Yes ssure. ..someone else put it on previously. I’d never heard of it. I also am never happier than in on or beside water. Must get our kayak out for a paddle too.
Autocorrect can be very mischievous H π
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 4 weeks ago.
Wow, SSure
I am so impressed with your long term commitment to fasting and sticking to it through your menopause changes. Congratulations, and super well done. π Regarding hot flushes, I haven’t experienced anything like what you describe. It may be the luck of the genetic lottery.
Many years ago, I discovered that reducing fat, sugar, and chocolate intake each month had a positive impact on PMT. So, I carried on during the change.
I noticed that every time I ate something sugary, I broke out in a sweat. This may just be my addictive response to sugar and how it played out during the time of change. Have you noticed any correlation between type of food eaten, and hot flushes?
Bay π
Sorry, I haven’t posted for a while, and I realise some background info is needed.
I began 5:2 on 23 January 2014 and lost 17 kgs and 22 cm off my waist. I have reached the desired waist to height ratio of 50% and have lost 3 clothing sizes. I have lost fat from upper arms, shoulders, back, ribs, thighs, feet, wrists and it feels great. I believe that half of my weight loss has been fat from around my internal organs. You could not see 17 kgs (38lb) on my frame before I began fasting.
I have been maintaining around 60 kgs for the last four months. I am very happy with intermittent fasting and intend to fast two days a week for the rest of my life, for the health benefits. My doctor had lowered my BP meds by one third. She is supportive of IF.
I need the 5:2 regular fasting to maintain my weight and size, and still continue to enjoy fun times with friends and family. I weigh every morning, and have noticed that a variation of up to 2 kgs (4.4lbs) is normal within a fasting week. It doesn’t fuss me at all.
I don’t count calories. However, I minimise the amount of sugar in my food on any day, as I have an addictive response to sweets. I omit any wheat product as it gives me the bloat. My dairy choice is A2 as it is easier for my system to digest. I am alcohol free two days a week.
I am writing all this in case it causes someone else to think about type of food eaten, as well as amount. Good luck, all.
Cheers, Bay π
Thanks Bay for that information. I find it very helpful to hear the detail of what people are doing and how they are doing it as it helps me work out my own strategy.
Im In a bit of a quandary at present. I had a hysterectomy and prolapse repair 9 days ago and apart from the day of the op haven’t had a fasting day since. I am weighing every morning and weight is stable. Mentally I feel a bit fragile and haven’t had the commitment/motivation to fast again yet. However, today is a normal FD for me and I am trying to stick to it. ( I’ve just realised as I write this what I’m really after is someone to give me permission not to fast because I’m sick
Hi Carolann
I’ll give you permission to take care of yourself. If fasting will ultimately make you feel better, then do it, but if you can’t that’s ok too. Just choose really low cal soups or salads without carbs. It is hard to avoid food with few distractions, so just choose wisely π You need to drink plenty too as you don’t want to be constipated post op.
I hope the recovery is speedy and painless. You’ll soon be up and moving again. All the best. P
@carolannfud I second PVE wholeheartedly. If you are feeling fragile (only nine days – totally understandable) then be gentle and do an extra healthy eating week especially since weight is stable. In my experience – unless we make quite bad food choices or binge quite significantly, the weight does not go on as quickly as we think.
@Well done Ssure. 4 winters… So far I have only been a “fair weather faster” ie been fasting since 2012 but always stopped in the winter due to feeling too cold. This year I want to keep going through the cold season as I find maintaining soooo much easier than having to lose weight. I will just have to deal with the cold. I am still experimenting with maintaining.
I’m off to sleep – fast day tomorrow. :-))
Go girl!
12 here and I’ve been going through fatty pictures on the computer (waiting for Telstra to fix the Internet) . Talk about inspiration to not eat!
I tell myself ‘Not until 12’ then wait another hour. Then get busy with anything. ..even ironing. is suddenly 3.30. These days I allow myself a little lettuce tomato and vegie patty (Bite Me 21 cals) if I’m really desperate in the late afternoon and salad and fish for dinner.
Keep it up Carolann. You will be proud of yourself tomorrow π P
Morning (here at least, although it’s so dark still you wouldn’t know it!) All,
Ssure, I hadn’t realised you were such a veteran faster. Proof, if anyone needed it, that this is sustainable! A role model for us all.
Carol, you’ve just had major surgery, I’m not sure you should worry about fasting. If your body says feed me, or fasting’s too hard, I’d go with the flow. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if you gained a few lbs anyway, as you could always lose them again when you’re feeling stronger. Like the others say, make good food choices and you will hopefully maintain without fasting anyway. All the best for a speedy recovery.
P, I don’t think I have any immediately pre 5:2 pictures (friends and family will I’m sure, but I haven’t yet asked if anyone has pictures of me as a heffalump..). If I’d known 5:2 was going to work so well, I’d have bared all (well nearly!) for a true ‘before’ photo. Are you back on line now?
Lichtle, my new favourite things are a pair of sheepskin house boots. Very toasty, although they haven’t been truly tested yet! I’m hoping not to get chilblains this winter now….
On the subject of winter, I notice that my food preferences are definitely changing. There’s no getting away from the evolutionary urge to carb load and lay down fat in advance of the hard times…!
Hi Happy in the dark!
I am back on air, but with the massive wind storm we are experiencing this evening (branches dropping everywhere) we might end up down again.
It is light until after 7.30 pm now here and the cat is most unimpressed. She can’t be fed until dark or she tries to shoot through to stay out all night. Possums can be very tough on cats π
Lichtle. ..I added a little pineapple juice to the starter (Charlie 2) and he’s away and running. I’ll mix the sponge tonight.
Hope you managed your day ok Carolann. Sleep well tonight.
Cheers P
Thanks everyone, I didn’t eat til about 2pm and have just had an egg on toast followed by a small blood orange for tea so feeling pretty pleased with myself. It was hard this morning though after 9 days of non fasting. I did get peckish later in the afternoon and had a small carrot. I didn’t bother to calculate calories. So all in all I’m Happy!
Your cat issues sound like ours PVE except we have to keep the dog away from the possums.
Hi all
I am fasting today and looking forward to it / enjoying it at the moment. I have had far too much sweet food this weekend, hence feeling the need to fastcleanse.
I have noticed that when eating sugary stuff now that I get a sensation of “too sweet” at the back of the throat, which I have never ever experienced. I used to be able to eat a box of 250g Belgian chocolates in one sitting – now I manage about a quarter. I am certain this is the result of fasting since June and I am hoping the trend continues. I am going to purchase the book: ‘Fat Chance, The Hidden Truth about Sugar’, which I have seen mentioned and has great reviews on amazon. I am hoping this will assist me in being put off sugar. I have to say that on fasting days I never have any sugar craving but definitely at the weekend when I still regard them as “treats”.
So far we have not really had a bad cold spell – today sunny 16 degrees – so fasting no problem – and yes @happy, I also possess a pair of sheep skin booties as slippers. Three years ago I had chillblanes and no idea what it was until I saw a doctor. I was shocked that this was possible in our centrally heated houses. Now I am ultra vigilant to not let it get to that state. I even have a secret hot water bottle under my desk at work and when I can’t feel my feet any more I make a stealth journey to the kitchen with hot water bottle hidden in cardigan to be filled with hot water from kettle. Somehow I manage to get it back to under my desk without being noticed (not wholly successful all the time) and boy is it great when my feet warm up. Well, a reputation of excentricity has never done anybody any harm, has it?
@purple, definitely a good motivator to look at old pictures and good idea to maybe fix on fridge on fast days only. Oh and pineapple juice works excellent to speed up the process – well done with Charlie 2.
@carolannfud be kind to yourself fasting – semifasting – or not!!!
Hi L
A fat pic on the fridge is a great idea!
Even though I’ve never been a sweet tooth, I agree utterly about changes in taste. I have most sweet things incredibly sickly since starting this wol. After a longer break from fasting (say 4 days) I find it lessens. OH, the sweetie, finds the same. That’s why we prefer to reset with a fast at regular intervals (Mon/Thurs)
Happy days MCs must go and knead the bread dough π P
Thank you all for the 4th Winter congratulations – the realisation was prompted by a combination of writing about the clock change and because DH and I had been sorting through which work/social Christmas Dinners we’d like to accept/decline.
Before I had the regular heat episodes that I now have, I used to stash microwavable hot bottles in various locales so that I’d always have access to one. Not that one was ever enough, I always wanted one for my back, another for my feet, and a muff-refuge one for my hands that I could pop them into in-between tasks or for a brief respite when typing.
NB – sheepskin booties as slippers have their cosy place but
Glerups dk
range of footwear has to be worn to be believed. Outstanding. I can’t recommend it highly enough for people who can barely feel their feet for much of the year because they’re so icy.
Hi gang
Gosh I’m glad I live in a warm country. Don’t you have electric blankets and heating?
We now sleep in one of the kid’s old rooms in winter (upstairs so warmer) and downstairs in our cooler room in summer.
Bought some summer shorts and a linen blouse to wear to the beach today. ..size 8! The amazing shrinking woman π P
PVE – π Even with electric blankets, the temperature drop I used to experience in the vanishingly brief period between undressing and diving into bed had to be experienced to be believed (I’m sure that other people on this thread know what I’m talking about).
As for heating, we’ve always pitched it at a temperature to suit DH (and our budget). Much of the UK is so humid and damp that it costs a small fortune to heat most homes.
Plus, I use public transport for most of my commute/activities (aside from kayaking) and it’s not unusual for that to be cold, damp, or to strand you somewhere without shelter for several hours. (3 nights out of 5 in a spectacularly unlucky week.)
I see other women travel to work with statement handbags. I travel with a kitbag or rucksack – both to contain the papers I normally need and to tote my changes of clothing, additional fleece and a full kit of waterproofs (in addition to the ‘in case of being stranded’ bottle of water and snack).
@ssure, Glerups are already on my “romantic” Christmas wish list ;-)) Aaaanything to keep warm and yes, PVE we do have electric blankets and hot water bottles and even central heating but I always feel the cold comes from the floor/ground since there are no basements to houses in the UK. In fact (now that there are no children in at home any more) I have been known to come home from work, have supper, clear up kitchen and rather than sit down on sofa to relax, go straight to bed as it is by far the warmest option. I agree one hot water bottle is not enough. I think I possess about six at home (one never knows there could come a world shortage in hot water bottles) and I have been known to use three in bed or whilst sitting on sofa.
But there is kind of a strange enjoyment of winter too as you really want to cosy down in your cave or house with candle light and open fire.
I spent a year in Tanzania which is near the Equator and whilst I enjoyed the warm weather, could not get my head round not having proper cold seasons or long winter nights. It’s what we are used to, I suppose.
Now, PVE enjoy your size 8 shorts and linen blouse at the beach today – and – don’t get too hot, will you. ;-))
Sorry Ssure and Lichtle π
I was being facetious π
I have been in the UK in winter. My aunt’s home in London was SO overheated (costs her a fortune, ruins the planet) I was getting around in short sleeves. My cousin’s was bitterly cold.
I have also lived in cold places here and know all about chillblanes!
We don’t believe in aircon, so live with the full force of whatever the weather throws at us. I agree, I like to experience the changes of seasons too.
Warmth and cheers to ky MC mates P π
We’re all prisoners of our childhood climate. π I have lived in hot and humid places, and escaped as soon as I could to a place that has four genuine seasons. However, I have also lived in climates that don’t have a long hot Summer, and I get so homesick for the smell of a really hot dry sun on eucalyptus leaves. Takes all sorts. π
Well done, Purple, the ever shrinking woman. I am stopped at this size, and need to adjust the style of my clothing to reflect the new me. It is becoming expensive. π Bay
You’re all so brave – in lots of ways, but particularly in ditching the old wardrobe. We’ve always had a tight budget, and when I retired 5 years ago I remember saying ‘ no more clothes buying: I can’t afford them any more and I’ve got enough to see me out…’stupid!!! Result: 4 stone – and 4-5 sizes down, and more spent on clothes this year than ever before! Which brings the next dilemma: how soon is it safe to say ‘I definitely shan’t need those again’?
I’ve compromised by keeping in the attic, at each stage, basics in just 1 size up and giving the rest away – regular clear outs have been interesting. DH says it would be better to get rid altogether, as incentive to maintenance, but I can’t help thinking of the possibility of some illness (or even the old folks’home)which would render me immobile (no exercise) and subject me to someone else’s food (‘none of that silly nonsense – you eat what’s put in front of you while you’re with us’)) and the prospect of having got rid of anything I could fit into. What do other people think? Swift disposal, or keep ‘in case’? Is that a cop-out, or just a sensible precaution for a not-terribly-well-heeled woman of increasing years? I’d love to know – and maybe you can make me braver!
Yes, I mentally committed myself to my current size, buying new Sculpt and (bum?) Lift Skinny Jeans, two tops (and new lingerie:-)) whilst getting rid of quite a few items in my wardrobe. I don’t like to have anything in my wardrobe (or elsewhere) that is not used/worn/read within a year (pictures and a few decorative items are allowed.) Am possibly slightly obsessive wanting to become a minimalist. Not really achievable because.DH does not share my obsession.
@fastfastslow our posts just overlapped. I understand that you are worried about not being able to buy new clothes should your size change. How about keeping a skeleton wardrobe (just a few of your favourite clothes in the attic) one or two sizes bigger, so should your size change again you would already have a few basics and only need to top up with a few new clothes.
I don’t need that much in the way of clothes as I am one of those people who wears the same (favourite) clothes all the time.
Ah, well I have to fight hoarding tendencies thanks to my Mum! She never let us get rid of anything (except clothes that we’d grown out of), and when I got my own home brought endless boxes of stuff I’d tried to throw out 20 years previously… Helpful!
Anyway, for me, the prospect of incarceration in an OP home, being force fed and having to wear a dead fat old lady’s dresses (because I threw mine out 30 years previously) thankfully seems somewhat remote π So I can’t use that as an excuse to hang on to outsize clothes!
Also, subject to still being able to make my own food choices and continue intermittent fasting, there should be no reason for me to get fat again. So why not be brave and downsize the wardrobe…?
But wait! I’ve not reached menopause yet and I understand that my middle will thicken. Ah ha! So I will need bigger waistbands in the future? A reason to hold on to the outsize trousers at least!
Ha ha we are all the same HappyNow and FastFastSlow, worried this weight loss won’t last. Luckily (?) I had not thrown out my smaller clothes so haven’t had to buy new things. Getting into those old clothes though is like having a new wardrobe! Conversely, I haven’t thrown the fat clothes out either. I sorted through them and have kept a few good pieces – just in case! Gosh, I hope I never need then again!
BTW – I have cracked the 60kg barrier! Yay! And a friend also pointed out that on this website it says don’t fast after surgery. I only did one fast day because I felt I needed it but won’t do any more just now and will monitor, monitor, monitor.
Thanks guys, I acknowledge all of you in my success. This forum keeps me on the straight and narrow!
Thank you – you’re all brilliant – and actually saying more or less the same as me. I too have a basic wardrobe which doesn’t vary much – black trousers, material according to season, plus tops, t shirts and lots of scarves (one size fits all) cost this year has been mainly in trousers, (Yes, ‘lift and sculpt’ for me too!) pants and bras, and a couple of jackets – lovely to have but still feels extravagant.
Mainly you’ve put my OP home paranoia into perspective – thanks! So I shall continue to hang onto 2 pairs of trousers and 1 skirt (never wear them but feel I should own one!)one size up, but shall edit ruthlessly and ditch any extras. Should be a good brake on those odd days when you just want to say blow it all and comfort eat…
Carol, congratulations on reaching 60kg. It wasn’t actually my goal weight but it took from 63 to nearly 60 to stop losing, so I thought why not? It’s a nice round upper limit number, and I like me here!
So today I am fasting. I’m going to the office with only a yoghurt and some dates between my and half 6, by when I get home and start food prep. It will be an offset for tomorrow, when we have friends coming for lunch….
So feeling good today, wearing a size 8 skirt (and stupidly surprised each time I put it on that it fits!). Unbridled joy sadly marred by wayward tights… π
Happy maintaining all.
Trouble is, he’d look at this beautiful svelte woman beside him and dismiss you as a ‘diet-obsessed little anorexic’ (his probable phrase, not mine – I do understand the difference, and the reality of eating disorders) without giving a thought to his need to address his own health..
Of course, a man would simply sit squarely beside him, shoving as hard as necessary to ensure his own comfort, and that he didn’t get a sore back….or even say ‘hey mate, shove up a bit please’ – just a thought, and no way suggesting you should be doing anything differently, HappyNow, but can you imagine what could happen if we all did that….? Fun to fantasise, and it might while away your journey…
@happy my parents are horders so are my inlaws. Even visiting I find difficult – I get a kind of suffocating sensation which makes me think I have a problem. After visiting them I get home and do (yet another) clear out even though there is hardly anything left. My wardrobe has to be half full at any time so that hangers can move around and all clothes are easily visible. My mother sees belongings as a safety blanket – I see them as baggage to be carried through life.
We are all affected by our upbringing in different ways as Hermaj so aptly pointed to a poem a few months back.
Was that a Larkin poem, Lichtle?
Still baking the Christmas Cakes π I’ve fewer than 20 left to bake off so I’m definitely on the downward slope now.
During November, I’ll be preparing the fruit for the Keep Cakes and Figgy Loaves that can’t be baked until December. I should also take a look at which cookie batters I can freeze to bake off nearer the time.
A propos the Old People’s Home discussion π In my family, you either die early or you remain remarkably healthy until you die at an advanced age so I have no particular plans to be warehoused and fretting about whether I shall have clothes that fit me. I may be wrong and recall this conversation in a rueful manner as I’m attempting to staple a bed sheet into a day toga.
Hi FastFastSlow,
Unfortunately there was nowhere for said gentleman to go! He was already against the outer wall of the train! He must have been easily twice my weight, so there wasn’t even the option of getting the arm rest down between us. No wonder it was the only vacant seat!
Must admit it hadn’t occurred to me he’d be looking at me thinking ‘she’s in need of a square meal’ π
@ssure, well done – the end is nigh (Christmas cake baking of course). Very good idea to freeze cookie batters to make as and when needed. I did like the Dan Lepard Orange Stollen recipe you suggested and will definitely make this year.
I am with you not to fret over care home situation as yet, don’t think any clothes I have now would be suitable then/there anyway.
Hope you don’t mind me butting in, Lichtle.
Indeed it was Larkin’s This Be the Verse, Ssure.
And this be the great man himself reading it. Enjoy.
Hi MCB mates, it’s two weeks since I reported in, I have been AWOL, I have had two successful 5-2 weeks but not a lot of weight loss to show for it. Fast Days are still going well I just have to adjust my feast days.
I showed some friends in WW class yesterday a couple of photos taken with my sister on holiday 2003 and they said I look 10 years younger now, that can’t be bad for eleven years, does that mean I looked 20 years old then. LOL.
On the discussion of keeping larger size clothes, I would say send them to a charity shop let someone else have the wear out of them. I enjoyed buying all my new clothes along the away and now that I only own size 12 with the odd size 10’s I take pleasure in wearing everything and my pink chino’s size 12’s and I don’t feel it’s mutton dressed as lamb for one minute. I think it’s a good idea to have the old (before photo) on the fridge or biscuit tin to remind ourselves that nothing taste as good as feeling slim does. It’s 3 years last July since I got to goal and my holidays now are enjoyed more than ever, I can keep up with my husband and some times he has to keep up with me. Lovely catching up with you all. Happy feasting or fasting.
PS, I posted the purple poem. JIP
Go for it, JIP, knock ’em dead with your lovely pink chinos. They obviously make you look and feel great. Do you by any chance team them with a darker top for extra dramatic effect?
I bet there’s no way you look like mutton dressed up. The MDU look is usually the result not so much of what a woman wears – although mini-mini-skirts, known in some parts of the country as ‘pussy pelmets’ should be off limits to anyone aged much more than 17 π – it’s more about applying make-up with a trowel, having monstrously back-combed hair, and continuing to wear the same make-up they used when they were teenagers, e.g. women who were young in the 60s still wearing Cleopatra eyes with masses of black eye-liner.
I wouldn’t wear pink pants myself, but only because my round bum would look the back end of a piglet. Oink oink!
Happy, there was an unhappy period in my life when I was porcine at both ends. Considerably larger pig’s bum one end, big fat face with little piggy eyes caused by 2 1/2 years on steroids at the other. It was a low and ever-decreasing dose but it still made me look like s***t.
BTW, I genuinely do like pigs. I think they are beautiful, intelligent creatures. Winston Churchill reportedly said: “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
JIP, you’ve made my head hurt with how old you do/ did/ will look…! Hats off as you are also one of our veteran maintainers.
Ssure, not sure they’d let you have a stapler. You’d best practice fixing your toga with toe nails and hair…
Hermaj, sorry to hear about your steroid period. That won’t have done much for your body confidence.
On the subject of pigs though, do you even extend warm feelings to NaNapoleon? π
P, hope there’s no lasting damage from your day as a lady? I’m very much a sensible shoe person, never really got the hang of tottering around in heels.
HappyNow – “Ssure, not sure theyβd let you have a stapler. Youβd best practice fixing your toga with toe nails and hair⦔
My DH’s grandfather got to the point where he was so frustrated by battling with duvet covers and press studs or buttons that he ripped up an additional seam so that he could place the duvet inside and then he would use a stapler to clip up the sides…
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8:05 am
25 Oct 14