Cheeky girl Happy. Now, where did I leave that walking stick?
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.
I would tell you P, but you might beat me with it!
On a positive note, I’m not yet ready for a stronger reading glasses prescription. The downside is that I can’t justify the expense of a new pair of glasses… especially before Christmas. Would it be selfish this year to tell my friends and family that I’m not buying them anything because my needs (smaller clothes and new spectacles) are greater than theirs…?
I agree after weight loss it is time to step up the exercise. Never been a fan of extreme or too strenuous exercise so walking and pilates/yoga is my kind of work out. I want to start pilates and bought the mat, the books, the videos? Have been searching for local classes but for some reason they don’t seem to cater for working people. 10.30am is just not feasible.
Considering my dislike for anything extreme, I think I never really need to worry about reaching a weight that is too low. It’s just not me. :-))
Lichtie, I don’t want to sound know-it-all, but you really do need a teacher – a good one, properly accredited and not afraid to do hands-on correction (sorry, this isn’t morphing into a different kind of site, I promise!) – at least when you start Pilates, and I would say for quite a while. The trouble with books, videos (and, dare I say it, gym instructors who’ve done a weekend ‘top-up’ course) is that they can give the impression that as long as you can do a particular exercise, you’ll benefit – and it’s not actually true. You do need someone who can spot the subtleties of posture, individual muscles etc, and show you how to do it effectively and safely – otherwise you risk, at worst, injury and, at best, turning into someone who says ‘I did Pilates for a bit but it did nothing for me’. It s frustrating, I know (I looked for a class I could afford, at a time I could do it, for several years before I found one, so I do sympathise) but it’s worrth holding out for the real thing. Good luck!
(PS I’m not a Pilates teacher, and don’t have a financial interest – just a bit evangelistic about proper Pilates!)
Hi FastFastSlow,
You give me too much credit! My weight loss at this time of life was luck not judgement! 5:2 came along at the right time for me, else I’m not sure what I would have done. Possibly started a ‘diet’ out of desperation and embarked on yoyoing or ambled along, overweight and unhappy.
In terms of our different weights but same size, I guess I might have more muscle than you (due to age, but also running and cycling).
However we might just be different builds?
Who knows! It illustrates though that you can’t set your own goals based on someone else.
Yes Happy – the muscle thing had occurred to me, too. I do exercise, but I don’t run or cycle – never been coordinated enough to do either. In addition I get botox shots to help with the dystonic muscle spasms, so although I’m still twitching and spanning fairly constantly (really good for weight loss!) I don’t have much in the way of biceps/triceps, as over time the botox causes them to atrophy. When I can’t arm-wrestle my neurologist he makes me take a break for a while; it would be interesting to see if I gain weight as the muscles re-develop.
Meanwhile, God bless 5:2, and here’s to size 8!!
FastFastSlow! You have inadvertently reminded me of my youth. I probably shouldn’t share this, but…! In my 20s, and after a few beers in the pub, I did engage in arm wrestling competitions. As the youngest of 3 (2 brothers), I might be a little competitive…! So I never shied away from a challenge. A lot of my male friends were scientists, and mostly not very fit, so I could beat some and put up enough of a fight for others to be afraid of being beaten in public by a girl! Evil of me I know… 🙂
Sounds familiar Happy. Never let the boys beat you! Mine used to hold me at bay with an outstretched hand on my forehead and tell me to punch them!
I don’t think I’ll take you on at arm wrestling now, though I used to be good.
Re pilates…I hate having someone telling me what exercise I HAVE to do, so can’t stand any claases. I prefer to complete with myself. ..running and swimming are my scene. Used to cycle before we moved back to hilly Sydney.
I made the first real homemade yoghurt in years last night ( fresh organic milk) It is perfect. Have also got a batch of spelt sourdough getting ready for a pizza base for tonight.
Keep up the body work all. P
Hi P,
My arm wrestling days are behind me now! But you’ve also got that competitive spirit, swimming is good for the arms, and you have the benefit of experience… So I’m not sure I’d want to take you on, even with a few less years!
We’ve just had charred red pepper, tomato and halloumi stew (with chicken on the side for OH!). So easy to find tasty low carb meal options these days, I wonder why I was so reliant on pasta and rice before…
Happy it is 9.30 am and the heat is rising rapidly. ..26 here now. This is record breaking temps for Nov…how lucky are we? 😉
I hate humid heat, but dry heat is very bearable. Perth gets dry heat. We usually get hot and humud in Feb. If you have a pool and get the evening cool it’s fine. The problem is if you get hot days and nights and can’t sleep.
Off to a children’s pool party today! P
Hi Lichtle,
A friend of mine qualified as a yoga instructor in her spare time. She was approached by the gym I used about running classes, but they weren’t prepared to pay the going rate for qualified teachers. She suggested if I was going to join any classes that I should ask to see evidence of qualifications. Like you, it hadn’t occurred to me that I couldn’t take it on trust!
A big welcome to the recent joiners. It’s lovely to see the ranks of maintainers growing 🙂
My waist is back to 24″ so I’m deflating – which is a relief in many ways. 🙂 And, yes – I do occasionally think of the James Herriot vet stories and the accounts of relieving bovine bloat with a knife. 🙂
It’s bucketing down – so, it’s not particularly cold here tho’ I’d feel differently if I were out and about, getting soaked.
Hi Ssure,
Glad to hear you’re returning to normal and more comfortable!
After a foggy start, we’ve now got blue skies and sunshine. A welcome change after what seems like a long run of dreary.
Just been doing a bit more sorting out of clothes. I had hoped to do some alterations, but I think realistically most are for the clothes bank… A tuck at the waist might mean trousers stay up, but won’t fix the acres of material that once stretched taut over my belly and bum… Call me lazy, but I can’t face unpicking all seams, re-cutting, and re-sewing!
Re Pilates instructors.. Lichtle you have my sympathies.. I too stuggle to find a Proper Pilates instructor.. but having had a good yoga instructor and being pretty posture aware (the riding really helps in this respect) I do rely on vids and books / websites etc.. My principles for good posture are a stretched and open front.. relaxed shoulders… (my weakness is to hunch up my shoulders and hold my self up thro my shoulders.. which is really really bad for riding.. never mind anything else)..
I found the foam roller exercises are brilliant as a) they only hurt upper my back when it is stiff and siezed up .. so a really good indicator when I have spent time in poor posture.. b) If I feel ANYTHING at all in my lower back it means my psoas aren’t doing the work..
Re clothes alterations… am busy getting the more recent wardrobe from my fat years altered at dress / tailoring alterations shop in local village.. run by lovely polish woman.. we are blessed as there is another in Dingwall and also one in Inverness.. all highly skilled and will do high quality alterations at very reasonable rates.. so well worth it if it means this wardrobe has a 2nd chance with my slimmer self.. alongside my old and now out of mothballs wardrobe from my slim days…
Had a lovely couple of days up here.. didn’t manage to get out on pony yesterday as it rained in the morning and the pony had coverd herself in mud.. spent an hour trying to scrape wet mud off and gave up and resorted to moving electic fencing.. as madam has been found in the WRONG field for last 4 mornings.. tut tut tut.. flung a rug on her yesterday and low and behold shiny dry pony today.. so spent an hour checking saddle fit and then had lovely afternoon out in the hills and woods.. we were beset by about 4 families with most of a kindergarten / primary school and what felt like a pack of (very motly) hounds.. all friendly.. kids crowding round stroking the pony who was very angelic and let the children stroke anything they could reach.. blowing gently into little girls hair .. which caused some (human) squeels.. am sure she understands about human youngsters.. wood still very wet as sun is sooooo low these days nothing really dries out at this time of year.. we are lucky to be able to get out as it’s all usually too frozen and icy to get out safely by now..
Hi zuzan,
Your afternoon out with the pony sounds like fun. I love the image of her gently scaring children for fun… 🙂
It has been incredibly mild so far this autumn. Today was the first day where the air temperature was too low for me to run (I get a bit of exercise induced asthma if I overexert in the cold).
I hope your repaired fences stop Houdini!
I must admit I don’t have many clothes that would be worth professional alterations! But I may look for a seamstress for a couple of skirts and dresses.
My OH bought a foam roller but his back is so knotted he can’t use it. What exactly do you do with it?
Foam roller exercise to help unknot back.. lie with it underneath your back across your shoulders and gently roll up and down over it but no lower than the last rib.. Lie with it along the spine and gently roll side to side over it .. If you’re back is nice and loose and not knotted it is really comfortable.. if you feel it a bit more just take time to roll over gently and try and soften your muscles as you do so.. the roller should help you identify where the tightness is.
re the exercises I do .. I sit at the bottom end of it and roll down and back up. als Pilates leg exercises.. leg lifts and stretchs.
there are some good good videos on youtube of (i know I know should really be 1:! with Proper Pilates teacher) if you search for Pilates foam roller leg exercises.. but these could be done just on lieing on the floor.. the roller just encourages the lateral stability muscles a bit more as it is dynamic unlike the floor.
Planking workouts are bril too for core stuff..
back to OH’s knots physio friend reckons tennis balls against a wall are good for this.. simply stand with back to wall and roll the balls with your back around the wall.
I also find that side to side stretches really help me soften / un knot back.. so stand with feet just wider than hips lift arms to horizontal and then stretch them up over head and lower .. do this a few times..then from vertical bend and stetch from side to side.. so you’re stretching each side.. notice which side you find easier.
In the car.. I commute a few days a week so can do this whilst commuting.. using core press lower back into back of seat whilst softening and lowering shoulders and opening chest… the back rest needs to be pretty close to vertical so in a sit up and beg type position.. (this of course can be done anywhere seated).
Re OH’s knots Alexander technique can be really useful too
Hi everybody, had a very easy fast day today with 24 hrs water/boullion only and then a huge plate of steamed vegetables and a piece of salmon which filled me up nicely until bed time. I am not sure about exactly how many calories but I think around +\- 500. I feel very light and positive tonight.
I am always amazed how different fast days are. Occasionally I had to abandon one and try again the next day. When I was losing weight I tried to keep calories to around 350 (three times a week) but since maintaining I have upped them to 500-600 (twice a week) and wow what a difference it makes to only fast two days with slightly more calories.
Feeling full at the end of the day keeps the cold at bay and allows for better sleep. I am thinking that in future either I do a 36hr water fast or allow 500-600 calories. Eating 350 calories seems a bit like having a little breakfast – not enough to satisfy but enoutg to stimulate the hunger.
Hi L
Me too. Used to do 350 but now I’m happy with 500 if I feel the need. Made it to 1.30 yesterday, then had a small salad and veg patties. .about 120. Then a fennel and orange salad with 50g of smoked salmon plus dessert of my homemade yoghurt and blueberries. It wasn’t hunger, but a hot night, that kept me awake.
Spend all day at home with a succession of tradies in the house so was pleased I managed the fast. Out and about this morning sans breakfast, but with my ‘just in case’ apple in my bag. Cheers all P
Hi Purple, it is remarkable that after 24 hrs I was not very hungry and could have managed to go on fasting until tomorrow. But there is a psychological need to eat:
a) to mark the end of a day
b) to reassure the body that all is well with the world and that food is still available
c) reassuring self this WOL is easy and sustainable.
Great stuff.
Yes L
It IS staggering how we can learn to embrace our hunger. I like the clean feeling of not eating in my mouth. Food is such a social thing though. We are taught almost from birth to eat at certain times and when we catch up with people. Fasting is distinctly unsociable.
I was held up with a meeting this morning, so chose a small quinoa salad and a black coffee to break my fast while waiting. I wasn’t particularly hungry, but it IS an eating day 🙂 I sat in a food court eating it and reading my new book, ‘Wild Fermentation’. Then my senses were assaulted by all the take away shops pumping out aromas. No wonder people overeat. I can resist. 😉 P
You are right about social reactions. I find it easier not to tell people because I don’t feel like justifying myself. I’d rather break or re-schedule a fast than start a discussion. People feel at the very least offended and at worst threatened by a person who fasts. Don’t think if it is entirely for negative reasons like envy but rather because people are worried as they associate not eating immediately with starvation which is possibly one of the most instinctive human fears.
The slow killing of obese people does not seem to have such a fear impact because our ancestors where never faced with that problem but also because of the advanced medical treatments now available. Many people still seem to think obesity (one extreme end of the spectrum) is an aesthetic issue and hence a matter of taste, preference and personal choice but the other extreme end of the spectrum is seen as a mental illness (which of course it is).
Purple your book sounds exciting. Have you branched out into cheeses, yoghurts etc?
I think people just feel awkward and unsociable if they can’t give you food, L.
Yes we are trying all sorts of fermented foods to help with OHs tendency towards autoimmune responses to all sorts of things. I make my sourdough and yoghurt. Am about to give kefir making a go. I’ve got some carrots fermenting with ginger and orange and intend to try making sauerkraut.
I love the satisfying wholesome taste of naturally fermented foods.
When I had dairy goats and a jersey cow I used to make cheeses too. OH tells me the local fruit shop is now selling jersey milk, so I might give sour cream a go.
A friend says I have too much time on my hands, 🙂 but I love making these products.
hi purple, my dad used to make soured runner beans. Same as Sauerkraut. I remember before we had a freezer, the first batch out of the stone barrel tasted beautifully “just sour” but as the days progressed the beans became more and more sour that eventually only dad could stomach it. Of course once we had a freezer he could freeze them just at the right stage of sourness. I remember it to be quite an involved procedure.
No. It shouldn’t be involved. Just like sourdough, fermenting veg just takes time and awareness of how it is progressing. Just as you feed your starter, you monitor yoghurt, cheese and fermentation. Ideal if you aren’t away at work 12 hours a day! I have the time again now I’m retired, just as I did years ago when the kids were little. P 🙂
Thanks, you are right – fermenting needs time, it’s why I gave up my sourdough that and not enough takers. I sometimes make yoghurt in my crock pot but it’s best to stay around.
Well something to look forward to when I retire. No doubt in the meantime the government will raise my retirement age to 80. :-))
I’ m off to sleep – have a lovely day.
Thanks for the welcome everyone, I like the energy of this group :).
I skipped my fast yesterday because of a lunch date with one of my friends, so today’s a fast day for me. I’ll probably only get in one this week and try to do two next week. I am traveling this week and it’s turkey day on Th. Yummy stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. I love Thanksgiving, it’s a day of eating and watching football with family :).
So, I’ve noticed that I’ve been eating less fruits and veggies on 5:2. I’m not sure why, because I love all fruits and veggies. I really need to focus on adding more of them in this week. Any travel tips from you 5:2 veterans?
I’m so happy to have an eating break today. I had a moment of weakness yesterday and thought about jumping on the yo-yo diet train again. I don’t know why I have these thoughts. However, the pull to complete a fast day is overriding these negative thoughts (thank goodness)!
Here’s to eating healthy this week with a few (small) indulgences!
BTW, for you Aussies – it’s a dream of mine to attend the Australian Open someday!! Have any of you been?
Hi again Emily
I have had a Thanksgiving Day when I had an American child in my class. Her mum brought in all the gear. Lots of fun. This was a great bonus to teaching in a multicultural area. We were able to learn about, and celebrate, special occasions with people from all over the world. A great way to teach kids about the variety and similarities of people.
Re travel. ..we tend to skip breakfast, try to have the makings of a basic salad and vacuum sealed packets of smoked salmon to eat lunch with us on the road, then a sensible, lowish choice of dinner. We tried tossing in fasts when we were not in the company of others and reducing the size of portions.
We did 3 weeks on a road trip and visiting family and didn’t gain weight.
Have a happy Thanksgiving. P 🙂
Hi Emily,
In addition to P’s advice, I look for options to cut processed carbs. Even barbecues and buffets can be negotiated if you fill up on protein, fats and vegetables.
Re: fruit and veg. I do eat less fruit now, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I understand the five (plus) a day should be more veg, less fruit. Over time I’ve found my tastes changing and I am increasingly cooking more vegetarian meals (with meat on the side for OH!). It’s been a gradual shift towards a different way of eating, I think perhaps largely driven by eliminating/ reducing processed carbs.
Ditto Happy.
Emily, we often order food that includes the unwanted buns or chips, if we are out and have no other choice. We simply leave the white carbs on the plate and eat the good stuff. Choosing the vegan options is often the delicious choice, too.
I’m finding, more and more lately, that cafes and restaurants are serving protein (meat or vegetarian) and interesting healthy vegetables or salads. No more plates full of potatoes, rice or pasta and no bread on the side. I think they are catching on! Cheers P
Hi all – ….I’d endorse all that – and I’d also add an enthusiastic ‘hear, hear’ to Purple’s hint about portion control. I haven’t eaten refined carbs for 40+ years (I do eat whole grains, just nothing refined or processed) but I still got fat! I’m a reasonably intelligent, highly educated woman, but it took me a long time to twig that, yes, you can have too much of a good thing. Having to come to terms with the fact that, actually, less is more!
I’d describe myself similarly, might as well add attractive too ( 😉 ) and I couldn’t believe how stupid I was to not connect the two concepts:
1) white carbs are the staple food to keep humans alive, even in the poorest countries, and
2) they would make me fat BECAUSE they are so packed with energy!
I used to eat a lot of rice, rather than the dishes, when having Asian meals, to avoid overeating!!!!
Der obvious really. How embarrassing 🙁
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11:55 pm
21 Nov 14