I am just off to sleep now buddies and ‘yes ‘ PVE Mimi’s book is full of good ideas , I enjoyed it. Enjoy Tuesday PVE and I shall catch you up in 8 hours or so!
Good night all 🙂
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 3 weeks, 4 days ago.
Hello maintainers. I reached my goal weight of 150 lbs in January. I’ve stayed with the 5:2 because I think the other health benefits of fasting are likely to be true and I really don’t mind fasting and I enjoy eating lots, relatively speaking, when I can. So I’m just a little more free on non-fast days than I was before. I’ve also been building some muscle, which would cause weight gain if I let it, but I don’t.
I’m in the middle of a long fast (4 days), where I eat about 500 calories of veggies, my usual fast regimen, each day for 4 in a row. I did it late last year and I didn’t have any troubles at all. At that time, I was trying to kick past a plateau, which of course I did, but this time I’m just doing it for the health benefits. Anybody else doing longer fasts?
Hi Dave.
I am not religiously sticking to 16:8 everyday but probably hit 6 days out of 7 (usually not Sundays which begin with a fry up…). And if I wake up hungry, well that’s unusual for me, so now I’m at goal I will eat earlier. But I am eating lighter/ not overeating (can’t anymore), and naturally making healthier food choices (don’t fancy processed carbs or sugar, except at weekends but even then not so much as previously).
I’ve found the weight loss perturbingly easy. No calorie counting, no food weighing, no increase in activity, no ADF, no 4:3 etc, just 16:8 and 2 low cal fast days (yoghurt and fruit or porridge, then a fairly normal meal in the evening minus carbs). And I’ve found recently that I still lose weight even on 6:1 and 16:8. I can only attribute this to the added effects of 16:8. The science certainly suggests that it’s long fasting windows (and not just reduced calories but with no true fasting window) that lower insulin/start fat burning)/regenerate the immune system etc?
I lost about 60 pounds about 35 of which came off while I was doing something similar to 16:8. I just kind of started doing it, not having read anything or done any research and like you, I lost weight easily, about 2 pounds a month. Then I plateaued for quite a while and I heard about 5:2 and dropped the other 25 pounds doing 5:2 systematically, and 16:8 sporadically.
I still do 16:8 quite often, whenever it works into my schedule. It’s a lot easier for me than longer fasts, though not as effective weight loss wise and I suspect, not as effective health wise.
I did a zero calorie 36 hour fast once. It was hard to do and I think adding low-cal vegetables (usually broccoli, tomatoes, acorn squash, etc.) makes fasting safer, especially going longer than a day, and probably more natural as I would imagine that hunter-gatherers usually had something to eat, just often only very “poor” food with very high fiber and low nutrients. Various degrees of intermittent feasting and a steady supply of fiber is what I imagine anyway, so I’m sold on the few hundred calories on fast day idea. I also try to “protein cycle” i.e. keep protein to a minimum on fast days.
One difference for me, is that I have a much larger capacity to eat than I did before. I can really pack it in without any adverse effects. If I do eat a lot, then I’m satiated longer. It doesn’t seem to have caused me to eat more.
Hi dlroseberry.
Well done on the weight loss, very impressive.
I agree 16:8 is not necessarily such an effective weight loss tool as more drastic and prolonged calorie restriction. But the 16hr window without food is sufficient to get you into fat burning mode. So it seems to me that at least on the 2 fast days, aiming for at least a 16hr fast window (combined with low cal) is likely to be more effective than just cutting calories but not having a fast window.
And I know I have maintained a healthy weight in the past with 16:8, but saw gradual gain when I gave in to pressure to eat ‘normally’ (3 meals a day). So it’s got a proven track record for maintenance.
I’ve never been a dieter because I’m not interested in doing something that is not sustainable. And for me prolonged ‘fasting’ of the type you do would fall into that category I’m afraid! And I didn’t need to do anything drastic like that to get past a plateau because I didn’t plateau.
I acknowledge that the currently limited research suggests that health benefits may be maximized by longer fast windows. But I don’t know that eating 500 cals of veg for 4 days as you do is as good for you as say 24hr or 48 hrs with zero cals (I.e. a true fast)? Nor do I know whether doing a 4 day fast with 500 cals once a year provides any significant benefits over more frequent but shorter fasts (either low or no cal).
But it works for you, so that’s great! The forums really show that no two people are the same.
As I’ve said previously I do want to try a longer fast sometime for the health benefits, but I would have to consciously overeat on the non fast days in order not to lose more weight.Having to forcefeed myself some days just to get a 24hr or longer no or low cal ‘fast’ in (when it’s not clear how much extra benefit I’d get) falls into ‘unsustainable’ for me! I like an easy life….
My understanding is, because humans evolved to cope with feast and famine, we need to do very lows and then normals to replicate this. Therefore, reducing calories every day does not do as much as intermittent fasting and, as you say, Happy, a longer noneating break in the fast day seems to be more effective for repairing cells, consuming fat etc etc.
My boy definitely finds he needs to do proper fasts on two days a week to sustain his success with diabetes. I don’t have as obvious proof as his blood sugar tests, but I know it has worked for me, losing 26kg in 12 months. I’m sure if I didn’t keep it up twice a week, I would start gaining again. Have been maintaining now for 3 months.
We ARE all individuals. We all find what works and what is sustainable long term. That is the trick 😉 PVE
Hi there. PVE put me onto this post. I had a good giggle about the flapping pancakes. Sorry, men 🙂
I am very lucky like Fran in that the weight has come off my back and around under my boobs, from my stomach, thighs and upper arms. The day my chicken wings vanished, I posted!
My pants size has gone down from 16 to 12, and they are now loose. It’s a fabulous feeling.
My boobs have reduced a little so that they now fit beautifully inside my bra, instead of flowing over. The things we broadcast 🙂
I am maintaining by doing 5:2 and staying away from sugar and processed food. When I occasionally indulge, then next day is a fast day. I walk every day because the human body was made for walking. My mother is 93 and going strong. She says to all of us “use it or lose it”.
Having lost 14 kg from a starting weight of 77 kg on 25 January 2014, I am content to maintain my weight, as my body keeps shrinking and rearranging itself into a nicer shape.
Recently, we spent 3 weeks on holiday. While I didn’t fast, I spent many days eating only twice a day. Lots of water and green vegetables, and a small amount of protein. No starchy food. A beer every night. I came back the same weight and size.
Best endeavours to all maintainers.
Hi Bayleafoz
Good to “see” you over here with the Maintenance Mates. We are a very happy crew!
Lucky you, keeping a lovely figure! Yes, it isn’t that hard to holiday and just eat 2 meals. I’ve done a few trips this year and come back the same weight.
Stay with us. We have interesting discussions!
PS I’m not quite in bed yet Auriga, but will be soon. B….y freezing here tonight. Need to get the skinny old body into bed with the skinny old mate and snuggle;) Takes a LOT more heat to keep our new smaller bods warm this winter.
I am now in maintenance mode! I was fasting 3 days a week and now will go back to 2 days a week. I had a long period where I didn’t lose with fasting 2 days and think I can continue that. I will try to eat up to and even over my TDEE on the non fast days.
I decided to start weighing every day to avoid any sort of weight gain.
Hi Fasters, I lost another pound to at WW. Still going well, just a couple of pounds more and I will then try to maintain it. I have not had my usual rum and diet coke since a week last Thursday so I am feeling proud of myself too, not that I am an alcoholic as I have said on here but I keep practising. LOl.
My roofer is going well and when the job is completed I will definitely be having my usual double or 2 = 4 LOL
I weigh now after my FD days because it is water not fat unless we have eaten more than 3500 calories over our limit.
Welcome all the new posters.
Weather still fantastic here in South Wales. Watching Wimbledon with my feet up having done 9385 steps so far today.
Back later to read all posts. JIP
Hi All.
Have a great holiday Autiga, and ‘see’ you when you get back!
Re: maintenance models. Yes, longer fasts without food obviously benefit different conditions like diabetes etc. From my point of view though and at my age and health (triglycerides 0.8 mmol, HDL 2.22, LDL 2.59, cholesterol: HDL ratio 2.3, BP 110/70, HbA1c 5.3%), I don’t think I need to go there yet with prolonged fasting….
Sorry, was only thinking about me!!
Have a fabulous holiday Auriga. When you can send us some descriptions of your French cuisine. I’m enjoying some hedonistic culinary delights with my relatives staying here. I was going to attempt a fast yesterday – I lasted until somebody suggested a late, long, lazy lunch involving copious amounts of cool local white wine, washing down succulent skewered flame grilled chicken with an egg and lemon sauce, accompanied by fresh fat ruby tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and oregano and of course creamy white feta cheese with fresh sesame seeded bread to mop up the salad juices – what can one do – as Jack Nicholson once famously said (albeit not about food) there are only so many times one can keep saying no! Oh well tomorrow’s another day… Have fun Auriga, look forward to hearing from you again soon;-)
Hi Auriga
I also wish you a fabulous holiday. You’ll be fine with your maintenance!
Eat, drink and be merry! Look forward to hearing all about it.
We found we didn’t fast on holidays and usually had a glass of wine with lunch and a bottle between us for dinner every day, but the wine didn’t cause an issue. We seemed to naturally choose more veg or salad based dishes, cooked our own breakfasts and usually chose to eat only one big meal a day. We often choose the entre for a main…. working on the quality not quantity theory. We even had a couple of ciders/beers and hot chips.
Enough Elainefriend! Your description of the food was spectacular! It would have been really impolite of you not to join your friends. I doubt if those calories count;)
All the best Maintenance Mates. Another chilly (for us) winter’s day here, but it will be sunny, so off for more long walks. No fast today. 59.9kg this morning and ate very well yesterday!!
Cheers PVE
Well, I’m just finishing up on day 2 of the 4 days of 3-400 calorie fasting. I think Dr. M’s was only three + 1/2 for the last night, with Dr. Longo, but as you say, only broth in the Longo fast. I can’t say that I feel any differently than I normally do on any old fast day. Kinda want to eat and look sometimes longingly at the good stuff we have around here.
I was listening to a Diane Rehm show (radio program here in the US) with Dr.M and Dr. Longo and Dr. Mattson back in January, and Dr. Longo talked about longer fasts (as he does), 4 or 5 days, not more than one per month he mentioned, possibly being useful in preventing cancer (and as an adjunct in treating cancer), possibly better than 36 hour fasts. It’s all very uncertain (unfortunately no scales as with weight loss and no easy proxy blood tests as with heart disease and diabetes). Longo did say that it’s hard to get approval for human fasting experiments longer than 5 days because they’re considered potentially dangerous by the overseeing boards.
My blood work looks good now (my doc took me off Crestor (it was his idea, not mine to take me off!)), and I don’t want to lose any weight so I’m just experimenting. I’ll probably skip a couple of fast days next week to put the weight back on. Experimenting is another thing you can do on maintenance, not being so fixated on weight loss.
Hi dlroseberry.
Thanks for the info on longer fasting and possible cancer prevention effect. I’d certainly do it if I was having chemo or radiotherapy. With both bowel and breast cancer in the family, the preventative side is something I should probably explore more though.
Not ready yet though, as I haven’t even mastered maintenance yet… Just found my first post from 31 May, when I was 136-138 lbs (and aiming to maintain that). And I’m now 131, so still losing at least 1lb per week, whilst supposedly maintaining! I’d want to know I could put the weight back on before I did 3 or 4 consecutive low or no cal days! Anyway, it’s a bit early for me, but I’m off to eat something!
And a bit late I know! But hi Amy C and bayleafoz, congratulations on reaching your goals. I see you are maybe aiming to overeat on your nonfast days Amy, so you can keep doing 5:2. Good luck with that, it’s not something I can currently do and I don’t want to go back to overeating on any day (since that was what got me overweight to begin with). But we’re all different, so I’ll be interested to see how you get on.
Don’t lose too much weight now Happy. People will start using the A word (anorexic). My wife told me not to lose any more (and I always do what my wife says because it”s the key to happiness she says), so I’ve settled on 150, but I still have a bit of flab around the middle, which is normal and a good thing, I suppose. It’s subcutaneous fat, not the dreaded visceral fat, but I seem to keep it in the middle with a spare tire. Bad genes, but I can’t change them. We need some fat and I look fine when dressed. But I wouldn’t make a very good underwear model. As for putting the weight back on, I have some secret weapons in the refrigerator and freezer, so I’m not worried.
Good morning, maintaining buddies.
I am upset.
It seems that, every other time I fast while in maintenance, I lose too much weight and feel like cr*p. I totally miss fasting 2 days a week, one day feels like not enough, I used to feel good when fasting, now when I go below 115 pounds/my weight drops a lot right after a fast day I feel a weird combination of overly tired and overly-activated, with palpitations. Then I feel like I have to over-eat to get my weight back up. I’m not sure what to do!
I am thinking of switching to 16:8 instead of 6:1, which I can do, although I am normally a breakfast eater (200-300 calories, much more protein and fat than carbs). The problem is, I have two questions: 1) is there any actual research documenting that 16:8 has the health benefits of calorie-restricted intermittent fasting such as ADF and the Two-Day Diet, on which 5:2 is based and which each have research support, and 2) does anyone know if you need to do 16:8 every day to get the benefits of it, or does doing it only a certain number of days a week do it?
I would really like to still get the health benefits of IF while at my goal weight.
Yesterday was a fast day for me, the previous one was six days prior to it. Weight Saturday AM 116.2 pounds, Monday AM 117.8 pounds, Tuesday AM 116.2 pounds, Wednesday AM 113.8 pounds, my lowest weight ever. Now, my CFS has been acting up while I get used to my new work schedule, so I spent the day just relaxing and reading yesterday, and probably did not drink as much water as usual, I’m sure some of the drop was water weight, although I drank some water during the day and a fair amount with the 400 calories I ate at dinnertime (from my usual breakfast and lunch foods, I was too tired to cook dinner, my son offered to cook, but then I would not have known how many calories I was eating). BUT, I was awake most of the night with hunger, which is not usual for me on a fasting night or any night. Since I can’t go to the kitchen without waking my son, and I really need the sleep because my CFS/ME is acting up, I nibbled on an 80% dark chocolate bar that was in my handbag until I fell asleep. Three times! 350 extra calories altogether. So not really a fasting day after all! And my weight still dropped like a stone!
Last week I *gained* a pound or more (presumably of water weight) after a good fasting day with 12,000+ steps. That was 10 days after my prior fast day, during which I dropped three pounds to 114.2, my second-lowest weight ever. (I am trying to maintain between 115 and 119 pounds.)
Now, I’m not sure why I feel so crummy when I go below 115. When I was 30 and 40 years younger, I weighed on average 10 pounds less than I do now. 115 is a BMI of 19.7 for me, not dangerously low. So maybe it’s the sudden drop rather than the absolute number, I don’t know. This time I am not going to over-eat to regain so that I can fast again, though, that just didn’t feel good. Although this morning I ate all of my normal breakfast plus half of a normal lunch (about 600 calories altogether — I usually do better eating most of my calories later in the day) before I felt like I could think straight enough to type this.
Sorry for being such a downer. I will catch up with all your posts later. Just bummed out because, even though fasting twice a week was work, it made me feel good, and now I can’t do it any more!!!!!! and I’m not sure how to solve my problem. May cross-post my questions about 16:8 research on other threads. SAMM might be able to point me to stuff to read. I have been poking around Martin Berkhan’s web site, leangains, without finding references to research specifically on 16:8 or 20:4 or similar IF non-calorie-restricted protocols.
Interesting. One thing to consider is just gaining 10 pounds or so, since your BMI is pretty low. You say your BMI isn’t dangerously low but BMI is a imprecise measure. Another idea is to do some weight training to increase muscle mass, if that could be an issue. Weight training would make it easier to gain weight and, whatever your weight used to be, it’s healthier to add muscle for most people. Muscle stabilizes blood levels of various hormones and of glucose, that why it comes to mind when you describe your problems.
In my opinion, the research isn’t there to distinguish between these various fasting regimens, health-wise. Shorter fasts might not be as good but it’s mostly speculation. You could try the 16:8 and see how it makes you feel. In my opinion, how you feel is probably as good and indicator as any at this stage. How you feel will indicate how much stress the fast is putting on you as it’s the stress that makes you feel good and the stress (moderate stress) that probably makes the health benefits, similar to exercise stress.
dlroseberry, thanks. I’ve actually embarked on a physical therapy program one goal of which is to increase muscle mass. My goal was originally to get back to my baseline adult weight of 105-107 pounds. Changed it to maintaining at 117+ or – 2 pounds because of how I felt and looked, with input from my doctor and my son. 117 is actually BMI 20.1, seems pretty reasonable, especially as I felt fine for years averaging 10 pounds less than that. When you get to a BMI around 20 it seems to start changing a lot with every pound gained or lost. I really don’t feel good eating enough to gain. My waist:hip ration is still way over 0.80, too, goes up even more if I regain 10 pounds. One problem is that I’ve increased my activity level so much that I seem to need to eat more to maintain at 117 than I did to maintain at 157. Like 1700 calories per day instead of 1500. But cutting back on exercise is not the answer, all I’m doing is averaging 10,000 steps/day of moderately brisk walking, and that helps me feel better, too. But you may be right about just trying 16:8 to see how it makes me feel. I wonder if it works if you only do it 2 or 3 days a week? I really like eating my small breakfast on non-fasting days, ate it for the first several months on fasting days, too. Definitely do not want to stop eating at 3 or 4 pm, that would definitely not work for me.
Sounds like you’re on a good track. I can’t imagine not being able to gain weight. Gaining muscle requires both eating and gaining weight which is hard for some dieters because fat can creep in there while you’re doing this. But you are so far from being fat that you should just throw that from your mind for awhile, while you get strong.
Hi Fran.
The book does cover shorter fasts, as well as prolonged fasting. The studies seem to show that even short fasts with no food can benefit insulin sensitivity at least.
Earlier in the book, Dr M asks if it’s just about the calorie restriction but concludes that the intermittent fasting element is what turns on fat burning. So the aim is to go without food for long enough for there to be no food left in you for fuel, to make your body turn to its own reserves. And I understand, depending on what you eat, that’s a minimum of 12 hours?
I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for a couple of days only, since 5:2 ought properly to comprise a fasting window (fat burning mode) and calorie restriction (weight loss) and that’s only 2 days?
But hey, if it’s not for you, it’s not for you! Don’t force it.
I would ideally like to add in a longer fast perhaps one day a week for increased benefits but know I can’t at the moment without losing more weight. So I’m going to just focus on maintenance for now, and look to add a longer fast back in when my body’s got used to not losing weight.
Hi dl (if I can reduce you to that?!). At BMI 21ish, I’m not in imminent danger of wasting away. The only person so far to tell me not to lose any more is a friend who doesn’t want me to weigh less than her! My Dad used to ask if I was anorexic if I refused second helpings… at 155lbs, think that was possibly more to do with his ignorance than my appearance or eating habits!
And can I say you sound like the perfect husband… Mine would say the key to his happiness would be me not telling him what to do!
HappyNow, I may have to just focus on maintaining for a while, too, but I really like fasting and miss it. I think I should go back and re-read the book.
dl, I know I am weird, but as hard as it was for me to lose weight until I found 5:2, I don’t usually gain weight without medical problems or medication side effects. Over-eating makes me feel really uncomfortable, and I’m one of those people who loses their appetite when stressed/upset/unhappy.
Hi Fran. I know what you mean. I was doing Mondays and Thursdays, so today would have been my second ‘fast’ day. But no, I don’t need the calorie restriction. I think it’s partly fear of letting go of that routine and discipline that’s the problem for me….
I saw simcoeluv’s replies to your question to SAMM. 16hrs may not be a long enough fast window for some but I am one of those people who eats limited processed carbs (although I do eat bread at weekends and pasta occasionally in the week). And I have successfully maintained in the past with 16:8, and am apparently healthy.
Yes, the 16hr study mentioned in the book was mice, but there was also a 20hr study in humans mentioned. There has also been a study reported recently of the effect of eating twice a day vs grazing on diabetes that showed reduced eating windows produced results, and that’s due to lowering insulin and not about calorie restriction per se.
I agree there will be for some an element of calorie restriction on 16:8 but so what, if it helps you stay within TDEE when your problem in the first place was overeating, that is surely not a bad thing!
I am not sure of the evidence suggesting that eating 500 calories (of junk if you want) spread over 12 hours, on an occasional basis, is any better for health markers (other than weight loss) than a more restricted eating window on a similarly occasional basis?
And what you have to remember with science is that an absence of evidence is not the same as an absence of effect. So “no evidence of the benefits of 16:8” may just equal “no studies of 16:8” and is not necessarily “there is evidence that 16:8 does not provide health benefits”.
Happy Thursday, 5:2ers, IFers, 16:8ers, etc everywhere!
Good morning, maintaining buddies 🙂
Amy C, congratulations on entering maintenance mode! 🙂 That’s wonderful! I’m also weighing daily in early maintenance. What I’ve found so far is that I bounce around quite a bit within my 4-pound maintenance window, even when I didn’t fast for 10 days. It has to be water weight, the way it suddenly comes and goes. So I’m very glad that I’m maintaining within a range, otherwise I would be driving myself nuts! I also started by going from 4:3 to 5:2, was very surprised when I lost more weight, because those last few pounds came off very slowly. We definitely all seem to be different in what we need to do to maintain our weight loss.
bayleafoz and dlroseberry, congratulations on losing weight with 5:2 and welcome to our friendly maintenance thread 🙂 We’re all engaged in the process of finding our way, here.
HappyNow, I think you may be right that there just is no research on 16:8. I am going to do some more reading, let my weight stabilize, and think for a while about what to do next. Fasting actually does do something good for my mood. I do miss it. And I’m very keen on its health benefits.
Auriga, fearless leader, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday! It sounds like such a lovely place to visit 🙂
Elainefriend, it sounds like you are having a lovely time with your guests 🙂
PVE, I almost envy you your cooler weather, we are having a couple of hot, humid days here. Harder to get myself out and walking when the sun is beating down and the air feels like soup! Of course it’s much better than the relentless snow and ice we had last winter, though.
Ah, time to get moving!
Hello everyone,
Franfit, perhaps when Mimi comes back off her holidays she may check in with us again, it might be an idea to contact 5-2 diet. I cannot ever envisage losing weight without trying after years of trying to find a diet that works for me. I feel 5-2 is a way of life I can stick with. Saying that I did it this week and one day of watching what I was eating and I lost another pound. I have indulged a bit with some of hubby’s chocolate cake and I now feel bloated and wish I had some fruit instead that’s a first for me and my sweet tooth.
My walking, Nordic walking and bowling is keeping on track and if I can do the Aqua Zumba once a week I feel this should keep me focused.
Good night or good morning all.
Hi Maintenance mates 🙂
Fran, I weigh myself every time I happen to be naked in the bathroom…no! No THAT often;) My weight always varies within a range of about 2kg. This can be effected by what time of day it is, how much I have eaten, how much I have drunk, how often I have urinated, how long it was since a bowel movement. All this is normal.
Therefore we both think of our maintenance weight as somewhere in that 2kg range. We are both still slowly coursing down with two fast days a week and eating much more now on nonfast days. (Not as much as the old days and probably healthier choices.)
My husband believes the health implications for his diabetes (a measurable result daily) are definitely effected by the fasting, not just his overall weightloss. Therefore, he feels he will always need to do the two fasts (24/12 fasts) for the rest of his life, but increase the amount he eats on other days to ensure he doesn’t keep dropping too much.
If you look at charts, the range of healthy weight for height is quite large. Just don’t drop below the bottom end figure and you should be ok, we think.
Thank goodness it is nonfast today. I struggled to avoid just going into a restaurant and ordering a large steak, chips and salad last night!!! I didn’t, though and only ate a couple of extra veg patties before bed.
Proud of my self control! Can’t imagine what it is like fasting in a really cold climate.
All the best Fran and everyone else.
Your mate, PVE
Hi all
Woke up this morning to a beautiful red sky, prepared for snow on the hills and 11c max today. This thread is so encouraging. Measurements still going down, or in! Treating myself to new clothes from the mid year sales. 🙂 We are so worth it. 🙂
I am so grateful to Dr M and the 5:2 way of living. I have never paid for a diet or special food, and am now eating all healthy food with pleasure.
Please keep sharing recipes, as it is great to try something new. I have bought Mimi’s book and am making different meals. The interesting thing for me and my man is that we eat half the size of food we used to. And feel full. The fasting seems to reset your appetite as well as shrink your stomach.
Happy maintaining.
Hi bayleafoz.
How has the sales shopping gone? Have you had to buy a whole new wardrobe? You’ve lost 15? I’ve lost neatly 13 and need new trousers especially, but can’t quite believe yet that this is me!
I’ve never had much luck finding clothes in the sales (12 and 14 seemingly v popular sizes), and thought maybe now I’m smaller there will be more left in my new size….but then I remembered all those other dratted 5:2ers also shrinking!
Hi everyone! So far my weight is staying in the 114.2-114.6 pound range after dropping to 113.8 after my last fast day instead of bouncing right back up again. Since I feel so uncomfortable over-eating it seems like I should just wait until my weight naturally rises to the top of my maintenance range and stays there for a few days before doing another fast day, even though I really miss fasting. It just feels slightly nuts to consciously over-eat on purpose so that I can fast, although, PVE, I would absolutely do that if I had type 2 diabetes, I agree with your husband 100%.
bayleafoz, there is a thread called ‘recipes for the challenge thread’ where I posted some recipes that friends on another thread requested. Did you have fun shopping?
HappyNow, I try to shop sales, too, often without success, if I see something I really want in my size I will snap it up even if it’s full price, it seems like whatever size I am is likely to be the size the store is out of, lol! The problem is that it’s so expensive, having to replace a whole wardrobe. Even some of my socks are baggy and some of my old shoes fall right off my feet, even if I stuff extra insoles into them! LOL, I now have enough of everything in my new size except winter outerwear to at least get by, and I can continue to wear huge old winter jackets until I find what I really want at a price I can afford in that department.
Auriga, thank you for checking in while on holiday, delighted that you are having a wonderful time 🙂
Hi all
Great to hear your holiday is going so well Auriga. I have a double problem with un pain in Europe as hubby is gluten intolerant and they won’t give us only bread for one:(
Replacing the wardrobe is very expensive but I have found shoes in the back of the wardrobe (including boots) that I haven’t worn for years, but couldn’t bring myself to throw out. They fit and are now fashionable!
I really do live in a paradise. Went for a walk yesterday afternoon along the promenade of one of our very famous beaches. Late afternoon, mid winter and the sun was shining off the aqua sea, the golden sand looked perfect, the wind had gone. Children splashed in the waves. Surfers attempted to catch the pretty small waves. People played ball games on the sand. Young parents walked their children, passing older folk dawdling along arm in arm. Others skated, cycled and scootered along. I couldn’t resist joining in this idyllic scene. Bought myself a macadamia waffle ice cream and continued on my walk licking with joy. Pure bliss.
How short our winter is. The sun has already shifted further east and rising into my front windows. The days are getting longer and the weather perfect.
Have a happy weekend all.
With our grey day we topped around 7C today. I was going to fast but around lunchtime our neighbour asked us to come by for roast chicken. What could we do? 🙂 fast tomorrow. Isn’t it great to be flexible. I loved your description of the beach and the macadamia waffle icecream. Felt I ate it with you.
Hi Happy Now
It’s taking me a while to read all the new posts. I enjoyed shopping, but didn’t find too many clothes to buy. You’re right in that size 12 and 14 sell out first. I am now size 12 in trousers and size 14 in tops. I am going to try to find clothes in Brisbane when I visit my Mum. Because their seasons are slightly different to ours, I can sometimes pick up clothes.
Well it’s official weigh day, and I’m 59.8, so weight pretty stable. It’s funny though because I do feel my jeans are a bit looser still.
PVE. I do like an icecream, and I’m now salivating. Thanks!
Bayleafoz, it’s definitely a happy thought that you won’t ever again expand into bigger sizes.
Fran, I also really want to get in some proper fasting for health. I might try a 20hr true fast and then have a reasonable meal rather than do a 500 cal day. I’ve been reading though that you should break a longer fast with light and stomach friendly food and not go straight into ‘normal’ food and portion sizes.
How did the 24hr (or longer) fasters find coming off the fast?
Good morning, maintaining buddies 🙂 my weight is still maintaining itself this morning without any particular effort on my part other than just not over-eating, lol, I’m still so surprised at this!
bayleafoz, glad you found the recipes, and there are lots of yummy recipes in Mimi’s book 🙂 I bought myself some horizontal stripes for the first time in my life this spring, too! Good for you for not buying the cute but too-large top.
HappyNow, I’ve read the same thing about a longer fast, but kind of assumed it meant longer than a day. Most fasting days I go from dinner to dinner without calories, so roughly 22-24 hours, depending on scheduling, and don’t have to eat particularly differently than usual when I break my fast, I just eat dinner, although I’ve found that I’ll get full too fast if I eat fast because I’m so hungry, lol. That makes me slow down a bit. It couldn’t hurt to break your fast with a light appetizer like a salad or piece of fruit, though, if you’re concerned about it. I could definitely do a 20-hour fast, but would probably end up only being able to eat 50-70% of my usual calories between breaking my fast and going to bed. It would probably be much easier to get the extra calories on non-fasting days if I drank alcohol, but don’t intend to start now, there are good reasons for me not to.
PVE, it sounds beautiful where you live — I forget exactly where you are — maybe on Australia’s northeast coast? We are having lovely weather where I live at present, lows in the 60s at night, highs in the low-to-mid 80s during the day (that’s roughly 18-29 C), only occasional rain, not too humid most days.
Auriga, I trust you’re having beautiful weather on your holiday, and
Elainefriend, hopefully the same in Greece while you have houseguests!
Working Friday-Monday this weekend. Oh, well, such is life 😉
So I know the following is nothing to do with maintenance but, on the basis that I can’t be a*sed finding the right thread…!
My Dad is in his early 80’s. He’s been carrying too much for years (BMI 30ish, and apple, on meds for high BP but pretty fit and active otherwise). Anyway, despite ‘gentle encouragement’ to lose weight for several years (he would say nagging!) 5:2 has appealed. He’s just over 3 weeks in and, despite still drinking on fast days and not counting calories, he’s lost 11lbs. Aside from the weight loss, he reports his arthritic knee hurts much less and his BP (still on meds) appears to be verging on low.
Bizarrely, and disturbingly, people his own age are telling him that it’s not worth ‘denying himself things he’s likes… just for a bit of weight loss’ and ‘dieting is a young persons game’. He’s having none of it! He’s finding it easy (including mindful eating on non fast days) and feels so much better already.
I was concerned about pushing him to do something (I did only tell him about my positive experience and didn’t suggest he tried it) but he seems to be feeling really positive and totally engaged. He’s happy, I’m bl**dy thrilled!
HappyNow, please give your Dad my congratulations for doing something so positive for himself 🙂
I do not know of any reason why someone should not fast just because they are in their 80s. It would be a different story if the person was frail and fasting was causing them to feel unwell, but, since your Dad is happy and feeling better from fasting, I hope that all will continue to go well for him! There is really no understanding other peoples’ negativity about it unless they just feel envious of him and a bit guilty about doing nothing for their own health.
Excellent work Happy.
There should never be an upper level for looking after our bodies. Well done dad!
No Fran. I’m a New South Welshman (that’s why I have an affinity with JIP, I guess) I’m in beautiful Sydney. Wind off the Snowy Mountains today has made the temp plummet again. But the sun still shines!
Having a huge family roast today, so had better go. … BIG fast tomorrow!!
Bayleafoz, pop into Sydney for some good clothes shopping 😉
Hi Fran.
I agree with your thinking re peoples negativity.
People are telling him already that he looks better (he did look ready to drop twins!). But then they find out he’s fasting…..! My God, he must be senile…… I can only think it turns an uncomfortable spotlight on their own eating habits and attitude to life. What excuse do they have for giving up if someone older (and heavier!) than them can take control of their own health.
If he can avoid or slow the adverse effects normally associated with.aging, well, I’ll not only be Happy, I’ll be EcstaticNow!
The rain has stopped and a long walk is going to happen today, even tho we are topping out at 8C. Vegetable soup and a light smoked salmon noodle dinner. We dined last night with neighbours on dry roast chicken n vegetables, plus wine and dessert. I weigh the same this morning. Three cheers for 5:2 and Dr M. I will enjoy a fast day tomorrow. Congratulations to all those losers out there 🙂 and gainers of health!
I’m still thinking about your problem of wanting to fast but not to lose weight. Here is an interview with Dr. Longo (from the Eat, Fast and Live Longer program). He makes some interesting comments about weight maintenance: http://www.imjournal.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/Content.Main/id/78/longo
Hi simco,
Many thanks for the link. What an interesting article. It makes you think about the health benefits of fasting in a different way. He does not appear to favour 24 hour fasts as too severe, but makes the case for five days a month of fasting. Also, fingers crossed, should I ever need chemo, then I would fast 3 days before and one day after. Thanks once again. 🙂
Hi Maintainers, My lovely visitors left after a nine day visit to sunny Greece and thankfully they didn’t start to smell after three days like fish! I did not manage even one fast day during their stay and unfortunately I did put on 1lb which is only the second time in four months that I have put on weight since starting 5:2, so today is a strict fast-day whilst I get back into a 5.2 routine. I must say I’m not panicking about putting on 1lb because I know I will get it off again on 5:2. So I now weigh 9st 3lbs, 129 lbs, (at least am maintaining under 130 lbs) but my goal is still 8st 13lbs – 125 lbs before I will really consider myself a true ‘maintainer’! Love HappyNow’s story about her father, its never too late to improve one’s health and shame on those who try to scupper his efforts because of ignoranace of the ways of 5:2. HappyNow perhaps your father will eventually join us here, I hope he has your wonderful sense of humour! My son is aged 40 and has lost 14lbs on 5:2 and I am thankful for that because we all understand the dangers associated with being overweight and we all want to see our loved ones happy and healthy us maintainers understand that the Fast Diet really has helped us acheive that :-))
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23 Jun 14