Don’t panic ffs. It’s only sugar! You can eat more oysters, or cheese, or nuts or ….you see what I mean? 🙂 P
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.
Hi everyone,
Just thought I’d check in with a progress report on my first proper month of maintenance. Well, so far so good. My maintenance range for February turned out to be 133 to 136lbs so well below what I had originally set myself (135 to 139lbs). I’m very happy with this but of course the 60kg threshold is still my target so hopefully March will see me break through this.
I’m still fasting on Mondays and Thursdays but need to apply more discipline to stick to less than 500 calories so that’s my new goal for March.
I’m also jogging 5km on the gym treadmill twice a week in under 35 minutes so that’s surely helping as well. My monthly sessions with the personal trainer have gone off track a bit – hard for us to both find a suitable time – of course, I’m less disciplined about the exercise regime as a result but I’ll pick this up again in March!
Big thing for me mid-March is a blood test to check the cholesterol so hopefully it will have dropped since last November’s result based on all these positive changes I’ve been making. If not, then perhaps I’ll have to join those of you on the ‘ditch sugar brigade’ – keep you posted.
All the best,
Hi everyone and lovely to hear from you, Ellie, especially reading that you are doing so well.
I have to report that on Saturday I had the worst sugar craving since starting the challenge. Nothing really satisfied me, I kept eating and in the end I finished a jar of peanut butter (with the spoon) which helped (it was almost full). I knew then that on Sunday I had to have my jam toasts for breakfast. So I indulged myself today and had some Belgian chocolates in the afternoon.
I am not supposed to feel guilty, which I am not, but still I am not very proud either.
I have lost 1lb since the start of the challenge but so far it looks to me that I definitely eat more overall, so I don’t think my weight change will be as drastic as Bay’s and FFS’s. Luckily I am not doing it for weight loss.
Tomorrow is another (fast)day. 😉
I found yesterday hard, too, Lichtie – perhaps it’s just the stage on the journey we’ve hit. I didn’t fall off the wagon quite as dramatically as you (but well done for leaving the jam toasts till today!) but I’ve made full use of Sunday freedom today.
Back to it for us both tomorrow – I shall be fasting, too. I’ll be thinking of you – we can do it together
Hi Fast and Lichtle
Well done with the challenge. Now that I have detoxed, I am having no sugar cravings, and the longer I am off it, the less I think about any sweet food. Thank heavens. 😉
Because of the cr*p sugar withdrawal symptoms, I choose not to have any sugar except the occasional red wine. I am eating a piece of fruit every second day as a treat. I really don’t want to go through the sugar withdrawal every week after a Sunday indulgence, so am choosing not to eat anything like that.
Lichtle, You describe my experience in that nothing you eat is sufficient, when you are in withdrawal. I eat a few almonds or Brazil nuts if I am feeling hungry. Like Purple I am now down to two meals a day, with a snack of nuts in between. Fasting today for health. I am eating very few grains. A little sourdough or rice on occasion. Not every day.
BTW. Peanut butter in Oz is loaded with sugar. Is yours? Could explain the craving afterwards.
I am sitting at my low weight, 1.7 kg off since Lent began. In effect this sugar free challenge has reversed the gains of the Christmas period of indulgence of sugar and grains. In last October 2014 I hit my lowest weight since I was 40 yo. I expect to hit this same absolute low weight during this sugar free challenge, as it is just 500 grams below. 🙄
Cheers, Bay 🙂
Good work Bay.
I didn’t eat any cheese, my favourite food, for at least 6 months when I started, then gradually reintroduced Parmesan only. I now occasionally have a good blue and some feta. I have lost the desperate desire to eat cheese every day (and sometimes with every meal). I no longer buy bacon or ham and I always thought I could be a vegetarian, but for these products. I simply found other things to give me the flavour kick. Funny how tastes change.
I’m sure the occasional binge won’t destroy it Lichtle. In fact, like the guilt following a mistake of any kind, it simply reinforces the desire to not repeat. Classic negative reinforcement. 🙂 P
Hi Happy and Purple, seems to have been a good day for fasting for us. I had the best fast since the start of the challenge. No problem to fast for 24hrs and then only a couple of slices of ham and a (no fat) fried egg with raw carrots and a tomato. Not hungry right now and about to go to bed.
I feel redeemed. 🙂
Hi all. Interesting hearing from those of you doing extra fast days. I have lost 7kg in about 9 weeks. I have struggled with weight loss over the years and after 4 children, menopause and a very stressful job I ended up at 86 kilos which was a shock to me- I am 168cm tall. I also found I had outrageous blood pressure. This year I have been basically doing 2:1 fasting, so fasting every third day with the occasional alternate day fast if I need to swap days around. I seem to be getting used to fasting and finding it less difficult than at the beginning- although I have my moments! To achieve this fabulous weight loss I have been doing 30 mins of interval training 5 days a week and really having very few refined carbs. I am joining the forum as I still have 13 kilos to go.
Hi FFS, I presume your challenge is going well. I must say since my Saturday binge, Sunday sugar hit and Monday easy fast, I am feeling very well. Yesterday’s eating day was normal (maybe a few too many nuts) and so far today is fine too.
Breakfasts are the hardest for me. I am so used to having jam with my toast that I don’t find cream cheese or ham gratifying. I think I need to go for protein breakfasts – eggs and bacon – so that I don’t feel like there is something “wrong” with my toast.
Hi Lichtie – I’m trying to think what might be a good substitute for your toast, without cheating. Have you considered banana? I don’t eat them often, so haven’t done so since the sugar-fast started, but I reckon you could just about get away with them, if you hold the peanut butter! If you like marmite, I find that goes well with banana….the other tactic is the one you’ve already thought of: change to something completely different, like bacon and eggs, so that it’s a ‘new’ breakfast, not an inferiOr substitute one. I think you’re definitely onto something there!!
My breakfast today was the leftovers from last night’s dinner, when I realised halfway through that I’d had ‘eyes bigger than belly’ problem when making dinner (that seems to be happening increasingly frequently these days – I must take notice.). But it was a good breakfast: a mix of tuna in spring water, spring onion and grated raw carrot and beetroot. Nice, if a little unusual at that time of day – and lower calorie than my usual fruit, yoghurt and (sugar-free!) grapenuts, I’m surprised to discover. Must do it again,
I’m eating today, fasting tomorrow, weight stable for a week, despite ‘pudding Sunday’ and an invitation out for lunch
Well done you for yesterday! Keep going – I’m not expecting to get to easter not fancying sweet stuff at all, but if we can get there happy to keep it to once a week (and having discovered a way of coping with the mid-afternoon dip) it will be worth it!
Hi Fast, you have given me quite a few good ideas here.
1. Tuna: Whilst I don’t like fresh fish I do like tinned, smoked and pickled fish including tuna especially tuna salads with spring onions, tomatoes, peppers and cucumber. Must put it on my list. Thanks that is such a healthy protein.
2. Banana as subsitute for jam: It is definitely something to bear in mind when I get desparate, especially on dark sunflower seed bread.
I agree, I don’t think I will lose my sweet tooth either – I just want to tame it to one or two days a week after Easter. I think the same mental restriction (or better allowance) tactics will apply as for 5:2: “Whilst you can’t have it today you can on Sunday and Wednesday (for example)” We will call it the 2:5 sugar diet ;-). Hang on let me patent this. 🙂 (has probably already been done)
I will also fast tomorrow. I have to go to London on Sunday for a trade show until Tuesday, so I play it by ear when to fast next. At these events we usually clutch paper cups of coffee all day with not much time for proper food, so it may be ideal for fasting.
My weight is now down by 800g since the start of lent. If I can lose the same amount again, by the end of it, I shall sit comfortably at the bottom of my maintenance range as I was at the beginning of December.
Lichtle, I’ve just remembered a story I heard on the radio last week, which you might enjoy. Not wishing to remind you of the Great Peanut Butter Binge – which is over, gone, finished – this one might make you feel better. ‘Woman’s Hour’ did a phone-in prog about weight, and one woman told a story of (I think) a friend (though it might have been her) attacking a very large jar of chocolate and hazelnut spread with a spoon, and soon realising to her horror that she’d finished the jar. Apparently her OH nagged her constantly to lose weight, so – terrified that he would find the empty jar – she went out and bought another (equally large. ) Then she realised she would have to eat the new jar down to the level the old one had been before she started. You can guess the rest: 10 minutes later she’d finished the new jar, too.
She assured the presenter the story was true. I reckon you and the peanut butter got off lightly – and if that story doesn’t work as aversion therapy for sweet things, we have a bigger problem than we thought! It makes me slightly nauseous just re-telling it!
Love that story FFS!
Lichtle, I’m a jam and toast girl for breakfast too. My suggestion is the same as FFS, banana on top and sprinkled with cinnamon. The cinnamon is important. Seems to make it taste more luxurious or something.
When I’m trying to have a bit more protein at breakfast I add peanut butter. You’ll need to get the sugar free one. Can’t say I enjoy it as much as the jam but it’s starting to taste ok!
Let me k ow how you go. 🙂
You know Fast, that woman was me, or she could have been.
I have done the very same thing not just once. I had to replace the far because children would accuse me of hypocracy. in my case the jar disappeared for a day, so I only ate about half a jar a day.
My peanut butter episode was a direct result of not being able to attack the hazlenut spread due to challenge (I don’t usually eat peanut butter) and when you told me that it contained sugar my immediate thought was that I might as well have had the chocolate spread. ☺️
Brave sharing, Lictle – thank you! Your honesty – with yourself as well as us – is impressive.
Carol is right about the cinnamon, and not just because it tastes so good. It helps to regulate blood-sugar levels. I sometimes put half a teaspoonful in my coffee. One bit of good news: did you read the report that drinking coffee (in moderation!) regulates insulin production and sugar levels?
Hi fellow sugar free fasters 😮
So far managing not to eat sugar while on holidays in beautiful NZ. Just the odd glass of wine and one piece of fruit a day. Walking and playing golf. Mainly eating two meals a day, and drinking lots of water.
I was thinking about the difference from now to a year ago. Then I would have been worrying where my next meal was coming from. 😯 Now I just embrace the hunger and think, I don’t really need to eat until dinner. Just drink some water. My total lunch today was a small piece of avocado and a piece of haloumi. Plus lots of water.
Hope you’re all going well.
Cheers, Bay 😉
Oh Bay, on holiday… in New Zealand… walking… playing golf… I am jealous 😉 Well done for managing such a great WOE. It is indeed liberating knowing we won’t collapse if we don’t get to a food source every 3-4 hrs.
Fast, I read so many contradictory articles about coffee. I am now down to two mugs 5 days a week (at work) and the rest of the time (at home) I drink decaf, which contains about 1/10 of the caffeine – I can live with that. As with everything it boils down to moderation, which I have to remind myself of every now and then.
So far my fast is going very well. I hope to stay around 300cals at my evening meal tonight. No massive sugar cravings to report, so I am happy with that.
Seriously, Happy (and anyone else who fancies joining in) -the one disadvantage to this weight loss business is that I’ve lost my insulation layer and feel the cold much more than I used to. (On the other hand, I enjoyed last summer hugely, when I’ve hated hot weather for years. ) DH reckons I’m turning into a reptile.
I agree, it’s definitely made a difference to temperature control and regulation. I’ve never been a cold person, but this winter I have found it harder to get warm and have been more aware of the cold.
I don’t know about reptile but I may be turning into a cat, following patches of sunshine round the house!
Hi all you cold animals. My feeling the cold goes with Reynaud’s disease, when fingers and toes lose their blood supply and go white and numb. And if I am not careful I get frost bites. In the winter I am totally preoccupied with keeping my extremities warm with hot water bottles, electric blankets, lamb skin insoles …you name it because somehow turning the heating up is not enough.
…and you won’t hear a moan from me unless temperatures reach mid thirties in the summer (nearly never in this country)
Poor Lichtle – I know Raynaud’s is horrible. I do sympathise. Take heart: spring is coming. But I’m still not quite with you on 30degrees – 20-25 is about where I thrive.
( and between 10am and 2pm, with a short-lived second wind late in the evening. Neither a lark nor an owl, unless they work split shifts – more like a rare orchid! Better than a reptile, anyway!)
How is sugar-free going, girls? I had come to the conclusion that DH had changed his mind and decided not to join us after all, only to find myself confused when he moaned that he couldn’t have a biscuit with his (day off!) early-morning cuppa in bed. it got more confusing still when we stopped for coffee while shopping and -again! – he gobbled my complimentary chocolate button, and started looking meaningfully at the cake on offer. Challenged, he explained all: he has simply given up biscuits: everything else is allowed. Now, why didn’t we think of that?!!
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9:41 am
1 Mar 15