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This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • Wouldn’t you implode, ffs? 🙂
    So YOU are that person who eats on the train? I always fast when I’m going into the city, as it is easy to control eating while travelling in the train and walking. I spent the day out yesterday and, because I was busy, didn’t feel hungry at all. Mr P has corn biscuits (fabulous with butter, like popcorn) in the cupboard. If I even think about them (like now) I lust after them, salivate… when I’m out the temptation is not there. The food on offer (and the aromas) in food courts, I pass through, are not tempting. Far too greasy smelling for me these days. Thank goodness for rubbish takeaways. Just do not appeal to me.
    I used 1500 calories yesterday (according to my monitor) and ate about 400. Not bad for a girl who is still hobbling around! P

    Hi Carol

    Agree with Purple’s suggestion to try a little something. What I now do, is to buy a high quality Danish pastry and eat about one third and OH eats the other two thirds. 😉 That satisfies me, since fasting has reduced my appetite for such things. That way I have no feeling of deprivation. The coffee shop bakery Daci and Daci near the wharf and Consitution Dock is a great place to have a mini indulgence. 😆

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Purple, take care not to inflame the foot 🙄

    Hi Bay, I avoided Daci and Daci when we were in Hobart as I just knew I would have wanted one of everything. Instead I had oysters on the dock and lost many kilos all night as a result! ! 🙁
    Must remember to eat to break my fast ……P

    Oh P, I’m obviously a complete lightweight! I do promise I don’t eat smelly stuff on the train – no oranges, burgers, chips, pasties – just nuts, a banana, maybe some oat biscuits – and all in the cause of holding travel sickness (yes, yes, I know – most people grow out of it!) at bay. Hope I’m forgiven…

    Not in my carriage! I’d be tossing you dirty looks 🙂

    FFS, do you have a satnav? And similarly enjoy seeing how far you can push ‘her’ just to see if she will have a breakdown/ flounce off in a huff?!

    And I’m with you on eating on the train. How righteous do you feel nibbling on fruit and nuts when all around you is burgers, chips, biscuits, chocolate, special brew.. 🙂

    Gosh. I’m glad I’m not in the UK. Hardly anyone eats on our trains.
    I remember a couple eating smoked fish (stinking stuff) on a train in Western Scotland. Totally ruined the journey. A bit like smokers…at least they are banned. On some lines we even have ‘quiet’ carriages! 😉

    I’m sure the looks would be dirtier, P, if I threw up in your carriage! And compared with loud phone conversations aimed at impressing on the whole carriage the caller’s importance and indispensability, (or burgers eaten by someone whose hips were already so big they spilled from their own seat onto mine, as I endured last week) I still reckon a few discreetly-managed nuts are less than a hanging offence. We shall have to agree to stay a hemisphere apart on this one!!

    Happy – no, I don’t have a sat nav – strictly a map-and-route-cards girl so far, though I’m sure I’m missing out somewhere along the line. I confess to being a bit of a control freak: being bullied by an inanimate object would probably end badly. I think I would probably have given up the app long before now, were it not for the fun of seeing its confusion and concern at what I eat on fast days!

    P – we crossed. Yes, we have ‘quiet carriages’, too – and much notice many arrogant so and so’s take of them! Joking apart, I do agree about a lot of the food that gets eaten – it’s as if we’re all terrified of starving during a 2 hour journey, and some seem deliberately to choose whatever will be most offensive – but I do mean ‘nibble’, not ‘stuff’! It’s just amazing how many calories one can ‘nibble’ when eating mindlessly – or with a different purpose in mind

    Well I am one of those people who didn’t dare leave the house without at least some fruit or nuts, in case I broke down or the train was late! In my defence that was in the bad old carb heavy days, when I could get really shaky and feel sick.

    One of my personal favourites for upsetting people in confined spaces is a nice garlicky hummus 🙂

    Hi Bay and Purple, unfortunately I found Daci and Daci ha ha! Good theory Bay, but my DH is one of those incredibly pious people not attracted by sweets at all! And my working class roots won’t let me pay for something and then waste half of it! But you’re right, all I really want now is a mouthful or two.

    I used to be guilty of planning food for journeys FFS, just in case i couldn’t access any at lunch time. How crazy! Now, thanks to 5:2 I have learnt to live with a few hunger pains and realise it’s not going to kill me.

    Food on trains, buses and other public places is an issue when it’s smelly fast food stuff. Other than that I don’t mind it but probably couldn’t cope with the garlic Happy lol.

    Ditto Carol, re: the benefit of 5:2,

    But how did we get brainwashed in the first place into believing we’d die if we were more than two hours from food?!

    Think I’d better tactfully bow out of the ‘eating on trains’ thing, and make a resolution to go empty-handed next time! Certainly at my all-girls grammar school there were heavy penalties for being spotted eating so much as a sweet in the street, in or out of uniform! An extra Lent challenge, maybe, to remind myself afresh that Hunger is Good?

    I’ve read research before which pointed to the fact that we gain maximum enjoyment from the first 2 mouthfuls of any given food: after that, even if it doesn’t turn to dust and ashes in the mouth, it does lose some of its appeal. So I’m sure the tactic of ‘first eat your 2 mouthfuls, then fatten up your loved ones’ , which it would seem lots of us are employing, is the way to go….

    FFS, sounds like the train-eating is rebellion against school rules. Really? At your age??:? Do what you want and what makes you happy.

    Must admit, at drinks and nibbles after work tonight, the chippies started to taste a bit gluggy and heavy. Would rather feed the worm farm than the loved ones, though. 🙂

    It was all tongue in empty cheek 😉 ffs. You are right though, we never ate in school uniform. Probably should reintroduce that!
    Have a good Friday and weekend MCs P

    What?! School uniforms at our age P? 🙂

    Actually, young Happy, “in my day” we never ate in public unless seated in a restaurant (and they had walls) even when we weren’t in school uniform.
    Tonight we ate lamb rump, sweet potato and caramelized beetroot in a restaurant (bomb scare closed the good one) then opted to come home for dessert and coffee. Shame A League soccer (round football ) is on 🙁
    Really romantic evening! P

    Thanks, P – I was aware it was tongue in cheek – no offence taken at all. But the serious point is that we can all still learn from one another, and it has made me question why I lug a selection of snacks across London and back (London! I ask you! London, where every second building is a food outlet, if you needed one!) and what I imagine might happen if I don’t have them. It’s made me reflect -I’ve decided I think it goes back to a mixture of Girl Guides (‘be prepared’) and motherhood (hungry, fractious small people who don’t do fasting) – and that next time I shall go fasting. So thank you. )oh, and Guides and motherhood weren’t actually at the same time!)

    🙂 ffs
    I still carry a small bottle of water with me, not to save money (although that’s good) , but to have something to sip if I feel sick or hungry (the same things in my book!)
    I find, just as with morning sickness, if you haven’t eaten you develop excess stomach gasses as the digestive ‘juices’ have no food to work on. If you can burp, you don’t feel sick or hungry. Having a sip of water can do it! So can bending over, walking rapidly etc.
    Dr Purple’s Casebook 🙂

    So would you rather I burped next to you than ate?(!!!)? I guess that’s what the bloke behind me was doing last week – and I thought the 100 miles of belching and groaning was something to do with the strong smell of burger and beer emanating from his person…silly me! (Actually I moved in the end, rather than get puked on – and then arrived home feeling guilty, wondering if he was ill and I should have offered first aid…oh, can’t win! I should say I did steal a qick look and I think my first guess was the right one!) yes, I agrree, water is good – good compromise. (We Brits are supposed to be good at that. )

    Oh ffs! What a ghastly tale to wake up to!
    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone ♡ Mr and Mrs P 🙂

    Sorry – had forgotten you would wake up to it!
    Happy Valentine’s to you too…and all young (and old) lovers…

    Oh dear FFS! what a nightmare trip!

    Happy now wrote ” What?! School uniforms at out ageP? ”

    Oh yes please……the joy of youthful and old for that matter old fantasies 🙂


    Hi Tim
    Feeling frisky again? Hope the medicos are keeping away from you 😉
    Cheers, Purple

    Ha ha Tim and Purple!

    Hi Carol
    Did you have a good Valentine’s Day? 😉 P

    Just a normal day for us Purple! We don’t usually make a big deal of it. Hot as hades here. 41 yesterday and 39 today. We’re just deciding if we will go and see a film today or not. Don’t even feel like getting ready though it’s so hot!

    Poor you. We have overcast skies and 21 deg. Not ideal for my granddaughter’s birthday party 🙁 Mr P says 29 predicted with a thunderstorm at 1pm.
    I use any excuse for a romantic meal. We bbqed a lamb roast, roasted a mix of veg. Fig, plumb and yoghurt dessert all served on our deck by the pool. Candle light, music. You get it! ♡ P

    Am thinking your weather in February is slightly more conducive to romance than ours…!

    Although the temperature did reach double figures… And we did take (some of) our clothes off… (the thermals 🙂 )

    Oh you are a romantic Purple! I marinated the lamb chops – does that count ha ha! I’m feeling really bad now, should have some something for my husband!

    Don’t know Happy- cold weather keeps you in bed longer!

    Ooo… no thermals! Now that’s romance.
    I’m with Carol. Why not stay in bed or a romantic evening in front of a roaring fire? Poor Mr Grumpy. 😉 P

    Any of the above beats an evening spent in a restaurant eating overpriced pink food at tables decorated with odourless red roses, surrounded (at close quarters, to squeeze in as many as possible) by 20 other couples all hating it too. Call me a cynic, but keeping romance alive is one thing; ersatz pinkery is quite another! We decided some years ago to subvert it by keeping it on a different day – usually the night before – and either going out somewhere lovely or making a special meal at home. This year it was do-it-yourself Mezze in front of the fire – I recommend it (but not for those of you living with 41deg. ).

    Hi Lichtle and FFS

    Been thinking about the Lenten no sugar challenge. 😮 Have been eating sweets every non fast day 😥

    It has raised a few questions for me, as I have a friend’s significant birthday to navigate.

    Are we allowed fruit during Lent? What about alcohol? Do we have any leeway moments during the 40 days and 40 nights?

    Fasting today, and looking forward to it. Playing golf this morning, then housework this afternoon. Keeping busy and drinking lots of water. Happy fasting, all. 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙄

    Bay, I think Lent wss 46 days long last year, it allows people to take Sundays offif they wish cheers

    Hi bay – Milena’s right: Sunday is always a feast day, so you can take it off if you want – though some find it easier just to keep going. And by the same token, I reckon you should have a special dispensation for the feast of a friend’s special birthday; perhaps we should each have one ‘joker’ to play during the 6 weeks?! It ends at dusk on the Saturday before Easter Day.
    Lichtie and I have decided fruit is permissible – just added sugar (sweets, biscuits, cakes etc) off limits. But you must do what’s right for you – were not setting rules! I shall probably drop alcohol too – don’t know about Lichtie – but to be honest I drink so little it won’t be difficult. Sweets will be far worse!
    So – keep eating the sweets till Tuesday; the aim is to clear the cupboards of temptation before we begin!
    Hope that helps. Ffs

    Hi Bay,

    I’m not joining you, but I do wonder how far you have to go to get rid of sugar.

    As this will be your challenge, and you know what your particular weaknesses are, what are your feelings on what you need to/ are prepared to give up for Lent?

    I found that out last year, cut out booze from day one of Lent, the following week cut out chocolate, still no booze, added something else every week to the list, on the 40th day realised I still had a week to go! Devastated – lost 2.5 kilos after all that effort.

    Lost 5.5 kilos in 6 weeks with 5:2, Ive cut out loads but, because nothing is actually given up, its been much easier. Good luck – Ive a trip to Denmark right in the middle of Lent, giving up Easter eggs instead.

    Oh Milena, poor you! No, overdoing it is just asking for “failure” (nb no such thing!) and devastation. Do what you can, the way it suits you – only you can know what works best for you. The only reason I’m trying to do the sugar thing is that despite success with 5:2, and a reasonable weight, I worry that my sugar habit is unhealthy, and Lichtie and I discovered that we shared the same concern and issued a (half-joking) challenge, which then became serious! . Knowing that it takes around ) weeks to make/break a habit, it seems a good opportunity to give it a real go. But it’s not the real point of Lent, so I’ll try to do some appropriate reading etc, as well. Definitely give yourself a free pass for birthdays, holidays etc!!

    Hi FFS,

    So Lent is actually more of a 6:1 than 40 (ish?!) days straight?

    It occurs to me that ‘allowing’ yourself the ‘forbidden’ thing once a week is likely to be harder than eschewing it completely. So I guess if you’re religious, you go 6:1, but if you want to break a habit you go 7:0?

    It wasnt so much giving up everything, though i was runnung out of things to give up- i kept a record, day 1 to day 40, it was finding out at the end, when my wee charts were full, that I still had a week to go!

    Of course thats why diets fail, for me anyway, the thought of giving things up just makes them more appealing.

    Good luck with the sugar challenge

    Well now, Happy

    You have posed me a real challenge. 😮 What would be hard for me to do? What would be best for my health? What am I struggling with re sugar?

    Background for others. I am a very happy maintainer. I have been on 5:2 for 13 months. I lost 15 kg last year and have kept it off for over seven months. I lost three dress sizes.

    I am fasting either 5:2 or 6:1 to maintain. If I eat processed foods or sweets, I gain a little weight. Then I fast and the weight drops off.

    I happen to think that sugar plays a role in dementia, weight gain, and other hormonal health issues. I thought that taking up the sugar free Lent challenge issued by Lichtle and FFS might be a way to break my love of sweet things. It would certainly ensure that I reduced my intake of sugar.

    I thought I would have bloods done at the end of the challenge to see the impact. 🙄

    Thinking about it over the last few days, I was getting worried about failing, by trying to give up absolutely all sugar for such a long time. If I use the 5:2 principle of putting it off day by day, that may do the trick. 😉

    FFS, the notion of 6:1 feels easy compared to permanent prohibition. I will ponder my options over the next couple of days. I have to work out my real goal for this challenge. Thanks for putting it out there.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    The sugar challenge is becoming very exciting! 🙂

    Hi, Happy, Milena, Bay, Carol – and anyone else who’s listening!

    That’s just about it, on all counts – though (to be pernickety I’d probably say it’s 1:6, rather than 6:1!). Bay, your reasons for wanting to ditch sugar are precisely mine, and this just seems a good way to do it – 6 weeks, and a bit of extra motive. And I’d make less of the distinction between the ‘health’ and the ‘religious’: in spiritual terms I think mind, body and spirit are intertwined, and if our bodies are indeed ‘temples of the Holy Spirit’, as Christians believe, we are called to try to break habits which abuse or damage them. Fasting was a spiritual exercise long before it was medically understood. Of course that doesn’t exclude anyone, of whatever faith or none!

    Yes, Happy, I think I might find it easier to go whole hog and go 0:7, which I shall try to do – but it is a comfort to know those Sundays are there if I need them – surely the principle of 5:2 (‘I can have it tomorrow…’) and why it has worked for me. So we shall see….

    Either way it’s scary – especially with you lot watching! (Sorry, correction – not watching, but cheering us on!)

    Yes, I’m sure it is scary, I take my hat off to you because I know I couldn’t do it. And you’re right, we are cheering you on, for whatever result is achieved! This could likely be an example of the journey being more important than the destination! 🙂

    It always is, Carol. P

    Hi MCs
    Just back from a long cool evening walk. Mr P and I were discussing the role of movement (rather than “exercise”) in maintaining health. We both use activity monitors and try to ensure at least 10,000 steps a day. It is staggering how easy it is, when one drives somewhere, or sits on the computer, to only manage 5000 steps.
    As Mr P is the canary in the mine (thanks Carol), it is easy to monitor at least part of his health. Days when he doesn’t make the 10000, especially if it is a couple in a row, his bloodsugar levels rise. A long walk brings it back down quickly. He did this last night when it was high after a party.
    However, if he has days of excessively strenuous exercise it does not drop it really low.
    All pretty unscientific, but it does seem, the magic 10000 steps, including some moderately swift walking, seems to be the way to go. I know I naturally feel like moving if I have been sitting too long. As Dr M said, one of the advantages of fasting is having to get up to go to the loo frequently! I like his thinking. Parking further away, choosing to run up and down in a two storey house, making separate trips to unload the car, all add incidental movement.
    Do any others monitor their movement?
    Long may it last. P

    Hi sorry for the absence, lots going at home at the moment. Great to read the conversations of the last few days.

    FFS, Bay, Carol and anyone else who is joining the lenten challenge, I am now very ready to start. These last two weeks, I have not been able to do proper fasts, possibly in anticipation of lent. I have had such an unhealthy diet that I have decided to start my challenge today as I am fasting today and there is no reason for me to have one more “sweet day” tomorrow.
    I am hoping for a 0 cal fast day today with all the resolution I am feeling right now. ;-))

    I agree with FFS, how we manage the lenten challenge and what else we give up or take up is up to us. I intend to allow for fruit but there is no particular food that I feel I should give up and I hardly ever drink alcohol. At the moment I am trying to go without the Sunday exemption and see how I go.

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Good luck sugar free ladies. 🙂

    Thanks, Purple 🙄

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