The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,351 through 2,400 (of 11,689 total)

  • Hi All – I’m back in the land of the living, after sleeping on and off since my last post : feeling better, but not yet trusting it to last. Thank you all for various comments and supportive noises – SSure, I was especially interested in your analysis as very often I find myself, in the middle of a migraine, craving chips or a fried-egg butty. Counter-intuitive when feeling nauseous, but it does seem to work, so perhaps it’s about balance of carbs and fat. (And yes, thank you for that reminder that I do know what to do – just need a bit of discipline!)

    Catching up, I seems I’m not the only one to have had a rough weekend. Purple, so sorry about your gut-ache, and glad it passed quickly. Was it the result of a big meal straight after a fast, do you think? Is it a bit like a modified version of starting to eat after a ‘bug’ – (start slowly, with toast and marmite first, then fish fingers or stewed apple)….what do others find?

    SSure and Happy, I feel for your bloat, and hope it deflates soon. Are you ever tempted to wish you were a horse or a cow – vets and farmers treat severe bloat by puncturing the stomach to let all the gas out in one glorious…..!

    Perhaps a weekend like this can be a reminder of how glad we are to have discovered IF, and to get them less frequently….and SSure – as a newcomer I don’t know the backstory to your upcoming surgery, but I do know about the risk/benefit balancing dilemna, so my thoughts are with you. I’m sure that whatever it is, you’ll know when the time is right.

    Hopefully I’m back on course now and can leave off the pink pills – and get rid of the consequent water retention – tomorrow. I refuse to weigh or measure until after the flood!

    Btw, just to reassure – I resisted the chips and the fried-egg butty and got my good fats from a plate of smoked mackerel. Just thought I’d like you all to know that…..!!

    Hi FastFastSlow, glad to hear you’re on the mend. Very disciplined, going for the healthy fats! Sometimes though I don’t think it hurts to give in to the craving.

    Bloat has subsided thanks! I think I just over ate on lentils… I guess there are worse things to binge on!

    It was of course P that started it with her fermented veg though. Coincidence or the power of suggestion…? Maybe she ill-wished me for listing Christmas foods on her fast day!

    Ssure, I’m glad to say I can’t rival you for bloating though! That sounds pretty extreme. My only similar experience was being pumped full of air for a gynae investigation a few years ago 🙂

    Well, in my case at least, a bit of bloating might be a small price to pay… This morning I’m in the 58s, a kg down from yesterday morning. Getting started on my Christmas deficit… 🙂

    Go Happy 😉 Your “weight in the bank” is eorking!
    We’ve just done a second semifast in a all day then one tiny cooked duck breast between 2, sliced thinly, on a bed of shredded lettuce, fennel, carrot, orange segments, a splash of basalmic vinegar, pepper, salt and scattered with crushed pistachios. A lttle apple sauerkraut on the side. Very colourful! OH said it was like a wood fire (warms you twice) because it took so long to shell the nuts! It became a semi fast as we accompanied it with a small white wine. Yum 🙂 P

    Mmm P,that does sound good. This time difference is not good though! Always reading about your food when I’m at least 3 hours away from breaking my fast!

    I suspect that a lot of my success has been due to ‘semi-fasts’. It’s been a real eye opener to see how easy it is to fill up on wholesome nutritious food for very few calories.

    Re: the wine. I’m taking a few days off this week so might end up having a few glasses midweek (damn that holiday mentality!). So maybe I’m not yet banking for Christmas 🙂

    Ditto re the time difference., Happy. I’m often reading discussions about chocolate or delicious cakes when I’m hours away from eating! Incredible how easily the resolve can melt, even in experienced fasters. You’re right…it is fabulous how one can fill up with gorgeous, tasty low cal foods, isn’t it? The trick is to have a range of good ingredients available and use Mr Google for flavour ideas.
    Keep strong! P

    Hi Happy n Purple, Much of my original fast success was due to 5:2 plus a few semi fast days thrown in for good measure. Lately, this slack behaviour has spread to my fast days. 😉 So back on the strict fast wagon today.

    No matter what, I now have 2-3 alcohol free days for health reasons.

    Amazon, I admire those emoticons and am determined to learn some new ones. 😳 I also get very tired at the end of a fast day. Cheers, Bay 😆

    Hi MCs. Hope all are well 🙂
    So pleased your headache has gone FFS. I find we often feel sick when we have a burp that needs to come up (morning sickness, migraines, fasting). Eating something like cheese, potato etc helps to settle the queasiness. If you can preempt this with a big glass of water or cuppa, and move around the burp comes up quickly. This is why exercise (eg brisk walking) early in a migraine can often reduce the pain and nausea.
    Sorry. That rant sounds really garbled. It would take a whole PhD thesis to explain. I guess the crux of it is .. food can help, but so can drinking and movement. P

    Hi all, put 2 lb on last week & still had 2 to go to my goal weight, so I deci to fast Sunday & Monday’s, again on Thursday this week, as I weigh every Friday, but decided to weigh this morning after 2 fasts,& I’m heavier than last Friday??? Will this change by Friday?? Wish I hadn’t weighed! Not been that bad on Friday & sat

    Hi Lyn
    If you weigh every morning, you will realise how much variations always occur. Graph only the lowest each week 😉 P

    Hi Purple – thanks – graphic but true! And as if to validate it…. At this stage I can feel fine until I move my head wrongly, or go just that bit too long without food, when it all comes washing back in a flood of nausea,,yuk. But I do know that exercise, even when it’s the last thing I fancy, often helps, so this afternoon I went to the gym. Fine for 45 minutes, then oopss, here it comes! – and what did I need? An enormous cheese-on-granary sandwich, with indecent amounts of butter, which I made, demolished and thoroughly enjoyed the minute I got home. I don’t suppose it will have helped the maintenance, but I feel so much better!! Best cure recipe I ever heard, from a neurologist, is – hopefully caught in the earliest stages – one ibuprofen + one paracetamol + one travel-sick pill + one very strong espresso + one cheese sandwich + a brisk walk. Comes into the category of ‘what doesn’t kill you, makes you strong’, I guess…
    And how are you? Cramps all gone? Your duck breast and salad sounds really yummy, as well as virtuous – what a happy combination!

    Making my first breakfast in ages…poached egg on sourdough with parsley and smoked salmon AND a dob of sour cream. Luxury.
    Gott go. Toast burning…

    Llynela – purple’s right – don’t be discouraged as long as the overall direction is stable or down. I don’t know your age, but even if, like me, you’re well past menopause, I’m convinced we still get some hormonal ebb and flow, affecting water content – and if you’re younger you have even more excuse! I’m lucky enough to have scales which also measure body fat percentage and body water content, and find those two vary in inverse proportion to one another day by day. So perhaps check that you’re getting enough fluid (I’ve never drunk a lot – think I get most of my fluid from food – and only recently realised – duh! – that this might mean I’m in danger of dehydration when fasting, unless I deliberately drink more) – and don’t give up!

    hi Lynnela-01 welcome and don’t worry about those two lbs they are natural weight fluctuations.
    When I joined with two pounds to go I wondered if I should just accept my weight and not bee to strict on my (rather arbitrary) goal weight. However since then, I have reached goal weight and lost another two for wriggle room. Keep going and don’t worry, the scales will move in the right direction again soon.

    Agree with Lichtle and Purple.
    Weight varies a great deal throughout the week. I write my weight in the diary once a week, but measure it every day. My weight goes up and down every week. It makes you relax about variations in weight.

    Also I measure my water intake. I have a flask or bottle and measure what I drink. Otherwise I do not drink my two litres per day, even when I think I’m drinking “all the time”. Headaches, tiredness and nausea can occur when fluid intake is less than two litres per day. Not to everyone, but to many.

    Also, had a small piece of bacon, tomato, an egg and avocado for breakfast, for first time in ages.
    Cheers, Bay 😉

    And how good was that breakfast, Bay? So much more appreciated as a special treat! And I didn’t even miss my train!

    We have had a guy swearing etc at the top of his voice on a phone in our carriage. He kept it up until he got off. It almost seemed like a Candid Camera situation to film our responses!!
    Have a good Weds Bay an Carol. Sleep well UK pals

    Thank you. Looking forward to being taken out for breakfast tomorrow morning, as an early Christmas present / thank you for house-caring for a friend going to visit family in Oz for the next 3 months. So shall think of you all in Oz, going to bed as I eat my scrambled egg and smoked salmon. Off to bed now; sleep tight or enjoy your day, as appropriate…

    Well I’ve now got a few days off, and I’m afraid the ‘I’m on holiday’ mentality won out! OH opened a bottle of wine, and I couldn’t let him drink alone 🙂

    On the subject of weight variation, I still weigh daily (and sometimes more than once) and I’m with Bay that this greater appreciation/ understanding of how my weight can vary through the month and daily has made me more relaxed about those variations. As P says, it’s the lowest reading each week that matters and not the variation, so long as the overall trend is downwards or stable.

    Hi FFS, my sister-in-law swears by her normal migraine medication plus a cup of Earl Grey tea. She stumbled across the cure by accident when she got a migraine at my house and I gave her earl grey. Must be something to do with the bergamot in the tea I think. Maybe worth a try.

    Enjoy your days off Happy…good practice for when you are really old and retired like some of us 😉 P

    South Africa and Aust are slogging it out on the cricket pitch down your way Bay. I wonder if you are there cheering them on?
    Goodnight/morning P

    Hi Purple, Would have been at the cricket if had my druthers. Australia played entertaining cricket. Was already committed to having fun elsewhere. 😉 Bay

    Quick fly-by – my water weight is still adding 4-5lbs to me which is a fair amount of my bodyweight and feels pretty uncomfortable, particularly as my waist is still hovering around 25 inches (which is relatively big these days). I’m now seeing a scale weight that I haven’t seen in many months 😮

    I can only think it’s the relative inactivity tho’ I suspect 2-3 lbs of it is the swelling around my back and joints.

    Meh. That’s maintenance for you – hyperawareness of the ebb and flow of water levels with a nagging suspicion that there may be other contributors that are not food-related. 🙂

    SSure – celery soup! (If you can stand long enough to make it – otherwise just plain celery. ) drains fluid like nothing else – so be prepared to run…good luck!

    Poor ssure….but you are absolutely right. Maintenance IS hyperawareness.
    I take Vitamin B every day. Have for years in order to get enough energy to see me through the day. An hour after I take it I HAVE to pee. I wonder if that keeps my fluid retention down? P

    Well P, what can I say? You suggested my day off could be practice for when I am really old and retired. Does not knowing what day it is count? (it must be Saturday, I’m not working… 🙂 )

    Hi Ssure, I haven’t got any words of wisdom I’m afraid, although I agree with you wrt to the possible link to relative inactivity. Now I’m not carrying such a lot of blubber round my middle, any bloat or water retention is far more obvious though.

    Not knowing what day it is is the first sign of retirement Happy! I only know which day it is when I take my vitamins out of their weekly container!
    56.6 this morning, despite random fasting this week and minimal walking. I’m eating more and more vegan food. Must be the trick;)
    Happy days, MCs P

    Hi P,

    Wow, 56.6. Seems like you’re on the move downwards again?

    I’m 58.6 today, so comfortably under my 60kg upper limit. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m comfortably in size 8 clothes though, I’d think the scales were lying! Do you get used to being slim, or is it always a nice surprise on a daily basis?!

    Well I know it’s Friday tomorrow, as I have an eye test in the afternoon! I think I will need a new prescription… 🙁 Too much time spent on the forum on my phone… 🙂

    Hi purple, you are reaching new lows, it seems. :-)). Your Vegan lifestyle must be a great contributor. Happy and purple, do you have a lower weight limit? If you do, how did you arrive at/decide that?

    Hi H
    Well done. Good maintainance!
    Every day I am thrilled with my smaller size. Especially now it is summer I can hang around in swimmers without having to cover up! Buying size 8 is brilliant, isn’t it? I even happily wear older clothes that hang on me because I only look thinner in them 😉
    All the best with your eye test. Get some trendy new glasses. P

    Hi L
    As to a new low..I’m always resetting mine. I was mostly 54kg in my early 20s. A year ago I didn’t think that possible. But maybe it is!
    I’m not trying to lose weight, just eating healthy food. I think my body is taking itself to its natural weight.
    What is happening with yours? P

    Morning all (evening to S hemisphere friends) –
    I know what you mean about constantly resetting targets – I don’t think I’d have achieved my weight loss without. When I started, the thought of losing 4 stone would have been just too discouraging: I told myself I was aiming to get (from just over 12 stone) to 10. When I got there I readjusted to 9.5, then 9, then I started to wonder if I could actually do 8.5 – it became a challenge, just to see if I could do it. I seem to have stabilised at between 8.2 and 8.4, size 8, and am extremely happy – would never have done it if I’d stared a 4atone loss full in the face. But Lichtie has asked an important question. My BMI is now hovering around what’s classed as minimum healthy weight (I’m 5ft 6.5ins) and I know that while I’m happy here, I mustn’t be tempted to lose more – but my competitive side (with myself!) has been awoken (and there’s still a little soft babies-roll round my belly!) and the vigilance needed now is as much about controlling the urge to lose more – to ‘see if I can’ – as it is about not putting back on. I do want to give myself 2-3 lbs wriggle room for Christmas, but thanks, Lichtie, for reminding me that it shouldn’t become a permanent new target.
    Enjoy your day, all – or sleep well.

    Hi Lichtle,

    It’s a good question, and I probably should set a lower as well as an upper limit, particularly since I don’t appear to have any problems losing weight if I want to.

    My initial goal was a slightly arbitrary 63kg, based on it being my previously lowest adult weight. I didn’t stabilize there, and dropped to roughly 60 while sorting out maintenance. I realized I liked what I saw and didn’t want to gain 3 back to maintain at 63!

    I was always a pear shape, with heavy thighs. When I first dropped below 63 that was still the case (thin upper body but still carrying fat disproportionately below). Where I am now that is resolving, and I think my lower body better matches the upper now. I don’t know that I really want to lose more, although I’m not skin, muscle and bone just yet!

    So the answer is I suppose that assigning any number as limits is arbitrary as I have absolutely no experience of being below 63kg! I’m really being guided by how I look and feel and then seeing what weight that corresponds to.

    I think the only bad news I have is that no matter how thin we get or how much abs workouts you do within normal parameters, older women just seem to have a little pot tummy. As we age we also slowly shrink, so our posture changes too.

    I’m not using age as an excuse, but the same weight, or even less, at 63 is never going to be the same shape as 23.
    I’m not chasing a magical low. I’m just enjoying this way of life and the weight is still moving.

    We went to a buffet party this evening. I relatively pigged out on the delicious fare, but I know it was nothing compared to how much others were taking. I was savoring the fabulous range by having just a little of everything. We walked away from the food to talk rather than standing over it, mindlessly grabbing more.

    A pleasant evening followed by a lovely swim in the pool with the lights on. The cool breeze is now blowing in my wide open windows, dropping the house temperature for another hot day tomorrow. Magic way to end a hot day.

    Don’t worry too much about losing too much weight. If you are making healthy fresh, homemade foods, you’ll want to eat when you need it. P

    Hi MCers,

    Good to hear all the positive stories. It helps me stay focused. Having relaxed too much this week during lots of social events, I have gained 2 kg. So, I have fasted today, Friday, then will fast again on Sunday, to try to reverse the weight gain. Got to get back the wiggle room.

    Ate chili prawns tonight for my dinner. Thanks, Purple, for the chili fish recipe which I adapted. We have more social events tomorrow, Saturday, and Tuesday, so I’m getting in front of the curve, hehe. 😉

    Lovely day today, cool breeze and 30 C. I had iced black coffee, was lovely. When I began this WOL, I vowed to never give up my lattes. Now I can’t drink latte, and really enjoy having a long black most days.

    It was so pleasant today that I did lots of gardening, pruning the roses and lavender. Tomorrow will be even hotter, and Sunday will reach 37C. I love all the four seasons. 😆 roll on Summer. Hoping for some rain on Monday.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hello Maintenance Chatters,

    I am very very close to my goal weight and hope to join your chat box in January after my holidays.

    I’m not sure yet whether I’ll continue 5:2 or switch to 6:1 but I’m expecting to maintain in a range that’s under 139 lbs (140 would be a trigger that I need to take action). My question is what should that range be? 3 lbs, 5 lbs etc. and would appreciate the experience of your success strategies.

    Many thanks,

    Hi Ellie,

    Congratulations on being nearly at your goal!

    You don’t say how old you are, or how you currently eat, so I don’t know what will work for you for maintenance.

    I’m in my 40s, and mostly maintain by not eating until at least 11am, and then very low/ no processed carbs or sugars. If I do a 6:1 on top I generally lose a lb, so a useful tool in keeping at goal weight. Some of the older ladies have found they still need to do 5:2 to maintain though. So your maintenance strategy is likely to be personal to you, and trial and error to begin with!

    In terms of your maintenance range, a couple of kg (4lb) is probably realistic.

    Thanks @happynow,
    Delighted to have come so far in just a few months. I’ve lost 26 lbs in 15 weeks, on target to shed 2 more in the coming weeks, and perhaps up to 6 lbs more based on your thoughts regarding a maintenance range.

    I’m in my late 40s and since starting 5:2 in August I’ve changed my breakfast habit to just a cup of tea with low fat milk and a probiotic yogurt (instead of porridge), typically have a light lunch of say soup (in the past a sandwich so have almost completely cut out bread), and then a balanced dinner in the evening.
    On fast days I tend to have tea and yogurt for breakfast, skip lunch, snack on almonds and raisins in small quantities and then have a dinner of soup or an omelette. I drink a lot of water and regular tea with low fat milk from my allowance.

    5:2 has worked well for me so I’m thinking it makes sense to continue on Mondays and Thursdays – I genuinely feel I won’t lose much more but there’s only one way to find out 😉

    Thanks again,

    Ellie congratulations..

    Re lower limits.. mmm as non weigher (I don’t weigh myself .. no scales and no intention of getting any) my parameters are level of fitness and waist size.. I have skirts and trousers that I had before I piled on the pounds that are great indicators and I know are the size I should be…

    Also I’ve discovered Marks Sissons website / fitness regime, his exercise regime (very like HITT) but with a bit more emphasis on strength training, is making a huge difference to me.. For the first time in my life I have a flat stomach.. even when I was a skinny size 12 (am 5’10”) and aerobically fit (used to cycle commute about 24 miles 5 days a week)I still had a pot belly..

    That and some planking and pilates type work with a foam roller has made a vast difference to my core… and importantly my posture.. Which leads to my theory about shrinking as we age is related to the atrophy of deep muscles eg psoas,.. am also lobbying work for a standing desk to cut my seated time..

    Hi everyone! It’s my first time over here on maintenance, I’ve lost 7.5 lbs. in a month on 5:2. I was at a good weight when I started (134.5), but I felt bloated and my weight was around 140 lbs. for the last 4 years. I was yo-yo dieting, and that really took a toll on my emotional well-being.

    I am now 127! I feel great. I am 5’4″ and 36 years old (mom to 2 kids). I would love to be at 125, that’s my ultimate goal (to stay around or slightly under). I have heard of people doing 6:1 or a modified 5:2. Any advice would be appreciated! I have not been counting calories on non-fast days. I am pretty active (enjoy exercise) and I do like to eat healthy. I also like to have the occasional carb, treat & wine!!

    I look forward to getting to know everyone and continuing this way of life. I wouldn’t have made it through one week without the forum. I love the support here! Thanks, happy Friday!

    Hi Ellie – welcome: do stay, now you’re so close, rather than wait till January – most of us seem to vary by a pound or three most weeks anyway. I’m definitely an ‘older lady’ (69) and find I need to keep the margin to about 3lbs – re-losing 5lbs is too much like hard work! I generally do 6:1 these days, and eat healthily but without counting calories on the 6, but if I find I’m gaining a bit ill be a bit stricter,on the 6, or join my husband (DH) who’s still a few pounds off his goal, in a second fast day. Hope that helps….
    Zuzan, I agree about the Pilates: I’ve been doing it for about 10 years now, as well as gym workouts and – more recently – Fitsteps, and the Pilates is definitely the only thing which flattens my belly. I love it – that feeling of being totally stretched and worked out, without (usually!) getting breathless or purple in the face – but I still have to say: ‘foam roller’ is a swear word in this house – especially since losing weight – I’m conscious of every vertebra on the horrible things! Each to her own, I guess….

    Hi to you too, Emilyashen – didn’t mean to ignore you! The trouble with submitting a longish post is that several more come in in the time it takes to type it and press ‘submit’ and then it risks making people feel unloved. Not intentional – welcome!

    Hi Emily and Ellie, welcome to Maintenance! A few of us on here are in australia so we talk in kg and cm! I am on maintenance and have been for about a month now. It is still sort of trial and error for me as I recently had surgery and you’re not meant to fast while recovering. Trouble is I can’t stop myself. I’m 170cm and weigh between 59&60kg and I’ve been at that weight now every day for at least 2 weeks. I am doing 6:1 and eating pretty healthy on the 6. I seem to bust out a bit on the weekends but I’ve decided if I go over 60 I will just do 2 fast days that week. Like FFS I am tempted to see how far I can go with this but the thought of a new wardrobe stops me! I am really at the stage where a lot of my old skinny clothes are now too big for me. But the biggest thing is my bras are now too big as well and I just can’t face the thought of getting a whole new heap of bras! The cost and the psychological disappointment of going from a D cup to a B! LOL re the tummy thing – I have one until I went below 60 and that’s sort oh how I know what I’ll weigh before I get on the scales – if I can see a tummy I know I’ll be 60kg. Thankfully haven’t seen it for a while! I don’t mind the tummy really. It’s one of my growing old gracefully badges. BTW have any of you ladies seen a doco called Advanced Style? It’s all about a group of older women, what they do in their lives and how the dress. It’s inpsiring! I think a lot of you on here would enjoy it. Google it. Have a good weekend everyone. We Ve got some rain here – the driest state in the driest country – hey Bay?

    Well done, Carol. Very hot and dry here for another two days, then fingers crossed, it may rain. 😆

    Welcome newbies. To answer the question, Ellie, I am 68 and my goal weight was 60 kg. You can see from my last two posts that I have to continue with 5:2 to maintain that weight. What I love about 5:2 is the shape I now have.

    In the beginning, I didn’t look fat and began this WOL for health reasons. To my amazement, I have dropped 3 sizes in clothing and everyone comments favourably. I think at least half the fat that I lost was in and around the internal organs. I now have a waist.

    For health reasons, sugars and starchy foods, and processed foods are rare treats. For health reasons I have two alcohol free days a week.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    PS Carol (others avert your eyes!)

    I thought I had lost my figure as well. Hilariously, went to the fitter who tried all sorts and sizes of bras on me. Then in exasperation she says to me. Put your original bra back on. Then she looks scandalised and hauls up the straps at the front by at least two inches, and puts the clips on the tightest one and pulls them down my back. 😳 She then says to me, looking down her nose, (like who is this idiot) Your own bra properly fitted is the one for you. 😆

    By which time my sister and I were looking at each other and trying not to snort out loud. 😉 I had lost so much fat from my shoulders and back that everything had changed. No bingo wings any more and no dowagers hump at the back.

    I bought a new pair to repay the fitter her troubles, and then went home and altered my existing bras. I have never been so comfortable! And I love my new figure.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Emilyashen – a very warm welcome from me, too. I have only been maintaining for two months so I am still experimenting and a little cautious trying to find my sensible weight. I have gone from 4:3 to 5:2. Since joining the maintenance crowd I have lost 3lbs which is about 1lb below my arbitrary goal weight.

    I wonder if there is something like “set weight” a natural weight our bodies don’t want to go below.

    Fastfastslow you hit the nail on the head. I seem to be competing with my younger self. My BMI last Monday was 19.1 two lbs more than my lowest since my mid twenties when I lived in Africa with no sugar or comfort food. For some reason I have always thought that was “my weight” (I am fine boned) Now that I am there I thought that was it…. but there is a veeery small voice in me which wants to see what happens…
    So I have set myself a lower and upper limit, a 4lb weight range.
    The future will tell if this range is too narrow, too low or sustainable.

    Sensible stuff, Lichtie – me too, after lots of thought and self examination – if that doesn’t sound too solemn. I’ve set myself a minimum 2lbs below where I am now, and a maximum 2lbs above – reckon I need the discipline in both directions. Today I have had a very indulgent day off and am now quietly bloating on the sofa. It actually feels horrible, and is reminding me that it’s really not worth it – I shall fast properly (no cheating!) tomorrow.

    Bay – I have, lacking a fitter like yours, had to spend large amounts on new bras, pants and jeans – nice, but costly. .. Once, in a previous life, I had a role in a charity organisation which involved helping to fit women with maternity/nursing bras – designed to adjust from 7 months’ pregnancy right through to the end of nursing. A tall order – but amazing what could be achieved with different combinations of hooks and straps! But I’ve met some fitters like yours in my time – and please God, I didn’t come across like that!!! The best bit? Now you can decide what else to do with the money you’ve saved….
    ……and yes, Advanced Style is wonderful: I join you in recommending it to those who haven’t discovered it. Have you seen the book? It’s an inspiration – so life-affirming!

    Good morning/evening Maintenance Mates!
    Welcome to “the zone” emily and ellie. Congratulations on discovering the benefits of this wonderful wol. We are all just mucking around (experimenting) with how to maintain/continue dropping/keep healthy. I think it will be a lifelong pursuit, but at least we know how to do it, don’t we? 😆

    For me, I see maintenance as eating with awareness. Every time I go to put something in my mouth, a little voice in my head does a quick calculation and decides if this is a wise decision. Do I really need it? Am I hungry or eating for some other reason? Will I actually really enjoy eating this? Will I regret eating it? All this takes milliseconds now and has become second nature for me.

    As to fasting, after doing it for about 20 months now, I like the rhythm of Monday/ Thursday as my fast/low days. I don’t have alcohol, sugar or white carbs ever on these days. I tend to not have breakfast and seem to choose vegetarian or even vegan foods. I am not overly strict caloriewise any more, but usually have at least an 18 hour fast and then something very light (salad).

    On other days I apply the “little voice” technique. It seems I am very conscious of the big picture and adjust my eating quite naturally to incorporate social occasions and to ensure I eat a wide range of healthy food.

    I love my new shape and clothes, so have no intention of giving them up 😉 I work within a range of weights. Used to be 58-60kg, but is heading down to 56-58 now. I know I love food too much to ever get “too light”.

    Bay, you had me rolling around the deck in my swimmers laughing!! Great image! I can just see the bra fitting lady heaping disdain on you. You need Trinny and Suzannah to give you the once over, clearly. Me, I only wear bras to give the poor old pancakes some shape under my clothes….I need the padding ;(

    Now, enough of this “some of the older ladies” (Happy) and “shrinking as we age is related to the atrophy of deep muscles” (zuzan) talk! As a wizened little old lady who can run fast, lift heavy weights and outsmart many of the young folk…..Hurrumph 🙁 Just kidding…I’d better get back in the pool for some more laps and deep core muscle work. Have a happy weekend all. P

    Morning P! I was very interested in what zuzan had to say on muscle atrophy. I must work on it and report back… I’m just worried that in 20 years time when the results are in you won’t remember where your ear trumpet is… 🙂 or remember who zuzan and I are… 🙂

    FastFastSlow, I thought one of your earlier posts nicely illustrated how personal goal weight is. We are a similar height. I am a little younger than you. You weigh 14lbs (6kg ish) less than me. We both wear size 8.

    Bay, I hope you were able to front it out with the fitter… 🙂

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