The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • It’s all part if life Happy 😉
    You are right though. I’m living with a daily reminder.
    He got out some nice casual slacks he wore in 1981 and, for some reason had kept, and they fit loosely! In 1981 he was the lightest he’d been in his adult life. He’s put them in the wash to bring them back into his life. So sweet. We are not the only vain ones! 🙂

    Purple you must thank your OH for being the Canary for us!

    We don’t want him to be too swell headed! 😉

    Hi MCs
    We both did a proper 24 hr fast, followed by a 350-400 cal ‘meal’ yesterday. We haven’t been this strict for a while. My weight is still much the same, 57.0, his is down 🙁 and his bs is the lowest its been in months. 4.9. He’s gone off to work a very happy bunny with my sourdough for breakfast.
    I’m cooking another loaf now….it smells fabulous!
    Hope your fasts went well. Keep up the maintaining. 😆 P

    Hi MC’s, I did a very strict fast yesterday (270) calories. I ate very healthy and low cal Saturday, had bacon and eggs for brekkie Sunday, couple of nibbles during the day and then my OH spoilt it all by buying chicken and chips for tea – I had been planning soup! Needless to say I folded! Chicken and chips are one of my weaknesses, Hence the very strict FD Monday. I am back to 58.4 today, down from the 61.5 on Friday. Thank goodness! Planning to eat low cal today and tomorrow, will check weight and do a FD on Thursday if I need to, otherwise just low cal and then I will feel confident I am back where I should be having got rid of the Xmas excess!

    Purple, I have one slice of sourdough in the morning non FD. I read one of your comments about content of homemade sourdough being different to commercially made. I am tempted to start making my own but suspect I will use that as license to eat more bread. We have a very nice family bakery here in Adelaide called Perrys and its their sourdough I buy. It tastes quite different to others but of course it still contains the usual ingredients.

    Hi Carol
    Well done on getting back down in the 50s 🙂
    Even with the house full of the delightful aroma of the freshly baked loaf, I had one slice with a poached egg and tomato. It was a superb loaf…the best I’ve made. Leaving it to rise overnight gives it longer (I’m not hanging around waiting). It keeps really well for a week or more in the fridge so a 500g loaf is good for two fasters.

    I’m trying to do pure 5:2. I’ll do proper 24 hour fasts, followed by 1/4 of TDEE cals, twice a week, but not restrict the other days. After all, the theory behind the health benefits of this wol is that we evolved to cope with famine and feast. The two days to heal the body. The 5 to go out and catch and eat that lion or strip the fruit off the trees in season 😉 Next I’ll be dumping the swimmers and getting into a loincloth!!! 🙂 P

    Will you be posting photos of the loincloth, PVE? Must go and buy another bottom half to my swimming gear in the sales so no embarrassing moments at the pool – plan to have another dip tomorrow before back to work on Thursday.

    I plan to give sourdough a try next month, when we get back from Sydney. I copied your instructions, P, and all this talk is so tempting.

    Barata are you here in the big smoke at present? P
    ps no photos of me diving in and my top falling down either 😉

    We hit the city next Wednesday, there for a week, will catch up with daughter (& new partner that we haven’t met) and grandson, and son, DIL and granddaughter, all recently relocated there. Already booked for babysitting on Saturday night, looks like it might be the zoo on Monday (Ausssie Day).

    Barata and Purple:

    Enjoy yourself B. The zoo is such a stunning setting up above the Harbour. P

    That was an emoji I sent Barata and Purple, of a person swimming. Don’t know why they don’t work on this site???

    Am going to speak to OH Purple and maybe I will start the sour dough. You don’t need a bread maker do you?

    No Carol. It doesn’t work well in a breadmaker as it needs to sponge for 12 hours and rise for 12, then straight in the oven. The breadmaker kneads it again and wrecks the shape. The recipe for starter and making are on this thread in Nov I think. I posted it. It came from a mate on here. 😉 P

    Hi MCs,

    Need a little motivation (fast day)… Anyone have anti-aging benefits from 5:2? My face seems a little clearer than usual and I definitely can see a reduction in cellulite

    Hi Em
    I tried to send a positive message but can’t today. Foot in the air with an ankle sprain from trying to run back down an up escalator is not a good advertisement for anti aging! Although ..I would have fallen much more heavily in the past 😉
    Good luck with your fast. I enjoyed mine on Monday and have found the spin off of better eating choices since. Weight right back down again too! P

    Ha ha Emily, wouldn’t that just be the best – we start to look younger too!

    Honestly, this site does my head in sometimes. Emily, I had written a really long response to your post not just the one line that is showing. It’s lost now!!! Agh!

    Hi Emily, I found myself out in the rain yesterday – hasn’t rained for months and months so forgot appropriate footwear, umbrella etc. but was able to run without wobbly body parts slowing me, from the shops to the car. I fasted Monday and found yesterday shopping could easily ignore treats in the chocolate aisle that would have tripped me up in the past.
    P, it sounds like your inner child or hooligan is having fun and left you with the pain 🙂

    That’s me VM….in touch with my inner child/hooligan 😉
    Not a good result though. Will I learn anything? Probably not, I injure myself all the time with this behaviour! 🙂 P

    Hi Emily,

    Yes, my cellulite is vastly improved. In fact I’ve just dragged my bum and thighs sideways on the sofa to have a looked at the squeezed bit and I can’t see or feel any!

    My nails are also really strong now, and grow ridiculously fast. I tend not to notice until they’re really long because I’m not getting snagging and breaking.

    Skinwise, in previous winters I’ve had quite dry skin and developed a sort of eczema patch where my fleece rubs my necklace. This year, no symptoms yet.

    Facially I think I look better, but that might be due to the 4 or 5 nights without a drink!

    I was also suffering very painful and heavy periods, but those symptoms are massively improved by fasting. (I know, not anti aging, but a visible benefit)

    I think my memory is better also. One example, I wrote down an 11 digit phone number recently (tasked by OH to do something that day), went to work, realised I’d left the number at home, but then realised I could remember it!

    Not sure fasting will prevent signs of aging, but we’ll be living a longer healthier life and hopefully avoiding a lot of the ‘inevitabilities’ of old age until we’re really ancient!

    Are you sure you can remember what you looked like, pre 5:2, Happy? 😉
    You sound gorgeous!
    Seriously, I agree. My skin looks better and even the excess is starting to shrink. I’ll look and feel 16 soon 🙂 P

    Hi P!

    I definitely remember the cellulite! And the dry skin! But maybe my face looks better because my eyesight is failing…!

    I’ve had a bad eating day today, with too many nuts and a biggish portion of pasta (very rare these days, went for orzo though because it’s very small). I think having found out I’m now 75% constant craver and 25% feaster, I’ve been comfort eating 🙂

    I meant to ask P, have you got a gin and tonic to go with that ice?!

    Drugs (pharmaceutical) and wine last night. Probably not ideal at 10am though!
    I find failing eyesight, sans glasses, makes everybody look better 😉 P

    Yes, or look at everyone else with glasses on but always glasses off for yourself? You’ll always be aging well compared to your cohort!

    Sorry the ankle is paining you. Not ready for the pool yet I take it?

    No poolwork, H, despite the new waterproof activity monitor:( Hard enough coming down stairs. There’s a heatwave predicted today, so I will go in for a ‘bob’ as my mum used to call it. 🙂 P

    Oh no P, any kind of foot / leg injury is the worst, so sorry! You’ll need a little bell by your bedside

    I hate when posts disappear and I didn’t even scroll up!

    I’ll dim the lights to prove 5:2 works miracles!

    That’s my line Happy (your eyesight is failing you) when someone tells me I look better than ever

    Ha ha P, only it won’t be a bob now, more a sink!

    Emily, I see you also accept compliments graciously!

    Hi P, sorry to hear that you are laid up, hope the pain is easing. Twisted my ankle a couple of years ago (okay, three) and it took ages to stop – sorry, not meaning to depress you. Don’t drop below 16!

    Emily, I can definitely attest to getting younger. The years are dropping off. Did you insert an emoticon which I understand can cause the rest of the message to fall off on a smartphone (still have to get my head around that).

    Set out for a swim this am, after waiting for builder. Dropped off some DVDs to my niece, took a look at the (holiday) traffic at the pool, and went back to niece’s for a cuppa and a catch-up. I decided family was more important than sharing a lane with someone else doing lengths.

    11 digits, Happy? That’s impressive!

    I took the test last night, pretty evenly spread across the three options but was told I was strongly advised to IF (at 37%?) Interesting documentary, too. Has the second episode been posted online yet?

    Lovely day here, soft breeze, 23 degrees, 55% humidity. So out in the garden again while I can – the builder went to the wrong place! Back to work tomorrow. Don’t mind, have had a lovely restful break, but I will have to give up my recent addiction – reading all the postings from you lovely people.


    Hi Purple
    So sorry you have injured yourself. 🙄 Power to you! It’s pouring with rain here in Hobart. Just here for the week.
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Thanks Barata, you have just explained what has been happening with my shortened posts! Emoticons! Are you and Happy talking about the Panorama program, mentioned on another thread that identifies what sort of eater you are ie grazer etc? If so, can you please give me the link to that or tell me what you searched for so I can look at it online. I am very interested. I thought I fitted into all three categories actually!

    PS Purple, hope you’re back on your feet soon!

    Thanks guys 🙂
    The Chinese say ‘3 moons’ to heal feet. Last time I injured this foot it did indeed take 90 days. I guess the message is to be patient.
    I’d like to see the Horizons program too. Usually not accessible in Aust for months. Lucky we are quick learners Well, some others. Probably not me:(

    My experiment with a full fast then eat what I like has worked so far. It’s fun being at goal and being able to play around with eating. P

    Carolann, the programme is on BBC tv. The first episode should be:, if this doesn’t link you will have an idea of where to go. I see the second episode is there too.

    Whereabouts in Sydney are you, Purple? Our son is in the Woollahra / Bondi Junction area, (will be staying with him, and daughter in Newtown, so really handy to each other.

    Thanks Barata, I can’t open it. Says for UK residents only. I’ll have a search and see if I can find it some other way.

    Eastern suburbs used to be my old stamping ground and have kids in the inner west. We could meet on the Town Hall or Art Gallery steps one day if you want to catch up. I’m in the city often. Purple

    That’s weird, Carol. I’m in New Zealand, and had no problem. I have just finished watching the second episode, too.

    Purple, I won’t make any commitments at the moment, but certainly there might be a family-free time. It would be neat to put a physical presence to an ethereal personality. We will keep in contact.

    Sure. Let me know you’re free Barata. P

    Hi Carol

    I can still take the test, even though it says the video is for UK residents only. Result. I have no particular eating problem and they do not recommend a diet for me, other than to control my caloric intake!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Lucky you Bay. Must be perfect 😉
    I hope the rain stops for your little holiday. P 🙂

    Ha. It just means their little test wasn’t specific enough. They didn’t ask what happens when you see a sugar and grain concoction. 🙄 hope your pain is getting duller. 😉 B

    Yes. I wondered which hat to put on to answer it!

    Bay and Barata are you using iPads? I found another link to the quiz but it won’t upload either.

    Carol, I am using an iPad. I went down the page under where it says not available to non UK residents. I touched the spot where it says Take the Test. Then I touched the graphic Hand and it launched the 12 questions. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Thanks Bay, it worked that time! I am a constant craver so at least I am on the right diet! Just had 6 almonds even though I had my tea at 7pm!

    Sorry to hear about your fall, @purple. I hope you recover soon. 😉

    @bayleafoz – I am exactly the same as you and agree with your statement: “It just means their little test wasn’t specific enough. They didn’t ask what happens when you see a sugar and grain concoction.”

    I have managed to get down to the middle of my maintenance range but I still have “sugary left overs” from Christmas which I am slowly (no binging) consuming on eating days. The fact remains that I have a sugar problem, so in February or lent I want to go sugarfree for two months (until Easter) and see if I can be weaned off sugar. I need to do some research and will have to define my challenge – for example if fruit and natural agave is off limits too. I expect this will be so much more difficult than fasting, which I intend to keep doing.

    I have not noticed any re-juvination, I am afraid. ;-( Maybe I can report better results after my sugar free challenge.

    Hi everyone – what a lot you’ve been at while my backs been turned! Purple, so sorry about your foot : do hope you mend quickly.
    I haven’t watched the ‘which diet?’ Prog yet, (have downloaded for later) but have done the test, and – yes – constant craver, advised to do IF. Fortunately DH is the same. No wonder it worked! Actually I just know myself well enough to have twigged immediately when I discovered it that I can be very disciplined for a day at a time, but couldn’t do several on the trot!
    Lichtie, we’re in the same boat- sugary snacks are my temptation, and I’m slowly but surely finishing up the Christmas leftovers. I should be there by the time Lent begins, and it (start of Lent, not the specific date) will be my 2 year anniversary of starting 5:2. I’m back to pre-Christmas weight and body fat percentage, but really do need to kick the sugar thing; do you fancy marking both Lent and my anniversary by forming a sub group of 2 (+ anyone else who cares to join in!) to support each other in using Lent to do it? 6 weeks to form or break a habit should mean we have a good chance of success, as long as we keep off the Easter eggs!

    @fastfastslow, it would be brilliant to have someone to do the challenge with. I haven’t really managed to give up anything for lent in a number of years. The few attempts I did make in the last twenty years were semi-successful.

    When I was a child my parents taught me to give up sweets for lent and I did so diligently every year even though three days before Ash Wednesday there was a big festival where we children ended up with bags of (boiled) sweets – the only sweet stash we got in the year and it sat in the cupboard for six weeks. (Gums were bleeding on Ash Wednesday because I tried to eat as many sweets as possible before the onset of Lent ;-). I am still surprised how I managed to refrain from raiding the goody stash then.

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