FFS, surrounded by love …it’s THE BEST – with it we can deal with all those not so perfect things in life. Very lucky Take care
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 1 month ago.
No Lichtle, that was on account of my last pair (25 years old!) starting to let the wet and wearing smooth on the soles – and being a decrepit old scaredy cat who now has no padding on her hips so wanted an expensive slip-proof pair. Honestly, they just don’t make things to last any longer! But the jeans, tops, bras (yes, definitely the bras!) were ALL about 5:2!
And yes, I am blessed, and I do know it. X
:-)) FFS, what a relief. A good pair of boots is absolutely esssential. I haven’t managed 25 years yet but 15 maybe? But I wear them solidly for almost four months a year. I do take them off at night (honest) – Real leather almost become pets that need feeding (greasing and waxing) regularly and then they are very grateful companions.
Gorgeous descriptions of a well loved life and leather boots!
I have found, due to 5:2, I have many more shoes I can wear again. My poor old feet used to be crippled in anything but “sensible ” shoes. Now I can comfortably wear prettier shoes I had tossed to the back of the wardrobe in disgust. Such a delight to look sexy again. 😉 P
Wow, 25 years or 15 years! I kneel in awe!
I’m not a shoe person, well obviously I wear them! But I’m not Imelda Marcos…
I’m afraid I buy a pair of shoes/ boots and wear them to death. And then I buy another pair (usually annoyed with myself that I didn’t buy two pairs of the ones I just wore out when I had the chance!)
P, I suspect that it isn’t the shoes that make you look sexy 🙂
P, I too have found I can once again wear some of my older shoes, half a size smaller than when I was heavier (I think it was about width, rather than length – a bit like the effect of advanced pregnancy). But I’m still grateful that flats are back in fashion – sadly, arthritis at the base of my big toe hasn’t responded to the weight loss. So any sexiness will have to be about the twinkle in the eye and restored zest for life – the only certainty is that it won’t be about the perky boobs! (Hope it’s encouraging for you spring chicks to hear your elders and wrinkliers talking like this…..)
A quandary…Mr P and I went for a 2 1/2 hour walk, intending to have lunch at the end. The cafe kitchen was closed, so black coffees only.
On arriving home, I whipped up a quick snack..chorizo, capsicum, olives, tiny spuds and herbs. Oh, and a glass of white 😉 What do you call this?
Part way between lunch and dinner/tea? The late afternoon equivalent to brunch. Dunch? Lea? Linner?
All suggestions would be welcome as we often eat at this time 🙂 P
Loved the discussion about what to call a mid-meal meal! Couldn’t think of anything more sensible than the rest of you 🙂
I went clothes shopping today, but came back empty handed 🙁
I tried on a pair of trousers. When I handed them back I told the assistant that I have slightly flabby thighs and the cut and stretch was unflattering. She looked me up and down, and imperceptibly pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. Funny how many times in the past I’ve been made to feel inferior by shop assistants, and thought it was because I was fat! But no, they are trained to make you feel inferior whatever you weigh!
How disappointing Happy.
I find the opposite. No matter how big or small I am, or how inappropriate the item is, if the shop assistants are actually attending to me, they wax lyrical about how “fabulous ” or “perfect” it looks. I learnt long ago to ignore them 😆
Perhaps it’s too early in the season for the full range to be available. I’m sure you don’t have ‘flabby thighs’. 🙂
Good morning my first post on this thread I’m so excited to be doing it hit my goal weight yesterday started at 12.7 now 10.10 I’m 5.9ft the most incredible journey Completly changed my relationship with food. I am not worried about going back to my old habits as I’m convinced I will keep this up I want to keep fasting as I need to keep control over food before this WOL food was defiantly controlling me.
I will research and read this thread for how I manage this as I don’t need to loose anymore as I think I will start to look a bit gaunt
But I do need to go shopping as I actually have no clothes that fit looking forward to buying some clothes because they look good and not buying clothes just because that’s all that fits !
Happy Sunday
Congratulations Twigglet 🙂 Welcome to the world of maintenance and the fun of replacing your, now, too big wardrobe; )
My suggestions:
Keep doing what you have been and weigh every day. Respond to your fluctuating weight by eating more or less. You will eventually find a natural balance. I found I continued twice weekly fasts for about 9 months after reaching goal. Now, a year later, I do one good fast and ‘mini’ fasts (eg skip breakfast, low cal lunch) if I’m at the upper end of my “wriggle room” or if I know I’ll be overindulging. You’ll find your way, I’m sure.
Have fun 🙂 PVE
Happy and PVE, I find it very hard to find a shop assistant who actually knows something about what style of clothes different shaped women should be wearing. I’ve encountered both types you have mentioned – those who tell you you look great when you know you look damm ridiculous and those that look you over as you walk in the store to see if you’re good enough or not! Whenever I have one that does the long nose to me I just think about what their salary is compared to mine (and I don’t think I’m snobby) and have a smile to myself! I would love to get a job in a dress shop and I tell you I would welcome everyone and be honest about what they look like.
Congratulations twiglet! I have found the most expensive part of buying new clothes is the new undies! Nice underwear is one of my weaknesses and I like to buy matching sets, usually 2 pairs of knockers to one bra. It’s taking me a long while to stock up in new sizes. Beforehand I knew what size I was in which brand, now I have to educate myself all over again! 🙂
Hi Twiglet! Welcome, and well done! Join the ‘justified-in-buying-new-clothes’ club – but don’t overdo it yet – there may be smaller sizes still to come, if your experience is like that of lots of us here.
I’ve long believed that sales assistants should be trained in understanding colour and body types, as well as lifestyle and clothing personality – or at the very least understand the language / jargon (depending on how sceptical you are of the various systems around ). I’ve no financial/professional stake in any of them, and not obsessive or overly obedient to others’ opinions, but I have found it helpful in co-ordinating my wardrobe and minimising mistakes: I’m not very visually inclined, and found it hard to see myself objectively and know what suited me. I’d like to think that if I walked in and said ‘this is the shorthand: I’m a “jewel winter” dramatic-classic with a diamond-shaped face, large features and an inverted-triangle, sharp-straight body with no curves’, at least I wouldn’t be offered frilly, mimsy bits of boho in lurid orange or anaemic pastels. No luck yet, though, so I’ve learned for myself: stick to neutral colours and simple shapes; add colour with scarves etc., and only ask for help in a shop when you know what you want and just need to know where it is – or pay for it! Better still, learn to sew – at which I have no natural talent whatsoever! I did learn to do it, to a rudimentary standard, when my children were small, and carried on sewing for myself later, but the hands will no longer co-operate, so I’ve been back in the shops. It will be a relief to have stabilised, and be able to go back to saying ‘what I have will see me out’!
Carolann: yes, to the expense of new underwear – and the need to learn new sizes. Not only has 36C become 32D or DD, but I always have to try on because every style fits differently, let alone every brand. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being slim!!
A very warm welcome twigglet. Lovely to have you with us here. There is not much to know apart from just keep doing what you have been doing and if you feel you are losing too much do a semi fast once a week or do 6:1. All will be revealed naturally
A few weeks ago I walked into a shoe shop and found a pair of shoes (for DD wedding) I actually liked. As they were just a little too small the shop assistant brought the next size up which was too big (no half size). She then proceeded to try and talk me into buying the smaller size, promising I could walk them in at home and bring them back if I changed my mind. I told her that my feet were already hurting just trying them on and she then promised to keep them behind the counter should I change my mind during my shopping trip. I think some of the shop assistants don’t care if the customer is satisfied because “it can be returned” but they still get their commission.
When I am in a shop and see another customer try on a garment that is flattering I always tell them. It’s nice to get an opinion of someone who has no personal gain in telling you their opinion (even husbands cannot always be trusted because they want to get “out of here” :-). I only volunteer my opinion if it is positive but if I am asked outright I am honest.
Hi Lichtle – lovely thing to do! And nice for both parties. I (very occasionally, and only if my instinct really says ‘go’) have been known to compliment someone I pass in the street, if they look fantastic. The last time it happened, I spotted a middle-aged woman looking in a shop window, who just looked amazing – not from spending £Ks but just because everything she had on was perfectly chosen in colour, style and fit.. I didn’t even stop – just touched her arm lightly as I passed, said ‘just want to tell you how wonderful you look’, and kept walking. One day I shall probably get punched on the nose when someone misinterprets, but it’s never happened yet – and the pleasure on that woman’s face gave me a warm glow which lasted all day.
Your shoe salesperson could (equally likely, in my experience) have suggested you take the larger pair and stuff the ends with tissue. It doesn’t work! The aforementioned expensive boots were chosen largely because the brand still does half sizes, which seem increasingly (and infuriatingly) to be an elusive luxury. Did you find the wedding shoes? When’s the Day?
FFS, I am sure you made that lady’s day!!! We all could do with more honest, positive complements.
Yep, and stuffing the larger shoes was also mentioned as an option. Just didn’t fancy walkng around with stuffing hanging out of the back of my shoes. :-)). The wedding is mid June in your neck of the woods, north of Bristol.
But I have two dresses. Wanted to take one back but DH was against. So now I put (slight) pressure on DD no2 (who urged me to get it) to get married before it goes out of date or fashion. It’s that or DH has to come up with some pretty good events to go to as I don’t feel good owning things that are not used.
Very, I’m afraid. I live at the working end of s glos, and worked in 5 very down to earth villages, but Tetbury / Badminton are Charles-and-Camilla, hunting country. On one occasion, when considering some boundary reorganisation for church parishes, the question was asked, which of two market towns our people looked to for shopping etc. the vicar of Badminton’s reply: ‘Harrods, actually’….
Oh, DD would never forgive me. She was disappointed (rolling eyes) when I mentioned that I didn’t need a dress as I had a perfectly suitable outfit (IMHO) but she thought I wasn’t taking this very seriously as every other woman would love to have an excuse to go shopping. I need a personal shopper who just finds me nice clothes. I don’t like trapsing from shop to shop trying stuff on.
I just dropped a parcel off for shipping..it weighed 29.9kg. Pretty much exactly how much heavier I was 2 years ago. Woo! How could I possibly have carried that much around? No wonder I can run up stairs 2 at a time now. Mind blowing actually shifting that weight (and it took 2 of us to get it out of the car!) P
Hi P,
I can’t imagine carrying that much extra weight. And I guess you haven’t had many opportunities to see what your loss really looked like (unless you have a handy 30kg child around!)?
My loss is slightly less than half that, and every time I pick up a sack of animal feed I am astounded that a year and a half ago that was me. You can feel the weight pushing down through your hips, knees and feet. And you don’t walk far without huffing and blowing.
As you say, FFS, no going back!
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5:22 pm
17 Apr 15