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  • Interesting take on sugar. I’m with Lichtle in that I would have no weight problem at all, if I didn’t have a sweet tooth. Because I chose to have sweet treats through these last holidays, I am now fluctuating up to 2 kg in weight. On fast days I lose 1 kg or so in weight. On non fast days I put it back on courtesy of sweets. 🙄

    So Lichtle, please let me know the count down to Lent. 😉 I have to give up sugar again to get control back.

    Re eating history, we were given lollies as treats, we ate bread and jam, my grandmother was a great cake and biscuit maker. Most of my siblings have a sweet tooth and teeth with lots of fillings. My kids were raised almost sugar free. One is now a non sweet eater. The other has a sweet tooth that is under control. They have perfect teeth. 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    My parents were both born in the 1930s, so lived through the sugar famine and subsequent feast.

    As children we didn’t have a lot of shop bought sweets, but we did have puddings and cakes. Sugar was added to tea to make it palatable to children… We had orange juice AND sugar on pancakes… A cube of sugar as a reward for taking medicine…etc. But not excessive.

    And unsurprisingly carbohydrates were often the largest proportion of the meal.

    I used to have much more of a sweet tooth than I do now, but I guess the fact I can easily pass on a cake suggests it was just a mindless habit for me. In the days when I could eat more food, I’d rather a starter and a main than a main and a dessert. Having said that, if I do get started on sugary stuff I will want more! Nuts and cheese help curb the urge 🙂

    My money is on subconscious memories and associations being responsible for our sweet tooth with genetics playing a small part. Since we get our genes from our parents they of course taught us what they preferred according to their genes.

    Whilst my mum made virtually never deserts, only baked cakes at birthdays and didn’t buy any sweets, we always had an abundance of fruits of all kind in the garden more than enough to make jam to last all year round. . Our breakfast porridge Was just a little too sweet and also the breakfast toast was topped with jam, honey or sugar. I can forgo any chocolate for a piece of bread with butter and a good layer of sugar on top. We even used to have pancakes with jam for lunch.

    In fact the other day I sneaked into our kitchen at work and indulged myself secretly with apiece of bread with sugar when in walks the boss and looks at me in disbelief and disgust saying other than his five year old daughter he has never seen an adult eating this.

    One of my favourite sugar treats are jelly :-)) and gummi bears and in the summer sorbets and fruit flans/cakes. I am wondering if my body craves it for a reason other than sweet tooth? I do have osteoporosis so maybe the gelatine is good? I also looooove all fresh fruit and this is probably the thing that will get me through the lent challenge. So I have to limit myself to no more than two pieces of fruit or so. Ahem which ones are the largest fruits? Melons? Papayas? Pineapples? :-))

    Funnily enough I only like a few kinds of chocolate and all chocolate cake leaves me cold. When I was little and we had a sore throat, the doctor used to prescribe some tablets that were meant to taste of chocolate. But they tasted like chocolate flavoures antacids leaving a chalky residue in the mouth. Urgh. When I eat chocolate sometimes I get that taste memory – unpleasant.

    Ok back to the learned behaviour theory for me.

    Hi Lichtle

    I think I will respectfully disagree. My money is on centuries of humans only being able to have sweet stuff when it’s in season. If you look at people who have access to berries once a year, they eat as many of them as they can while they can. We get huge amounts of vitamins and antioxidants from berries.

    I think the body doesn’t distinguish between the sweet stuff coming from fruit and sweet stuff coming from all kinds of sugars. Unless we train ourselves. 😉

    My five cents worth!
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Lichtle

    I also think that childhood training has an impact on how much we eat and what type of food we eat.
    So both reasons, genetic and environmental, would have an impact on why some of us find it hard to put up the Stop sign.

    That’s why I’m joining you for Lent. 🙄 strength in numbers!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Congrats, Bay: good decision – for all of us!

    Fascinating discussion: I’m sure some of it goes back to hunter/gathering and the need to gorge on calories when they’re available, plus upbringing, etc etc. I’m also very taken by the specialised nature of each of our ‘sweet teeth’: I’m completely with you on the fresh fruit, Lichtie, but your bread and jam leaves me cold – bread is for cheese! And texture is important to me: meringues, cream cakes, sponges, you can keep – if I eat cake I want a sticky flapjack or a wedge of heavy fruit cake. With sweets, it’s chewy that does it for me, and extremely dark chocolate – there’s no resisting toffee, or a really good dark chocolate caramel! – but milk chocolate, creams and truffley things are just not nice!

    Origins of these tastes (like others!) obviously multi causal, and buried in time, but it’s good that we know our own! Off now for yoghurt and fruit! Have a good day, all

    FFS, I’ve just had a peach (cooked in the microwave without sugar as it wasn’t ripe), homemade Jersey yoghurt, cinnamon and almond flakes. Fabulous!
    I never grow tired of fruit for dessert and that’s what mum used to make!
    Like Happy though, I’d always prefer to eat entres instead of dessert, but OH likes his, no matter how small, to complete his dinner. He’s come so far, I’ll allow this little indulgence. 😉 P

    Thanks Bay and FFS. Looking forward to a good fast today and strangely this morning even looking forward to our challenge in two weeks’ time. I am fired up now.

    Morning/ evening all,

    Having failed to fast earlier in the week (I must stop buying nuts!), I was going to try again. But I found myself squarely in my maintenance range anyway, and didn’t want to lose any more weight.

    I suspect that cutting out the refined carbs in the week (and alcohol!) keeps me below TDEE, and weekends take me over TDEE, and so it all balances out in the end…

    Although, having said that… Yesterday, instead of a carob brazil nut binge (SAMM having warned me of the dangers of that 🙁 ), I ate probably 800 calories of yoghurt covered ginger from H & B. God, it made my teeth hurt! And I felt sick! But no harm done to my weight (58kg this morning, so low for me), only my tooth enamel.

    Funny how health food stores don’t actually have to stock healthy food.

    Go Happy!!!!!!. You had OH and I laughing while more deaths were occuring on Midsomer Murders! HE (the sweet tooth) was horrified by the carob covered brazil nuts. I couldn’t get over the excess of yoghurt covered ginger (I hate ginger, he adores it!) Seriously, you can eat what you like/need at 58 kg!!! 😉 P

    Hi P,

    Well I like yoghurt and I like ginger, so in theory I should like yoghurt flavoured ginger.

    The moral of the story is, I think, that I should take my reading glasses to the health food store…

    Would you believe a whopping 65g of sugar per 100g of product!! (FFS and Lichtle close your ears) No wonder they were foul!

    Yeah, but the yoghurt isn’t really, is it, Happy? I’ve been done the same way at H and B: yogurt-covered ginger/raisins – healthy snack, or so I thought. The first mouthful tells you the ‘yoghurt’ tastes more like white chocolate – which I loathe – but it’s oddly addictive. And before you know it the bag is empty. Give yourself a free pass for that one, if only for nobly finishing it! And P is right: you can afford the occasional blowout; it’s just that it would be nice to use it on something you genuinely love!

    Ah well. Chock it up to experience Happy. I’ll stick to wine when I lash out 😉 P

    FFS, when I realised how unhealthy the ‘yoghurt’ ‘ginger’ was, I had the thought (as I do increasingly with age!) that I ought to complain… But perhaps I am at fault, and H%B aren’t in fact a “health food store’ but a ‘health, food store’…

    Morning/evening 🙂
    Happy, I am always staggered by what they stock in the “Health Foods” section of our supermarkets. OH seems to think if his ginger stem biscuits are in this section he can eat as many as he likes 🙁 P

    Morning P!

    I might go and have a conversation with the poor unsuspecting shop assistant, next time I’m in town and grumpy!

    I’ve just posted a Dad update on jojo’s thread (to add him to the fatberg). He’s now lost 29lbs on the 5:2 cheesecake and wine diet. Waist down from too tight 40in to comfortable 36 (at 5ft11.5!). He realises he could lose more quickly if he cut out the wine! But acknowledges that wouldn’t be a sustainable life style change… 🙂

    Been very quiet this weekend. I guess that indicates we all have it under control. I hope our 3 sugarfree Lent girls aren’t trying to deplete their stashes in expectation! 😉
    Fasting today and keeping busy. Only way to go.
    Cheers Maintenance Mates. P 🙂

    Haha Purple

    Closer than you think. Sugared up on the weekend. 😯 Am fasting today.
    just had a handful of dry roasted almonds at 3 pm. Fasted on water only from 8 pm last night. So 21 hours this time. 😉

    Cheers, Bay

    We ate at 6pm last night…busy day boating and both tired and burnt. Suddenly, I stepped on a bee! Today I was forced to watch Question Time in Parliament to avoid eating. Have been told by the pharmacist to stop walking on the massively swollen foot:)
    I made it until 3.30pm (21 hours) when I weighed myself, saw I was quite light and had about 90 calories of salad. But since I’ve walked less than 2000 steps today, I don’t deserve anything.
    A little smoked fish and lettuce for dinner should do it.
    Enjoy that sugar tomorrow, Bay. 😉 P

    Hi Purple

    Sorry about the sore foot. 😯 Take care of yourself. Maybe your body needs to have something nice like chili salmon and a pile of greens to help the foot repair itself. This becomes a rest and repair day for you. 😉 You have no problem losing weight when you need to, and maybe over the next few days you could pamper yourself with nutrient rich foods.

    Thinking of you. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Bay
    Thanks. We have just finished a salmon, chilli, lots of green veg, zero noodles and pasata dinner. Really good. Followed by a couple of huge stawberries, yoghurt, cinnamon and almond flakes. Washed down with bubbly water. Totally satisfying!
    It’s interesting looking back, nearly 2 years ago when we first started, we couldn’t imagine finding this amount of food as satisfying. Now it seems a banquet.
    I waved my throbbing foot in the pool before dinner. It certainly helped. Keep safe folks…avoid bees! P 😉

    Hi P,

    And how is the bee…?! Seriously, sorry to hear about the sting, nasty. I hope it doesn’t keep you awake. Are you taking antihistamines?

    Your meal sounds great. OH is away tonight, so it would be a great opportunity for me to fast today… But am only 59.3 this morning (and that’s my inflated weekend water weight). So thinking of a longish fast but then just some nice tasty vegetarian fayre (the sort OH doesn’t like 🙂 )

    Bay, good work on the fasting. I think a lot of the reason I cave in at 19 or so hours is due to the lack of distraction slumped over a comput er all day!

    And on that note…

    Well Happy, the bee died. Bad luck! Started antihistamines at lunch time when it was pretty obvious it wasn’t improving, in fact significantly worsening 🙁
    I’m still in the 57kgs after an “extravagant” weekend but I think I need at least one good fast a week. I’m no longer worrying about the fast dinner as we don’t eat white carbs or alcohol and basically only fish, leafy veg and berries and a little yoghurt. OHs bloodsugars respond very well to this regime (twice a week).
    Maintaining health seems to reqire fasts with the above sort of food, a reasonable amount of exercise (10000 steps) and not injuring yourself!!!! Apparently fasts don’t stop injuries. Yet I feel so young 😉 P

    Well done, Purple, Great meal. 😉 off to sleep now.

    Happy, I get out of the house as soon as I’m tempted. Shame that you’re tied to the computer. 🙄

    Cheers, Bay

    Sorry about your foot, P – and the bee. DH used to keep them, until he became very allergic, so I know that while they don’t go looking for people to sting, they’re really painful when they do. Hope it calms down soon.

    The good news is – another recruit for the Lent challenge. DH started this WOE when I did, aiming to drop from 15stone to 12. He’s made it to 12.12, but has been stuck between 12.12 and 13.2 for months – and the culprit is definitely the biscuit tin. So Lent is his ‘one last heave’. Wish him luck!

    Good luck ffs. There is no way my OH would totally give up biscuits. All I manage is to reduce the intake.
    Off to bed. The foot WILL be better tomorrow 😉 P

    Interesting snippet in the NZ Listener for next week:
    ‘If you want to lose kilos using an online weight management programme, don’t be a lurker. That’s the finding from a Northwestern University study in the US that shows online dieters who logged in regularly, recorded their weight-ins and “friended” other members lost more than 8% of their body weight in six months. Users who interacted less frequently lost less weight.’

    Obviously not talking about 5:2, then.

    I guess it explains why we goal reachers are still here Barata. Telling someone you are going to fast ties you in to following through don’t you think? I’d hate to let my maintenance mates down 😉

    Gee. 8% is pretty pathetic, isn’t it? I’ve lost 29kgs and weigh 57. Done in 12 months, that’s a lot more than 16%. !!!! P

    Yes, that’s why I added the last comment. Even with my little to lose, I have lost 10% (and 25% of body fat – still a bit disbelieving of that). It’s time the world heard about 5:2!

    Sydney was great, family is great. We were able to help our daughter and her partner find a new flat, they moved last week so grandson is in his new school, fitting in well I hear. They are in Mascot. And son and DIL are expecting to add a new grandson to our clutch mid-year, so expect us to be wearing a rut over the ditch. That will be their family, she’s forty shortly.

    I’m looking for a gender-neutral designation for my sourdough.

    And wonderful losses, P. You must be thrilled. I know I am, would love to stand on the railway station and spread the good word. Have even thought of having posters or leaflets printed, you know, “If you want to lose weight, no cost, google ‘5 2′”. I love having NO double chin, and visible neck bones.

    Something like Sam?
    I often consider going up to an obese person and yelling. ..”Just stop eating! ” I don’t of course 😉

    It’s knowing the solution, and so wanting them to get all the benefits we are enjoying.

    That’s really interesting stuff Barata. I lurked on the forum until I’d reached goal and then came straight to the maintenance thread. Perhaps an unconscious acknowledgement that weight loss is the easy part?

    And I’m 19% less of a woman 🙂

    Yes. Exactly. I introduce it in conversation eg ‘I’m not sure what size I am as I’ve lost a lot of weight lately’. Usually starts a conversation that involves 5:2, mentioning Mr Purple has reversed his diabetes with it and they are hooked 😉 P

    We crossed over Happy. I wasn’t agreeing you were less of a woman!!!!!
    I also came to the forum when I reached goal and came first to this thread as it was called “Thanks Dr M” by Auriga and I wanted to thank Michael for changing our lives.

    Congratulations to every one of us – and every one of us is definitely ALL WOMAN (except our very welcome men friends and DHs, who are obviously ALL MAN) – each of us regardless of colour, politics, faith, sexual preferences, family, sugar struggles or savoury addictions – and the rest! It’s lovely that we’re geographically so widespread, but wouldn’t a celebration party – with group photo, and notes on the back of past and present weights – be a wonderful advertisement – (and huge fun)?!

    Sure. Where will we meet? Thailand? 😉

    I also came to the forum after I had lost my weight as I knew that I would find it harder to maintain than to lose. 😯 I think the drama goes out of it and then MrWill Power has to stretch his muscle. 😉

    Fasted until 4 pm today, then had vegetable soup. Finished up with salmon and broccolini, and tomato. Felt like an enormous feast. 😆

    Cheers, Bay

    Interesting. I too came to the forum when I was almost at goal the third time round. I hoped by being here I wouldn’t give up again over the winter period. The first time round I lost 14% the second and third time round I only had 5-6% to lose as I had only given up for half a year and tried to be reasonably careful.

    @FFS & Bayleaf – hopefully our lenten challenge will also benefit from the accountability to this forum.

    I didn’t even twig that there was a forum until I’d lost the weight! But then my reasoning was like all of yours – keeping it off will be harder (we’ve all read the stats) and I’ll need some support.

    Lichtie – that was the idea of the Lent challenge: once I’ve committed publicly I won’t lose face by letting myself off. Perhaps next year I should consider working on pride?!

    I’ve found the answer to the ‘lost weight, can’t cope with the cold’ thing. Bought myself the most amazingly snug duffel coat, in the sale, from the original makers of such things. It will ‘see me out’ , in DH’s phrase: only problems now will be a) building up enough muscle to carry its weight and b) resisting the temptation to wear it everywhere and anywhere, however formal or otherwise. (Michael Foot’s Remembrance Sunday, anyone?). Feel I now need some red wellies, and a hat big enough to hide a stash of marmalade sandwiches (oops, sorry, no – forgot I was on fast diet forum for a moment. ).

    Fasting today, so rambling! Have just broken fast with carrot and coriander soup, and looking forward to baked smoked haddock with spinach and a poached egg tonight. Perhaps we should publish a book of our fantasies?!

    I have seen it so often, but cannot work it out – FFS, what is DH? I know Other Half, Better Half, but D has stumped me. I’m sure it will be something like a “doh” moment when you tell me.

    I also lurked for ages when I discovered this site, but it didn’t stop me losing.

    Fasting again today, and hungry already – odd how Thursdays are harder than Mondays.

    Hi Barata – took me a while, too! D is ‘Dear’ ( sometimes said through gritted teeth…) – as in ‘Dear Husband’, DD (dear daughter) DS, DMiL etc etc. You’ve enlightened me, too – I’ve been wondering about OH. Had decided on ‘Old Husband’ (sorry, P!) – never thought about ‘Other Half’! [ I guess I don’t naturally use ‘Other Half’ a lot – I grew up in an atmosphere where it implied that once you were safely partnered-up you were less than a whole person on your own – which I’m absolutely sure is not true in P’s case! – so I avoid it if poss. And the other side of that is the acknowledgement that marifal status is no-one else’s business, so you can’t win, really! ]. Anyone think of a better alternative to either??

    You and me both hungry, Barata, despite the very lovely fish and spinach – but nearly bedtime! I have to be on an early train to London tomorrow morning – so I’m making sure I set the alarm early enough to give me time for breakfast!

    Ha! Mr Purple, his new name, is actually usually referred to as my boyfriend. People look at me quizzically when I say something about going out to dinner with my boyfriend. “Does your husband know?” 🙂 I actually see us very much as a unit. We are totally different and make a great team with our different abilities and attitudes. So, despite the fact that I have only used OH as a term here, I really do see us as two sides of the same penny.

    After Mr P successfully ordered a Harris tweed coat from Scotland online, I ordered a new a new winter coat online for our North America trip. Red, with black lining. Looked ideal. I chose “small” size, even though I believe I’m bigger than that. It arrived yesterday and absolutely swims on me 🙁 Ridiculous. What do “normal sized” women wear?

    Barata, I too have much more trouble fasting on Thursdays. Is it because post weekends we feel like a “cleanse” on Mondays? Only 7.25am here, beginning of my Thursday fast. Let’s see how I go. Well done on yours on the wrong day, yesterday Bay!

    Happy days MCs. P and Mr P (the Fast Team!)

    I like ‘Mr P’ – and I do agree about the increasing feeling of team identity as time goes on. These days we even have complementary disabilities – each can do stuff the other can’t – and joke that between us we make a whole human being, and when one of us (sadly but inevitably) eventually goes, the other will be royally stuffed – benefit / pain of a long relationship, I guess. I do understand ‘OH’, when it’s reality – as it clearly is with you and Mr P – just still can’t quite stomach the language and attitudes of my unreconstructed and restrictive upbringing – too many memories! Thankfully, we’ve.been able to be part of freeing each other – but terminology was still much easier before retirement, when he simply introduced himself as ‘the Vicar’s wife’ – one of the first here, which made for much amusement (some of the time!)

    Enough of serious: apologies for heavy stuff. Sorry about the coat, P – but isn’t it a wonderful feeling, buying something labelled ‘S’, when it used to be ‘XL’?! Would it work with several large sweaters underneath, or do you never get cold enough to need them? Hope you can send it back if necessary.

    Well P, clearly you aren’t bigger than that! How annoying. Do they do it in dinky size?

    On the subject of two halves or two people who live together…! I hate being introduced as the wife of my OH (we’ll call him Grumpy… just for the purposes of my rant you understand 🙂 )

    It’s always ‘This is Grumpy and his wife Happy.’
    To which I reply, ‘No, this is Grumpy and Happy, they’re married.’

    Cue confused looks from the assembled men who think the little woman has clearly gone mad, and concern for Grumpy that his wife is getting ideas above her station 🙂

    Clearly above your station, Grumpy’s wife! 😉

    Well, I was wrong! This Thursdays fast was easy! Maybe because I thought it wouldn’t be?
    Both Mr P and I are back down a kilo and his bloodsugars are nice and stable. Fasting is magic 🙂
    Hope your fasts are going well. P 🙂

    Just returned from a wonderful week in Tasmania. Beautiful weather! Went down to see the wooden boat festival with DH, my 92 year old Dad and some friends. Had cake, cheese, wine and plenty of other ‘bad’ things every day. By the time I got on the plane last night I felt like a big fat slug! I couldn’t wait to get home to start fasting. The first holiday I’ve had since starting 5:2 where I didn’t do a version of 5:2. Well got on the scales this morning and still 400g below upper limit of wriggle weight. Yay! But this feeds into the comments being made re environment vs genetic regarding food choices. I have noticed I still have this attitude to food where if I can’t have what I want when I want it I feel deprived. And there is no logical reason for that. Food is just food, I have attached all the emotion to it and I wish I knew how to remove it!

    Well done Carol!
    We’ve been meaning to go to the wooden boat festival for years. I’ll mark it down for next year. Some of Mr P’s family came from the UK via Tas originally (there passage was paid for!!!!)
    Try eating something really over the top, like a cream bun and finding how disappointing it really is. I found that cured me of lusting after inappropriate foods. 🙂 P

    Congrats to all three, P, Mr P and Carol – well done. You obviously ate well, Carol – but managed to control the ‘want it NOW’! I’m sure those deeply rooted emotional connections with food go back an awful long way and take real courage and commitment to address. P, isn’t it odd, the way the difficulty or otherwise of any given fast day is so hard to predict? I, too, usually find the second fast of the week much harder.
    I changed my second FD today (did it yesterday instead) as I had to go to London, and like to nibble while on the train. I walked across London and back – just over 6 miles (9km) – and came home to a pilates class tonight. The ‘fitness pal’ app calculated 526 Cals worth of exercise. Naughtily, I thought next time I might do it on a fast day – the way it calculates, I could end up with a minus quantity consumed, and I suspect the app might explode! The child in me – not far below the surface – would just like to see what would happen!

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