The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Thanks Maintenance mates. I really needed prompting this morning. Made 22 hours easily. Museums, bushwalks and laps in the pool, as well as a long drive kept my mind off eating. OH just does it without thinking. Lucky man.
    Good night all. The big one tomorrow!!! P

    Snap! We crossed over Bay. Great minds πŸ˜‰ Sleep well. P

    Happy, I couldn’t possibly comment on your vision – but not far out! Happily the implant is now back in place – with no payment except being forced to listen to another lecture on why they don’t mix with toffees, so that little episode is over. So, now do feel free to mentally wash out your visual imagination with whatever is the mental equivalent of carbolic, and go back to enjoying your food and fasting!

    My FD yesterday was fine, and I feel better for it – but today I am really hungry and struggling. My body has obviously re calibrated what it thinks is normal for a non FD! Another FD coming tomorrow: maybe that will remind it. Anyone else experiencing this?

    Barata, your breakfast sounds lovely. I too normally have fruit and acidophilus yoghurt, sometimes with granola, but the addition of seeds and cinnamon definitely tops it. Next time!

    Yes FFS. I find if I don’t have a routine Mon/Thurs fast I am thrown completely. I seem to forget how to eat very quickly. Carbs snd sugar could easily creep up again πŸ˜₯

    Yesterday’s fast was a lovely reset for me. It turned out to be easy, but as I was out of sync, it took a lot to get started. I have been planning my break fast in my head all night! πŸ˜‰

    We’ll celebrate NYE big time today and tomorrow and fast while travelling home on Friday.

    OH has got his bs back to a healthy low, but the rare high earlier in the week was a huge wakeup call. Fasting IS for life.

    Happy 2015 to you all my dear Maintenance mates. Purple x

    Hi MC-ers
    I’m gradually getting back into the fasting groove, my Monday & Wednesday fasts at work before Christmas were much easier than this Monday and will be starting 2015 with a fast tomorrow.

    We spent yesterday weighing the calves, they have been weaned since the beginning of December and getting used to life without mum while having heaps of yummy new hay to eat. Some walked onto the scales sniffing and wary, others quite calm, some tried to escape through the rails so getting a weight was a bit hit or miss, and a few went in backwards because they were small and flexible enough to turn around in the race leading to the scales.

    Hey Purple, I finally made a sourdough loaf that might be an ok loaf with lots of room for improvement. I haven’t actually eaten real sourdough bread, I feel what the supermarket sells as sourdough is probably not quite the real thing. I gave half my loaf to my guinea pig – neighbour’s husband who has found a gluten free diet has helped his health greatly. Have yet to hear how it went down!

    Happy 2015 everyone πŸ™‚ VM

    Hi VM
    Lucky guinea pig. Yes, shop sourdough is usually only part sourdough, part yeast risen. The general public rarely appreciate the heavy texture of real sd. It is an aquired taste, but a great alternative to normal bread. We never eat shop bought any more.
    I’m staying in country NSW surrounded by cows…mostly herefords with a few charolets (? Have never written it)
    OH in the car waiting to go sightseeing.
    Have a great new year. P

    Hi P, Charolais, they are French. Ours are Angus ie black… enjoy the sights. VM

    Hi FFS,

    Yes, I was hungry this morning after my 22.5 hour fast yesterday. I had a small amount of spinach, mushrooms, tomato and egg at 8 am today, just like I used to when I began 5:2. I am letting my body get accustomed to IF again. πŸ˜‰

    Have a Happy New Year, all.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Just watched Sydney’s New Year fireworks on the BBC 6pm news.guess you’re all asleep now, but when you wake up, Happy new year to all of you on Oz!

    Thanks FFS. Your time will come πŸ˜‰

    Bay, we must be twins! After my long fast on Tuesday, I had an almost identical breakfast to you yesterday! Replace spinach with ham (have to use it up ,) )
    We ended up doing two tasting plate and full wine tastings yesterday (lunch and NYE). The car is now laden with boxes of wine! Fabulous warm dry weather here. Perfect NYE!
    Fast again tomorrow on the road. P

    All very quiet here, MCs. Hope you have all recovered from New Year celebrations in whatever form they took, and are ready with happy anticipation for another year of IF!

    Hi B
    We are managing the overindulgence by 2 fasts this week, 2nd today, and OH skipped meals on the other days.
    We’ve also been doing long walks and swimming laps.
    Maintenance still reqires concentration. At our age there is no slacking of completely.
    I miss my scales when I’m away. I use them to guide my eating normally. Must scoot…have to pack to go home πŸ™ It’s been a lovely break. Cheers P

    Hi Barata and P,

    Hopefully all quiet is good news on the maintenance front!

    I had dropped a kg earlier this week with sensible eating (so think my ‘gain’ is likely to be water weight and possibly extra food in transit…). But up again today.

    To be honest it will be next week and return to work before I get back into good eating habits and fasting. I know now that I can usually drop 0.5kg with a proper fast day though, so not too worried about any weight gain. IF is truly liberating!

    Your break sounded great P. I would say ‘and now for reality…’, but I know home isn’t too shabby either πŸ™‚

    Yep Happy. The break was brilliant. Back home with the fleas. Jolly cat can’t keep them to herself!!
    I agree. .5 drops off with a good fast and the routine of everyday life makes eating more controllable.
    It is fascinating how much of overeating is simply mind games.
    Happy maintaining gang. P πŸ™‚

    Well done. For a newbie this is good news. This means this does work. I have enjoyed reading how all do it. For myself I am at a BMI of 25 so this means lose the weight or get problems. So in my mind I am working out the fasting days on how many cals I have not eaten. For myself this is a way to stay to the fasting cals. Today up to now has gone well. My trousers seem slacker at the stomach. So this is a good sign.

    I think keeping reading and posting on the boards will help me through fasting. It has helped loads today. Plus I can get advice from someone who has got to their goal weight.
    Well done.

    Lynette J

    Hi Lynette
    Have you been doing 5:2 long? It certainly helps to be part of a community of fasters. All the best. P

    I tried this diet for two weeks before xmas. Now back on this diet for the long run. Well until I get my weight sorted out. So for myself this is the start I am hoping of sorting this out. I think being part of the community is important. For myself it is mind over matter for the fasting days. Today has been good. The community through replying this afternoon got me past a sticky three hours.

    Lynette J

    Hi all – and special welcome, Lynette – so good to have all this mutual support, post-Christmas! Just by way of encouragement: I’ve had 3 FDs this week (special effort!), and shed all but half a pound of the Christmas gain, so relaxed today – day off – and had what felt like a very indulgent day – including eg mince pie and ice cream for pud. Just calculated my calorie intake for the day, and it’s 1250 (my TDEE is 1600). Very unexpected: I’m sure you were right, Purple, when you said once before that IF resets our perception of what constitutes a lot of food, and what feels like enough. Another cause for gratitude – and another encouragement for those still on the way to goal weight.

    Totally thrilled as the support today has meant I have got through fasting. Now the time is 23.39 pm so I am past the evening crisis point. I did not even feel like snacking. Even though I have a lot of extra food and wine still in the kitchen.
    Thank you for making me feel so welcome.

    Lynette J

    Well done Lynette
    Off to bed now! P πŸ™‚

    Hi FFS

    Agree with you n Purple in that our appetite is reset with fasting. When I indulge now, I feel I have eaten a huge amount. Then I write down what I have actually eaten. It is now so much smaller than pre Fasting days. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay

    Purple, my hero.

    I am now 2 kg up on lowest weight reached in 2014, from indulging πŸ˜‰ with friends and family over the last two weeks. From tomorrow some serious fasting on Mon and Thurs for the next two weeks should see that gone. Your support gratefully received.

    Wow, thunderstorms, hail, 32 C, big gusts of wind, torrential downpours. What weather we have ! Thinking of people in SA.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    I guess that is the beauty of IF, isn’t it, Bay? You gradually adjust to much smaller portions. Just as we all adjusted to larger serves in the years on between. πŸ™
    Has anyone else noticed an improvement in lung capacity? I have significantly more and find long swims snd running easy again now. P

    We just crossed posts Bay!
    You’ll get back easily. You are an expert faster!!!!
    The storms are just building here now. Thanks for sending the cool breeze. Your hail must have chilled it!
    Back in the pool to get leaves as they blow in….someone has to do it πŸ˜‰ P

    Today is normal eating day, but I will stay to what cal’s I should be eating. Tomorrow another fasting day. If others can do it so can I.

    Lynette J

    Yes, you can Lynette! Go for it! πŸ˜‰ P

    Happy New Year everyone..

    Had a lovely short break over in Orkney (Stromness) at friends .. with an “intersting” crossing back over the Pentland Firth yesterday morning.. BIG sea.. and wow… despite the huge sea I wasn’t sick at all. Had a think about it and I suspect that changing metalbolism linked to a more ketogenic digestion helped me .. (lots of others chucking up) It was very dramatic .. and was really the climax to amazingly dramatic weather on Orkney.. the night before we had forked lightening over the Scapa Flow… amazing light .. shafts of sunlight shooting through vents in storm clounds..

    So no fasting at all this week.. and now looking forward to the first fast of 2015 tomorrow… Interestingly am comfortably wearing size 12 jeans at moment..

    Welcome back zuzan.
    So envious about your trip to Orkney, but not the ferry ride!
    When we booked the ferry from Belfast to Scotland, a couple of years ago, OH found an horrific YouTube of cars driving off a car ferry that was barely attached to the ramp, rising and falling as the cars zoomed off recklessly. He had me very worried πŸ™
    All the best with getting back on the wagon. It does feel good returning to fasts. P πŸ™‚

    Isn’t it funny, how many of us have said how good it feels to get back to fasting! The very thing which began as a really difficult endurance test, which we weren’t at all sure we could do, has become something which feels genuinely good. Bit like exercise, I suppose! Take heart, newbies – it gets easier!

    Hi All! I’ve had two weeks off, and am looking forward to returning to work tomorrow… Not for work’s sake obviously! But because I can get back into good fasting habits πŸ™‚

    Still in my maintenance range though, so all good!

    Zuzan, that’s a strong stomach to not retch when everyone around you is!

    I am quite disappointed with myself. I was perfectly OK with my weight on 1 Jan when I had only just reached the top of my maintenance range which I was quite relaxed about. Then I sorted out the fridge and found that we had almost a litre of cream of varying fat content left over taking up a lot of space. So in my lets-use-up stuff, I made fudge from 800ml of cream which proved a monumental mistake – This fudge was out of this world and I just couldn’t restrain myself and even though I gave a lot away, it was still too much and just too difficult to keep away from. Also I had been given so much chocolate which also had to be removed from my house in preparation of resuming ordinary life again this week. This morning I was disappointed to find that I have now exceeded my maintenance range by 1 1/2 pounds.

    How sad that I just scuppered my weight maintenance in the last 5 days this was completely unnecessary. Yep, I am fasting today and will probably do 4:3 until I reach the middle of my maintenance again.

    Hi Lichtle

    We’re all human. Just enjoy the memory and move on. πŸ™„ you can see from my previous post that I put on 2 kg through the 10 days of celebrating. Now I’ve just finished Fast Day one for 2015 and I loved it. Such a relief from all that sugar and other stuff. πŸ˜‰ I expect we will both lose the extra weight with 2-3 fasting days.

    You can do it. Think what you achieved in 2014.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    I don’t believe it! In the time I took to reply, Lichtle, my little mate from down south had written almost word for word what I was going to type! Twin indeed.
    “You are only human” …..
    I hope you enjoyed it!!! πŸ˜‰ P

    Seeing my stomach in the mirror this lunch time and it is flatter. Another fasting/ low cal day today.
    I can and will do it.

    Lynette J

    Indeed! πŸ˜‰

    Don’t beat yourself up, Lichtie: you know you can get it down again, so how about regarding thee whole episode as a Public Service Reminder to the rest of us? Damn leftovers – we’ve all been there!

    Hi All, and Lichtle especially!

    I was pleasantly surprised to find over Xmas that damage was limited, so made an extra special effort this weekend (cream that needed using, with homemade meringue..)… Think possibly because I knew I’d be back at least semi-fasting today!

    I don’t think it’s sabotage precisely, because it was time-limited, and it hasn’t undone a year’s worth of fasting. And it was tasty πŸ™‚

    But oh dear! There is yet more cream in the fridge… You’ve just given me an idea of what I could do with it…!

    Don’t do it Happy!
    Keep it in the fridge until it’s off then throw it out. “Better in the bin than on the hips” πŸ™‚ P

    Indeed P, wise advice!

    funnily enough, Dad has just found a load of food his visitors left behind and said he’ll never get it all eaten before it goes off. My advice was don’t even try to!

    Or turn it into ice cream, Happy, and shove it in the very bottom of the freezer for next Christmas! ‘Out of sight’, as they say…I have a box of cheese like that, which has already been frozen once so can’t go back; I’m just trying not to look at it…

    Thank you all very much for your supportive posts after which I really have no choice but not to disappoint the lot of you. ;-))

    Well I am half way through my fast today and hopefully when I come home tonight DH will have hidden the fudge beyond my wits. ;-))

    Yep, definitely not going to do use up cream like this again….

    If I can get through today then I am on course to continue with this diet. Thank you too to all who have helped me through the difficult starting phase.
    I love fudge and thinking before xmas, I bought a tub of fudge Quality Street ones. Ate these in three weeks.

    Lynette J

    Hi Lynette, there is no if…you can do it… ;-)) I am also determined to make the first fast after Christmas a success.

    Hi MCs,

    I’ve been MIA from the forum, but not this WOL :). I was able to get in a few fasts during the month of December and did one on 1/2 and today is a fast day for me. I’d like to push through with 5:2 the month of January to see if I can get to my ultimate goal weight. We also have a spring break trip to Mexico planned – wearing a bikini with confidence… Can it happen??

    Come on Maintenance Mates. We CAN and DO do it. Remember. ..fasting is second nature to us. πŸ˜‰
    Enbrace your hunger. It’s good for you! πŸ˜† P

    Go for it Emily. I don’t wear a bikini, I’d be arrested, but a good costume covers the wrinkly flatter tummy πŸ˜‰
    Mexico will be wonderful. P

    Ah well fellow maintainers… am feeling great after a fast day today.. good bowl of winter veggie soup and feeling full and satisfied … satisfied that I am back into the fasting.. and it boy it feels good.. think my system needed a rest.

    planning to do a semi fast tomorrow.. ie eat only in the evening.. and either fish with slaw or my fav omlette mix.. feta and spinnach.. and a lunchtime run up the hill behind work.. and then simply eat in the evenings for the rest of the week.

    Re leftovers.. give it away.. re configure it (cook it and freeze it) just don’t feel you have to eat it.

    Happy fasting folks.. you know you can do it and don’t worry about the gains over the hols.. we’re all in the same boat.. just we are now equipped to be able to compensate for the feast days we’ve just had.

    Thanks for the suggestion zuzan πŸ™‚ I bought some goat’s fetta when away and my spinach is wilting in the heat. Spinach and fetta omolette for brunch.

    Interestingly, after the initial month when he lost more quickly than me (over a kg a week), OH and I have been consistently 10 kg apart. We eat totally differently…he doesn’t get ravenously hungry, but is a sweet tooth. I am a savoury lover….he only eats at night on fast days. I add a late afternoon egg and lettuce. Yet we keep on finding our weights move in parallel and our fat seems to disappear off the same areas at the same time. We are both finally losing off tummies. First to go was shoulders. Tres strange! Anyone else find this? P

    Hi fellow Maintainers, I was brought up with the “it’s a sin to waste food” so fell into the “just clearing up left-overs” trap…. not too deeply but need a few good fast days to get back to my target weight.
    I was reading about New Year Resolutions – why bad habits are hard to break and found this “Two research findings about habits provide a clue. Firstly, researchers working on the striatum and infralimbic cortex have found that old habits never really β€˜die’, instead they get masked by new ones. Secondly, habits are stored as β€˜chunks’ that are triggered by a particular cue or situation”
    So Christmas festivities and eating lots of special treats must be one of the oldest habits we all have and the cue/situation will keep occurring every 365 days!
    After a good fast yesterday, gazoodles of water because it was so hot, feeling lighter already.

    Hi MMs

    Lost half the excess weight yesterday. πŸ™„ Looking forward to Thursday and second fast day of the week. Only had black coffee, vegetable soup, salad with toasted seeds, and gazpacho yesterday. Marvellous what a no sugar, no starch, no processed food day can do. πŸ˜‰

    Cheers, all. Bay πŸ™‚

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