The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • Hmm, there’s an interesting article on the BBC health pages at the moment. A study of obese adults has found that bariatric surgery reduced diabetes by 80%… And the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence is now considering a huge expansion of obesity surgery (at a cost of ยฃ3-15000) in the NHS in order to cut rates of type 2 diabetes…

    Do you think there may be a cheaper option…?!

    From that page, I followed a link to ‘Where are you on the global fat scale?’. Based on gender, age, weight and country, it turns out that I have a lower BMI than 93% of females in the UK (aged 45-59), and am most like someone in Sri Lanka in the same age bracket). Not sure what to do with that information…!

    Proud, Happy! less than 93%? Good girl!
    Re bariatric surgery….our Australian Treasurer had it earlier this year. Can’t get his budget through and too lazy to fast. I wonder who paid?
    Unbelievable that the medical fraternity can convince the pollies to fork out billions to operate on people instead of teaching them to take control themselves….for nothing!
    Made it 24 hours today on my fast. Easy. Managed lots of outdoors work…car washing, raking, loading bins, but the garden looks good and I feel great! A smoked salmon salad at the end was just yum. Cheers P

    Hi P,

    Just had a look at a woman in her 60s in Australia, roughly 5 ft 4 and 58kg. She has a lower BMI than 90% of similarly aged woman in Aus, and is most like a similarly aged woman in Gambia! However, if she weighs 57kg, she is then most like someone in Cambodia ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good work on the fast. It’s really easy to forget about eating when you’re busy.

    I did a semi fast yesterday, probably half TDEE. And will be doing similar today, although hopefully a bit lower on the % of TDEE – part of the ‘problem’ was a couple of glasses of wine. OH opened a bottle on Sunday night and re-corked it, and is away last night and tonight. It wouldn’t last until his return, so I had to drink it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Gosh, I’m doing well, Happy…equivalent to the starving women of Cambodia! Yeah ๐Ÿ˜‰
    You HAVE to drink the bottle once it’s open. It won’t keep. (Actually it will keep quite a few days, but don’t tell anyone).
    Off to the theatre and luncheon with a friend tomorrow, so intend to enjoy it.

    BTW Lichtle, Charlie 2 is coping very well. Managed to survive happily while I was away. My latest loaf went with us to share. P

    Hi everyone,
    Hello Carol remember all the good times with your Mum, my Mum died in 2002 and my sister and I talk about her often and we laugh at all the things she would do or say and we now find we are doing and saying the same things and just look at each other and crack up with even tears of laughter and we both know that she is joining in with us even now. My Mum was a little lady never more than 8 stone and if she ever went near it she would cut out bread and it would do the trick, I know she would be very proud of us for getting our ลตeight under control, we are both within our WW goal.
    Regarding wrinkly arms I will take wrinkles over being fat any day.
    Got to go OH wants his nightly hot choc. Byeeeeee.

    I’ll second choosing wrinkles over fat anytime!

    Just completed my first proper fast day for ages. I do quite a lot of 16 – 18 hour fasts, with some days coming in at maybe half TDEE, but have failed dismally to come in at 500 calories or less. Today was so easy that I wonder why I’ve struggled recently! I guess yesterday’s semi-fast, with no processed carbs, and early evening meal, set me up to succeed today.

    If I’ve dropped below 59kg tomorrow I will be most similar to someone from Nepal ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well done Happy!
    I think you are right. ..reducing the carbs the day before makes it easier. That’s what I had inadvertently done on Monday before my 24 hour stint yesterday. It is all about managing perceived hunger, isn’t it?
    Eyes hurting. No my forum. Cheers P

    Planning my baking for RNLI fundraisers (a cause dear to the hearts of most watersport enthusiasts).

    I had a bit of an uptick on the scales today (108.6lbs) but I managed not to screech. I think it’s because I set a new PB in my strength training session yesterday and I’m more than a little swollen. I hope that it doesn’t take too long to disappear.

    That BBC/LSHTM thing is odd.

    “You have a lower BMI than 97% of females aged 45-59 in your country.

    You have a lower BMI than 87% of females aged 45-59 in the world.

    You’re most like someone from Bangladesh.*”

    There are striking differences within Europe, aren’t there, judging by the relative positions in the table.

    Good grief Ssure! More baking. I’m surprised you’ve got time for anything else!

    Congrats on the strength training PB. Sounds like your uptick should be nothing to worry about.

    Yes, the BMI comparison is odd. You wonder how useful or meaningful it is, given what we know about the flaws with BMI as an indicator. Perhaps they should redo it on waist:height ratio…!

    Hi Carol

    The body cream is recommended by my sisters dermatologist. Judging by my results, it really works to change your skin. Aveeno colloidal oatmeal skin lotion. After every shower, I rub it in lavishly into my arms and legs and stomach. I buy it in Coles, but no doubt available elsewhere.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    @ssure do you bake for several charities? Hope everybody on this thread is happily maintaining – I certainly am. I am having a good week both on fast and eating days. However it’s the weekends that are my un-doing.

    Hi Lichtle,

    Yes, when it all goes quiet it seems to be a sign of everyone doing well and nothing to report!

    I did a proper low cal fast this week, my first in ages.

    I don’t eat until late morning/ lunchtime, and then fairly low cal and low processed carb during the day, and I found when I first started trying to maintain that I couldn’t even do one fast day a week without losing more weight.

    Now I’m 5 months into maintenance, I think I’m a little bit more relaxed (I know that one day overeating doesn’t mean I wake up a pumpkin the following day), and I am seeing a bit more variation on the scales (usually maybe 3lbs up after the weekend, which then disappears through the week).

    But the change to wintertime here means I am not as active (no gardening or running in the dark! And I get asthma is I try to run when it’s very cold or windy. And I get a bit put off going running by the incessant rain…)
    Also, our eating style will change from summery light food to more winter comfort! So I think I may need to start adding in a proper fast day through winter to maintain.

    I certainly feel better for a fast, and seem more able to ‘absorb’ occasional over-eating events (my periodic 1000 cals of carob brazil nuts in an afternoon – I actually now find I wake up lighter the next day!).

    I think the run up to Christmas, and the holiday itself, will be interesting. How to say no to the seasonal treats, when you know you won’t get another chance for a year?! I guess with intermittent fasting I don’t have to to say no: say yes, but just up the frequency of meal skipping/ fast days ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lichtle, I only bake for bake sales if there’s matched funding as most sales charge a price that scarcely covers the cost of the ingredients. So, the charities are whichever ones are being supported by matching.

    HappyNow – I’ve spent such a long time baking before the Christmas and the holidays that I’m fairly detached from the desire to eat seasonal treats. You’re right tho’, if we want them, we just have to wait a few hours and there is the option of increasing FDs.

    Maintenance is better than being in weight loss mode but I have to admit that I haven’t successfully shed the nightmare vision of waking up 60lbs heavier, overnight. *eek*

    Hi maintainers.

    @happy I don’t dare to stop fasting as I am so resolved not to give up this winter. 16:8 would almost feel like not fasting and I need the fasts to keep me off carbs and reduce sugar craving (which it has) as I really consume most calories with the evening meal but more importantly the treat after the evening meal.

    I have not had traditional breakfasts for a long time (maybe brunch at weekends). In the last ten years I broke fast usually around 11am or later with a couple of apples or oranges and then a light lunch at 1pm. My weight only crept up because of sugar. If I can get that under control with fasting then I am happy. Fasting definitely seems to curb sugar cravings.

    You are dead right with the seasonal treats. I do love all the spiced biscuits and marzipan etc. and they won’t be there in January. So this year will be interesting for all of us.

    Since maintaining, my Monday fasts are the most successful with a 24hr water fast and then a boullion or 300kcal meal in the evening, but Thursdays fasts have become 24 fasts and then a filling meal of half TDEE. However, I think I need a few more months before I can relax like you.

    I totally understand that you don’t want to go running in the dark. 10 years ago I did run for a bit, but had to give up because of knee problems. I hated running in the dark and was not too upset when I couldn’t continue. I am lucky that I have the opportunity to walk briskly for an hour (a bit hilly) in my lunch hour which does not burn too many calories but it is consistent exercise.

    @ssure, I think you are doing amazingly – both on the weight maintaining front and the cake baking front. I don’t think there will ever be a time again, when you will be 60lbs heavier. You are too disciplined. When is your surgery scheduled? I hope for you after Christmas.

    Hi,all- Ssure, I do admire your ability to bake constantly without equally constant face-stuffing. Is it like working in a sweet shop – after the first week they lose thir appeal? In which case perhaps I should bake more, not less….

    NOT the best day today. DH had an outpatient’s appointment at local hospital; parking there is horrendous so I dropped him off and went off for a quiet hour or two at the shopping mall. Tried on (and bought) beautiful brocade trousers, size 8, which will see me through any Christmas socialising, and then – combination of trouser size plus 114lbs on scales this morning plus hungry after fasting yesterday – got smug, went and sat in Costas and indulged. No problem there – it’s allowed – but told myself DH would emerge hungry so also bought packet of mini shortbread for him – only to find that by the time he texted ‘all done, please pick me up’ (after 3 hours!) there were only a couple left. ……

    This afternoon, on duty at local food bank – salutary. But constant flow of tea and billies for both clients and volunteers. And afterwards, reheating a casserole for us, remembered that DH really loves suet dumplings… With inevitable result. Well and truly off the wagon, feeling thoroughly bloated and breathless and uncomfortable!

    BUT a few years ago I would have thought ‘that’s it then’ and done the same again tomorrow. Now I know better, so hope I can deal with it, with a little help from my friends – though I really recognise the fear of ‘turning into a pumpkin overnight’ after one binge! I do find these days that my danger point is not when the scales are up, – that spurs me to an extra FD and get rid of it – but when they’re down – as if the demon on the shoulder whispers ‘see, you can get away with some piggery today’. And unfortunately it’s not a demon, it’s me!

    Ah well, tomorrow is another day, as the lady said,,,,Have a good weekend, everyone!

    Hi FastFastSlow,

    Well, what a day!

    Firstly, congratulations on the trousers and the weight!

    I have odd days where I feel like I eat everything in sight but the next day it’s back under control, so yes it’s not the slippery slope back to blubberdom that I first feared!

    And I know what you mean about the danger being in the low weight. When I have hit new unintended lows I have deliberately eaten more/ been more relaxed. When my weight is at top end I fast more/ eat less.

    I guess this is what maintenance is, yoyoing in a very small window!

    I have no intention of letting myself go again. I like new me. I’ve got my upper weight threshold. I’ve got my scales. I know how to lose weight by fasting. No worries!

    Hear, hear – go girl! Thanks, and good night.!

    Hi Lichtle,

    I eat pretty much no processed carbs or sugars during the week. This week I had a similar lunch on 2 days, one day with pickled chillies (to
    warm me up!), the other with chilli jam. The day of the jam (yep, high sugar content) I was gnawing the fridge door by mid afternoon… I didn’t think a couple of tsps of chilli jam would have such a marked effect! I had to eat a lot of cheese and almonds to suppress the cravings ๐Ÿ™‚

    @happy you have no idea how much I would like to go carb free like you. It is not realistic for me though (yet) but I am hoping for a general reduction like no carbs on fast days and sugar only once or twice a week to start with. You see I don’t drink alcohol so sugar IS the treat.
    I am very amused by the effect of you chilly jam. :-))

    @fastfastslow. I am with you on the demon sabotage on low days. My demon does not just tempt me but reasons with me why I should put back on a few pounds. Have a nice weekend everybody. No fasting for me today.

    Hi Lichtle,

    I wouldn’t say I’m carb free, but there’s usually no bread during the week now, pasta and rice occasional. I’ve been using more pulses and beans, and sometimes have sweet potato/swede/celeriac when OH has spuds. I certainly don’t retain water in the same way, and feel less sluggish. Gluten or FODMAPs, who knows?!

    I don’t fast at weekends! Been out for coffee (and coffee cake), then went for a run. Guilt free cake!

    Five months into maintenance, and I’m surprised and pleased on a daily basis still to wake up slim. Think I may be simple… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning/evening maintainers
    I, too, tend to have no trouble with sensible eating/fasting if I am at the top end of my ‘wriggle room’, but am much more lax if I weigh in on the low end. I guess that is what maintenance is.

    I rarely eat “white carbs” any more and I think that is the key. I then don’t crave sugars or fatty pastries. We have a well known TV personality here called Dr Karl, who is medically trained and very good at explaining all sorts of things.(quite eccentric too) He has a great line about health “Eat less. Mostly plants. Take the stairs, not the lift.” Simple, but describes it well.

    Yesterday, after a week of eye problems and then injuring my lower back, I was feeling vulnerable and, instead of making the salmon salad I had planned for lunch, I had pasta, mince, sauce and herb cheese, with a bit of tomato and lettuce to make it look healthy. ๐Ÿ˜† This is the first pasta I had cooked in about a year. It wasn’t a large portion and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As I was in so much pain with my back, OH made a dessert with two bananas, which were going to become ‘cooking bananas’ if we didn’t eat them….banana splits!!!! A banana each, a tablespoon of pistachio ice cream, crushed macadamias, shredded coconut and maple syrup. This is why he is not normally allowed to cook! It did go down a treat and I am still very light this morning.
    As Apollo said “All things in moderation.”

    Eyes are improving and off to the physio to get some work done on the back. Manage one health issue and up pops another!!

    Fasting today. Sleep well Western hemisphere folk. Enjoy your Monday, others. Cheers P

    Hi P,

    Good news on the eyes, bad news on the back. Fingers crossed the physio can sort you out. I know how debilitating back pain can be.

    Your comfort food sounds spot on, and no long-term harm from occasional treats ๐Ÿ™‚ My OH has been in the kitchen today also – roast pork, crackling, roast spuds… Ate at 4 though, so I get at least a 20 hour fast til my next meal…

    I’m just recovering from 2 days of the MIL. Exhausting!

    Interestingly, she’s decided to go on a diet, but not 5:2 despite the evidence that it works (me!). She’s embarked on one of those ‘cut out everything I like to eat until I’ve lost the weight’ diets. Time will tell.

    Anyway, bedtime here.
    Happy fasting. Take care.

    Hi Happy
    Your mil decides to go on a diet, so her son gets into the pork crackling. it! Glad you survived the visit.

    Physio can’t see me until Weds. ๐Ÿ™ Fasting today will be harder without all those physical distractions. ..I was going to mow the lawns, iron, walk up to get the groceries.
    Can’t even lie around reading either with these b….y eyes. I’m doing this on my laptop with the font size enlarged ๐Ÿ™
    Sleep well. P

    HappyNow – I can’t recall if I told this story recently but back in 2011, I mentioned IF to someone who had been talking for some time about her desire to shed 100lbs or so. She remarked that fasting sounded too slow and that she wanted to find something faster so that she could avoid hip surgery (she was in her late 30s then).

    She tried various diets/drugs (I’m not sure what they were) and now needs to lose >200lbs overall but in the interim, sadly, she’s been advised to lose 50-60lbs to be accepted for the hip replacement that she now needs at such a comparatively young age.

    I wish it weren’t so difficult for people to know what would suit them. And what might trigger them towards more gain. ๐Ÿ™

    @purple. Sorry to hear you are not well. I hope you recover quickly and hope that fasting won’t be too difficult for you today (although by the time you read this you will have reached the end of your day). Good luck.
    I have now reached the bottom of my wriggle room and i wonder if and how my inner voice wants to sabotage today’s fast. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks L. Yes, I made it without sabotaging!
    Well done on being at the bottom of your wriggle room. Mine keeps slowly dropping!
    Charlie’s latest loaf was a bit heavy, but it keeps well for a week in the fridge and means we eat very little ๐Ÿ™‚
    Good luck fasting today girls. P

    Hi Ssure,

    Some people just aren’t going to listen are they!

    My MIL is a trained nurse, and has worked with bariatric patients. Just goes to show that medically trained professionals don’t know a lot about nutrition and the causes of obesity!

    I really think her approach is unlikely to lead to success. She has cut out everything she emjoys and is likely to be miserable as a result, as I don’t think she has the capacity to change her mental state on that.

    Worryingly, also, I don’t think she understands that she has to make permanent lifestyle changes to lose weight and maintain that loss. A repeated refrain this weekend was “It’s alright for you, you’ve lost your weight, you can eat whatever you like”. Well, half right! She tends to be with us at weekends, when I am more relaxed about what I eat, so to be fair she doesn’t see the fast days or the calorie-restricted semi-fasts that allow me to eat and drink “whatever I like”.

    Her comments suggest that if she is successful in losing weight, she will then revert to her old eating habits and we know where that leads…. She isn’t making different food choices, just cutting out “the bad things” with every intention of reintroducing them when she’s slim again.

    Whereas my Dad, in his eighties, has embraced a version of 5:2 which has resulted in him shedding 26lbs so far and feeling considerably better as a result. And he’s had 80 years of ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’/ ‘breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper’ (in his case for a lot of years that translated into breakfast like a king, eat cake mid morning, lunch like a prince, eat cake mid afternoon, supper like a king, maybe eat something before bed!).

    Anyway, the upside of the MIL’s approach is that I am the happy recipient of some very expensive and barely worn cast-offs that no longer fit her ๐Ÿ™‚ Actually I’m warming to her diet, now I come to think about it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Happy, you brighten my day! Spent yesterday with my (93 yr old, 5ft 0, 17 (?) stone) Ma, and got the usual ‘you’re too skinny’ treatment – had to bite my lip really hard not to retort that after years around people her own weight she’s lost her eye for what normal and healthy look like. DH attempted to smooth things by pointing out that I always was this weight when younger, had gained under influence of hormones (tactfully forgetting excess food, purchase of car, etc) and now post-menopausal, have lost it. Her response, a bit like your MIL, was ‘well I wish mine would just drop off like that’ – while tucking into largest pub lunch I’ve seen in a while, and stealing DH’s roasties! She has been ‘dieting’ like your MIL for as long as I can remember.

    Just enjoy the clothes, and bask in the knowledge that your success is down to hard work and superior understanding! Does she at least pass on colours and styles which are right for you?

    Hi FastFastSlow,

    It’s always good to spend quality time with the family ๐Ÿ™‚

    MIL has a pretty good eye for what suits other people and is stylish when she makes the effort. The coat she has just passed on is wool and cashmere. I think I can dress it down….!

    Hi P? How are the eyes and the back? Nothing else gone wrong since we last heard from you?!

    Thanks H and other MCs
    My back loves just lying around! Slept like a log last night…swapped sides of the bed as it is easier to roll out the other side! The pain is reducing so the physio knows what she’s doing. She said it was a disc bulge.
    My left eye is still very sore so I’ll go back to the optometrist. Honestly. … just as well we pay a fortune for private health insurance. ๐Ÿ™
    57.7 this morning despite no exercise for days and days. At least I know how not to overeat.
    Did you read the article Rogue Trader refers to on Jojo’s thread? It explains why we don’t crave sugar as a result of fasting. Very interesting. Cheers P

    Hi P,

    Glad to hear bits of you are improving.

    My back problem stemmed from a herniated disc, and I could only log roll out of bed one way… Great that you’re maintaining your low. Is OH not doing the cooking though whilst you’re injured?!

    Not sure if I’ve said before, but when my back went into spasm I had two weeks on the lounge floor before I could actually get upstairs to bed. By happy coincidence the Sydney Olympics were on…

    I had seen some articles on the Mercola site previously, including a thumbs up for a 16:8 restricted eating window. Certainly works for me for maintenance ๐Ÿ™‚

    Purple, so sorry about your back – and eyes. Hope you’ll be feeling better soon. Backs are a pain – literally. Glad your physio knows what she’s doing – that’s worth a lot.

    Displaying my ignorance now: 16:8? Hours? Days? Weeks, even? Somebody enlighten, please?

    Hi H
    Finally got up for a shower. .. 9.15am…and weight now 57.4!
    If I let OH take over the cooking we would have bbqed sausages with minimal salad or fried rice. I’d weight 100kg.
    He is a good sous chef, though, and is even learning to do as he’s told (sometimes). I’ve got him in training for his retirement ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Hi FastFastSlow,

    16:8 refers to a 16 hour fast and 8 hour eating window, so evening meal at 7pm, break fast at 11am, finish eating by 7pm.

    It doesn’t necessarily involve calorie restriction although it can be harder to eat as much in a shorter time. The idea is that the longer period without food lowers insulin and will get you into fat burning mode (depending on what your last meal was this could be shorter or longer).

    I combined it with 5:2 and low carb/ sugar, as I’ve never really been an early morning breakfast eater and I find it easier to eat less if I don’t start eating! Since June I’ve been maintaining on 16:8 and low processed carb, with occasional low cal days (if I need to drop a lb).

    P, you disappoint me! I had hoped you were on the 5:2 banana split diet ๐Ÿ™‚

    btw Dad’s diet seems to be working again. Last week he managed to get off his plateau. I’m hoping he sees another drop this week. He deserves to see results after all, given how he suffers on fast days…!

    Thanks Happy, that makes sense: I’ve normally finished eating by 7 anyway and like you am not a huge breakfast fan , but usually have a roaring appetite by about mid- morning. It would work well for me on mornings I don’t need to get up and out. Will give it a try.
    Just off to bed after fast day – I want to try to do an extra one this week, to compensate for pub pud yesterday – and sweeties in the car. Don’t eat them any other time, but on a long journey I go a bit daft with them – despite a glove box full of healthy nuts and a good resolution. Obviously something Freudian going on there!. Bit of a grumbly tum at the moment, so off to sleep before it turns up the volume. Night all!

    Happy I love your image of you log rolling on the gloor as the Sydney Olympics were on. There was a tv skit about a woman log rolling from Perth to Darwin at that time:).
    Glad to hear your dad is still fasting with us. I often think about his cheesecake. ..OH would get on well with him!
    Gee Happy…I thought you ate for 16 days, then fasted for 8 ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve run out of time for breakfast (literally ad it is the morning after a fast) but no probs ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Ok, no need to mock the slow to catch up! I did wonder, but glad to catch up! Now zzzzz…..

    Sorry FFS. I was actually stirring Happy for a bit of light relief ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Hi there, I thought you guys had been quiet! But seems somehow I wasn’t getting the emails until just now. I had a bit of reading to catch up on! You all sound so busy and doing marvellous things like Christmas baking!

    Don’t know what’s going on here, I wrote a huge post and only half of it has shown up!

    So, I’ll try again!

    Bay, thanks for name of cream, will look for it tomorrow at Coles.

    PVE hope you are starting to feel better. A bad back can only be coped with if you can read!

    HappyNow, think I might try your carob Brazil nuts. I still crave a sweet thing after tea (thanks Mum!) and usually have a couple of strawberries but don’t think they cause me to lose weight the way your Brazil nuts do LOL!

    I had a fairly decadent day Saturday so restricted calories to 400 on Sunday. Then couldn’t face the fast day Monday so decided I would stick to less than 400 calls but have some at breakfast. The day was easy to cope with but when I got on the scales this morning I hadn’t lost as much as I thought I would have with 2 fast days. All ok but today I am struggling and have eaten quite a bit more than I usually do. Seems like the fasting aspect could be as I portent as the cLorie restriction even though MM says he has some of his FD calories at breakfast. Think I’ll give the 16:8 a try on non fast days and see what happens. Happy maintaining!

    Great to hear from you Carol. You must have dodgy internet service like me. ..and I live in Australia’s largest city ๐Ÿ™
    Eyes don’t cope with too much reading yet so have discovered daytime tv (Q & A, 3 Men in Scotland) lying on the couch under a blanket. I’ll be in the nursing home next!
    I hope your rehab is going well. I do think the length of the fast is important. I did a 24 hr fast yesterday then ran out of time for breakfast today. Got home to find the cleaners here, so didn’t eat anything until 2 on my non fast day!!!. And I didn’t feel hungry. This always staggers me. I was a girl who truly believed I had to eat regularly and often. Humph!!!!
    Don’t panic about your weight loss. This is a long term health process remember?
    Cheers P

    Carol, I forgot to add…my OH likes something after a fish meal on fast days so we have a few blueberries and a strawberry with a teaspoon of Greek yoghurt dusted with cinnamon and a sprinkle of almond flakes. I serve them in miniscule ramekins eaten with a teaspoon. Luxury! (Said with a Yorkshire accent) P

    Ha ha good one Purple! I love the way you serve the berries. I find the ritual is as important if not more important than the eating and making it special by using a nice bowl and prettying up certainly helps!

    Indeed Carol. Presentation is everything! We have soda water in wine glasses on fast nights…often with a candle on the table. I even bought cheap wooden serving platters and served up my salmon, orange and fennel salad for guests one fast night. They didn’t realise it was a fast meal. They had wine and bread rolls. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Well that will teach you to bait me for your own entertainment P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good to hear from you Carol.

    No time to chat, got to go to an office today. Have to brush my hair and everything! Will catch up later.

    Have a good day at the office dear ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Classic Purple, giving guests a FD meal! Love it!

    Thanks P! Just on the train…

    Have my day’s food with me.. almond milk for my coffee, yoghurt for 11ish, cottage cheese and crudites for a late lunch. I’m hoping to be too busy to go to the carob brazil shop (there is only one that I know of!)…

    Hope the back and gammy eye are still improving.

    Carol, sorry you haven’t seen the results you wanted from the effort expended. I sometimes find that a fast on Monday results in small incremental losses on subsequent days. Hopefully you’ll be more efficiently using fat as a result of your fasting, and it won’t be wasted effort!

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