The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • Auriga:

    Thank you for the information on your diet! It is amazing what types of benefits show up for different individuals.

    FYI, cholesterol levels go up when you are losing a lot of weight, but return to (your) normal after weight loss stops. Cholesterol is contained in every cell in the body, including fat cells. So when you lose fat, at some point the cholesterol in the fat cell is released. Lots of fat lost = lots of cholesterol in the blood. But it is eventually filtered out so there is nothing really to worry about.

    Your info is right that the older you are, the better it is to have higher cholesterol levels. This is a nice review of the current research on fat, including a segment on cholesterol levels:

    Thanks again for the information and congratulations on your asthma going away!

    Thank you for the information about cholesterol simcoeluv and you’re very welcome to mine!
    Actually the nurse seemed a bit flabbergasted . She hadn’t heard of. 5:2 and I had to explain. Ah well trying to spread the word isn’t easy .

    Hi Everyone, I am now exhausted catching up on all your lovely and informative messages. I am having trouble with my ipad and I have gone off my desktop computer its too much trouble to come on after a busy day. this retirement business is very tiering. LOL. The weather as been wonderful in South Wales again and I have been bowling 3 out of 4 days and I am playing again tomorrow. I lost 2 lb at WW weigh-in last Tuesday and it takes me into the 9’s even if its only 139 lbs.
    I will be reading messages even if I cannot reply for a couple of days.
    Happy fasting and non-fasting. JIP

    Just lost my message Urrggghhhh!
    From the top….
    Auriga,you must be really proud of yourself getting control of your health. Asthma is such a problem. I must tell my s-i-l about your success. Keep educating everyone you meet.
    Thanks for your excellent links, Simcoeluv. They are always spot on.
    Have fun with your visitors, Elaine. I hope it won’t be like the fish story (goes off after 3 days). We always stay near, not with, our family when we visit. Saves a lot of stress.
    Hope you had a good day at work, Happy and that yours was too Dave. You are right JIP, retirement IS tiring.
    I walked 9km yesterday, just part of my normal activities. Didn’t lose anything on the fast, but DID eat 500 cal ;(. I AM supposed to be maintaining, so that’s ok. I also slept really well last night. Unusual for me after a fast. From now on I’m only doing one really good fast and one very low cal, but 3 “meals” , each week now. Hubby is continuing his 2 x 24 hour fasts per week to ensure his diabetes stays controlled.
    We are both getting blood tests today. Any suggestions what I should check? I’m just curious. Will mainly discuss my BP and how we can get me off medication.

    Hi Elaine and PVE, thanks for the congrats on size 8. Not sure how I feel about it yet! It doesn’t match the mental image I have of myself. The evidence in support of me no longer being the unattractive fat one is starting to stack up though! Next step, believe it, go clothes shopping again and actually buy something next time….!

    Elaine, hope you have a great time with your friends. I know time spent with our friends tends to be a bit too boozy and foody, but plenty of laughter. So will be interested to hear how it goes for you, fasting and weight wise.

    Auriga. So pleased people (including the mysterious simcoeluv) have managed to reassure you about your blood results. One might have thought the medical professional who gave you the results would have done that, instead of a random group of people (with unknown credentials) online…! Oh well.

    PVE. Good luck with the blood pressure. I can’t really help with what else you should look for I’m afraid, except the obvious. And so sorry to hear retirement is so onerous (for you and JIP)… Poor you….!

    Sorry Happy…
    Done the time, paid the taxes, now for the fun! Your time will come πŸ˜‰
    Recital and lunch with a girlfriend today. Plain porridge and strawberries for breakfast. No milk or sugar. I find it great for the system and the waist.
    I pulled out a skirt to wear that I only bought in November. Plenty of room. I am not into roomy clothes any more. I like to be reminded I’m slimmer.
    PVE πŸ™‚

    Time for me to schedule my annual physical, I’m excited to get good results. I checked my BP the other day and it hadn’t gone down as I hoped it would. I’ve always been borderline high and on meds for it but I really want to be able to not have to take them (which I haven’t been for the past couple of months). I’m very interested to see what my cholesterol levels are as well, though they haven’t been a problem for me. That was very good info in the other thread that was linked to about cholesterol levels. With so much new information coming out, I’m even more and more cynical about whatever my doctor tells me. So much “conventional wisdom” is being debunked you really have to wonder who you can trust. I know medicine is not an exact science but sometimes they really seem to be making this up as they go along.

    Yes, I agree, Dave.
    My husband tends to do the research, then present it to our very lovely doc. He really only uses him to be in the system (get referrals, payments etc)
    The latest research seems to indicate that the accepted BP levels for high BP are wrong. Seems normal is a much wider range…more later. Must way PVE πŸ™‚

    Hi there 5-2ers!

    We are a television show in Australia and are doing a profile on Dr Michael Mosley and the 5 2 diet. You can see our website here

    We know many people all around the world are experiencing great results after being on Dr Mosley’s diet. We would love to share your experience with our viewers.

    If you want to share your story, could you please send a β€˜before’ and β€˜after’ photo to our email address:

    You can remain completely anonymous. We would just love to know:

    * Your age
    * Your previous weight/size
    * Your weight/size after trying 5:2
    * How long you were on 5:2

    Thank you for sharing your story,

    The Sunday Night Team

    Hi Dave.

    Is it cynicism to distrust conventional medical advice when so much of it is based on the vested interests of big business and the drugs companies?

    The same happens with vets too unfortunately…. I had an interesting conversation with a vet a while ago about a diabetic cat. She said I should be feeding it the (expensive) special formulation diabetes food. I said but that’s full of cereals and sugar, hardly natural for a carnivore, and linked to the increase of diabetes in pets, surely I should be reducing sugar and increasing protein? Cue blank stare. Turns out the diabetes training course she’d been on was funded by the company who produce the insulin and who, coincidentally, also happen to manufacture the high sugar diabetes food! Nice work if you can get it… and they can.

    Hi BigDave, I am extremely interested to see what new info is coming from across the pond regarding BP perimeters. Although the 5:2 does seem to be a panacea for many ills, and of course weight loss, it doesn’t appear to make a lot of difference to blood pressure. Agree totally with so many on this link regarding how much trust we can put into the medical establishment with their oh so many hidden agendas and conflicts of interest…

    Maintenance update….
    59.9 this morning, so happily maintaining this week using 16:8 only. But… it’s nearly the weekend, when I crack open the wine and eat white bread. How else could I have a bacon buttie or a chip (homemade by hubby!) sandwich…?! I still practice 16:8 at weekends, so it will be interesting to see come Monday if 16:8 alone can cope with weekend excesses! If not, well, I know I still lost weight with 16:8 and 6:1 so maybe 16:8 and 13:1?

    Good morning my lovely buddies and what a lot of posts to wake up to. Such great information too πŸ™‚ what a mine of knowledge we all are. Are we starting some sort of revolution ?!
    I would be interested to know about new research on blood pressure readings, I have been on medication for nearly 20 years , I have managed to get the meds down to half a tablet. Maybe I should experiment and stop for a week or two. I’d love to free myself of meds BigDave too so whatever you can tell us PVE would be good πŸ™‚ back later Auri x

    I’ve got my lovely cousin and his wife flying into an extremely windy Greece today. Ha ha PVE a Dutch friend of mine first told me the “guests like fish” line “3 days and they start to stink”, pleased to say this wont happen with these guests thank goodness but I do know what you mean!
    Well I managed to shift another pound making me 9st 2lb or 58.2 kgs, I’m happy with that, and will try to maintain this week, I won’t even contemplate attempting to lose.
    Love this link, it’s informative, intellegent, interesting, inspirational, international, and incredibly witty – I haven’t stopped smiling for two days over the pancake story! Have a great weekend everybody:-))

    Hi ho Mainenance Mates,
    I think you’ll laugh at my story.
    Went to a recital then had a long boozy lunch with a girlfriend at Jamie Oliver’s. Suddenly realised it was 3.15 and doctor’s app was 3.45. Ran to train station, ran two at a time up the stairs to the waiting train. Jumped on, then walked through the carriages to the far end to gain max advantage at the other end. Jumped off train at 3.40 and all but ran UPHILL for 9 minutes. Doctor was ready to see me immediately. (Never happens!)
    I said” Look, if you stress me now, I’ll have all the factors for a high BP …wine, salty food, running, white coat fear etc!” Result was 135/77. He was impressed, considering all the factors. (I was still puffing, too!)
    We have agreed that I will take the Coversyl without the diuretic for a month, taking my BP first thing every morning and recording on my Fitbit. Let’s see how I go.
    Really was a very funny scene. I then sauntered off serenely to the train home. πŸ™‚
    PVE πŸ™‚

    PVE considering your story why did you agree to go on medication? I don’t think your blood pressure was really that bad after all the rushing about you did!

    Hi Auriga
    I’ve been on medication for BP for 10 years. This is with taking meds.
    I am trying to get off them. My nurse S-I-L warns against going cold turkey with the risk of stroke. Doctor also says people live longer the lower the BP, so why not take them? Hard to argue without facts;( I just don’t want to.
    Any ideas?
    Still 60kg this morning and BP first thing only 115/75 πŸ™‚

    Good BP reading you have there PVE and I have to say I need to read more about BP myself.
    You know there’s SO much we’ve been told which may/may not be true it’s so confusing! BUT the truth will out eventually I think.
    I have been on BP medication for nearly 20 years, but I would like to be free of it.
    You know there must be something which has caused it but all the doctors do is medicate it when really they should be looking for the cause. I don’t think it’s a natural manifestation of aging. Maybe someday there will be an answer. I guess none of us will live forever.

    Hello all, seems like there is a lot of interest in finding a solution to high blood pressure. If I hear anything new or interesting I’ll be sure to post it here.

    On another positive note, I lost 2 lbs for the week. I’m at the lowest weight I’ve been in at least 10 years, so I’m pretty happy about that. And I only started this in May, love this so much more than daily calorie restriction. I’m still doing 4:3, I’ll probably drop back to 5:2 in August as I’m really close to my goal weight (unless I decide to set new goals).


    Fantastic work Dave!
    BTW, when do we start calling you Petit Dave? πŸ˜‰
    Keep it up. You are on the right track.
    PS Happy Winter Solstice to Southern Hemisphere folk and happy Summer Solstice to those in the north. Woowoo..down here we are half way through winter!!!

    Ha thanks PVE…I want to be BigDave because of muscle, not fat. Hopefully I can find the right balance!

    Happy Friday—


    Fantastic to hear you are doing so well BigDave well done!

    PVE. I have a great image of your manic journey to the doctors! Perhaps that’s how you should arrive every time?!
    Although I’d love to, I’m afraid I don’t know enough to help you. I know I’d be the same as you though, not wanting to be on medication, but without sufficient information to make an informed decision. How high was it before you went on the meds?

    A few years ago I knew a big Dave and a little Dave, although it should properly have been ‘average height Dave’ and ‘slightly taller Dave’…

    Great news on your results though indeterminate height Dave. I’m guessing you aren’t aiming for Petit Dave?! More Buff Dave?

    Hi PVE. We’re not quite at Solstice here but to be honest I’m looking forward to the nights drawing in! I’m currently sleep deprived by effing jackdaws wakimg me up at 4…

    Good morning my lovely buddies just logging in to wish you a happy weekend. The sun is shining here for once! Enjoy your day. πŸ™‚

    Hi there, maintaining buddies πŸ™‚

    I finished my 16-days-without-a-day-off and am still tired after sleeping well last night. Have to work again tomorrow and Monday, but at least have Tuesday and Wednesday off this week (before working Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday — this new schedule is going to take some getting used to!) Have read all your lovely posts but may need some time to catch up with replying to everything!

    Had a strange experience with my scales this week. My weight went up about 4 pounds in 4 days (one of which was a fast day with 12,000+ steps in it), then dropped 3 pounds in 1 day. That’s a lot of water weight! My day to write down my weight each week is Saturday, so 116.2 this AM πŸ™‚ still comfortably in the lower end of my maintenance range, but yesterday I was a bit perturbed, trying to figure out what on Earth would put on weight so fast! The only thing that was different is that I’ve had several restaurant meals (when it’s not possible to know exactly what’s in your food) in the last week and a half, when normally it’s almost all home cooking, little factory-made food (mostly single ingredients like yogurt, canned tomatoes), most prepared food we have is locally/artisinally (salsa, cheese) made, and I’m a conscientious reader of food labels. I did take advantage of an opportunity to cut down on the number of restaurant meals I’m expected to eat with my new clients (from two a week to one a week) even though it will cut down on my hours/pay a bit, too. The food in the dining room of the senior high-rise where they live is not all that bad, but I’m not crazy about eating it twice a week, either.

    Beautiful weather here, going to get out for a while this afternoon, but taking it easy today.

    Last year HDL was 8.9 and now it’s 9.3
    Last year LDL was 5.2 and now it’s 6.5
    Last year Trigl. was 4.36 and now it’s 1.63 (wow)

    Congratulations — perfect πŸ™‚

    Total LDL is up a bit because you recently lost a lot of weight. It will go back down again. They almost never measure the fractions, even though that is the really useful information. Total LDL is pretty useless, but the official guidelines still focus on it. It is especially useless in women in our age group, in fact it’s women in our age group with *low* total LDL who have greater health risks. So why don’t the guidelines catch up with research? A desire to get more people on statins, maybe? Statins do have some benefit for heart attack risk but apparently that’s actually not related to the fact that they lower total LDL! So without LDL, how would they convince people to go on them? A conundrum.

    HDL are up and trigs down because of the intermittent fasting, trigs down especially low because you’ve cut out sugar πŸ™‚ and possibly also because of eliminating flour and other refined carbs.

    Way to go!

    simcoeluv, intermittent fasting has a track record for alleviating inflammatory conditions, asthma in particular, see ‘The Alternate-Day Diet’ by James B. Johnson, MD.

    Hi everyone, I have sorted my ipad, but I have been out all day and I am too tired to read much and I like to have a good read before coming on. Fasting today and walked 20k.
    Hope you have all had a good day. Back tomorrow. Good night or good morning JIP.

    Have twice attempted to bare my soul and share, only for my smartphone to delete both. I had been extolling the virtues of fasting in terms of mental health and positive outlook (from my perspective). Having been thwarted twice by technology, the moment has passed and you can call me GrumpyNow.

    Ooh look! Phone’s letting me post this one. Grrr.

    Hi gang
    Heading into the end of a great weekend of socialising and eating (judiciously). The Fitbit is telling me I DO seem to now have a keen idea how many cals I am burning compared to what I’m eating. I have been just under eating all weekend. Have also walked miles!
    Am also recording BP. Interesting that I slept better after Thursday night’s fast than the nights following eating. Mmmm…. is it the food or the alcohol? Will look into this.
    Beef casserole for dinner, then off to bed for another fast day.
    PVE πŸ™‚

    Hello my lovely buddies.
    Just popping in to say thank you to franfit for her input on my blood results, thank you franfit πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I also want to say how much I enjoyed reading ‘The Big Fat Surprise’ it’s such a good book and well researched. I would recommend it to all you buddies too.
    HappyNow when I feel like I want to write a lot and ‘bare my soul’ I write everything down on a Word Document then paste it! It saves a lot of angst…..I don’t trust my i-phone at all and anyway am still trying to get to grips with it. It’s not easy to see what everyone has said either on the tiny screen. I am such a novice!
    PVE I was really dizzy this morning having had quite a few glasses of wine and a Pastis (& I am not in France yet!!), I just can’t drink like I used to be able to and I am suffering today for it. I am doing a 24hr fast today to make up for the excesses.
    JIP I hope you fell less tired soon. πŸ˜‰
    Good luck with your goal weight BigDave.
    Have a good day Elainefriend, simcoeluv and everyone. πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone happy Sunday to you all.
    I have not been on because of iPad and I need to read back to see what I have missed. Who and what is this about pancakes? See thinking of food again that’s me.
    Hope to get back here today and catch up. JIP

    Cover you eyes men! πŸ˜‰

    The talk about pancakes JIP refers to droopy bosoms! So ‘pancakes on a toast-rack’ was…….you’ve guessed it, droopy bosoms on your chest! πŸ™‚ hilarious!

    simcoeluv thank you very much for this link:-
    It was a very, very good lecture and I feel so much better altogether having watched it!

    Good advice, Auriga, about long posts. V frustrating to lose everything.

    It’s been a lovely weekend here. Plenty of gardening, and also been out on my new bike. This year I’m not at all embarrassed/ ashamed to be out and about in full lycra. Can’t think why not….!?

    Anyway, Saturday is my official weigh day, and 59.5 is another milestone of sorts, as it’s 28lbs lost in total and that’s 2 stone in old money…. I never dreamed I could make this sort of difference to my life in such a short time, or so easily.

    Congratulation HappyNow on losing 28lbs, that’s a weight off the old bones…,,good work!
    I am back on the i-phone so back to small posts πŸ™‚ just worked out how to do zoom on the camera , simple when you know how. It only took me six weeks to work it out !

    Thanks Auriga.

    I think the cycling (and running) are easier for not lugging that dead weight around.

    It’s always difficult to put weight loss in a meaningful context (10 bags of sugar, etc…. well I’ve never bought that much in one go to know how heavy it is!). But I do buy a 10kg bag of cat litter, so know that’s heavy. I also buy 12.75kg sacks of wild bird food. And I don’t want to carry them very far! And that’s pretty much what I’ve lost. You’re not wrong when you say it’s a weight off!

    Good luck with the I phone. I’m just smart, not i!

    Well done Happynow!
    I often visualise the fat lost in blocks of butter. In Aust, our butter can come in 250gm packets, so, with 4 a kilo, I no longer lug around about 80 packets of butter. I would never dream of carrying that many in reality.
    JIP, as we have discussed before, you are one of the lucky ones who doesn’t suffer from flapping pancakes on toastracks! SUCH a great description, isn’t it?
    Monday morning, another fast day and the winter sun is shining. I’ll be chocking up a few steps today.
    Keep up the healthy lifestyle, Maintenance Mates!
    Cheers all

    Still Sunday night here and I am just off to bed. Enjoy your Monday PVE and that winter sunshine πŸ™‚
    I had a go at Yoga today…… it’s years since I did it last and I enjoyed it, couldn’t quite manage the shoulder stand though so will have to try to get a bit stronger. The old bones were sticking in the floor a bit, I might need a thicker mat!

    Good on you giving yoga another go, Auriga
    Less padding is certainly an issue when rolling around on hard surfaces!
    I tend to do my pathetic workouts on carpeted areas in the house.
    I do find I have few issues with my feet now that they don’t have to carry 20k extra. Makes walking my preferred exercise in winter.
    Dug out the Wii again on Friday, but much prefer moving around in the outdoors. The wattles and azaleas are just starting to bloom. Lovely. Sleep well, Auriga.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I just finished my first zero calorie fast today, wasn’t really much harder than when I eat a small meal. Happy Monday—


    Morning All.

    Dave, was that a 24hr hour zero calorie fast? Good effort. I guess if it was no harder than usual you’ll do it again?

    I definitely want to try sometime, just not sure when! I know it’s early days on maintenance for me, but 16:8 seems to be working. Not.sure I want to do 24hr and risk losing more weight.

    Anyway, work beckons yet again… Enjoy today, Maintenance Pals, whatever you’re up to!

    Hi Happy
    I did the 24 thing last week and it really threw me. Today I have been comfortable on the old 16:8. I love the way this is such a flexible WOE we can dabble with different ways and vary depending on the weather, social engagements etc.
    Well done, Dave. My husband also found the no eat system suits him too.

    Good morning buddies. I am glad to hear you are all doing so well.
    I have just finished ‘The Fast Beach Diet’ and realise that Mimi eats a bit less than me generally and moves a bit more, so I am not surprised that she weighs less than me now even though she’s taller. When I get back from hols I shall try and be stricter.
    Enjoy your day everyone. πŸ™‚

    Morning all. HappyNow, it was actually closer to 35 hours, I just didn’t eat any calories on my fast day. So from about 10pm Saturday night (we had some late night Mexican) until 9am Monday (right now basically on the east coast of the US, I’m in Atlanta).

    Are you doing 16:8 every day of the week instead of 2 full fast days? I like the idea of 16:8 but I think it would interfere with my patterns too much, especially on the weekends.

    Thanks PVE, how many days does your husband fast?


    Hi Dave
    8 hours and 41 minutes later…. good morning from east coast Australia!
    We both fast every Monday and Thursday. He doesn’t eat from dinner until dinner the next night, when he still only has 250-300 cals. Then nothing until breakfast the next day. Seems to work for him and has kept the success with overcoming using insulin working. His BS levels are very steady doing this. He has also changed what he eats on normal days, so less snacking and a bit more thought to not overeat or eat too many carbs, more veg.
    I fast from dinner until as late as possible. Usually about 100 cal at 1-2pm, then dinner with my husband , usually about 250 cal, then nothing until breakfast. I move around a lot more than him (have actually logged this) so must just need a few more calories to cover this.
    I had a very happy fast day yesterday, compared with skipping the brunch bit last Monday. I’ll stick to my 2 “meal” fasts from now on. I’m not desperate this morning for food, whereas last Tuesday I couldn’t stop snacking:(
    Horses for courses.
    Wild winter weather predicted here today, so a good bowl of porridge and berries planned.
    Cheers PVE

    Still reading The Fast Beach book. I only read it on train trips on my Kindle, so taking a while. It IS full of good ideas and just helps to keep your head around the whole system, doesn’t it?
    You don’t have to weigh the same as Mimi. Just be comfortable with your shape at the size you feel is healthy for you. πŸ˜‰
    Your Maintenance Mate, PVE

    Evening all, checking in very late, I have been doing my Monday morning Nordic walking and watched Andy at Wimbledon this afternoon and lawn green bowling this evening. Also fasted ready for my weigh-in tomorrow hoping to still be under 10 stone, I have had two FD’s and a day being a bit watchful of the kind of things that I ate. It’s hard to know if this maintenance will keep under 10.
    Thanks for letting me know about the pancakes, trust me to get the wrong end of the stick. LOL
    no wonder I did not understand it. Not having pancakes and toast racks. Sorry ladies, showing off now.
    Sorry Dave, bet you are well up on these bits of useless information.
    Did I tell you I have been waiting to have a new roof on my conservatory, well roofer started today and I have tar poling over it for tonight so I hope it will not rain and someone could break-in and steel my ipad, they can have anything else but please leave my Ipad. Well I am off to bed. good night all or good morning. JIP

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