The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Done, Lichtie – keep in touch and let’s do it!
    I normally try to take up, rather than giving up, for Lent these days – eg read a particular book, or similar – but as when I started 5:2, if there’s something which needs to go I find the extra external discipline helpful – Lent is good!! Let’s post again mid-Feb, to remind ourselves – Ash Weds is 18th – and go for it..

    A cautionary tale: my (now almost 26 yr old) grandson managed to give up biscuits and sweets for Lent when he was about 8. He was brilliant, and impressively disciplined. But my relationship with him was tested on Easter Sunday, when I mentioned in passing in my sermon that of course, every Sunday is a feast day, so Sundays don’t count in giving-up terms. He was furious that I hadn’t told him sooner – until I pointed out that often it’s easier to give up altogether than to mess about starting and stopping! But it could be argued that 5:2 principles might mean doing 1:6 on sugar would work better…perhaps we should agree which we’d find easier to stick to and agree to do the same. Either way, let’s do it together – thanks!

    Hi FFS and Lichtle

    I am a sugarholic, in that if I have some, I want more two hours later. I have found that if I have a sugar treat one day, then fasting the next is harder. I like the 5:2 approach to sugar, as that leaves room for a treat on the day after a fast day.

    Purple, thinking of you and your foot and sending you healing vibes. I notice we’re such a polite lot that no one asked why you were trying to run down an up escalator. 🙄 Many moons ago we tried that in the suburbs of Prague on the approach to the Metro. Within 30 secs a booming voice in Czech (presumably!) was telling us not to play ! Sometimes these things just have to be done. 😉

    Cheers, Bay

    Hi Lichtle and Bay, I agree test was not precise enough. I think they could have asked questions like: do you eat when you’re bored; do you eat out of habit and the sugar, grain one. I went to a naturopath sometime ago to identify food intolerances and one of the questions she asked is ‘when you go out to eat what type of food are you drawn to’. I couldn’t quite get what she was asking and dint respond very well. Of course after I left I realised and my response should have been ‘when I go out to dinner the first thing I do is look at the dessert menu’ lol! I think you two are very brave and to be commended for going sugar free during lent. I k ow I couldn’t do it, good luck to you.

    Hi Carolann – don’t be too hasty to congratulate us : I don’t know yet whether we can do it – but we’ll try!

    Good luck FFS and L 🙂
    I won’t join you as my addiction is salt, not sugar 🙁 I convinced myself in my teen years that I didn’t like chocolate as I hated going to the dentist. I have never been drawn to sweet drinks (soft drinks or sweet tea and coffee) and, unlike you Carol, I rarely look at the dessert menu, but salivate as I decide which entre I most desire!
    I cured myself of putting salt on/in food years ago as a response to a challenge by my OH…’I’ll bet you can’t. ….’ I did.
    I’m sure you’ll succeed girls as you obviously already know how to challenge yourselves. Go for it. P

    Thank you, P. Just beginning to dawn on me : ‘oh lord, what have I done? Committed myself publicly to do this, is all…!’ Oh well – in for a penny….and actually once it’s not available, I’m fine; I wouldn’t go out looking for sweet stuff, it’s just that I find it hard to ignore it all when it’s around! So obviously a spring-clean before Ash Weds will have to be the first step – then telling the world we’re doing it, so that failure will mean disgrace, humiliation, loss of face and expulsion from the paradise that is the MC chatbox…..or am I getting this out of proportion….?

    No, not out of proportion at all FFS. 🙂
    For you to raise it originally shows you were serious.
    You inspired me to go downstairs just then and toss the last of some honeycomb I bought when away. I can resist it, but OH started ‘helping’ to get rid of it last night. But I have also banned him from buying any more salted peanuts as I cannot stop eating them once I start.
    Fasting today. I’ll state publicly at 8.45am….nothing until at least 6pm tonight. Cheers P

    Go for it! Just coming up to 10pm here: TV news, bath, bed – and by the time I get up at 7.30ish tomorrow you’ll be nearly there – and I’ll be starting another FD. And so the world goes round!
    Night all!

    @fastfastslow this is so funny – When I was much older than you grandson and after many years of observing lent as a child my dad mentioned to me the 1:6 lent rule and I was pretty upset that he never mentioned this to me. He just laughed.

    Over the years I have tried giving up different things, but nothing ever beats giving up sugar. The hardest thing is jam. I grew up on hot chocolate with toast and jam for breakfast and if I crave something sweet, I will quite happily eat a piece of toast with jam or sugar after a meal.

    If I go out for a meal, I would prefer just to have a starter and a desert if this wasn’t so inconvenient since most people (especially my DH) just want a main meal.

    My fast day is over and as usual on fast days, I didn’t crave any sugar, therefore I am doing 4:3 at the moment just to have 3 sugar free days. I don’t eat until 4pm on a fast day when I break my fast with a piece of fruit – and because I am doing 3 fasts, I don’t count calories for my evening meals and eat (mainly vegetables and a bit of protein until I am satisfied (it probably means 600cals on a fast day).

    Hi Lichtie – my worst Lent (so far!) was the year I gave up coffee – wicked headache, and worse temper, for the first 2 weeks – after that, fine, so let’s hope the same proves true of sugar. I was daft enough to start Easter Day by returning to coffee, so hope I will have learned better now! Between us, we’ll do it – it will be good to have company.

    Another one bites the dust! Another 24 hour fast under my belt. Easy peasy.
    Now 3 days of eating whatever I like. It will be interesting to see how this approach pans out over a few weeks. 2 really good 24 fasts a week, then relax. OH kept telling me the other day that it wasn’t a fast day. That’s how much my normal pattern of eating has changed anyway!
    The theory is I should be able to regulate the rest of the week to stay at this weight but get the health benefits of fasting. P

    Well done Purple, let us know how you go over time.

    @fastfastslow, in the last few years I have reduced my coffee intake to one cup in the morning for lent but I don’t think I will do it this year with the sugar challenge and fasting… Coffee is very helpful on fast days for me although I do tend to drink a pot or two of herbal tea in the afternoon.
    @purple, after your 24hr fast how much do you eat then? Do you still count your calories for the evening meal?

    Hi Maintainers, I have popped over from the Southern Hemisphere forum to say hi. I have been at or under goal (59kg) for about five weeks now so felt brave enough to venture over 😉
    Still doing two fasts a week, not eating till 4pm and then having 500cal for dinner. My non fasts days are a bit of a free for all although I find my servings are just naturally so much smaller now – my sweet tooth prevails however!
    I started 5:2 at the beginning of September with 11 kgs to lose and it has taken me till only recently to believe my weight loss is real, for months I had a feeling that I would wake up with the weight back on like some kind of horrible mistake.
    I am now enjoying lots of health benefits including happier joints which has pretty much meant we can stay in our current home – we were thinking of selling as I was struggling so much with my knees on the stairs.
    I have to say my most favourite benefit of all though is the lack of thigh rub – it’s like a miracle, I have been wearing dresses and skirts without bike pants underneath for the first time in 14 years, it’s making summer a joy.
    I have always enjoyed reading this thread, it was very inspirational to me when I first started this WOL, I must say I’m rather chuffed to be here!


    Good morning MCs!

    PVE, you are my inspiration today! I was on the fence whether I was going to do a proper fast, but now I am going to go for it! Do you stick to the 500 cal on fast days? I think I am usually closer to 550, hasn’t seemed to bother my progress though.

    Jenklar, you have read my mind! I was just thinking that my thighs are in much better shape now. This is a miracle, as I thought of myself as “thunder thighs.” There’s a little room for improvement, so I’m pushing on with 5:2 until I reach a comfortable weight with a few pounds of extra wiggle room. Congrats on your success!!

    Another plus is that my “mommy belly” looks so much better now. That’ll never look perfect (war wounds ;), and I’ve always been okay with that.

    I have to be in a bathing suit next week (indoor water park), so 3 more successful fasts need to happen before that. I actually may need to get a new suit… 🙂

    Have a good one!

    @hi jenklar welcome – you seem to have reached your goal, well done. We love to have you with us.

    It is great that the numbers here are rising, creating a lively and interesting atmosphere but more importantly, it is inspiring for the rest of the forum. We don’t want to give the impression that only a small number of people can maintain this WOL. It seems that fasters from the weight loss threads are popping in and seeking confirmation that this WOL is sustainable and therefore our success and encouragement is such an important function on this site.

    Hi everyone.
    Welcome Jenklar! Fantastic to see you ‘over here’. You’ve done really well! It IS the funny little things about your new, smaller body, like thigh gaps, that is so fascinating, isn’t it? Stay and share your stories and discoveries. It all adds to the general knowledge on 5:2.
    Since I reached goal (under 60) last April, I’ve played around with different ways of maintaining.
    When losing weight my total cals on fast days was 350 and other days about 1300. I quickly learnt to identify which foods to delete from my diet (high cal) so did not need to obsess by counting cals.
    As OH reversed his insulin dependent Type 2 diabetes doing this, I am guided by his bloodsugar results. Clearly one fast a week isn’t enough, even maintaining, but 2 could mean too much weightloss. Dilemma.
    I was down to 55kg just before Xmas but up to high 57s by New Year, even with semi fasts ( 18/6, 500 cals) so I decided to try a different maintenance approach. …
    I LOVE food…don’t we all…so..2 24 hour fasts (Mon/Thurs) with a dinner of about 350 cals, then another at least 12 hours until morning. Then eat whatever I want until the next fast.
    It means I don’t feel at all deprived and the two days of fasts make me feel virtuous 🙂
    As you all know, proper fasts reset your system, so I don’t eat rubbish on eat days. I often have very low cals the next day, but by the 3rd am building up an appetite. ..all ready for another reset fast.
    Does this sound familiar?
    Cheers MC mates. P
    Sorry not to answer personally. In bed, on the phone so afraid I might lose the whole post if I scroll back 🙁

    Hi All,

    Jenklar, congratulations on reaching your goal and feeling the benefits! I had that fear of waking up to find it was all a dream. Sometimes I think maybe my scales are broken, and have to check clothing labels 🙂
    I was always heavy thighed, even at my previous lowest weight and horribly familiar with chafing thighs (yes, UK summers do get warm enough…sometimes!). I have spent quite some time walking strangely, trying to rub my thighs together. It just won’t happen anymore.

    P, I’m intrigued by your experiment and will be interested in the results. I’m currently dropping a bit more just by breakfast skipping and no refined carbs in the week. To get better fast benefits I would have to introduce proper fast days and then overeat (for me) on non fast days. I’m slightly apprehensive about trying to change my way of eating when what I’m currently doing is working for maintenance. I’ll let you be a guinea pig before I jump in!

    FFS and Lichtle, I eat very little refined sugar so it wouldn’t be much of a sadeifice for Lent! Sorry if I’ve missed this, but are you including natural sugars in fruit (and wine 🙁 ). That might be more of a challenge…

    Hi H
    No wine Good grief. Now THAT’S a sacrifice! I’ve done it before….very dull.
    I guess I’d like to experiment to see if Michael’s original hypothesis is correct. Theoretically the 2 fasts will do the healing of cells and the rest of the time you “eat normally”. That was his original claim. So I am not consciously cutting out any foods on eat days, but as I am a changed woman, that is not too bad. I won’t be rushing out for a Maccas lunch, followed by doughnuts and cream and a big pub dinner of steak and chips! Just would not appeal. P 😉

    Well I only drink at weekends now (except for holidays!), and Lent is only 6 weekends, so for me (if wine was excluded and I was giving up sugar, which I don’t have much of anyway…) it would only be perhaps 12 – 18 days (evenings!) of sacrifice. Am struggling to think of something that I ‘could not live without’ for Lent. Can you see my halo shining from there?!

    Perhaps I should do it in reverse? And take up sugar for Lent. Then I could do some proper healthy fasts!

    Lichtle, you are so right. I loved reading MC posts when I first started. It shows fasting is a WOL, not a diet that has an end.

    PVE, what is a maccas lunch?? I’m becoming so cultured over here ;). Australian Open starts next week, right? I’m a pretty big tennis fan. Has anyone been to it? My husband says we can go when we retire – this is his busy work season.

    Anyone ever try consecutive days? That seems impossible to me, but I may try it next week… But if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…


    Hi Em
    Aussies have always abbreviated things. Maccas is what we call McDonalds. They have even changed some of the signs in Aust to say Maccas!
    Never been to the tennis. It is always terribly hot in Melbourne when it is on. I’m not into that sort of self sacrifice.
    I don’t do consecutive days as it shortens the fasts by 12 hours running them together and I find I have a low day after a fast anyway, so more effective than stressing through 2 days back to back. Just my opinion. Many differ. That’s the flexibility of this wol, isn’t it? P

    Hi, I would like to join you in maintenance. I have other members of my family fasting. I want to do it for my health.

    I’ll try to catch up with the latest posts!

    Lovely to have had a two-day working week, now a three day weekend (with Wellington Anniversary Day on Monday), one day of work then off to Oz!

    I have just finished watching the third Horizon documentary, and OH tells me that, although it has been blocked by geography around the globe, our ISP uses a service that blocks geo-location, enabling us to watch these programmes. Very interesting, the 75 volunteers losing over 100 kg in three months, and mostly very positive and keen to continue with the changes. One main point to take from this – it’s not the diet that should be chosen, but the method that is best for the self, by understanding what makes a person over-eat whether biological or psychological.

    (Just a hint here – if you are unsure on spelling, right-click the word and see suggested spellings.)

    OH has lost 1.6kg since Monday. He’s fine with it – no headaches, problems, reduction in bloating, totally neutral (part of the original problem, I suppose, no ill-effects of the obesity). He’s happy to continue – yay.

    @marygrace – welcome to this forum. Please let us know how you like this WOL. I hope you are well and just do it for improved benefits. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Thank you Lichtie. Yes, I’m doing it for improved health. I start on Monday.

    Wow! A few of you are making fantastic changes for the beginning of 2015. Good luck, I will be interested to read your progress!

    Welcome, marygrace and jenklar – good to have you on board.

    Emilyashen:- re 2day consecutive fasting: no, I haven’t tried it – I know myself well enough to know I couldn’t do it – though I believe the original version of IF did suggest it. But I’d endorse Purple’s words of wisdom about eating on non-fast days: I think it’s important, not just permissible, to eat normally on those days, rather than calorie counting. I understood this isn’t just because the reason this WOE works for many of us is precisely that psychologically we’re the sort of people who can’t actually manage permanent calorie counting, but also – I seem to remember – that it prevents the slowing down of metabolism which happens when the body goes into ‘famine mode’. 2 days a week of calorie counting and the rest normal eating means it doesn’t happen. (Of course, if your ‘normal’ eating is always at the calorific level I’ve just done in 2 days with my Mum, or Purple’s doughnuts and cream, you could sabotage that, but experience seems to point to naturally occurring change in our tastes winch saves us from that.
    Purple – pace – your doughnuts sound wonderful, and my diet the last 2 days means I definitely can’t criticise anyone else’s, and shall be 4:3 ing this week!)

    Happy: I don’t think I shall extend the Lenten sugar-fast to fruit, though I can’t speak for Lichtie: it makes up such a huge part of my diet that I’d really struggle. My real demons are toffee(!!!) and cakes, biscuits and puds – usually home-made and therefore whole grain, but still sugar laden – and these are what I want to target. Most of the time I happily do without them, but once I start I find it difficult to re-establish a ‘rare treats only’ approach; post-Christmas attitude-slip needs a bit more that a 1 or 2-day fast to re-set, so 6 weeks might be a useful length of time! I drink so little alcohol that I shall give it up but it will hardly be a sacrifice. I love the idea of your taking up sugar for Lent: perhaps you could adopt the ‘reverse Advent calendar’ idea I came across recently – every morning you open a window and pop a chocolate back in….

    Hi ffs
    I agree with most of your post, but I must defend myself!

    I don’t eat doughnuts! I was including them in a list of foods (including McDonald’s) that I wouldn’t ever eat! 🙁

    I think you are right though. The reason this works, and is maintainable, is the waves of feast and famine. Mind you, there is a big difference between maintaining and trying to get to healthy weight. People who start this obese, or even overweight, will need to count calories on nonfast days initially. Once they have reduced their ‘normal’ eating pattern to that of a healthy weight person, they can ease up.

    Lost in all the excitement of the effectiveness of this woe is the basic reason Michael began it… improve his long term health outcomes. The weight is part, but not all. The fasting gives our cells an opportunity to heal themselves. We must have eating days and fasting days, for life, to retain this self healing.

    Cheers P

    Oops- sorry, Purple, for slandering you. Mea culpa: I must read more carefully! And you’re right!

    Interestingly, I’ve just watched the first two episodes of the ‘which diet?’ prog which I’d downloaded, and decided that as well as being (mainly) a constant craver, I also definitely have elements of emotional eating. Evidence from today: having spent time with my Mum – a complicated and less than happy relationship which always makes me feel bad – we stopped at a Little Chef on the way back (she lives about 100 miles from us) for ‘tea and a wee’. To DH’s amazement I quite deliberately ordered – and ate at top speed – a large pancake with maple syrup and ice-cream. There are worse things, I know, but the point is, I would never normally fancy it (if I’m eating carbs I normally want them whole grain, solid and fruit-laden) and it was 10 in the morning! So a bit more self-understanding – and 2 or 3 fast days to recover equilibrium! On the one hand: bother!(or words to that effect!). On the other: thank goodness I can now re-set it! Never stop learning!

    Apology accepted ffs. Totally understand the great pancake episode and the emotional reaction to your visit with mum 😳
    I do outrageous things like that too, but as maintainers we can. We have put in the hard yards and know how to quickly haul ourselves back in.
    Relax and enjoy your evening. P 🙂

    Mmm, pancakes and maple syrup. That works! Also there’s not much American food I like, but add a bit of a bacon and it’s acceptable also…!

    Is it always emotional eating though? Is the ’emotion’ sometimes now a good excuse to order something that you might always (at least subconsciously) want but can’t normally justify!

    Mmmm..pancakes with maple syrup and bacon! Now your talking 😉 P

    Hi happy – definitely yes to the bacon! Best mix ever – up there with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs!

    I’m sure you’re right about the emotional eating, too – sometimes (like all our psychological/physical eating triggers) it’s just an excuse for plain greed – and not always a bad thing for that! On this occasion, I’d had a perfectly good breakfast, wasn’t hungry, wouldn’t normally have fancied that food at that time or place, and was feeling extremely churned up. it did the trick, made me feel better and I ate minimilly and mindfully the rest of the day, so no real harm done. Perhaps better not to examine too closely, every time — that way lies obsession! – but just an interesting reflection to note, and add to my store of useful self-awareness!

    Ah well, a new day dawns, and with it a new fast – even on a feast day, so it must be necessary! Whatever you’re all doing, have a good one!

    You’ve all got me thinking……I’m doing 6:1 and eating very very healthy on most other days with usually a blow out over the weekend. On non FD that aren’t the weekend I would be eating less than the recommended 1200 cals I’m meant to have. After reading what youre all saying I wonder if I am sabotaging the health benefits because I’m not really having feast/famine except for the weekend. The reason I have been strict during the week is to counteract what I know might happen on the weekend. Usually weekend involves wine and a few other goodies and that’s when all my weight goes back on. I’m too scared to experiment too much though because I don’t want to put the weight back on! A quandary!

    Hi Carol
    C’est le probleme!!
    Very tricky getting that balance, isn’t it? Only very long term, unless we have expensive tests, are most of we early guinea pigs going to know if what we have chosen does have benefits.

    I guess managing to stay within your own healthy range of weight has to be paramount. Then choosing healthy, varied food options would be the next priority. A sensible amount and variety of type of exercise would come next. (No comments about my total lack of any idea what sensible is!).

    I suppose when we eat on fast days, how many fasts per week and what we eat otherwise, end up fitting in after the main priorities.

    As we are all living organisms, not machines, there must be millions of combinations of these variables to choose.

    I’m doing my current “Pure 5:2” for a month, just to see if it is workable for a maintainer.

    Monday fast day now 11.15am so I had better get out and do some really careful, sensible walking. ..not swimming weather.
    Cheers MCs Purple

    Well I guess we’re in a good place as we now have the luxury to think about different eating patterns to maximize fasting benefits!

    Carol, I don’t count calories, but suspect I may run at a bit of a deficit through the week to accommodate weekends.

    To do 6:1 or 5:2 proper I would obviously need to eat more on non fast days. I’m not sure I would enjoy eating more than now feels natural thoigh.

    I think I will await the results of P’a experiment and rethink…

    So I’m the guinea pig, H? 🙂
    Just ate at the end of another 24 hour fast. Getting easier every time. I even went shopping in a grocery shop at lunchtime!
    Seriously easier to eat nothing all day, than a little nibble. And the reward is, relatively, a good feed at the end, if you call 400 cals a good feed! I don’t count calories, either, but I make well known food on fast nights, so I know their calorific content.

    H, I don’t think I’m increasing my consumption consciously on the other days, but I’m probably not restricting myself as much either. I had got to the top of my range last night, so I don’t think I’ll lose by doing this. After 3 days of eating, I still put on weight. But then, with a sore ankle, I haven’t been as active either. SO many variables. What experiments with eating patterns are the rest of you maintainers doing? P

    Well I haven’t changed anything…yet!

    On the basis that I lose 0.5kg each fast day, reintroducing proper calorie restricted fasts on a regular basis would require me to consume more calories on other days.

    And I can’t really think how to do that without eating foods I don’t like or increasing portion sizes. Neither of which seems sensible.

    So perhaps my only option at the moment is going for longer fasting windows but then consuming more than quarter TDEE.

    That’s the approach I was taking before. I guess, as you are younger, you probably burn more calories just living.
    We don’t want our HappyNow fading away 😉 You can eat for both of us! I know I would put on weight if I increased other days much. ;(

    Yes, sorry Purple, you’re the guinea pig lol! I’m not going a whole day without eating on FD. I USED TO EAT ABOUT 12.30, 1pm, but the past couple of fasts have been so easy I was eating later and later. Maybe I might have a go at waiting til teatime.

    Good on you Carol. You know the drill. Have a glass of water, get busy…I even did ironing at 5pm to kill the time out of the kitchen.
    I figure if my OH can do it, we all can. He’s been eating only once a day since last July. I did it very occasionally, but now know it is the way to go. I love stretching my self control!
    Good luck. P

    Purple, I am continuing with the 5:2, not counting calories, don’t subscribe to the TDEE regime, though having breakfast late some days. The graph of daily weighing shows a very very slight downward trend, but as I am past “happy”, and over the “rapt” hurdle, just seeing what happens. I think if I get down to 55 kg (just hovering around 59 now) I should put brakes on if the loss doesn’t stop naturally.

    This coming week in Sydney shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I have let my son know that we are both fasting on two days, and as he and DIL did 5:2 in London a year or two ago they know what to expect. He is considering re-starting.

    I’m not sure what we will be doing, but I think the six days we have will go in a flash, as neither daughter nor son are working at the moment, (both job-hunting) and our daughter is a newcomer to Sydney without transport, so I can see us doing some sightseeing with her. So I won’t make any commitments yet, but will keep a meeting in mind, P.

    I know now there’s no way I can do two fast days in a row. I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel! 🙂 Fast day today for me. I still haven’t been brave enough to survive on 0 calories until dinner time. My brain needs some calories to function during the day it seems.

    Has anyone read the new edition to 5:2? I’m considering reading it since I am so invested in this WOL now. I’m a believer ;).

    However, my 5:2 is turning more into 6:1. My motivation isn’t seeming to help me through the second fast of the week. I’m thinking about eating closer to 800 on Thursdays and see how that works for me. Any weight loss now is bonus, yah! I love the confidence I have now, have a good one MCs!


    Hi Em

    I’m the same as you. No two Fast days in a row. 🙄 I think that if I got to goal via regular 5:2 then I should stick with it. 😉

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Barata, I can drop everything and pop into town most days. Just message on this thread. Cheers P

    Hi Emily,

    I haven’t bought the new book…yet. I see it’s under £4 here though, so won’t break the bank and might just be the (re-)motivation some of us need!

    I very rarely do a quarter TDEE fast these days (yesterday would have been, except for the almonds and raisins 🙂 ), but do have some perhaps half TDEE days and most days are 16:8. That maintains my weight, but might not provide any other fasting benefits 🙁

    It’s about finding what works for you, so if you can do one good fast but not a second then do that. Don’t try and force it and risk hating the whole thing!

    Agree utterly Happy. Only do what you are totally comfortable with. Maintaining a healthy weight is already giving your bidy massive health benefits. Anything else just stops the boredom 😉 P

    Hi P,

    I’m sure ‘bidy’ is a typo and not a Freudian slip…

    I think biddy may be different in Aus, but here it refers to a woman, often elderly, who is talkative, interfering, annoying… 🙂

    Here’s hoping we all live to be healthy old biddies!

    Yep. Typo! 🙁
    Can’t multitask so well on the phone with one finger!!!
    P, an old biddy.

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