The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 4 days ago.

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  • Yes, Happy. That’s what I thought.
    I am finding maintenance really easy. It is almost as if my body has got back to its “normal”. I seem to naturally crave healthier foods, am satisfied far quicker and am really turned off by sugary, carb based foods. And I do try them occasionally just out of interest. 😉
    I fancy eating out at restaurants and cafes but more often than not choose to come home and make one of my yummy salads. When we do eat out, we will choose a couple of tapas dishes to share or an entre. Anything else seems to be far too big. When we eat out these days, we usually go home for dessert (fruit and yoghurt with a black coffee) rather than waste money buying food we don’t enjoy as much. Total change for us!
    Re the sourdough in the breadmaking machine, Nicky….It came out a hard nugget. I was very disappointed, until I sliced it and discovered it has a wonderful crunchy crust and an airy middle. It was very misshapen, however, so am back to handkneading (very spiritual) and oven baking, as the weather is not quite as warm today.
    Still at my lowest weight, despite all sorts of infringements this week. 😆 I wonder when I reach equilibrium? Happy fasting gang. P

    According to the BBC article, a severely obese woman aged 20-39 would lose 6 years of life compared to similar aged healthy weight woman, and spend 19 more years living in poor health. For older aged groups the figures come down. Who knows how much more damage it does at a very young age. Scary stuff. Maybe they should teach intermittent fasting in school….

    Hello All,
    Just popped in from my thread to ask if any of you that have reached goal have noticed a difference in your metabolic rates. How many calories can you now eat on non fast days( roughly). Is this more than you were eating when fasting before you reached goal?
    Would be grateful for you help on this matter.
    My fitness adviser told me my metabolism poor because my fat ratio 41, she said it would be better when my ration 30. Currently cannot exceed 1200 cals on non fast days.
    Also are you all now on 1 – 6 maintainance?

    It would be great to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Jojo (2 lb per week quest thread)

    Hi jojo – good to hear from you -welcome.
    I don’t know what others will answer – there are people on this thread much better informed that I am – but I’m finding it takes trial and error to find the balance, and the calculation isn’t as simple as I assumed it would be. You’re right, I think, that as fat content falls, metabolism speeds up – I don’t think I’m the only one on here to have found that. BUT because I weigh less, my TDEE has now fallen, so I have to balance the reduced number of calories needed against the tendency to burn them faster, if that makes sense. (There’s a link to calculate your TDEE on the website homepage, if you’d find that useful. ) At 114lbs and 25% fat content, with moderate activity levels and aged 69, I now find around 1600 calories on non fast days is about right, mostly doing 6:1 but adding an extra fast day if I’ve over-indulged – but every one of those things is a variable which changes things – so trust your trainer, your scales, and – above all – your instincts. Good luck!

    Thank you very much FastFastSlow, I would be thrilled if I can get to a similar pattern to you. I am the same age but have high activity levels because I really enjoy walking, sports and yoga. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    I would be interested in all your groups stories and I will suggest my posters read the comments.

    I will be following this with interest too . Thanks guys . I am 72 in years but still in my 30’s in my head 🙂

    I still have 11 pounds to go to get to maintenance

    Wee xx

    Hi jojo and Wee – you’ll do it! Keep going!

    Hi Jojo, I have only been maintaining since September now BMI 19.6.

    Jojo, there is definitely a big light at the end of the tunnel. I find the fact that on a Monday morning when I weigh myself, I am not disappointed that I have not lost weight – wonderful. ;-))

    I have a very low TDEE of between 1300 and 1400kcals depending on actvity level. I am fine boned and small (5ft 2) Generally I walk for about 50 minutes per day (briskly and uphill) and that is all the exercise I do. I rather go hungry than exercise more 😉

    Are you asking if our metabolic rate has changed as a result of fasting? It is difficult to tell. I feel that my metabolic rate has reduced over the years but I don’t know if this is due to age or because I am not as active as I was in my twenties when I had three small children and lots of stress or any other reason. It seems to me that I eat a lot less than in my younger years when I was naturally slim but ever since my mid forties I had to be careful.

    I have only been maintaining since September, fasting two days a week with 600kcals. When in weight loss mode, I did 4:3 and tried to stay under 400kcal on fast days, so for me 5:2 at a higher daily kcal does not seem that difficult. I eat one meal in the evening and what difference and extra 200kcal makes in a fast day meal.

    It seems that many are adopting the (mostly) no breakfast routine albeit different variations. Even before 5:2, I had fruit for breakfast around 10.30am followed by a light lunch at 1pm and a normal dinner in the evening. Sor for me ditching the fruit and starting my daily meals at or after 1pm is not a big deal. Despite this I have to be careful not to overeat. With a low TDEE it is possible to overeat even with two meals if you are partial to sweet food like me.

    Fasting two days a week at 600kcals only saves me about 1400kcals. This is not an inordinate amount which is probably absorbed by me not counting calories correctly as I only estimate my calorie intake. In other words the 1400kcals are my delusion control.

    I like 5:2 because it keeps me grounded and aware. When in maintenance it is a good routine to keep and if I can’t keep a fast one week, it is not a big deal. My weight will not pile on immediately as long as I keep the next fast day.

    I hope this helps Jojo – it definitely gets easier – just keep 5:2 ing.

    Fantastic to wake up to find Jojo and Wee ‘over here’. Welcome girls.

    Totally support the things FSF and Lichtle have said.

    For me, I’m sure my metabolism had slowed as I reached menopause. I had always been skinny, with womanly hips ,) ) and could eat whatever. I’ve never been a sweet tooth but love cheese and salty foods. So did my dad, also skinny, who died of bowel cancer.

    After retiring my whole system slowed down. I was less energetic and with the kids gone, could affort to eat out. I went from in the mid 50kgs in my 30s to a peak of 85kg in Feb 13. 🙁

    For the year, April 13-14, I set a max TDEE of 1600, often much less, and 2 fasts of 350-400 cal. I was very strict the whole year, losing 1kg a week for the first 15 odd, put on 1kg over Christmas, then reaching 59.9 on April.

    Since then I have experimented. As I said on your thread Jojo, my body fat was still 34-33 yet I am bony. I’m now 56-57 kg with bf at 30%. I do 2 ‘fasts’ a week to accompany my OH who needs them to stay off diabetes meds. He goes all day until dinner. I now eat a light vegan salad at 1 or 2 and the same dinner. Therefore, I have even up to 500 or 600 on fast days now. No change in weight. I often fall off the wagon slightly but also often eat little on feed days. It all naturally balances out. I can resist pigging out as I don’t feel like it any more. 🙂

    On normal days I don’t count cals at all (don’t on fasts either, just eat the dishes I know). So I don’t feel I’m on a diet. I think the low/fast days are what is keeping my portion size down on normal days. My body seems to be able to regulate its use of food and had little left to store as fat.

    I have cut out basically all white carbs but drink alcohol (good wine) as much as I like on 5 days. I don’t do sweet things, so my sugar intake is minimal. I often crave salt in the late afternoon.

    Yes. I think my metabolism has normalised after 5:2 but needs at least mini fasting to keep it.

    There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel Jojo. I am enjoying this wol and it doesn’t restrict me at all.

    All the best mate. P X

    Yesterday, with the storm raging and trees falling, I ate glacé cherries and cashews out of fear! It was a fast day! Ha!
    This morning: 56.6kg, body fat 29.5% 😆
    Jojo, both of us look as if we have lost muscle mass, but that is probably as we are comparing our older thinner bodies with our younger thinner bodies…fat covered it all in the years between. Despite the look, we are both fit, energetic and capable of heavy lifting and endurance. He now runs for the first time in his life, I don’t get tired in the afternoons any more and my joints are thrilled. So I guess the muscles haven’t disappeared. P

    Hi Jojo and Weemam.. welcome..

    I would say as my fat : muscle ratio has changed yes my metabolism is faster.. having started maintenance back in March 2014 I have been a fitness journey.. so have really made an effort to build my muscle mass.. obviously to build muscle I have become a lot more active .. much much easier once I had shed the excess.. so yes my metabolism is partly a result of more muscle but also as a result of just being more active.

    I tend to just eat in the evenings during the working week and not eat too late either so before 8pm The weekend anything goes .. I find I can enjoy whatever I feel like.. be scallops and healthy salad or baked apples and pancakes.. or my rye bread with marmalade.. still my favourite breakfast.. 😉

    I do still do a one day fast.. which I try and make vegan .. usually monday.. for the additional health benefits… so this means eating sunday evening (usually something high protein and lots of veg) then typically steamed veg and salad or veg soup on Monday evening.. then nothing on Tues until after 6pm .. quite often go for salmon and veg / salad or spinach and feta omlette on Tuesday night.

    At a guess my workdays are largely below my TDEE as by Friday I am really really feeling I need sustainance and that I have been in deficit so need to make sure I have good things to pick at like smoked mackerel, olives (seem to really help satiate me) .. note they are both quite oily / high fat. I quite often sprinkle linseed (high oil and protein) on porridge made with Oatbran for a higher protein / high oil breakfast on Friday.. that way I’m not too desperate by 4pm on Friday.. which is dangerous I find as I will hunt and seek carbs as quick fix in this state ..

    Hi JoJo, I’m doing 6:1 but weighing every day and if I go over my limit (due to Xmas festivities), I will add another fast day. I’m like Purple, had a very fast metabolism until I hit menopause. My thyroid then became under active and although I take medication to correct the effect on metabolism, it’s never been the same as when I was younger. I don’t actually know whay my fat ratio is. I don’t watch what I eat on NFD, in fact I often have an indulgence day. It’s interesting what you say about how much wine you are having Purple, because I have one glass on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday and by Monday I have put on a kg. It used to be 1.5kg so that is an improvement! I thought I might try a weekend without alcohol just to see what difference that makes, if any. I just have a sneaking suspicion that for me alcohol may not be so good for weight control. I find JoJo this WOL just gets easier and easier the longer I do it.

    Hi Carol
    Funnily enough on a weekend evening, after we have had a lunch (never very big these days) we will often knock off a bottle of wine with a chaser of yoghurt and fruit instead of eating. As a bottle of white is about 560cal, that’s about the same cals as eating a glazed doughnut. (Needs 72 minutes walking to use up). Mmmm…1/2 bottle of wine or a doughnut? Give me the fruit of the vine any day (or night).
    I did Dry July a few years ago and lost no weight at all. Raised plenty of money though, so it WAS worth it 😉

    I also weigh daily so I know how much I can eat or not. P

    Hi Jojo

    I found the responses here fascinating. I agree with all of them. I lost 1 kg a week while on strict 5:2. I have been maintaining for 5 months. In the first few weeks of fasting, I think my metabolism kicked up to where it used to be. I also became more active. I am 69 yo and not as active as I was 25 years ago.

    The main lesson I learnt from 5:2 was to stop grazing, and to relearn correct portion size. And not to indulge every day. I also look with interest at the research that shows restricting food intake to a window each day, has benefits.

    By keeping on fasting each week, I think I am getting the health benefits. My BP meds are down one third on my pre fasting days. My percent of body fat is at 27 and my BMI is 23, which makes me a happy camper. 😉

    I have a real sweet tooth,and I choose to fast regularly to break the addictive response. When I have sugar and carbs, I want more. I indulge every week, and I fast every week. Therefore, I am losing no more weight. However, I range in a 2 kg limit and when I reach the upper limit, I need to fast again 5:2 strictly. In preparation for Christmas indulgences, I am fasting 2-3 days this week and next. I also have many days that I think of as semi-fast days, where total food intake is under 1000 calories. I do not miss the food on those days. I find fasting easier than restricting on a daily basis.

    I believe like Samm, that having a mini break from fasting is good. However, I would never let this go longer than 3-4 weeks, as covered during our long holiday this year. Airline food is generally so bad, that mini fast days on board were easy. 😆

    I don’t count calories and tend to do what the others now do on most days. No breakfast except black coffee. Then activity, could be gardening, golf, floor washing, walking the dog etc. Soup or Salad with lean protein for lunch. Fish or lean chicken and vegetables for dinner. Or home made vegetable soup, cold on very hot days, hot on cold days.

    It is a good feeling to be a size 10-11 now after the last 25 years of being size 14-16. Vanity is keeping me going when I think about indulging too much. I have a glass of alcohol 4 days a week, mainly for the health benefits of letting my body heal itself on other days.

    Keep going Jojo. You will reap the rewards of a permanent change in eating habits. People like us cannot go back to our previous woe. That is the reason we got fat in the first place. Provided we are prepared to continue with 5:2, we can eat fish n chips, we can eat a piece of cake, we can drink a glass of wine. Portion sizes are now way smaller, and indulgences are spread out.

    I see that my naturally slim friends are careful with both the size of their treats and type of food they eat.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    I should also say that all my naturally slim friends, including OH, are very active people. They walk, or run, or cycle and they don’t sit still for long periods of time. They also have smaller treats than they did when we were all younger. For example, they share a piece of cake as a treat, as OH and I now do.

    I am a full fat, low carb person, and I agree with Purple and Samm, that foods with sharp and salty tastes and full fat are more satiating than sweet foods. 😉

    Hope this helps with keepin on. I do admire your determination. 🙂 Bay

    Hi again JoJo, just out of interest I calculated my BMI. It’s now 20.5 and my TDEE is 1600 calls. I would say it’s highly unlikely I am eating that TDEE for most days of the week. I’ve always been too scared to think about how many cals I am consuming on weekends so haven’t ever tried to work it out. Maybe I should!

    You’ve got us all thinking Jojo!
    My bmi is now 21 and my TDEE is 1530. I probably eat that on normal days. About 500 max twice a week. I usually walk a lot in winter, but am currently exercising by raking and rubbish removal out of the pool and garden after daily storms!
    I totally agree with Bay regarding carbs and sugars. They are the key to weightloss. I guess we humans only need lots of them when we are young and growing. P

    Hi All,

    Just written a long ramble and then lost it! I pressed back not submit on my phone….Oh well.

    I’m also now trying to work out if I consume more or less calories and exercise more or less etc. It’s hard to know though as I’ve also altered my eating. Less carb and sugar, replaced by more veggie food. I don’t do any quarter TDEE days now, but do some restricted calorie days and fast every day for at least 15 hours. I eat a lot of nuts and cheese. Everything is full fat. But portions are smaller.

    I agree that the key has been cutting carbs and sugars. Much easier to stay full for longer, and no desperate shaky I’ve got to eat now episodes. And that enables better food choices rather than reaching for a sugar/ carb fix. It’s fantastic to be offered cake and turn it down because I don’t want it rather than because I think I shouldn’t eat it.

    If I wasn’t so lazy I’d keep a food diary and work out calories consumed. I won’t though! Because I don’t need to on order to maintain. I just weigh daily and adjust food accordingly.

    Thank you all for sharing.
    It seems to me that what I am currently doing is the way forward which is refreshing to know. Very low carb, no sugar, no alcohol( accept on special occasions(e.g. Holidays).

    I will have been fasting a year in January and have lost over half the weight I need to lose. My goal is September next year but I was hoping to beat it by June so I can have a ‘sexy ‘ summer. I love clothes and fashion, luckily also dress making. This means I really need to maintain 2 lb per week, 40 lbs in 20 weeks, wish me luck! This is my January new year resolution.

    If you don’ mind I will continue to read your thread for tips, thanks.

    I still need to beat the portion control issue but I am working on it, at least with proteins( my favourite food) filling up on veg. I think ultimately I would like to do 1000 per day Monday to a Friday and 1500 at the weekends. I also plan on maintaining two hours per day physical activity albeit moderate or above. It seems unlikely that our ‘eating’ will ever be taken out of the ‘controlled’ zone so might as well get into the right frame of mind.

    Jojo, you don’t need luck, you have determination in spades, and that’s what it takes. 🙂
    The Maintenance Chatbox was set up to thank Dr M for inspiring us and giving us tools to take control of our own health. We are all here to support each other on this continuing adventure. …
    the never ending story. ..because we choose a healthier future for ourselves.
    Go for your goal, Jojo, you know you will succeed. P 🙂


    I second Purple. You don’t need luck, you have the determination. And you have that in spades. 😉

    I have just proven over the last 10 days that I will always need to fast to control my weight. As said before, my downfall is sugar, and during this festive season, I have indulged too much via extra wine, chocolates and GF pudding. It is 9 days since my last fast. 😆 As a result I have put on 1.5 kg over the last two weeks. Alarm bells!! 😮

    Today I have had the strictest possible fast day. I fasted from 8 pm last night until 3 pm today, 19 hours with only water and black coffee for breakfast. Since then I have had two bowls of home made vegetable soup. Made from tomatoes, celery, carrots, green capsicum, Spring onions, ginger and chili. My aim is to go to bed with no more food.

    With the support of this group and your group, I will be back on the wagon, and down to goal weight within the week. Thank you all. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Enjoy your ride on the wagon again Bay 😉

    Makes me think of Rawhide, the TV series with a very young Clint Eastwood. 😉

    Cricket is going well. 😆

    Except for the rain. Well done Clarkie

    Hmmm Clint Eastwood, if only he was waiting for me on the sidelines, or Jude law? Might be a good reward!
    Every girl can dream

    My tiny great aunt saw Clint in a supermarket in California. She rushed up and asked for a photo. It eventually appeared on her funeral order of service. Her proudest moment. She was in her 80s and only 5′ tall. Gorgeous! P

    Ha ha good on your aunt Purple!

    I’m back on the wagon again! Lovely old fashioned Country song! All is right with the World, and this WOL. Back down within range. 😆 Bay

    Top “little” maintainer, Bay! Well done. Fasting and socialising with black coffee for me today 😉 P

    Well done Bay! It’s a Great feeling being where you want to be!

    It’s been a funny week so far, with several days at the top end of my range due to water retention and bloat (not entirely sure why, but is it coincidence it happens after puy lentils…). The taut belly has twice caused me to dream I’m pregnant (I’m not!). Thankfully have woken up normal this morning.

    Just avoiding getting up (the wind is roaring, rain lashing) and reading about the UK’s first plus size fashion magazine (‘fashion doesn’t stop at size 8’!).

    Apparently size 16 is now the UK average.

    Whilst I agree wholeheartedly that models should be normal women and not pipecleaners, and its good to see how clothes would look on someone your size, and self-esteem is important to feeling good and making healthy choices etc, I do wonder whether this will add to plus size being increasingly seen as normal?

    Hi MCs
    Happy, I hope your skinny little bod hasn’t blown away. Your part of the world is really copping it, isn’t it?
    Sadly overweight is definitely regarded as normal.
    My fast day yesterday disintegrated by evening into a ‘cheer me up’ Thai. No alcohol or rice, just chicken and veg and I hadn’t eaten until 3pm (a bit of dahl and lettuce). Doing another 18 hour stint today as penance 🙁
    Cheers all, P

    Hi P,

    Not blown away thanks! I’m weighed down wearing all my clothes to keep warm 🙂

    There’s snow on the mountains today, and expected at lower levels tomorrow. If it’s not snow it will be ice. Perfect! I’m driving to Dad’s tomorrow to help him with Christmas preparations. He’s hoping I get snowed in there and never leave.

    Sorry your fast day fell over. Thankfully intermittent fasting is flexible enough to cope with life. And you’re comfortably within limits now. No worries!

    Yep. No worries.
    I love your dad’s idea about keeping you! Hope his’ diet’ is still going strong. P

    Hi, MCers – just a quickie, as reassurance to those of us (me!) who are inclined to beat ourselves up if we stray….
    ….I’ve had a bladder infection for the last 10 days – gone now, I hope, but pretty painful while it lasted. It took 2 lots of antibiotics – the 2nd of which warned me to keep eating at all times, or they’d make me sick. Combine feeling grot, a hatred of vomiting which approaches phobia with some family stress, and I’ve spent the last 10 days on the sofa, eating 4 meals a day + snacks (mainly ginger biscuits!) and definitely not fasting. Managed to hold off any nausea, but here’s the thing: weighed this morning to see how much damage needs to be undone, and I’ve lost 2lbs! There’s a lesson in there somewhere…

    I don’t believe it ffs! You are the fourth bladder infection this week right across the globe. Get better soon. P

    @fastfastslow – I wonder if it is not necessarily that you ate so much but that four meals and any snacks now SEEM to be a huge amount when used to only two. Our gauge for what constitutes “a lot of food” has probably changed.

    Of course an infections does take it out of you, too….temperature…the lot

    Thank you, PVE and Lichtie. Feeling much better, but taking nothing for granted till I’ve been off the pills for a week with no returns! I’ve noticed an epidemic of these infections, too – surely they’re not catching?! Something in the water, maybe…?

    Hi ! I want to share my story with you.

    Ok, so Ive always been quite skinny. Until I started taking the Anti-baby-Pill, that was when I started gaining weight. But it wasn’t until my relationship broke, that I began to stop caring for my nutrition. I just ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. All diets I started were immeadiately interrupted, I just ate and ate and ate. BUT!! I HAVE DONE IT !! Within the past months, I have lost nearly 10 Kilograms. However,I want to keep that weight! So, I need your help now. I ate SOOO much again for the last two weeks, this just cannot start again. So basically, my plan is to lose those pounds again which I gained within the last two weeks using 5:2 or even 4:3 (I know its unhealthy, please don’t tell me that’s too much, I have done so before and I know how my body reacts to it.), and then I will start to PROPERLY miantain the weight by doing 6:1.

    I am sooo excited!!! Lets help and support each other 🙂

    Amy, I’m sure I speak for us all when I say we’ll support you all we can – helping one another is what this chat box is all about.
    I think we’ve all experienced the way our emotions affect our eating – sugar and fat are incredibly inviting when we’re feeling low! I find it sometimes helps to ask myself whether it’s my stomach, my mouth or my head that wants to eat – ie am I hungry, or am I really bored / tired / sad / anxious? (And sometimes it doesn’t, and I eat rubbish anyway, but less often now – and I’m learning not to beat myself up but just start over…the trick is to avoid the ‘what the hell ‘ moments, when a small fall off the wagon makes you give up altogether….)
    It’s never too late, and you’ve proved you can do it. Good luck!

    Hi there. I’m not a medico, but thinking about bladder infections, we all need to make sure we’re drinking enough water to flush the kidneys and bladder. As they say, drink till your pee is very pale in colour.
    FFS, You can see from my various posts that I have ginger in food almost every day. I love it. 😆
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Bay – you’re right about both. I’ve never been a big drinker – in any sense. Even as a kid I remember being urged to drink more, and feeling I just didn’t have room for all this volume of liquid. Over the years I’ve taken comfort from advice to ‘drink to your thirst’ and reckoned that since I eat lots of fruit and veg I was probably getting most of what I needed from food- though I’ve also realised that an incipient migraine can often be forestalled by a drink, so I do try consciously to keep hydrated. I suspect that fasting may have. reduced food-fluid just enough to be problematic, so thanks for the reminder – to us all. I have also stocked up on cranberry essence tabs – hedging my bets!

    Re ginger – me too! And – especially -cumin, fennel and cinnamon (which is brilliant at stabilising blood sugar levels. ) Aren’t we lucky to have such choice?

    Welcome AmyB and well done for losing 10kg. I am sure you can lose those few pounds again. Maintenance seems to be all about vigilance and reacting to any weight gain immediately and regarding your scales or whatever you use to gauge your weight with as your best frienD and not your enemy.

    @bayleafoz I totally agree – a lot of women do not drink enough. I also didn’t drink enough and rarely experienced a sensation of thirst. Since I have increased my fluid intake I get thirsty when I don’t keep up the volume of liquid. My daughter used to get terrible cystitis and was on regular antibiotics until someone suggested to drink a lot more water about three years ago. She hasn’t had an infection since.

    Lichtie – thanks for that thought. I knew that ‘hunger comes with eating’ but hadn’t considered that thirst may come with drinking – interesting. I’ve had a few days feeling better, but wretched cystitis has come back again (I suspect last antibiotic course should have been longer) so off to doc this morning with my little pot of cloudy pee – and my bottle of water! Keep drinking, girls!

    FastFastSlow, it takes time to create the habit and at first you have to force yourself, to drink. The advise I have read, (and please research this yourself as it is very important) is to sip (preferably)water throughout the day. Don’t think you need to gulp large amounts down in one go.

    However try and aim for at least 1 1/2 litres per day.

    Just keep having a jug or a bottle of water with you. If you fill it in the morning then you know how much you have had throughout the day.

    I work in an office and always have a teapot or coffee next to me. If it is next to me/with me then I drink it. If food/drink is in front of us we eat/drink it. I used to cut fruit into small bite size pieces and this was the only way my children would eat reasonable amounts of fruit.

    Good morning all,
    I am here asking for a favour.
    Quite a few of us in the 2 lb per week quest thread are going to try to lose 2 lb per week from Jan 1st until we get to our goals. This for me will be a huge challenge as I have 3 stones to go, very minimum 20 weeks).

    I think we would all benefit from some success statistics and advice from ‘maintenance’ colleagues. Would you be kind enough during January to do one post on my thread( I know some of you are already contributors and thank you for your input). Even just a summary would do e.g. Start weight, current weight, time taken to lose and top tip.
    Maybe next summer I can join your ranks – God I really hope so, I would be so happy to have beaten this long term weight problem.

    Could you also tell me what you have done about toning and excess skin, anyone had surgery? This does play on my mind and I am sure it must on other big losers. Not a big problem now but may be after another 3 stone.

    Jojo xx

    Of course Jojo. I know you can do it and seriously your skin does shrink with you (mostly) the rest can be hidden in clothes. I look pretty good in swimmers! !! 😉
    Bedtime now. Been busy with OH planning trips. More of that later.
    I’ll dig my stats out tomorrow. ‘Night all. P

    Hi Jojo… of course .. will drop by… but I’m probably a little less standard as don’t have scales.. so whilst loosing weight / downsizing I only weighed myself 3 / 4 times at boots… my guide has been my waist measurement particularly.. suffice to say I have lost 10 inches.. but will post all about it on your thread in the NY..

    Re drinking WATER particularly.. yes would urge people to drink plenty.. I down a litre first thing.. before anything else… and will drink up to another 4 during the day.. but at least another 2.. this may be telling but have never had cystitis / bladder issues… would really really urge people to get into the drinking plenty of water habit. Am sure it really helps generally..

    And welcome @amyb

    Hi Jojo, very happy to oblige. Maybe it might be helpful to have a general questionnaire of main points that interest you. Just let us know when you want us to visit you. ;-))

    Hi jojo – goes for me too!

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