The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 11,689 total)

  • HappyNow, I have the toastrack, too, with a couple of size G or H very droopy things hanging off of it! Not a good look without serious foundation garment help!

    Auriga, I really enjoyed reading ‘The Big Fat Surprise’, hope you do, too 🙂

    I had a good PT appointment today and took care of some business I’ve been avoiding, good to get it out of the way, temperatures here soared to 91F (33C), rather uncomfortable walking around the city. Because of my business I actually work a skirt outfit (black knit pencil skirt, dark grey knit top, long black/white/grey polka-dot scarf tied at high-hip level as a belt, long slim black cardigan, black flats), hair up in a bun, white topaz studs and small hair clips with gray ‘pearls’ and marcasites. Very elegant for me who is usually in jeans and a braid. Carried my gym clothes and paperwork in a black ‘leather’ tote, wallet and make-up in a bright periwinkle bag, bright lipstick too for a pop of color. I am still getting used to the way I look now. People are so heavy any more that I feel like a member of a privileged, elite club. Managed ~ 9,500 steps. Treated myself to lunch, but could only eat about half of it. I think it was just too hot out to eat much, even a salad.

    Started listening to ‘Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease’ on audiobook while knitting on the train. It seems like more of a polemic than some of the books I’ve been reading, but still interesting. There was a ‘Time’ magazine in the waiting room with a cover story on how the whole low-fat thing was a big mistake. It seems like the word is finally getting out. I’m just a little worried that people are going to start feeling like nothing is safe to eat or that no dietary advice can be trusted. Actually I don’t think there is a whole lot of dietary advice that can be trusted, you have to really pay close attention to sort out the good from the bad in the nutrient wars. It seems like the best thing is to pay attention to how your own body reacts to foods and ways of eating.

    Happy maintaining, everyone!

    Fran, that outfit sound fabulous. You must feel terrific flaunting your new body. I know what you mean, looking around, at how big so many people are!
    Just did 1 1/2 hour walk up to local retail area to check out fitbit.
    Ended up buying one, so had better get on to setting it up.

    I also have a very ribby chest, but, hey, I can live with that to fit into my small clothes. JIP seems to be the only one who has maintained her breasts!

    Good morning buddies! I can’t sleep, up very early for me ……well sitting in bed with my i-phone anyway.
    Joining in on the breast theme, mine haven’t shrunk either in fact they’ve got bigger! Gone from 36b to 34d and I have never been so well endowed! I just thought it was a bit weird because no previous diet has done that, quite the opposite in the past, normally they have shrunk to nothing.
    Franfit your outfit sounds fantastic……gorgeous Fran.

    Dear PVE, Unlike you I broke my 24 hour fast with a 420 calorie high protein (feta and olive oil) meal. I actually slept like a log, so in that respect I had no problems. But, and as I said, I didn’t enjoy it and doubt I will attemp it again. My fast days are always 16/8, in fact my usual routine is 16/8, I rarely eat after 7pm and almost never start eating before 1pm, that seems to suit me and I’m hopeful it gives me all the health benefits of fasting. I have to say that, like you, I was very peckish yesterday and for the first time in as long as i can remember, I chose a pizza for lunch out with friends and washed it down with beer, and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I’ve probably undone all the good of the fast! I so admire Augira, she’s showing true grit, I think if one can manage the 24 hour fast that marvellous and good luck to her and I’m glad I did it (once) ha ha.

    Morning Auriga
    How early is it? So annoying when you know you SHOULD be asleep. And lucky you re the bodyshape!!

    Yes, Elaine, I’m glad I know I can do it, but was disappointed how it unsettled my usual strong will.
    Non fast today. I had porridge with only blueberries, an apple for a snack while I walked, made some yummy veg soup with one slice of grainy bread for lunch and will have veg with a slow cooked pork chop for dinner. No naughty food other than the chop and it is a non fast day. I think I’m back to normal again.
    Have connected the fitbit and will let you know how it goes. Pity the 1 1/2 hours of walking was before I set it up:(
    Cheers PVE

    Hello PVE it’s nearly 7 am but I have been awake since 5 am ! Just sitting reading my book which Franfit recommended , it’s good.

    Fran, it sounds as if you scrub up well! I’ve always struggled with elegant, I think because it’s not ‘me’. But hey, when I catch sight of myself in windows now, it’s not me anymore! Maybe there’s hope for me yet.

    PVE and Fran, thanks for the moral support re ribs! It would have been nice if all of me could have been improved aesthetically by fasting though… Interestingly, the Sainsbury’s article on Mimi suggests she has also suffered from a shrinking chest, but doesn’t mention whether it is still shapelyy or now just pancakes draped over a toastrack…!

    Re: dietary advice. Yes, trust no one! Certainly not the government, and not most medical practitioners (the sort who only know how to help you if it involves synthetic chemicals….). All other animal species manage to get by without being told what and when to eat. And here we all are, with our allegedly superior brains, mindless gorging ourselves to death. While the unscrupulous rich get richer….. Breaking the dependency on processed foods and then trusting the body’s food preferences/ cravings to be sound nutritional advice surely makes sense from a natural and evolutionary perspective (there’s no benefit to being malnourished or obese)?

    Dear PVE, I’ve maintained my large bust, as I believe has FranFit. I wore a figure hugging short Moschino brightly patterned navy and white floral design dress to lunch yesterday and received many complements. I’ve always been top heavy and still am, although my boobs are smaller now, so are my hips, so I’m still top-heavy. I love my boobs more now that they sit nicely in my bras and no longer spill out over the top of my bras and my clothes. I’ve lost all my back fat and that’s the change I’m most happy with. Yes, I’m very contented with my new body :-))
    P.S: Omitted to say that the beautiful Moschino dress, is a very generous cast-off from a friend who is a hell of a lot richer than me!

    What a gorgeous bunch of buddies we’re turning out to be!

    Auriga, 7 am is not too bad. 5 am is! Enjoy the book.
    I just added my day’s food into fitbit and it is WAY less than they say I should have (600 spare cal even with including dinner) Can’t be right. I’m sure I’ve eaten plenty. I don’t like the way it assumes you eat processed foods. Very hard to find the fresh items:(
    I’m like you, Happynow, “pancakes draped over a toastrack” URHHGGG! Lucky you, Elaine!! Maybe I was never meant to be buxom.

    Hi Elaine, your pizza and beer will not have undone your good fasting work! Can’t you feel your body now an enhanced fat burning machine, and your cells all regenerating as we speak?!

    Morning Auriga, temporarily buoyed by Fran and PVEs comments… now deflated again! You are lucky to have enhanced your figure. V jealous. Just off to cover my xylophone before work…..

    HappyNow my breasts might be bigger but they are definitely not perky! Pancakes on a toast rack seems very apt! Good grief what a bunch we are!
    Why can I never write much on my phone…’s a bit tricky for my old eyes, how I envy the young and their x ray vision :/

    Hi mates
    I’m trying to get some housework done before dinner and I keep getting notifications from my lovely mates on my phone, read them and giggle.
    Had to run downstairs (good exercise) to reply.
    Dead right, Auriga. A great support network!
    Gosh, how can I get the mental image of all those draped pancakes out of my head!!!!
    Have a good day at work Happynow (I’m retired). I’m sure you will look stunning. Be inspired by Auriga’s description 🙂

    HappyNow, I love your posts, witty, intellegent, informative , so glad you’re writing on this link. Pancakes over a toast rack ha ha love it! My daughter used to describe my bras as “over the shoulder, bolder holders”, tells u all u need to know!
    I totally agree with your point of view and your insightful observation, that all other animals manage their diets without any “expert advice”. Unfortunately, the animals that don’t fair so well are the ones in locked up in factories being force-fed by humans, for humans…

    Agree, Elaine. Happy has a great turn of phrase!!
    Over here the hot talk on radio today is about our idiot Minister for Agriculture (and that’s a complementary adjective)who has been getting hot under the collar about groups who film cruelty to farm animals to expose the practice. He seems to be totally ignoring the farmers who are mistreating the animals to further their profit. Staggering! Blame the messenger, not the perpetrator??
    This slow cooked pork chop I’m having tonight (smells fabulous) is the first meat I’ve had in days. Maybe I should have gone for pizza and beer? It is very hard to guarantee the pigs were well treated. I do buy from a butcher who is very careful about sourcing his products. Then, my vegan son would not agree with me 🙁

    Dear Augira, Interesting to hear that your bust has increased, it backs up the theory that one only loses fat on this diet and as I’ve said before, I’ve demonstrated this with my new bioanalytical scales. I wasn’t at my heaviest when I first used them being 10.4 (65.3kgs) when my fat reading was 33.2% (normal 25.1-30%), this week at 9.3 (58.5kgs) my fat reading was 26.5% within normal range and 6.7% lower. My muscle mass has increase by 2.9% without my making any particular effort. Honestly fasting really is a win win regime. Loving this forum. Well done to you on your second 24 hour fast, you did inspire us all. HappyNow gave us all a good laugh this morning with her “pancakes draped over a toast rack” remark! What a nice way to start the day, with a large smile.

    I agree Elaine it is nice to start the day with a large smile and I am so, so happy I started this thread and met all you lovely chummies… quite cheer my day 🙂
    Just want to share that two 24hr fasting days have not had any effect yet, I was 56.8k again this morning, not budged a gram! Hubby was nearly chewing on the table by 7pm (I haven’t forced him to do it with me, but he had to do it as well, it’s a man thing)!
    I have read so many books lately blaming grains, sugar, refined oils and flour for our current ills and obesity levels: I am not sure what I think any more. I am eating the butter, cream, some red meat but mainly chicken (can’t eat fish I have an allergy to all fish and shellfish darn it), green vegetables and plenty of salad with a few berries thrown in and hope that I shall be OK. Add to that the odd bottle of red wine. Hubby doubts my wisdom at times. What do you think chummies?
    I quite envied you that pork chop this morning PVE as I was starting my usual 16:8 today and I was starving hungry sitting in bed!!!
    I am going to chuckle over the “pancakes over the toast rack” comment too the rest of the day. Perhaps we frightened off BigDave?

    Just finished our dinner Auriga.
    I read your message as we ate. My husband is (as Jane Austen would say )
    “exceedingly distracted” by all your posts! The pork was ok but by far and away the best was cauliflower rice!
    Grate a cauliflower, saute an onion and garlic, add a little stock and the cauliflower. Steam for about 7 minutes. Served with baked red capsicum, fennel, carrot and zucchini. Fabulous non fast meal. Fitbit said I was still in calorie deficit so it seemed reasonable to have a second glass of wine and some strawberries and REAL CREAM for desert. Woah!
    Don’t worry. I’ll fast again tomorrow:)
    Have a good day western hemisphere buddies.
    PVE 🙂

    Good morning, maintaining buddies 🙂

    Auriga, I’m glad you stated this thread, too 🙂

    117.2 this AM, fasting today.

    PVE, I’m going to have to try that cauliflower rice recipe sometime soon!

    My pancakes can look like melons if stuffed into the proper garment 😉
    But, they’re still on a toastrack!

    Another scorcher predicted here today. Breaking out the Bermuda shorts for chores this AM.

    Mmmm….pancakes moulded into melons. I don’t think we are taking this seriously any more 😉 😉
    Dave and Mimi will probably never visit again!
    Such a laugh sharing fasts with this mob.
    Better get to bed to prepare for a busy fast day tomorrow.
    g’night all
    PVE (giggle, giggle)

    Dear Augira, I remember whenever my mother wanted to lose a few pounds back in the fifties she simply cut out “starch” now known as “carbs” and sugar, that simple! She was never more than a little bit overweight and obesity was nowhere near the problem it is today. In fact in the three generations of my family, preceding, the longest lived was my great gran who lived to be 96 on a much more frugal diet than today, keeping chickens, a turkey and rabbits in a postage stamp size garden – none of which were pets of course! She lived through the war rations in smoggy old London Town but still had longevity. When you said, butter, cream a bit of red meat – it just reminded of how we used to eat, and weren’t we all a lot healthier for eating all these foods that the powers that be have been telling us to cut back on for the last thirty years. Oh I nearly forgot as kids we were never allowed to eat between meals as it would “spoil our appetite”, hmmm, now what does that sound like – we had to experience a little bit of hunger – feels like us, with our fasting regimes, are coming full circle..

    Precisely Elaine.
    Michael M talked about this.
    Tow of our grandmothers, who had lived through WW1 and 2 and the Depression lived to 97. They cooked all their own food, what was in season. They both cooked deserts. And one drank alcohol. They were also very active. Walking miles.
    I find on this WOE I am increasingly searching back to the older recipes. The simple, but flavoursome home made ones.
    We have indeed come full circle. And noone’s making a buck out of it (except book sales!)

    That cauliflower recipe does sound good PVE, I might try it too. 🙂

    The ‘old wisdom’ about cutting back on carbs (the refined kind) seems to make sense in the light of recent sensible advice on insulin resistance and GI numbers etc. and not constantly snacking as I see a lot of people do out and about. People seem glued to cans of fizzy drinks, sandwiches, pizza and sugary coffee concoctions and smoking their heads off too! I feel like I want to do something and tell them about the Fast Diet, but I would probably be thought of as a ‘nut case’ or an interfering old bag!
    We drove through Wroxham today (a holiday destination on The Broads near where I live in Norfolk) I find it really heartbreaking to see SO many people struggling to walk aided by walking sticks and the like and they were a darn sight younger than me. They might not be long for this world some of them……

    Would any of us feel it is acceptable to say to a neighbour “you’ve put on too much weight”. I was really embarrassed just now when my lovely, but extremely overweight, neighbour said to me “you’ve lost too much weight”, I was really lost for words because I didn’t want to draw attention to her obesity with a reply, so I mumbled something about only having lost a little bit, and she immediately came back with but you didn’t have any to lose in the first place! Perhaps I should feel flattered but somehow I don’t:…

    I don’t think that’s acceptable Elaine at all, she’s obviously not aware of other peoples feelings. Maybe she should look to the mote in her own eye!!
    I wonder if she’s taken a good look in the mirror lately! I know I’d love to say something sometimes but I don’t. You can rest assured that you’re better off than she is right now.

    Well when obese is the new normal, I’m afraid you will look painfully thin and insubstantial by comparison…!

    It’s an interesting point about the acceptability of commenting on weight loss. As you say, totally unacceptable the other way round.

    I have also been told not to lose anymore weight and have been asked, now I’ve lost weight, if I’m going to start eating normally again!

    Tomorrow I am going for my annual asthma review……except my asthma has disappeared! I will get weighed (feeling smug about that), have my blood pressure taken, my urine examined (:s), get my blood results and given a pep talk! Normally I hate going, it’s not exactly something you look forward to, in the past I have been apprehensive. I just hope that my blood profile isn’t going to be so awful that I shall have to defend myself. The nurse who usually does it is huge too! Maybe it will be a chance to champion The Fast Diet….I shall certainly give it a go!

    Hi Auriga

    I’m not normally on this thread as I haven’t reached your heady heights of maintenance. But I’ve just read the above thread and I wanted to congratulate you on your disappearing asthma!

    That is incredible and a huge vote of confidence for the FAST DIET – WEIGH TO GO! as we say on the LOACA thread.


    Hello BooBoo thank you for that. You’re quite welcome to join us anytime you like. 🙂
    I still can’t believe my asthma has gone, but not a wheeze in sight all winter and no hay fever either! Yay!

    Elainefriend, envy will cause people to do and say some strange things… and she probably isn’t even aware that she envies you, sad to say.

    Auriga, good luck at your appointment — at least they should be impressed that your asthma has disappeared with your fasting and weight loss! But watch out for that envy factor — if the nurse is still huge, she will probably love to find fault with whatever you did to lose the weight.

    I hate to say it, but it’s true. People really feel so hopeless about their weight that they’re not even trying any more and can’t believe that they could share in our success. At least that’s been my experience with most people around here. Most of the people who’ve shown any interest in how I achieved my weight loss have been normal-weight health practitioners. Now, when I was overweight, if I knew someone who lost 40 pounds and looked great, I would have been dying to find out how they did it so that I could do it, too! But I’ve found that people with that attitude are few and far between. A couple of friends were inspired by my weight loss to lose some weight themselves, each in their own way. Most people in this part of the States seem to think that fasting is crazy, extreme, or just not do-able. It’s really weird. The only people I know doing IF are online here. If I wasn’t a knowledgeable person with a strong personality people around here would probably be trying to tell me that fasting is unhealthy.

    Franfit you’re great! Does that confidence of yours rub off? I could do with a bit extra for tomorrow. 🙂



    I am interested in the disappearance of your asthma.

    Did you also change your diet in any way with 5:2 – eat more of this, less of that?

    Oo er simcoelov ! I might have to get back to you tomorrow as I am not on my trusty lap top right now & have trouble on my phone! I promise to reply properly.

    Franfit there’s a Facebook group called “5:2 Fasting (in America)” that is adding people every day. If you’re wanting in on conversations with people in the States you should look that group up and join. Just today I saw postings from 3 new people who are embarking on their first fast. One poor lady said she has to lose 200 lbs, I really hope she can stick with this as that must be horrible. We have another lady who’s lost over 100 lbs since May 2013 on 5:2. Good stuff…


    (and no I wasn’t frightened off from here, although its hard to relate to all the boob talk as only a consumer and not a provider 🙂 )

    Fantastic Asthma news, Fran! Good luck handling the medicos.
    It IS unbelievable what people will say. I also have these comments, and so does my husband. But, interestingly, when he was overweight a couple of years ago, we were travelling in Vietnam and he had to suffer officials and tour guides patting his tummy and saying “baby” as they laughed. He only weighed 98kg too. Now at 70 he is told he is too thin. You can’t win.
    I’d LOVE to rush up to the numerous fatties I see stuffing their faces in public and tell them to stop eating! I don’t!
    I am going to get a full blood test etc on Friday, just out of curiosity. I take BP tablets and would love to drop them, but I know it is difficult as, unlike insulin, there is not easy, safe feedback. I do have a BP monitor, and keep an eye on it. I tried going cold turkey last year, became ill and was harassed by nurse sister-in-law for exposing myself to stroke.
    Hi Dave, glad to hear you again. My husband says he loves pancakes! Don’t talk Fran into leaving us for the other site. WE love her inciteful contributions to our conversations. We love your perspective too!
    The more the merrier. And g’day to Precious on this thread, too.
    Fast day today, but will do 16:8 this time.
    Cheers all

    PVE, no worries, there’s room enough in both places!

    I’m sure there is Dave. And her pearls of wisdom could help the US site too. Just as long as we don’t lose her 🙁
    Didn’t hear back from anyone re Fitbit. I had a lot of fun with it last night. Interesting how only raking up leaves uses masses of calories. Good healthy useful activity, where I live. (Gum trees shed all year and are shredded by cockatoos when there are gum nuts. Unbelievable!)

    Morning all,

    Didn’t get a chance to catch up last night as was too busy, then too tired.

    Great news on the asthma Auriga. I’ve been a (mild) sufferer since my 20s, but did have some bad attacks at university, so know what it’s like. I also have allergic rhinitis (hay fever, but dust etc will also set it off), but not sensitized at all so far this year.

    Hi Dave, glad your back! Men can be both pancake consumers and providers you know?! And I’m sure there must be some moobs amongst the 5:2ers….

    Anyway, have decided not to do a 6:1 this week but just stick with 16:8. Am 59.7 this morning, so hovering around 60 for last few days. Although I perceive that I could lose more fat from leg and bum area, evidence from clothes shopping is that I’m now in size 8 trousers, which is clearly not a fat size. And I don’t want to lose any more from my ribcage, (or I’ll be covering up again to hide the toastrack). I’ve always got 5:2/6:1 in reserve if/when I gain a bit!

    Well.another day at work beckons. I do envy my retired maintenance buddies (esp those in Greece!), but remind myself that will be me one day. And hopefully maintaining a healthy weight with intermittent fasting will maximize my chances of a long, healthy and happy retirement.

    Morning PVE, and all M.Buddies.
    An overweight (20kgs) friend travelled through remote China, she said tiny, skinny, wizened old ladies would come over and squeeze her breasts and bottom and laugh and cackle with glee and the same happened in many different villages. She returned to the UK 10kgs lighter, explaining she just couldn’t face eating, rat, snake, dog, cat, monkey balls and brain among other delights, she told us these were some of the only foods on offer in remote regions! Hmmm that’s one way to lose weight I suppose…
    On another note, my blood pressure tends to run a bit high (and, only having one kidney, I need to keep an eye on it) it’s not so high that I need medication, but, I haven’t found fasting and losing 21 lbs has made any difference. I wonder if any of the others have noticed any difference in their blood pressure?
    Augira, Good luck today:-)
    FranFit, Don’t desert us, we like to hear first hand all the latest coming to us from across the pond!
    HappyNow, Size 8, WOW, bet u really are feeling happy now! Well done, it’s a marvellous achievement! Defo going to try out your courgette spread sounds yummy. Have a good day at work:-)

    Ha ha Elaine. Fascinating how different cultures treat body shape, isn’t it?
    Happy, your size 8 sounds wonderful and think of Audry Hepburn and her lovely flat chest! Talking of which, I am going to a fancy dress, so dug out an old suit (tight fitting) and it is too loose! That’s the problem with fitted clothes, they have to fit! Have a happy day at work.
    I sort of fell off the perch today…:( After the 24 hour run on Monday, I had decided I would only be really strict once a week, so after having homemade veg soup this morning, I had ONE SMALL CHICKEN SANDWICH with friends when I was out and will just eat the rest of the cauliflower rice and veg tonight. But I have walked, very fast, 7 1/2 km according to FITbit and burned 1300 cal, so not all is lost and I am a happy bunny.
    Off walking to meet the fella at the station.
    Signing off,
    PVE 😉

    Just signing in to say “Hello” and also answer simcoelov’s questions.
    SIMCOELOV you asked me about the disappearance of my asthma and had I changed my diet:-
    I have done 5:2 last September then switched to 4:3 in October and have been doing that ever since except at Christmas! In November I also started doing 16:8 and still continue to do that.
    I have largely cut out anything made with flour and sugar, so that’s no bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry (except on rare occasions when I lapse!) and I don’t eat pasta, rice or potatoes very often.
    I eat all meats, but particularly chicken ( I can’t eat fish or shellfish as in 2006 I became allergic to it and miss it very much 🙁 )
    I eat all dairy including butter & cream, but not manufactured margarines and not low fat products!!
    I think it’s probably the fasting that’s made a difference and possibly the things I have cut out.
    I hope this helps Simcoelov and I am sure that you’ve been on Moogie’s website as I recall your name, I use the same name on there myself.

    Wishing everyone a good day/night/evening and I shall be back on later to say how I got on at the asthma review (which is at 3pm my time). Happy fasting! 🙂
    I eat a lot of vegetables and salad now.

    Simcoeluv just realised I had spelt your user name wrongly, sorry about that!
    Part of the order of my post got a bit scrambled, how odd. I have read all your posts and you ARE the same person (as I thought)……great posts too as always 🙂
    Are you doing some sort of research simcoeluv?

    Hi all, just a quick good morning as I loan Auriga my suit of rubber armor to wear to her asthma appointment today — good luck, Auriga, and just let any negative comments bounce right off!

    Hello franfit! Thanks for your rubber armour….what a great visual image I shall get from negative comments bouncing off me!
    It reminds me of the very helpful image of trying to imagine your worst enemy in their underwear!

    Well buddies that review was a bit of an anti climax and I am not sure whether to be worried about my cholesterol levels or not! My triglicerides were way down though!

    Last year HDL was 8.9 and now it’s 9.3
    Last year LDL was 5.2 and now it’s 6.5
    Last year Trigl. was 4.36 and now it’s 1.63 (wow)
    I asked what proportion of LDL were light fluffy ones and did the test show that, but the nurse didn’t have a clue what I was talking about!

    I hope that all I have read recently about cholesterol not being responsible for heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis etc is true, because they are quite high readings.

    Argggggggggggggg !

    Dear Augira, I bet FranFit knows the answer. But if as you say, your Asthma is way improve, that’s a big battle won. Good luck with figuring out the perimeters of the bloods, you’d think a nurse would know!

    Thanks Elaine! I went on my other website and asked ‘carorees’ she’s a medical writer with a lot of knowledge and she put my mind at rest because she worked out the all important ratio. I am happy now 🙂
    To view what she and other people I know told me you might want to take a look (my picture’s on there!)
    “You’d think a nurse would know”…..too true but my doctor’s surgery is back in the Stone Age.

    Dear Auriga, Sorry I’ve been making typos on your name every time I post, like you I’m not very nimble typing on my Iphone. I will have a look at that site. Glad you’re feeling less worried about the blood results. My posts won’t be quite so frequent as I have family staying with me for the next nine days. I will still keep in touch though. Have a lovely evening:-)

    Enjoy your family Elaine, thanks for the reply 🙂

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