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  • It was indeed a wonderful pud. I have just calculated that the whole thing ( for 5 people) contained 4000 calories – and I ate two fifths of it (had to taste a trial run to make sure it was fit for guests…) Was it worth it? Yes. Do I know why I need to fast today? Yes. Anyone want the recipe? (The right answer is ‘no’)

    (Of course, it could have the added effect of necessitating a dental appointment, in which case all the calories obviously magic away …….)

    I am 65 years old 173cm tall. I started the 5:2 on January first 2015. I was 113 Kilos. Today I am 98Kilos. I fast on Monday and Thursday. On fast days I do not eat before 13.00.I usually do not eat after 1800 on Sunday and Wednesday. So I am fasting for 19 hours before my first meal on a fast day also I do not eat after 1800 on a fast day until breakfast which is normally 0600. So my total time fasting is 36 hours. I exercise at least five days a week and always on fasting days. I enjoy my wine I used to drink a bottle a night. Now I have wine on Wednesday ,Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    That sounds like a brilliant balance – well done. Sorry to welcome you to the thread with discussion of calorific pudding! Not our usual routine, honest!

    Welcome palajam. Well done 15kilos since January is exceptional. Keep up the good work and by the summer you will be skipping around in size 10 clothes.

    WOW FFS, respect, (flick of wrist) :-)) 4,000 cals. I had three HCB left over and saw a recipe of a bread & butter pudding that used up HCBs but I thought I’d better freeze them and make a small one in a few weeks’ time. It sounds like your recipe with chocolate and all. I won’t be able to make this now without thinking of 800cals per serving. I will wait until the time comes when I don’t give a toss.

    Mmmm..your pud or 1 1/2 bottles of wine? The pud does sound good. You’d better give us the recipe….just in case! πŸ˜‰

    Welcome Palajam. You seem to have grasped the system very well. Good on you!
    Have you also altered what you eat? eg lower carbs? All the best. P

    P, I actually made 2 – the other one is in the freezer, but whether I shall ever dare to eat it now is questionable. Available free to good home, for anyone who will collect…
    But here goes with the recipe: for each pud, I used:-

    – 1 packet of 10 chocolate chip brioches, torn roughly into a buttered dish;
    – 1/3 to one half of a jar of bitter, chunky marmalade, warmed until runny and poured over;
    – mixture of 3 large eggs, 3/4 pint of double cream, beaten together and poured over;
    – baked at 180deg for somewhere between 30 ane 45 mins, until liquid is set.

    (And I suspect a few cardamom pods might have improved it even further!)

    Easy-peasy, delish, but lethal.

    Thanks ffs.
    I usually leave the mix for most of a day to allow the “bread” to thoroughly soak up the liquid. More like the French version. Do you do this? P

    No, I’ll fast without the dentist thankyou! πŸ™‚

    Anyone know the secret to using emojis on here? I notice you all use them and have just seen most of my last post is missing because I put a smiley face at the end of the first line. This happens all the time – as soon as I use an emoji the rest of the post disappears. Agh!

    I know I made a comment about that fabulous pudding and said something to Lichtle, but can’t remember exactly what I said!


    There’s a certain danger in knowing how to make very easy puddings. I’m going to try and pretend I haven’t seen that recipe πŸ™‚

    One of the contributory factors to my weight gain was discovering I could rustle up biscuits from the store cupboard, and have them ready for the oven in the time it took for the oven to reach 170…!

    Hi Carol, I only use the ones I can make with : ; ) ( as the ready made ones eat my posts.

    Certainly not hard to pile on kgs. Mr P just cooked toast with my homemade bread. The delicious smell has filled the house. πŸ™‚

    Hi Carol. Re emoticons. It seems you need spaces around them. Good luck πŸ˜‰ P

    Just lost my return post to P – without an emoji in sight! I know they can be a problem – tend to avoid them and rely (hopefully) on readers’ irony-radar…

    P, yes, I do normally leave to soak – I only make B and B vanishingly rarely, but when I do I normally use stale granary/wholemeal and a bit of dried fruit, so it does need time. The brioches soaked it up very quickly, so didn’t need as long. Happy, very wise to pretend you didn’t see it- anyone who fancies trying it, don’t say you weren’t waned!

    Good fast today, but shall have to go to bed soon, before I turn into the cartoon character stuffing her face on the stroke of midnight. It was easy until about 9pm, when I made the mistake of reading the recipe sections in the weekend papers. Stupid woman!

    B&B pudding is one of my all time favourites! I am writing down the recipe FFS – for special occasions of course!

    Damm! Spaces don’t work Lichtle! Never mind! Great results Palajam and I like your hint of an early evening meal the night before FD. I will do that this week! πŸ™‚

    Well, despite being where I want to be weightwise, I have fasted today for the health benefits. I’m relying upon the power of fasting to ‘cure’ my bunion πŸ™‚ (…or at least help with the inflammation?!)

    Well it’s worth a try Happy

    I’d be really interested in the results, Happy.. I know it sounds a bit way-out, but as you say, while it’s probably unlikely to straighten your poor joint, it might very well reduce inflammation and pain. Definitely worth a try.
    Hope the fast has been good. We have finally managed to empty the house of all that chocolate, so properly back to healthy routine tomorrow. Never thought I’d say it, but I can’t wait!

    Anyone else watched the ‘Britain’s favourite foods’ prog on bbc2 tonight? Not an awful lot of new info, but some useful info, including some useful footage about dairy, especially cheese, saying that the high calcium content counteracts the high calorie/fat and actually helps weight loss, because it causes many of the fat calories to be excreted. . I’m not a dairy fan, for other reasons, as per prev ious conversation on this thread, but it did make me think of the ‘not all the calories in nuts are available to the body’ discusiΓ³n we had gong for a while. Presumably the same mechanism is at work in nuts – ie the calcium means much of the fat is simply excreted – and the fibre no doubt magnifies the effect even more. So get that, My Fitness Pal app, and stop nagging me about the fat and calories in nuts!!

    Ha ha Happy πŸ˜†
    Good luck. P

    Mmmm…doing a long road trip today and just discovered the heated seat in the new car! Fantastic for a skinny old girl;) P

    I once drove a colleague to a conference, forgetting to warn him about the heated passenger seat. Watched him get more and more anxious and uneasy, until I asked if my driving was really that bad, and he admitted to a dreadful sensation that he might have wet himself. Moral: wonderful invention – so glad you enjoyed it – but don’t neglect to tell your passengers…

    Times have changed – I now drive a tin can on wheels, just big enough for two and with no luxuries whatsoever. Ah, the memories…

    This is Mr P’s baby. Well, a big French baby! It has massage on the driver’s seat too. Luxury on a long trip. I’ll be doing nearly 2000km on 2 days..need a bit of luxury. πŸ™‚ P

    Ah, heated seats. Lovely! I was told a story a while ago about someone’s dog that had learnt where the on button was!

    Fast, I also watched the program. must admit I didn’t know mushrooms Made vitamin D if you left them in the sun for an hour. That info might be more use to our SH friends of course… πŸ™‚

    Oh, and good work on ridding the house of chocolate! Tough job…

    On a related note, some of you may remember that I have occasionally (!) enthused about carob brazil nuts… Well, after managing to avoid the only shop I know that sells them (because once the bag’s open I’m a greedy hog who won’t lift her snout from the trough til it’s empty) since January, I thought today I would treat myself and then practice mindful eating (yeah right, in my dreams!). They’ve been discontinued! No longer stocked! Is that πŸ™‚ or πŸ™ ?! I just don’t know, I can’t think straight πŸ™‚ Probably my only true sweet weakness gone! I will now never know if I could have conquered them…

    From my experience Happy, probably not. I have not conquered my sweet tooth, so just prefer not to have temptation in the house. Had some dark chocolate and a biscuit yesterday. Shock, horror! Will have to pay for it today. πŸ™„

    Glad you have the comfy bum seats, Purple, sitting through long journeys hurts more now we have lost our padding. πŸ˜‰ My physio recommends getting out of the car every 90 minutes max, stretching, bending backwards and looking up at the sky, and relieving the pressure on the sitting points.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    I read the myfitnesspal blog article by the dietician called. Are all Calories the same?

    She gives lots of info on why calories don’t all have the same effect on the body. On why the good fats (not transfats) and protein are better for weight loss than carbs. Who knew πŸ˜‰
    We do, that’s who! Lean protein and lots of green vegetables rock!

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    We do that Bay, but more because I fast when travelling and calls to nature enforce regular “wee breaks ” πŸ˜‰
    You are right about less padding though. P

    Doesn’t it make travelling a pleasure when you only have to be sure you have enough water for the day? Plus access to facilities for the breaks πŸ˜‰

    Indeed. Makes getting up early and going quick.
    Just waved to Canberra for you πŸ˜‰

    Hi Bay,

    I agree re the joy of travelling without the worry of ‘where/when will my next meal be?’

    I broke down last year and had to wait maybe an hour for recovery (I don’t say ‘rescue’ because I wasn’t a damsel in distress, I was a damsel at the side of the road with a flask of coffee and a smartphone). Anyway, a very large ‘gentleman’ duly arrived, loaded my car onto the truck and immediately took me to a service station ‘so I could get something to eat’! I obediently trotted off to the shop, perused the huge display of sweets/ ‘chocolates’ (loosely defined, as no cocoa solids in sight!)/ crisps/ pasties/ pastries/ sandwiches/ burgers, and decided I wasn’t hungry enough for any of it.

    The idea that you wouldn’t take every available opportunity to eat was clearly an alien concept to the poor chap!

    Happy birthday Happy. Have a good one.
    Just arrived in Melbourne after 12 3/4 hours on the road. Me alone for 8.
    Off for a walk by the Bay before it is too dark. P πŸ™‚

    Hope you enjoyed the walk, P – and happy, healthy birthday, H x

    I find travelling more difficult since fasting. I used to drink very little – too little for my health but it meant I didn’t need any “public” facilities if necessary all day until I got to my accommodation in the evening. I have now got used to lots of fluids and on our last road trip through Europe I didn’t really think it through too much as I expected to see a service station every 20-50 miles. But alas there was a diversion of over 30 miles (coming off the motorway) and upon joining the motorway there was no service station in sight for miles and when you are in agony every mile takes ages.

    I have already decided to keep fluids to an absolute minimum this year. I must be an exception but when I go on holiday the food breaks are something I really like. It is part of the event and breaks up the trip. It reminds me when I used to go on school day trips and my mum would pack things I didn’t normally get (a fresh baker’s roll with ham, a boiled egg and a few boiled sweets some peppermint tea) that made it even more special. I know the egg sounds strange but I still boil some eggs before going on a trip and will go and buy fresh baguettes beforehand. Food associations….

    Oh and Happy Birthday Happy!!

    Hi Purple

    Isn’t it pretty by the Bay? Enjoy tomorrow!

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Road tripping in Australia can mean many miles/kilometers between towns so this handy site might be useful:
    I wonder if the UK and Europe has something similar?
    πŸ™‚ VM

    Hi gang
    Back from my lovely walk by the Bay and a lovely glass of Riesling sitting overlooking the lights of Melbourne across the water. Just what I needed.

    I have seen SO much in 12 3/4 hours on the road, alone for 8 of them. Had regular “wee breaks”. There are towns at least every hour, with public toilets in parks. I do a quick jog, then back in the car and off again.
    The temperature varied between 10 and 27 during the day, necessitating several layers changed πŸ™‚

    I passed through areas I’ve never been before. Across the Great Dividing Range, down past the Snowy Mountains and Snowy River (too early for snow here), through towns with beautiful imported trees with fabulous Autumn colours (it’s colder down here than at home), past many gorgeous scenes of distant blue mountains, golden fields and rows of bright yellow poplar trees, through gorgeous rainforests with ferny glens, across mountain streams (very like the south island of NZ), down onto lush agricultural land in Victoria, then through one of the most polluting places on Earth..the Latrobe Valley, where they have massive open cut brown coal mines and some of the oldest, most polluting power stations anywhere, from there, past massive high tension power lines carrying electricity to Melbourne, and onto motorways. An interesting juxtaposition of the natural and the appalling effect we humans can have.
    Ate only very little on the trip. I find I stay much more alert for driving if I am fasting. Also saves having to eat the rubbish available on the road. Enjoyed a homemade zucchini slice and salad I’d brought with me for dinner and am polishing off homemade yoghurt and strawberries with coffee in the hotel. Cheap and lo cal, healthy food.
    Catching up with one of the girls from Jojo’s thread for breakfast before I begin the return journey.
    Have a happy Happy’s birthday girls. P πŸ™‚

    Violet May, will definitely enquire if something like that exists. Thanks.

    PVE, you trip sounds great. Will follow you around and enjoy with you.

    Tip for finding public loos in rural France (took me years to work it out!): the French are modest / coy (depending on your point of view) about anything not actually sexual below the belt (try buying sanitary products in a french pharmacy!) so there will be few signs. But the village loo is normally somewhere round the back of the village church. That discovery has saved my life many times. Hope that’s useful to someone!

    Just finished my second fast day of the week. Chose today to fast as I wanted to break any possibility of developing the sugar habit, after my piece of GF chocolate cake and biscuit yesterday. Feels great. And now off to bed. Cheers, Bay πŸ˜‰

    Beautiful description, Purple.

    Thanks for the hint, Fast. πŸ™„

    Well done Bay. A fast is QUITE refreshing.
    In a small village in France, my husband was directed to the loo at the back of a church. Next thing, I heard a group of American women going on about a “dreadful man” urinating in public. It turned out the door was missing on the back of the toilet block, so poor Mr P was exposed (unbeknown to him) to the group of women queuing behind. Poor darling. I had no sympathy for the women!
    I always find toileting the most interesting thing about travel. I’ve even considered publishing a book…from the squat toilets in Thailand, the even more squalid squat toilets on main highways in France, to the 5 star toilets in a tiny town near Broken Hill (outback NSW), which was spotless and had piped music. Then there was the lady in Frankfurt who escorted you into the cubical and wiped the seat. I was worried she was going to stay in to help out πŸ™ What about trying to work out how to get the taps to operate in many washrooms these days? It’s all part of the amazing experience called travel. P

    P, your description of your journey and the landscapes you passed through was fantastic. I could have been sat in the passenger seat seeing it with you.

    Hope you’re home safe now.

    Well, yesterday (my birthday) was interesting. I ate a (too) large piece of orange and almond cake in addition to my normal daytime food, and was overful (and probably suffering from sugar poisoning πŸ™‚ ). So when OH arrived with a takeaway I wasn’t very hungry, but it was my birthday so I (wo)manfully tucked in. Onion bhajis, half a vegetable balti and half a naan bread later I was stuffed. This morning my digestive system is not pleased at being overfed!

    Funny also that I thought I wanted a drink on my birthday, but it appears that the habit of weekends only is well and truly formed, as when the bottle was opened I found I didn’t want a drink after all!

    This 5:2 thingy works in mysterious ways!

    Today I am not fasting, but I am looking forward to not overeating.

    Glad you had a good day, Happy.
    After meeting Nama (Jojo’s thread) I made my pickup in Melbourne and headed back up the main multi laned highway between Melb and Sydney. It was a beautiful day and it was just like driving through a landscape painting. The grasses were gorgeous yellow ochre and the distant hills and clumps of trees just as I’m trying to do in my paintings. The sun was setting red through smoke from burn offs as I entered Canberra. Gorgeous! In Aust we do Autumn burns to reduce the summer fire hazards.
    Interestingly I was not at all tired driving for 2 full days. The reasons:
    Other than 1 piece of sourdough for breakfast with Nama, I ate no white carbs.
    I “danced ” while playing a wide variety of music as I drove. Different beats, different moves.
    I kept hydrated.
    I partially fasted both days.

    I made up for it when I caught up with Mr P in Canberra…lovely chicken tagine with cous cous and wine! I’m not driving now! πŸ˜‰
    So..5:2 had taught me how to be a long haul driver as well! πŸ˜‰ P

    Oh P, I love the story of Mr P and the French loos! Lol. Long drives are a perfect opportunity for fasting by the sounds of it!

    Sounds like a lovey birthday Happy. Many happy returns!

    …and in the UK it would seem that a diet of Yorkie bars is compulsory for serious drivers! Says it all!

    Thanks, P, for a lovely insight into some of the glories of Aussie scenery – makes me want to visit.

    Afterthought; if you (one) expressed publicly (ie anywhere except this thread of this forum) the intention to fast during a two-day, long-haul drive, how long would it be before you got hauled off (sorry!) for irresponsibility and putting the public at risk from the certainty that you would keel over from hunger and cause a major accident? (Nothing, of course, about the risk of falling asleep at the wheel after eating in the average Brit service station!)


    As you well know, going without food for more than 2 hours will result in weakness, dizziness, inability to operate machinery or think straight. Skipping a meal would likely lead to a coma. And going without 3 square meals for one, let alone two, days will lead to insanity and/ or certain death…

    Oh yes, I forgot. Thanks, H, for putting me right – and apologies to all of you I have dangerously misled.

    Funny girls. You do wonder why truck drivers have to take drugs to keep awake when you see what they eat!
    I was on the road for a total of 25 hours in 2 days and was not sleepy.
    I also took 6 little chocolate Easter eggs with me, just in case. In case of what, I’m not sure? They came home and will be binned now.
    Contrast the moves you can do to Bessie Smith, Bruce Springsteen, the Dubliners or the Saw Doctors, Rod Stewart etc and you will understand how random music gives you quite varied exercise. With cruise control set to the speed limit on multi lane highways, you can even dance with your feet! The truckies I passed must have thought me a mad woman!!
    I’m glad you enjoyed the journey ffs. You will have to start saving! P πŸ™‚

    Already trying to save to visit a dear friend in Michigan, P, so afraid it will have to queue – especially since the savings this year have largely disappeared into new boots, jeans which fit – and now replacing a dead freezer. Losing battle – must try harder!!

    SO annoying when money gets in the way of enjoying life, isn’t it? πŸ™‚ P

    Yeah, not half, P! Can’t complain, especially when I do food bank duty ( or even when I look back to the lean years when my kids were small!) but – as always — that bit more would open up some otherwise off-limits dreams and choices. But doesn’t everyone think that, however much they have? I’m warm, well-fed, decently clothed, surrounded by love,have enough to buy an occasional book, and went out this morning (day off) for a fantastic avocado-on-toast-with-grilled-tomatoes breakfast. That’s not to say my life is smug-perfect,(it’s definitely not!) or that I don’t have to count the pennies pretty carefully – but all in all, I’ll settle, thanks!

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