Get thee behind me…!
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.
Hi All,
Yep, P, the unpicking was time consuming and fiddly. But I’m pleased to have salvaged the skirt. It was new last March but quickly out- (in-?!) grown.
The incessant rain is scuppering outdoor exercise plans, so headed to the pool for a swim this morning (adults only!). May have overdone it a bit as I now have weak arms and my right anterior hip muscle threatened to cramp every time I had to use the brake pedal driving home. And I’m not sure I did enough to offset the two slices of toasted coconut loaf (with orange and lime syrup…). Feel sick now 🙂
FastFS, the baked spud sounds like a winner. Glad to hear there was cheese!
P, great restraint re: the open bottles of wine! I don’t want to drink every night, just because it’s Christmas and I’m on holiday but… Succumbed to a ginger beer this evening… And had to taste the damson gin to see if it’s ready yet 🙂
Happy, were are you? Incessant rain? Checked with BBC weather and they forecast cloudy tomorrow (as yesterday and today and full sun on Wednesday and Thursday. Shame the sun comes with freezing temperatures but still better than rain.
FFS I am fasting!!!! Your delicious spuds… I wouldn’t mind the spuds without anything right now 🙂
But I shall exercise restrain…only another 12 hrs.
She’s a good swimmer L. She’ll be right.
I too WAS fasting this morning (not a normal fast day). After thinking about FFS’s spuds, going to the shops to get money on the cafe strip and then trying to cut up and freeze a large German grain bread wreath I had made for our family do on Sunday, I weakened completely and had a slice with peanut butter. That’s the first non sourdough I’ve had in months. C’est la vie. P
I’ve just googled buoyancy and found a San Diego State Uni swimming science bulletin on flotation and buoyancy.
Funny, this morning I thought I was just out of practice! But no, I’m now denser than previously. And have also altered my centre of gravity as a result of where I’ve lost the fat from! Which explains why I was lower in the water when swimming…
So there are negative points to weight loss!
None now for me, FFS, until next week! Decided, since I wasn’t fasting and had lots of food, to throw an impromptu party. So easy when there is no prep to do.
Beautiful post rain warm evening here. Classic Aussie Christmas with pretty lights on all the houses and all our doors flung open. Flying insects fighting over the Christmas tree lights. Ah. Christmas in summer! 😉 P
Gosh. We are all struggling with this week’s food fest, aren’t we, Happy? Wjo cares about failed fasts. There’s always next year!
Vistors helped with a fair bit, but probably a month’s worth of naughties still.
Bay, I only threw out the rotten cherries. Enjoy “all the seasons in one day” Melbourne mate. P
Lichtle, we were in Europe last year – had a wonderful five-week holiday, met the new granddaughter (now resident in Sydney) in Portugal, did a coach tour of the Dalmation coast out of Slovenia, and attended my niece’s wedding in Nottingham – so shopping in England is not in the budget at the moment. We will be in Sydney next month, so hope the summer sales are still on in the last week of January.
Interesting about the buoyancy with weight loss and increased body density. But that (and scrawny upper arms!) are the only downside I can see yet.
I have been fasting so far today, but see it turning into a 16:8 with all this talk of food from you lovely ladies. Maybe Friday, maybe just back on the wagon next week. The routine of Mondays and Thursdays really suits me, easier to stray if there is a change in the day. Having said that, up til now I haven’t ever changed days! But at this time of year, no guilt, no worries.
Absolutely Barata. I am SO used to Monday and Thursday I can’t change to another day now! I can manage eating late. I usually eat vegetarian before dinner and I can skip alcohol but I just have lost the ability (and imperative) to fast properly on other days.
As Thursday is totally stuffed this week, I guess it is Monday.
Enjoy your Christmas Eve and in case I get too involved. ..have a very merry Christmas, Maintenance Mates. We are going into a new year empowered. Enjoy. PVE 🙂
I am working today!!! We finish at 1 pm with a little office party (nibbles and drinks) and a raffle. Oh dear I will have to eat some friut just before or I will devour a whole bowl of nuts or chips. 🙁 for breakfast.
A very blessed Christmas and a happy New Year full of joy and good health for you and your loved ones.
Hi Maintainers,
I hope you all have a Happy Christmas, safe in the knowledge that any excesses can be repaired in the new year.
And to our missing maintainers, a Merry Christmas and Happy New year… Auriga, Elaine, Ken and Tim to name but a few. I hope you’re all happy and healthy wherever you are. We miss you!
For info all, I haven’t broken my fast yet, and don’t plan on breaking it with cake today…!
Happy Christmas all. Santa has been, and one of the best presents is, OH is seriously considering joining me on this WOE. He badly needs to, and finally (it took a locum) a doctor mentioned his weight as being an issue in his health. I have been most disappointed that no health professional has stressed to him the importance of this, especially given his family history of heart problems (father and three older brothers – should be a very red flag) and his high cholesterol. So wish him luck for the new year on this.
Hi Carol,
Good work! And very disciplined.
I too was under upper limit this morning, but I’m puffy! That will be the carbs I know…
Also after yesterday’s meal I woke in the night with stomach ache and feeling nauseous. That had passed by this morning, but I was left with a delicate stomach so I fasted til 2, at which point it felt better and I was hungry, so I broke fast with tofu and veg… before moving on to pigs in blankets, hazelnut shortbread and meringue (I had to keep trying them to see if they were cooked..). Stomach a little sore again tonight…Pigeons would learn faster.
I know it’s nothing that a couple of fasts/ semi-fasts won’t sort out though. So no worries.
Hi MC-ers, wherever you are, and whatever the temperature outside. Hope you are recovering from the temptations of the last few days. ALL the gifts drop-by relatives brought were chocolates unfortunately, testing times ahead.
You would be proud. We took part in the Boxing Day sale mania yesterday, emerging with just the one item, the chairs and table for the conservatory that is our Christmas present to ourselves.
Weight up a little inevitably over the last few days, but nothing that won’t shift in the NY.
Thanks, FFS. I try not to push him, and will give all possible encouragement and assistance once he takes the plunge. Unfortunately he has a lot of food dislikes, including fruit and many vegetables, so it will be tricky. I will keep you posted.
Hi gang. We are staying in the country attending a folk festival. Fasted until late last night, then broke it with chips, pizza and a bottle of wine at the festival lauch.
Today we popped back, between performances, to our slab hut accommodation to make a pizza in the outdoor pizza oven. A girl’s got to try everything!!! OH will be cleaning for the oven for the rest of the week as his gf pizza base fell to pieces. He’s currently annoying the resident pied butcher bird by playing butcher bird calls on YouTube! Classic! Cheers P
ps No scales, but I judge by OHs daily bloodsugar results 😉
Hi ffs
We are fasting tomorrow (Aussie time) as we did a vineyards tour today and made pizzas tonight. Can’t have a fab holiday and not be responsible!
OH had high bloodsugar yesterday after only moderate letting go…..SO frustrating! Back to normal this morning but a long fast, then normal eating last night.
It seems we can never relax completely again.
Enjoy your fast. Purple 🙂
I’m all right Carol (except for posting to RT on the wrong thread, I just noticed) it’s OH who has bs issues. I’m blessed with being able to cheat significantly, it seems, and pull myself back quickly. Only after 20 months of dedicated work on this woe, mind you. So I guess there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesn’t include much food 😳 Purple
Hi Eveybody. I am also fasting today FFS (and Wednesday and Friday I hope). I am right at the top of my maintenance range this morning – oh ohh :)). Hopefully next Monday all will be in the middle of the range again. I am glad to report though that I did walk for more than an hour each day. Good luck everyone.
Hi All,
Yep, I’m at the top end of my maintenance range also. Some of that will be carb water weight I know, but there will be a good half kilo of biscuit/ trifle/ wine weight also! It won’t be a full low cal fast today, as OH is off work and cooking (and he’ll be upset if I don’t eat it), but I will be exercising restraint (no more treats, alcohol free). I think I’ll get back to normal eating for a couple of days and assess the damage from there!
This time last year I weighed 13kg more. I was disgusted with myself for overeating and getting flabby. I wouldn’t look at myself naked. A life of being increasingly overweight (and not liking myself) seemed inevitable. I began 5:2 in early January.
This year I have also overindulged (although not to the same extent). BUT my clothes all still fit, and I’m still slim. I don’t hate myself. I don’t feel helpless and powerless. I know that with a couple of fasts I’ll be feeling nice and empty again.
Happy fasting/ maintaining.
Thank you, all, but especially Happy for that reminder and the sense of perspective it brought. Yes, I’m at the top of my maintenance weight, and my trousers aren’t quite as comfy as they were a month ago. Yes, I’m cross that the 3 weeks of anti-nausea biscuit eating used up all the wriggle room that I’d so carefully given myself. But – as you point out – I’m still exactly 14lbs lighter than this time last year. Those 14lbs disappeared, and so will these 4lbs – as long as I do it now!! But we all know how – and isn’t it great to have encouraging friends who know where we’re at! Happy New Year everyone!
Come on, purple! I’m just finishing mine (1 down, 2 more to do this week) – you can do it too!
As you’re coming to the end of yours, I shall be getting up early to drive DH (he no longer drives) to the dentist, 30 miles away. He lost a dental implant to a toffee yesterday – has been told numerous times to avoid them, but won’t learn) and it will need to be glued back in. Still, better than last time: on that occasion he swallowed it and had to wait for it to re-appear and sterilise it before re-insertion. There, that should put you off your food enough to make fasting easier…
Off you go!
Purple, Ive had those times too when I’ve woken and reluctantly acknowledged today will be a fast day and I don’t really feel like it. But once you start it all becomes so easy. At the end of the day I wonder why I was anxious about it. I made myself a hard and fast rule when I started the 5:2 – if it’s a FD then I fast, no excuses and I don’t break the fast. If I think I won’t be able to maintain the fast because of socialising, I just pick another day. Because I know I’m the type of person who once they start to bend the rules will always bend them!
FFS and Happy remember the idea of wriggle room was to allow for situations like the one we are all in now so we can indulge a bit. You are both still in front! You’ve used up your wriggle room, no problem, that’s what it’s there for and next week you will have it back!
Hi All,
Well I haven’t fasted, as I knew I wouldn’t, although eating is back to normal which feels better already! We ate early tonight in order to watch a long film, so I will get a long fast window if I hold off til lunchtime or later…and hopefully a light food day tomorrow and another long walk will begin to ease me away from top end maintenance weight.
Hope the fast goes well P, I’m sure a good swim will set you up for it.
FastFS, I really don’t want to think about DH’s tooth… But it’s no good! I have a vision of him ‘depositing’ on a plastic sheet, and sifting through it with a stick…? Or maybe straight into a colander which could then be washed to leave the treasure behind…?
Yep, that’s probably a really good image to conjure up on a fast day!
Hi all
Haven’t fasted for a week and my body is talking to me in a loud voice. Stop with the food n drink already. 🙄 So today is FD of the New Year effectively. Have put on a bit of weight around the middle. No scales here. But I know it will all be gone by the end of the week after second FD. Who would have thought the body could be so desperate for a fast. Mine began talking to me yesterday and then got very LOUD 😉 this morning.
Good to see we’re all on track. Happy fasting. Cheers, Bay 🙂
Although I fasted yesterday, thought I would try going without breakfasts and see if there is any gain. So fresh fruit and muesli (three strawberries, a kiwifruit, and small apricot and nectarine, with my usual scattering of pumpkin, sunflower, chia and linseeds. I add a puff of cinnamon, now, too, and top it off with acidophilis yoghurt). And feel overfull!
Apart from that, my body doesn’t tell me anything. I don’t have the sugar or carbohydrate stop messages that some of you report, or your reverse craving, Happy. No calls for fasting from this bod, just have to tell it what it wants and what it doesn’t need (I have a bad tendency to snack in the evenings on non-fast days).
To take my mind off any possible hunger pangs (none felt) I took myself off to the shops to try on clothes in the sales. It is SO rewarding looking at the trim me in the mirrors, everything I tried looked good, it was hard to make a decision. My shopping mantra was courtesy of my daughter – nothing boxy – wear fitting to enhance the shape! So every effort is worth it.
FFS, a tasty story to aid today’s fasters!
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9:31 pm
22 Dec 14