The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • Ssure, did he also have a staple remover? Or did he just cut off the old staples each time (until he ended up with a duvet cover for a mouse’s bed?

    Was just thinking of you. I’m having a day off as we have friends coming for lunch. Chocolate brownies and quiche cooked by 10am. Not quite at your level, but I feel like a domestic goddess all the same. πŸ™‚

    PS Today is not a fast day!

    HappyNow – “did he also have a staple remover? Or did he just cut off the old staples each time (until he ended up with a duvet cover for a mouse’s bed?”

    Bless him, he ripped the seam apart and then stapled it using sound material and shreds alike when he did it up again. My MIL ended up sewing heavy-duty material (buckram?) in a bias-binding like way around the relevant seams.

    I trust that you enjoyed a convivial lunch, catching up with your friends.

    I used to make a crust-less and eggless quiche (so, not a quiche, just cooked in a quiche dish) of creamed sweetcorn, tuna and fried onions. Come to think of it, it would probably make an OK FD meal. πŸ™‚ Short of a couple of Original Jelly Beans in Chocolate Brownie flavour (I imagine that exists – they offer so many other flavours such as combinations for ‘mud pie’), I can’t think of an acceptable FD brownie. πŸ™‚

    For the first time in a very long while I made a pig’s ear of my baking today – I was trying out a couple of panforte recipes and came a cropper with: i) the lousy directions about lining the tin with rice paper (hopeless, it obviously needs more than a single layer); ii) lack of strength to stir an horrendously stiff batter – first time I’ve ever been defeated by one. πŸ™

    Hi Ssure,

    It was a nice leisurely day, and good to see friends. The brownies and quiche went down well. Our own eggs never fail to make a tasty quiche.

    I should own up to eating more than one brownie during the course of the day. My pennance was a run in the rain late afternoon. And only a plate full of veg for tea. So hopefully not too much damage done πŸ™‚ Oh, and OH opened a bottle of wine this evening. I was vaguely tempted but thought no, I’ve had enough calories already today. That would not have happened pre 5:2!

    Sorry to hear your baking went badly. I stole your mojo (for one day only) πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well, fasting or feasting, my day was a feasting one and I have done well within my calories. I am hoping to drop a couple of pounds before my holiday a week Saturday..
    Hermajtomomi, I team my pink chinos with black square-neck t-shirt, just to tone it down a bit. LOL
    Keep up the good work. JIP

    Well, I don’t pretend to understand the workings of the human body (let alone the universe…!). I will undoubtedly have eaten over TDEE yesterday (bread, pastry, cheese, too many chocolate brownies…), but woke up this morning 1kg lighter than yesterday morning! Is this my body going ‘at last, some food I can really get my teeth into’! Loving this maintenance. Think maybe instead of doing 6:1 for maintenance, I can get away with a cake day…?!

    Happy, I’m sure we all need a cake day now and then! This diet is supposed to free us (bad habits, unhealthy bodies), not enslave us all over again and make us miserable. . So glad you enjoyed it all – the difference is that these days you won’t do the same again tomorrow! I ask myself ‘ is the enjoyment I will get from this worth the calories?’ If not, pass it by; if yes, enjoy every mouthful, but balance it tomorrow, before it settles in the tum for ever! Carpe diem!

    Quick @happy there must be the makings of a book :-). “A Cake a Day – how to lose a kilo over night”. Success will be inevitable – team up with Ssure and make a fortune selling a variety of cakes….

    HappyNow, Lichtle – I remember reading a recipe a couple of years ago for a 20 calorie serving of cake that was a heap of various non-caloric fibres and basically tasted of nothing and didn’t particularly eat like cake (apparently). But, it was mountainous and people told themselves that it was cake…

    Found the recipe. One of these days I’ll have to try it out of curiosity πŸ™‚ tbh, I think a number of these products are no longer available tho’…

    cake can be nuked in 6 minutes (700 watt oven) and the entire recipe (6 mini loaves as I make it) comes in at approximately 122 calories, 3 fat, 9 carb and 23 protein. That’s only 21 calories and 1.5 carbs per mini loaf! And despite all the weird ingredients and fiber, it actually manages to rise to double the batter height.

    Tons O’ Flavorless Cake

    Dry Ingredients:

    1 tbsp protein powder (I use Any Whey as I have found it rises the best, but probably any would do as it is used in such small proportion)

    3 tbsp egg white powder

    4 tbsp oat fiber

    4 tbsp granular Erythritol

    4 tbsp Hershey Special Dark Cocoa (other cocoa will be fine, but is usually 4x the calories)

    1 tbsp Black cocoa (can just up the regular cocoa if unavailable)

    1 tbsp espresso powder

    1.5 tsp baking powder (non-aluminum kind)

    .25 tsp baking soda

    .75 tsp Splenda Quickpack

    2 packets Sweet One (Ace K)

    .5 tsp cellulose powder (adds structure and helps the rise, I believe)

    1/8 tsp salt

    Wet Ingredients:

    2 tbsp vanilla extract

    2 tbsp Z Trim gel

    1 tbsp Walden Farms Marshmallow Dip (this is not actually for flavor, but adds lift, rise, and some emulsion –probably from the gum blend. This is how I get away without egg yolk, I believe.)

    11 tbsp cold water


    1. Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. (I actually have begun to pulse the dry ingredients in my Magic Bullet as the egg white powder was sometimes turning into dry pellets when cooking — probably from not allowing them enough time to soak up moisture completely before cooking. Smaller granules seems to help.)

    2. In a separate bowl, large enough for all the cake batter, mix the wet ingredients thoroughly.

    3. Add dry ingredients to wet. Blend/beat well.

    4. Evenly distribute batter into greased silicone baking wells.

    5. Nuke for approximately 6 minutes. Better to remove from oven even if the tops still seem a touch wet — they will harden and solidify a bit more when cool. (Your cooking time will vary, of course, with oven wattage and choice of baking pan. I don’t suggest trying this as one large cake — you won’t get a terrific rise, but cupcake pan or mini-muffins would do just fine.)

    More flavor (what little there is!) will develop if you fridge these overnight.

    Some notes:

    I microwave these instead of baking because of the volume of oat fiber in the recipe — I’ve found that this much oat fiber never seems to really dry with traditional oven cooking — the result was kind of gummy.

    Ssure, are you really sure you want to try it? The name ‘Tons o’ flavourless cake’ is hardly inspiring….

    Ssure,I’m certain that if anyone can make that lot taste good, you probably can – but I have to say I think I’ll pass, and stick to an apple! Good apple versus that particular recipe = no- brainer, I think…..

    I did have a lovely slice of (real) Bara Brith this afternoon, on an outing to Wales, and a tuna/cheese melt on wholemeal pitta, plus salad and dessert and a nice glass of red, on return home. Extra fast day, plus a trip to the gym, tomorrow, I think!
    [When I was working full-time Friday was my day off each week, and since I stopped, DH and I try to keep it, still, to do something together. We reckon it’s ‘eat what you like, nothing forbidden, just don’t be too piggy’ day, and try to be more mindful on the other 4 eating days (plus our fast days, obviously.) I do find that knowing how quickly Friday rolls round makes it easier to be disciplined the rest of the week. Anyone else got any similar strategies, other than ersatz ‘cake’, which might help us all on the more difficult weeks?]

    @ssure. oohh what a recipe….

    The definition of cake is: NAUGHTY :-))
    TBH I have never tasted a delicious, healthy low cal cake and believe me both my SILs have managed to put the fear of cake into our family with their healthy whole grain, minimal sugar and sour fruit cakes. After accepting the obligatory piece of cake nobody ever seems to go for seconds (well that part is healthy).

    I far prefer a piece of (whole grain) bread with honey or jam. When starting 5:2, I thought I would try the “2 Minute all Flaxseed Muffin in a mug” as a healthy breakfast option which had great reviews – I prefer fasting and would only eat if genuinely starving.

    This thread is such a chatty delight. Having celebrated my birthday with a piece of lovely homemade pavlova with cream and raspberries and chocolate, plus Thai food and beer, I am of course wide awake at midnight too loaded with sugar to sleep. πŸ˜†

    We have also been watching the DVD of Pink’s Love Tour, shot in Melbourne. What a performer and a great voice, and what a fit woman. She trained as a gymnast for many years.

    Doncha just love maintenance? During dinner I was asked when had I last been this size. Over 25 years ago I said quite proudly. πŸ™‚ I have been maintaining this weight for four months now, but my size keeps going down. More people are commenting on the size change.

    As I dropped yet another size, I gave away more clothes this week, and relegated a few of my new loose clothes to the back of the wardrobe. It is proving expensive, but I am reinforcing this new WOL.

    Thanks all for being there, for being sane, and for enjoying life. Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hey Bayleafoz CONGRTULATIONS to your birthday. all these lovely comments must have been such a great wonderful present to you. And how well you celebrated without guilt etc. and how fantastic that you are still losing weight slowly.

    Yes buying new clothes is expensive but we must save quite a bit of money on food. Maybe we can try and work it out?
    Eating very little 2 days a week and cutting back on food, treats and possibly alcohol must save me in the region of Β£5 – Β£10 a week = Β£20 – Β£40 a month = Β£240 – Β£480 per year to spend on wardrobe. What do you think? :-))
    Or is this wishful thinking/self delusion?

    Hi Lichtle,

    I’ve cut my alcohol consumption and have 4 nights off most weeks. So that’s probably a bottle of wine @ Β£6. So there’s Β£25/month straight away.

    I’m eating less meat (and because I do the cooking, so is OH). And I’m generally eating less. So a conservative estimate would perhaps be Β£5-10/week, Β£22-45/month.

    So I should have at least an extra Β£600 to spend on clothes… πŸ™‚ but that’s over the course of the year… πŸ™

    Hi Bay,

    I’ve found the same. Been maintaining for 5 months, but struggling to convince people that I’m not losing more weight!

    Glad you had a good birthday. We’re out tonight. I’m driving, so at least there won’t be alcohol calories for me!

    Yes Happy, as you said that is EXTRA and when we add the usual amount we would spent updating our wardrobe…. Now we are talking….. Shall we go shopping?

    Oh the joy of buying new clothes in a smaller size!!!!!

    Hi everyone,
    Bayleaf, belated birthday wishes from Wales, Any pavlova left over, that and custard ice slices mm, I think I have just put a pound on thinking of them and it’s a fast for me that’s blown it.
    My holiday is this Saturday and I am on a mission to be back at my WW goal, I can do this!!!!
    I am going to take a leaf out of your book PVE and enjoy the cruise but not over indulge with the food but I think there may be just a few Rum and Cokes hehehe!!!
    I want to stay in my size 12’s, some one once told me they take two size clothes with them on a cruise the larger ones for second week, I won’t have enough room in the cases for both sizes even if I had them we are flying to Barbados so weight restricted.
    Where are you Purple? have I missed a days threads not like you to be AWOL.
    Hope you all have a good weekend F or F. JIP

    @jip good luck this week with fasting in preparation to your holiday. You must tell us all about it when you get back. Thought it is funny to take two sizes of clothes with you. incredible.

    Hi JIP

    Purple announced she was off line and away to the coast for a few days. We miss her chirpy comments, but she will be back, I’m sure. πŸ™‚

    Great news I still weigh the same even with sweets and birthday treats on board. The other meals have been salads with white beans, tomato, red onion, avocado, olives, and some smoked salmon or tuna.

    Have a lovely holiday. My favourite holiday clothes are silk shirts. I never iron them. They get washed in cold water, rinsed and hung up on hangers in the shower. Never soak them, don’t wring them or twist them. Smooth out and let dry on hanger. The whole thing takes about two minutes per shirt. They weigh almost nothing. I roll them when packing and they don’t crease.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Lichtle

    Thanks for your kind words. I have not lost any weight in 3 months. However, I have lost a whole size in both shirts and trousers in this same time. I am doing 5:2 but very flexibly, given birthdays and holidays. πŸ™‚
    I am fitter and have more energy than I have had for at least 10 years.

    You gave me a good laugh with comments on new clothes. I spent around 500 Stg or 800 AUD in May at the sales on size 12 clothing, when I thought I had reached my smallest size possible for a 67 yo woman. What did I know. Purple warned us all, that from their experience, we all go on shrinking. πŸ˜† I am shrinking across the shoulders, the upper arms. Still wearing same size bra. Hehe!

    Recently, I have added a few shirts and shorts of size 10 and size 11 to the wardrobe, and relegated the loose fitting size 12 clothes to the back. Can’t bear to give them away just yet. Still wearing the fitted size 12 clothing. Only now it is loose. πŸ™‚

    I’m allowed to skite on this thread. πŸ˜†

    Cheers, Bay

    JIP, that’s genius! Take a larger size for the second week. I love it! I was always someone who could happily (?!) gain 7lbs in 2 weeks when away. I think my worst was 3 weeks in Canada. I bought new jeans when we got there. When we left I could only just do them up (and the squeezed overspill was not a good look!), no chance of sitting down in them! I know now to partake of delights while away, but in moderation!

    Good luck with reaching goal, and have a great holiday.

    Bay, no need to gloat about still wearing the same size bra!

    I’ll have you know that I am also still wearing the same size….

    OK OK I’ll admit they’re too big round the back now… Oh yes, and the cups are also too large now… Good job really that my chest has shrunk and now needs very little support πŸ˜‰

    Haha, Happy. They are now on the tightest clips, instead of the outside clips. Plus the straps have been pulled up about 3 inches. Most embarrassing as the fitter tut tutted over me. I can’t really comprehend just how big I was with fat in the area between( and including) shoulders, upper arms etc. The overflow area, as one poster previously said, most memorably. πŸ˜† Bay

    @bayleaf, good on you to reward yourself with clothes. You are worrrth it!!! By the way May is a long time ago – almost a year??? ;-)). I think you should/are allowed to start buying size 10s and put it on next year’s budget. ;-)).

    Not having alcohol seems to be the fastest way of saving money. I don’t really drink alcohol but that doesn’t mean I can’t play this game. I could calculate that from now on I could drink three bottles a week but I don’t. Well I am now saving at least Β£15. I must be careful not to make myself an illusionary/potential alcoholic? ;-)) I know now I sound/am completely bonkers.

    Bay, skite away as much as you want. We are delighted here to hear fellow fasters keeping the weight off. surely, the more long term maintainers post on this thread, the more morale boost/hope for the rest of the community.

    @Bay, Skite away – you put in the effort to reach maintenance, enjoy every aspect of it. πŸ™‚

    A propos the flavourless cake, I can only agree that bread or pretty much anything else would be an improvement or more desirable alternative. Especially because, in this case, the use of the word ‘cake’ seems completely arbitrary or at least somewhat idiosyncratic. I have a technical interest in the structure, tho’, I confess – there’s a very expensive reference work on gums and the sort of ingredients in this and, one day, I must consult the British Library copy to try and work out what is happening.

    Good morning and good day all.
    I should be Nordic walking this morning, it’s the only Monday I have missed since I started and I am feeling guilty. I needed/wanted to visit a friend who is moving back to Cardiff it’s where her family live while I am on holiday and I will not be a able to walk there for a coffees any more, it will take 2 buses to get there. I should be in need of a coffee by the time I get there. Knowing me I will be still running for these buses that should keep me at my goal.

    Hi all. Re the cake topic. By choice I am gluten free and once a week I have a piece of GF cake. Some weeks it is a piece of orange syrup cake. Other weeks orange poppy seed cake. I use real butter in the cake. And I have real cream with the cake. The piece of cake is now probably half the size that I used to think was normal. So, as Purple says, it is possible to have our cake and eat it, and also maintain weight loss. πŸ˜‰ Bay

    JIP, I’m so glad you’re back with us. Friends and family are what matters in this life. Guilt is not allowed on this thread. πŸ˜‰ Bay

    Hear, hear, BayLeafOz!! I too keep it to one indulgent day a week, and watch the portion size – I’ve realised the hard way that my problem was ‘all the right food, in all the wrong quantities’ – but when I do it, I do it properly, and enjoy it. That one day a week can sometimes keep you going on the other 6. Cake is part of (the good) life – just handle with care!

    Very jealous of those of you still wearing the same size bras. DH is v affirming of my recovered healthy shape, but even so has put in an official complaint about boobs going AWOL… And I want to know what law of physics decrees that gravity still applies to something(s) so small….??

    Good Morning! Haven’t dropped in for a while but the 6:1 works like a charm. And like FastFastSlow I usually indulge one a week and Fast once a week…and the rest of it takes care of itself πŸ™‚ It sounds cliche but this diet changed my life! I tried for over 20 years to lose the weight for good….and now I have! And it is staying off. And I eat whatever I like. No deprivation. I even enjoy the one day Fast…feels cleansing.

    Hi FastFastSlow,

    I might still be wearing the same bra size, but I don’t fill it very well anymore!

    My boobs were definitely a casualty of the weight loss. And apparently even Mimi has been afflicted by the ‘where’s my chest gone?’ phenomenon….

    I have previously referred to the new look as pancakes draped over a toast rack…. πŸ™‚

    “And I want to know what law of physics decrees that gravity still applies to something(s) so small….??”
    Precisely… also wondering about gravity in face??? Why oh why?

    Happy, I love it – thank you!

    I guess laughter is the only sensible response…no point in stressing over what can’t be changed, and ‘healthy + flat-chested’ still beats ‘unhealthy + voluptuous ‘. Just grateful for friends to share the laughs…aren’t women wonderful?!!

    Ha ha FastFastSlow your OH sounds like mine! His only complaint is: don’t lose any more off your boobs! His problem not mine ha ha.

    BTW speaking of body shape has anyone noticed with this weight loss the way I have that I have lost a lot of the ‘texture’ in my arms? the old lady wrinkly look had started a little bit (I’m 64) but seemed to accelerate with my weight loss.

    Maybe this has been discussed on here before, not sure. I’ve never experienced that before with weight loss so maybe it’s just an age thing.

    Anniversary of my mums death today, which is when my weight gain started three years ago.

    Yes, Carol. I have the wrinkly upper arms look. However, love all the other changes, so not complaining. Can now wear sleeveless tops for the first time in 20 years. πŸ˜‰ I am massaging Aveeno dermatological cream into my arms and legs after every shower. My one luxury item. This has changed the texture of my skin for the better. Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Carolannfud, thinking of you. THOSE dates are permanently etched in our memories.

    Keep up the good work all from your less than svelte (yet) mate.

    Well done, Carla. Great to hear you’re enjoying this WOL. I look forward to my fast days and feel deprived when I haven’t fasted for a while. Cheers, Bay

    Hi Carol,

    I’m only in my 40s, but I’ve noticed more wrinkle on my upper arms around my armpit area. OK as long as I don’t squeeze my arms to my sides!

    I’m guessing it’s just natural aging, but I’m more aware of the changes as know I can bear to bare… And look at myself!

    Sorry about your Mum. Mine died 4 years ago, only in her early 70s. We had a typical mother/ daughter relationship, but I miss her still. I can’t help but think her obesity will have contributed to her untimely death… A good reason to keep intermittent fasting, if I needed one.

    @carolannfud. Thinking of you – anniversaries are hard.

    I too often wonder if changes are due to fasting or would have happened anyway.

    @carla. thank you for dropping in and wonderful to hear from another maintainer. It’s especially wonderful for relative new maintainers like me. I am still trying to work out different strategies. Nice you have found a fasting/eating system.

    G’day chatty maintainers
    Glad you had a great birthday Bay. Thanks for the kind thoughts gang.

    I’ve just enjoyed reading all the posts since last Thurday. Such busy bees!
    I’ve had phone and laptop issues as well as going away, so it was easier to ignore the internet completely. Actually it was really restful. The phone is still playing up but the laptop works.

    Spent the long weekend at our beach place. Very restful and social with lots of dinners with friends and long, long beach and headland walks. I have known these friends since I was in my 20s. One hadn’t seen me for 18 months. She and I are now the same size. She has always been a skinny vegetarian and it is interesting to see how her skin has a similar bagginess to mine, even though she has never been fat. It is simply how skin is meant to look at our age! Interestingly, OH and I were able to walk the long distances and scale very long bush track steps with ease. Possibly more so than our slightly younger, very fit friend. All our walking and train station steps are excellent workouts.

    Even had a romantic Thai dinner watching a dolphin frolicking in the river right in front of us as the sun set. We ordered seafood and veg dishes, no rice and single glasses of wine.

    Didn’t fast as usual yesterday (Monday) as we were still away. This morning I weighed gain at all! As you other maintainers have figured, we tend to choose wiser dishes and eat smaller portions and not eat by the clock any more. I had a HUGE Salmon Nicoise Salad for lunch yesterday, but it had no starchy carbs and lots of salad and other veg. Filling, delicious and perfect.

    Last Thursday, fast day, I was able to choose a vegetarian salad when girlfriends unexpectedly suggested a cafe lunch. With a glass of water, it did not break the calorie bank.

    As to cake, we had a very healthy, delicious ginger and date sugarless GF cake for OH’s birthday. And everyone came back for more, so we had none left to tempt the next day πŸ™‚ My downfall is peanuts (any nuts really) so I am going to ban them from the house again.

    Watched Dr M’s doco on processed/red meats last night. We eat very little red anymore, but I am going to try to go cold turkey on ham, bacon, salami and see how I go. πŸ™

    BTW, how good does Dr M look now?? Lovely lean face. Well done doc!

    OK, enough from me. Have a great trip JIP. Happy fasting all. ‘See’ you when I can. P

    @carolannfud – Likewise, much empathy for the anniversary of your mother’s death.

    @carla – I envy you for being able to maintain with 6:1 and eat as you wish on your non-fast days. πŸ™‚ Still, I’d rather maintain than not – so, even if I need to continue with my 4:3 (as I have done during my maintenance) then that’s what I need to do. *tiny violin*

    As for observations about skin wrinkles, droops etc. – meh, I can’t tell what is related to weight change and what is attributable to drops in oestrogen levels.

    Still working my way through the remaining Christmas Cake baking. I’m relieved to report that the weekend and today’s cakes are still fine so that mojo is intact – I’m needing to steel myself to attempt the pan fortes again when I obtain more supplies of rice paper. I’m determined to bake decent pan fortes. πŸ™‚

    @ssure, well done!!! You seem to be indomitable on the cake front (and maybe many other fronts too). the stuff I learn. had to google pan forte and again looks delicious. On my Christmas baking list after the orange stollen. thanks

    Welcome back P!

    Your break sounds fantastic, v jealous! We’re getting our first proper taste of winter this week, temperatures are dropping and you’d need to be wearing all your clothes to walk on the beach….

    Great that you’ve got maintenance sussed, no deprivation, just sensible eating. Just as well, cause as always your food sounds amazing.

    We had a couple of social events this weekend. Bad I know! But both times I realized I was the slim one in the room! Happy days πŸ™‚

    Re: Dr M. I must admit he does look good now, too skinny for me though!!

    Hi Happy
    How cool is it to be ‘the skinny one’? It also inspires me to continue when I see that, no matter how they dress to disguise the weight, my larger friends just don’t look healthy any more.
    We’ve had crazy weather. 35C here on Friday and yet, when we went north (the warmer direction for us) we had a cool sea breeze the whole time and, despite being in swimmers and splashing in the water, we didn’t surf. SO unlike me. Back home, they apparently had continued heatwave but by the time we got home it was cool. I have a cardigan on this morning, but spent Friday in the pool to cool off. But it is Ok. According to our Govt the climate change issue is not a problem!!!! Sacre bleu. πŸ™ P

    Remember the good times with your mum, Carolann. Through you, she and all your female relatives, forever, are one continuous chain.
    We were discussing this with friends during the weekend. We say things, do things, our mums did. I wonder if this came down from their mums, grandmums etc? The female line is very powerful.
    Love and hugs to you and I hope your recovery is progressing well. P

    @purple, nice to have you back and how wonderful your break sounds. I am always interested how everybody seems to maintain just with healthy food choices. Not quite there yet, but working on it. I still need to do 5:2 as I don’t make wise choices at the weekend. Fortunately still at goal weight – but lost “wriggle room” πŸ™

    Hi everyone – what a lovely influx of posts today! Carolannfud, commiserations on your Mum’s anniversary: hope you’ve been kind to yourself today. It’s hard, isn’t it? My mum is still alive, but not at all well and, like you, I can’t help wondering if a lot of her present problems have their root in her appalling diet and lack of any non-tv related activity over the last 50 years . Can’t judge, shouldn’t judge – but she’s been part of the reason I decided to shift the weight : it’s not about living longer, but staying well enough to enjoy it.
    Re the arms: I have dystonia, a neurological movement problem which causes sudden and unpredictable movements, pain and tremors in various parts of my body. To help control it I get botox injections – nowhere useful (!) but in biceps, triceps, shoulders neck and larynx. Unfortunately one of the resulting problems can be muscle wastage ; it has affected my upper arms and I’m very aware of it. They definitely look skinny, rather than slim!! So the slightly longer sleeved t shirts I found this summer (just short of elbow length) were very welcome – though on good days (and hot days) I was able to say ‘blow it- this is how I am, and if it’s not particularly pretty it can’t be helped – there are more important things at stake! Details of t shirts on request to anyone who’s like them…

    Hi again and welcome back Purple.

    No internet and phone is a bit like fasting, quite relaxing really because decisions not required.

    Interesting comment about mothers, daughters …..

    My daughter on the weekend told me that when she said something to her son she heard her mother’s voice! When I heard what she’d said I also recognized my mother’s voice. Yes, a long long maternal chain.

    Take care all.

    Thanks for the lovely comments everyone! It’s Melbourne Cup Day here so I am going to a cafe to buy a nice gourmet lunch for myself and dad (he’s 92 and going strong!)’ take it to his house and we will eat and watch the race together.

    Based on comments above I will choose a really nice salad for myself.

    Interesting comments re muscle wastage FastFastSlow, as I haven’t been attending gym for at least a couple of months now due to holidays and then surgery. Maybe it will improve once I get back into exercise.

    Bay, could you please give me full name of the cream you are using as I would like to give that a go.

    Have a Great day everyone, best of luck to all the Aussies betting on the cup!

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