in under the house 🙁
    Keep on keeping on. P

    Wow FFS, 51 is very low! Congratulations! (Apologies you can see I am still fixated on weight 🙂
    I’m 5 ft 7 and I’m at 58kg and that seems to be my set weight. I’m doing 6:1 and have been for a while and not losing anymore now unless I do an extra FD in there. I don’t particularly want to go lower because then I will drop another dress size! I had quite a few size 10 garments in my wardrobe which have kept me going while I restock with sizes that fit.

    Twiglet, PVE is right, buy something adjustable as you will keep on losing and changing shape. In fact I wouldn’t be buying anything now, I would wait til the very last minute. I have got some very nice, special occasion clothes in the wardrobe which I only wore occasionally but can’t wear at all now because they are way too big. I can’t bring myself to give them away yet because I paid quite a bit of money for them! You don’t want to find yourself in that situation too!

    Twigglet, 1lb a week is amazing and don’t worry the weight does not just suddenly pile on again. As long as we weigh regularly and decide on a weight range, we can eat or fast accordingly. Fasting is such a powerful tool.

    Glad to hear I have a wedding outfit shopping companion 🙂 . I am sure you enjoy shopping more, only I have to get my act together a bit sooner. I hope you find the best dress to show off your new maintenance figure. :-))

    I’d definitely second Carolann’s advice, Twiglett: leave the shopping as long as you can without last-minute panic. Even if you’re aiming to stabilise, rather than lose more, you will quite likely change shape a bit more between now and summer. It seems to be about the way our appetites and perceptions of ‘how much is too much’ food change with this way of eating. Eg – DH and I had coffee in town on our last day off, and shared a piece of ginger cake, while reminiscing that before we started 5:2 we’d have eaten a whole piece each. In fact even half the piece was jolly substantial, and sharing was genuinely about not wanting more, rather than calorie counting – or meanness! The effects of those changes and choices go on developing, so do allow for them. Some of us are now having to work at fasting for health reasons without losing more!

    Carolann – I’m currently at the bottom of my maintenance range – 51-54 – but I suspect it’s because I’ve lost a lot of muscle through (medically necessary, not cosmetic!) regular botox injections. There’s still a little comfort roll round my tum, and my body fat %age is a healthy 25, so fret not – I’m not fading away. And tonight I fought back with avocado on toast and a bowl of ice cream!

    Hi Twigglet, and evening skinny minnies!

    Carol, I’m 5ft7 too, and my weight has settled in the 58.5 – 60kg range. I don’t think I’ll go any lower, as I’ve already sacrificed my chest to get here!

    Between “a little comfort roll round my tum” and “pancakes flapping on toastracks”, we are developing quite a lexicon of ‘skinny Minnie” terms. I LOVE it!
    I personally love seeing people’s bone structure reappear (especially face and shoulders) once they have lost the excess fat. Suddenly finer features and straight shoulders are revealed. Very nice.

    I’m sticking to the upstairs of our house, as far away from the big trees as possible, until this HUGE storm goes….might be here a couple of days, but don’t worry…I don’t need to eat. P 🙂

    Can we send you a food parcel, P, or do you mean that literally? Hope it passes soon – will be thinking of you.

    Thanks ffs 🙂 That’s another advantage of 5:2….learning to survive long periods without food. I think I’ll be ok 🙂 P

    Glad you’re not fading away FFS! 🙂

    Happy, I have lost the chest too! My husband complains all the time but I tell you those boobs weighed quite a lot ha ha!

    Mine (husband, not chest) refuses to notice the negatives – which is totally sweet but also extremely irritating and a bit unsettling – can he really not see the signs of ageing, (lurve being blind and all that) or is he overcompensating??! Watched a prog about cosmetic surgery last night, and got into the ‘would you / wouldn’t you?’ conversation. Once past the factors of money, safety, feminism and priorities (all the little issues!) I did qualify it by admitting to a tiny temptation, if someone were to offer me a free, safe, face and neck lift, boob lift (and fill!) and skin tighten to alleviate the burst balloon look – (without, of course, offending against any of my forementioned principles!). He flatly refused to acknowledge being able to see any difference in my body from when I was 25! This is not a boast, because I know, and you know, exactly how different it is – so does this man need an optician, a memory specialist, or a truth drug? Or do I just decide, after 47 years, that he’s a ‘keeper’?

    And they got in the way, Carol! I used to play golf, they got in the way of the swing…

    And when I run, no more uncomfortable jiggling up, down and sideways. In fact I didn’t like to run without a sports bra, now I barely need one 🙂

    I don’t fill fitted clothes so well now, but that’s what padded bras are for.

    And they do look a bit sadder than they used to, but mostly that doesn’t bother me as I don’t spend much time looking at them!

    Think I’m fasting today, at top end of maintenance range again this week. Does it count as a yoyo when weight varies between 58.5 and 60…?!

    FFS, he sounds like a sweetie! Perhaps keep him? Unless you can trade him in for a 25 year old… 🙂

    But I can see why you would be irritated! What you want is not to be told you have the body of a 25 year old. An outrageous lie! None of us are 25 anymore. I just want to be good for my age…or maybe pass for 10 years younger 🙂

    You have to feel a bit sorry for men though, even when they get it mostly right they end up getting it a little bit wrong!

    Sorry – got trigger finger! Last sentence was going to be: I think I’d be happier, to be honest, with ‘yes, your body has been ravaged by years, breeding, and weight gain and loss – but I love it – and you – anyway. ‘ Far more realistic – and truer!

    Hmm, Happy, not sure I really fancy a 25 year old ….Not sure I could keep up with him – but more important, I want to talk to him, with some common points of reference. (Bot of course, I’ve just realised that in 4 years’ time I could actually trade him in for three 25 year olds. Now there’s a (horrifying?) thought!)

    FFS HE IS DEFINITELY A KEEPER. He is such a dear, My advise, do not overthink this because that is the biggest pitfall with regards to men. 😉

    I think that when we grow with someone, then you don’t see the changes all that much unless you look at pictures. He obviously married you not just for your good looks, how wonderful and the dream of every woman. Is it not the same for our children? They are just beautiful to us and no amount of surgery would change one bit of how we love and view them.

    Carol and Happy, nice height 5’7, I am 5’3 and would love to be a bit taller. 58kg seems to be an excellent weight, slim but not too thin. I have settled for 50kgs (+/- 1kg) which I think is similar to your weight over height and I don’t think I look haggard or drawn. (I have asked a few trustworthy people, who don’t need to be polite)

    Happy, I believe fluctuations of 1.2 kg are normal, my fluctuations are up to 1kg, depending how bad my weekend was. After all we can have quite a bit of food in transition.

    FFS he sounds like a lovely man and maybe one who’s learnt over the years it’s very easy to say the wrong thing??:) I know my husband hates those questions….you know the ‘does my bum look fat in this’ type. I’ve stopped asking, causes him such consternation and these days I don’t give a fig what my bum looks like, I’m just happy it’s heaps smaller than it used to be! 🙂

    I’m yo yoing with you Happy!

    Lichtle, such beautiful words for FFS and me and FFS husband! Thankyou! 🙂 and good advice about overthinking! Took me a few years to work that one out! Lol

    I can fluctuate by up to one and a half kg over the weekend depending how much I have eaten and drunk.

    I think he just knows I’m more secure about my intellect than my looks – the spotty 15year old dork is still in there!! I wouldn’t swap him, though – he’s a dreadful flirt, with great charm – lose him at a party and you’ll find him deep in conversation with a woman somewhere – but it’s always been me he takes home at the end! Definitely a keeper – one of those rare men who not only appreciates women but also really likes and respects them. Not perfect -can be an antisocial old misery sometimes! – but has a lot to put up with, and he’ll do!!

    ….and I can fluctuate by the same amount, according to when I last went to the loo!!

    You’re very lucky FFS! 🙂 (and skinny too ha ha)!

    FFS, he sounds as perfect as human imperfection allows 😉 We all have our quirks and flaws – it’s what makes life interesting. Finding the right person is finding the person who’s flaws we can tolerate the most (and vice versa). 😉

    My husband keeps telling me that his thoughts are neither as critical or as deep as I make them out to be and reminds me he is just a man. Sorry, I tried hard to end this post with a joke but failed dismally. 🙂 Never mind.

    That was a pretty good joke, Lichtle!

    I don’t want to sound too Pollyanna – we’ve had our purple patches! But you’re right: the moment it veered away from train-wreck, many years ago, was the one when we both realised forgiveness wasn’t a one way traffic.

    And you’re right, too, Carolann – lucky and skinny! And summer coming! Lots to be grateful for.

    Went window shopping with a clothes-minded pal yesterday, and was taught (again!) to stay open- minded. Wandered into a posh shop (of AbFab fame) knowing that everything there was out-of-budget, and was persuaded ( by lovely saleswoman totally devoid of snoot) to try on a dress which I had already told her I’d no intention (or means!) to buy and was a) too small and b) not my shape or style. It fitted, and looked fabulous! It’s still in the shop, and will be staying there, but I shall hold onto the moment as a reminder!

    Hold on to that thought. It is great when we can appreciate when something looks good on us. And who knows… maybe you can get it in the sales. One good thing about living in a posh area is that posh people part with their nice clothes, too.

    I know a second hand shop (not charity) where the designer clothes cost more than what I would buy them for brand new. I speculate that some rich ladies who tend to buy designer clothes buy them in smaller sizes with the intention to slim into them but eventually they accept defeat and sell it on or give it away. So you tend to get quite nice size 8-12 size clothes/


    I hope you took a picture of yourself in the AbFab dress? I had a similar experience with an expensive piece of jewellery a few years back. Unfortunately once I was wearing it I found I couldn’t bear to be parted from it… My precious…

    And I was only joking about the 25 year old! But I like that you considered it 🙂

    I have a dilemma today. Having set out to have a fast day, it was a friend’s leaving do and she was desperate for everyone to have cake. What could I do 🙂 It was a tasty chocolate cake, but made my teeth hurt… Anyway. So, I could rescue the fast by skipping my evening meal. Or bail out and try again tomorrow… I didn’t even really want the cake, but it felt mean to refuse it especially since she’s leaving…

    Hmmm, difficult one, Happy. Depends on how hungry your are or more precisely how desperately you seek savoury food now after the sweet…on the other hand it’s almost tomorrow…. 😉

    Hmmm…dilemna…the healthy option might be to have a nutritious evening meal and try again tomorrow – otherwise you’ve wasted your minuscule calorie allowance on empty sweeties – and you will be really hungry by bedtime! There again, you might prefer to get it done, rather than face it again tomorrow – and in the context of your otherwise healthy diet, a few empty calories aren’t going to hurt you! OR, at your weight, you could afford to declare today’s fast a ‘mini’ one, and just eat mindfully tomorrow. Your call!

    Don’t worry, I knew the 25 year old was a joke – he’d have to have rather specialised tastes, anyway, to be interested! And I’m glad you got to keep the jewellery – but don’t turn into Gollum, will you? No picture in the dress, I’m afraid: I’d no idea when we set out that I’d ever try on such a thing, so was wearing jeans, t shirt and ankle socks with trainers. . It was a knee length DvF wrap dress, which really demanded heels and a mega-necklace, not bare feet and varicose veins!! But I could imagine…and it was a super morale boost. Thank goodness I at least had decent underwear – though M & S, not you-know-where…

    Well I can’t make my mind up. But OH won’t be eating til 8.30 tonight, and I am often going past hunger by that time. So I guess if I can hold out til then I could probably hold out til morning. It would be a shame to waste the fast day because I haven’t been hungry. Whereas I bet if I postpone til tomorrow I’ll be ravenous all day!

    Fast, that’s normally how I find myself trying things on! And it sometimes really difficult to see if it will work when I can’t see past the Nora Batty stockings…

    Thanks for all the great clothes advice I’m now a size 12 which I love but only have 1 pair of trousers that fit so a few basic items needed immediately I look like I’m wearing someone else’s clothes I suppose I am the fat me !

    I’m tall 5.9 and late 40s finding a suitable style I find very difficult but I’m sure I will eventually find the new me , I’ve done 2 days fasting this week and will weigh in this morning if I loose a bit more it’s not a problem but I have noticed it’s the more overweight people I know telling me I look too thin !

    Have a lovely day all off to walk my dogs before work

    Make it a mini fast day Happy or depending on the size of the slice and what you have for tea it may be a full FD.. I quite often get caught by the trap of eating to please other people and then I realised they won’t remember tomorrow if I ate cake or not but I will certainly remember if I sabotaged a fast or just ate something I didn’t really want! It’s all a learning curve!

    My boy is nothing but complimentary about my new skinnier body. He is proud that it is “his”. Over 4 decades of marriage and they still appreciate us. Got to be pleased with that ffs!
    Just coming out of the far end (I hope) of an incredible 3 days of storms. We have had almost 13″ rain in 3 days, accompanied by cyclonic winds. Believe me, that’s a LOT! Luckily our renovated house has managed well and despite a few adventures with trees falling on train lines, we seem to have come out unscathed.
    I went to a high tea to hear a guest speaker today. Skipped breakfast and plan low cal chicken and salad dinner. This meant I didn’t need to hold back…especially on the champagne. Interestingly, the women on most tables left the meringues and tiny glasses with apple, yoghurt and sago. I understand the meringues (pure sugar), but the yoghurt? Interesting, as they scoffed the scones with rhubarb jam and cream. Anyway, a lovely relief from the stormy weather.
    Enjoy your springtime! P 🙂

    Happy, how did you solve your dilemma? :-).

    Twigglet, size 12 for 5’9 is excellent!! Yes usually, more overweight people comment on how “thin” you are but also very close family, like children and husband who always loved you “the way you were”.

    I think most women over 40 whatever their size struggle to find a fashionable style that does not look like mutton dressed as lamb. To pull off trendy, flattering and young looking yet stylish is not that simple especially since inside of us there is still this 18 year old girl who never really wants to grow up.

    Glad you survived the storm unscathed, PVE. Hopefully things will calm down now. Have a great day.

    Thanks L, I have! Almost dark here now.
    Has anyone else noticed how much you “wee” on fast days? Combine that with constant rain (and cold) and you get a lot of exercise walking to the bathroom!!! 😉 P

    Well it turned into a semi-fast I suppose! I discovered some smoked mackerel in the fridge that was use by the 15th, so thought I’d better eat it sooner rather than later! Anyway, it was a good enough day to drop me back to pre-weekend weight.

    There are opportunities later in the week for full fasts as OH is away. However, his absence is also an opportunity to eat food I like but which he pushes round the plate disconsolately!

    Twigglet, good luck with finding the new you!

    I’m in my mid 40s, age wise, but stuck in limbo, clothes wise. I live in a rural area, on a farm, with a large garden and hens to tend, my exercise is walking/ running/ cycling. At home, it’s practical. Wellies in winter, lighter boots in summer! And jeans or practical combat style trousers (handy pockets for stuff!). And t-shirts and fleeces.

    I do need smarter clothes on occasion. And need to re-stock since losing weight! And yes, don’t want to be too age-inappropriate! But there’s the thing, what should a 40 something be wearing?

    So when you find you, can you let me know how you did it please!

    Hi P,

    Since losing weight I am much more aware of water retention and urination!

    On a Monday, whether it’s a fast day or not, I need to wee more frequently as my body gets rid of the stored water from the weekend carbs.

    Hi Hap
    You sound quite the glamour puss 😉
    I don’t think the frequent urination is water retention. I think it is more to do with the lack of solid food in the system absorbing some of the fluid, so, instead of going down with the food, it is excreted through the kidneys. I’ve experimented. As soon as you eat something solid on a fast day, it slows down.
    I think classic lines and solid colours can carry most people anywhere. Coordinate the colours to mix and match and you can end up with many items from a few purchases. My latest find is a reversible skirt for travel. 2 skirts in one!!!! P

    Hi P,

    Yes, I too have discovered reversible skirts (White Stuff do them here). It’s such a brilliant idea.

    Re: weeing more on fast days. Yes, I get that too, liquid going straight through! And very often annoying the night after a fast, especially as I’m reluctant to leave my bed until morning. Perhaps I should invest in a bed pan.

    One thing I heard recently was that milk is better for rehydration than water or sports drinks, not only salts etc but also the protein content, it passes through more slowly so more is absorbed/ less excreted. I’m not a huge fan of cow’s milk, except on cereals (which I don’t eat), or in a latte (which I do!). But I’ve started having a bit more almond milk, on fast days particularly, and that seems more filling and doesn’t seem to go through as quick! (and lower cal than cow’s milk).

    Oh, and glamour is my middle name! I rock those wellies…

    A friend visited recently, emerging from her car in heeled boots, and then looking in horror at the obstacle course of rough uneven stony yard, complete with sheep poo and water runoff from the top field…

    Think she was pleased to escape back to the pavements of civilization 🙂

    Well, Happy, wellies or gum boots, as we call them, are THE fashion item in Sydney at the moment. Lots of girls in the city today in very trendy looking gummies. My brand new leather boots have been perfectly waterproof as I have stomped around in puddles, quacking 😉
    A small glass of kefir (fermented milk) does the same trick on fast days. P

    Glad you’ve survived, P, and solved your dilemna, Happy. Flexibility and adaptability are all! Is this the normal pattern of your autumn weather, P?

    Re the clothes for mature prime of life – each to her own style: the task is to find it! L is right to say it has to fit your lifestyle – feeding hens, going to balls, or both!

    I seem to have fallen into a formula with which I feel at home: black jeans or trousers, ( wool / denim / cotton / linen according to season); shirt or t shirt (cotton or linen) and jumper ( colours various, cashmere if I’m lucky, otherwise cotton); lots of coloured scarves and for formal occasions a decent jacket. Very occasionally, in summer (ie when no tights needed!) swap trousers for a cotton / linen / jersey maxiskirt; boots in winter, sandals in summer. Every so often I wonder if it’s getting boring – and once in a blue moon I get a shock like the one with the DvF dress – but really, where would I wear that, however fabulous?? This, for me, is simple, affordable, ageless, comfortable and (I hope) reasonably smart – and its recognisably ‘me’! The basic pattern can be made interesting with details of colour and texture – and the exceptional foray into something very different gets disproportionate attention! At home, whatever is below the waist is swapped for gym pants (my ‘jamas’!) which look neat(ish) but keep the good stuff from getting overused. And as I get older (and now that weight has stabilised) it’s definitely quality rather than quantity – stuff is bought to last – and the simplest outfit looks interesting and feels good in a lovely fabric.

    Perhaps I’m just too lazy to think more creatively, but it seems to work for me. What have the rest of you found that works?

    Sounds like 90% of my wardrobe. Black trousers or jeans with tops that can be mixed and matched and accesoirised with scarves which saves on jewellery at the same time. Very safe. Work place has got more relaxed and I can get away with it as I am not customer facing. I, too only buy things I really, really like. the few items we need might as well be lovely.

    Happy, interesting about milk and rehydration. I am not sure I will start drinking milk now. But let us know if it helps you. I used to drink lots of unpasteurised milk as a child because my grand parents had a part time farm with two cows. But once we had to buy milk from the shops I didn’t like the taste of pateurisation and gave up milk.

    These last two fast days I nibbled/licked on two tea spoons of coconut oil at midday. I read that some people put it into their coffee but I can’t stand the fat eye looking back at me. TBH I don’t know if it does keep the hunger away. I felt not very hungry all day but that could also be the placebo effect or I just had an easy fast day.
    Coconut oil is quite a staple in my house. I also use it as a moisuriser together with argan and almond oils. Sometimes I make my own face cream (with shea butter) but often I just use the oils from the bottle. Does anybody else use natural, home made products for their beauty regime?

    An oatmeal, yoghurt and honey face pack – moisturising, purifying, anti-inflammatory – and very messy!! Not as worrying as the commercial ones if you get a mouthful, though! And (cheat) a commercially produced, but very simple, olive oil cleanser, which – contrary to all expectations – has helped my oily skin no end.

    Tell me about coconut oil, please Lichtle.. I have a friend who swears by it, and a personal trainer at the gym (treated myself to 6 hours of his time when I found myself getting bored and cheating – money well spent, but another story) insisted it was all-round brilliant. I did buy some, but haven’t cooked with it as I’ve always understood it was best to avoid monosaturates. I’m prepared to be convinced about coconut, but haven’t sorted it yet – in fact DH is currently using my jar to moisturise his luxuriant beard! Educate me, please?

    Happy you sound very similar I have 2 horses 2 dogs 2 cats and used to have sheep and hens until we kept having fox visits ! I live in jeans and wellies ! My wardrobe consists of outdoor clothes I can outdoor or very glam which isn’t much good for every day wear

    Lit I still feel 18 that’s the problem but your so right what to wear for the over 4os is a huge issue and nobody has quite got it yet

    On the coconut oil front I cook with it all the time be careful there are all different grades beautiful stuff very good for you but very expensive sadly

    L your face cream sounds amazing , I’m useless with beauty regime need to invest in good face cream or maybe have a go at making one ? Or a face lift ! Might be cheaper

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