The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    I agree, 19 hours is very easy without food, I try an hour later, but I do know that this is about my limit at this time, I think I will try 4-3 fasting just for a week or two just to get the holiday pounds off. At this moment my WW friends are finding it hard after the holidays to get back on track, so we are not on our own. tomorrow is another day and I will be thinking about my non-fasting day too.
    PVE I wish my sweet tooth and my stomach was under control. Do you think it is now the little voice inside our heads or is it more the life style that is our problem? If I am out and about I do not think of food but when I am at home and it’s meal time and as I have said before it’s snacking that I have to control. It is 5-2 that I have to thank for helping me to keep the odd pound or two or more off. This is the first holiday I have been on since I started 5-2 so the proof is in the eating LOL or not eating. I have always walked and for my age of 68 I know that I am doing well. I like being a size 12 and I want to stay this weight. The clothes still fit so that’s good.
    Good fasting or feasting. JIP

    You’ve already done really well JIP and you know it is really just choices and portion size. Try to avoid too many carbs and fill up on veg. I now know I am absolutely hopeless once I start a snack so I try to preempt and eat a salad or apple for example so that I won’t snack.
    I also go about 19 hours quite comfortably and keep telling myself “one more hour”.
    I know you aren’t a wine girl, but I am very relieved that I can cheat with a bit more wine, more so than, say, a desert. I alternate wine and water and that fills me up when socialising. What great maintenance advice…drink more wine. 😆
    All your walking and bowling keeps you healthy JIP. You have an excellent balance. I can’t walk today. ..pouring. ..and missed out yesterday with my daughter leaving. I’m feeling the exercise deprivation.
    Good luck with your 4:3. I’m sure that will restart your system. Cheers P

    Tim, if you are lurking please give us a ‘hoy’ to let us know you are still around. We miss your wicked sense of humour. P 🙂

    Dropping by to say that today is one of my usual 4:3 fast days. It’s wet and blustery so I’m planning to revise tonight’s dinner to make it more of a casserole – probably sardines with a casserole of tomato, peppers, aubergine and artichoke bottoms.

    thanks Purple, I know you are right! it would be mad not to take the bull by the horns and get going again. Tomorrow is going to be one of my 4-3 this is only because of my coming cruise and my wriggle room that I would like and then I will go back to 5-2 which I know keeps me at my goal. My rum and cokes are under control so the snacking on non fasting days is my next thing. I am going to print a couple of messages for myself to pin on by kitchen cupboard and fridge saying Nothing Tastes Like feeling slim feels.
    Hi to everyone else.
    Back soon keep up the good work. JIP

    Hi, it’s me again, just popped back to tell you all that Dr Michael Mosley is on BBC 2 tonight at 8pm. JIP

    @jip many thanks for reminding us about the programme. Just in time for me. @ssure – being on maintenance, do you still keep your 3 FD calories at 350kcals or are you a bit more relaxed?

    Lichtle – I keep 200-350kcals on a sedentary FD but allow myself up to 650kcals on an active FD (e.g., 2hrs paddling, fair amount of built-in walking, and, say, a short strength-training session).

    S Sure
    it`s good planning…

    Sounds like me ssure. I gear my FDs to output, current weight and weather.
    I’m slightly heavier today (59.0), freezing but will be very active. So, no food until 3. About 70 cal then and about 250 in a smoked tuna and veg tonight. I should not have had the nuts as a snack or the rice with the Korean yesterday 🙁 Only soup last night but the damage was done. Ah well. P
    ps…hi Petersbar 🙂

    @ssure, that makes sense. Thank you. i am still experimenting with maintenance and tried to do 3 fast days at say 650/700 kcals (or a filling meal in the evening) and roughly to TDEE on the others. However I am not certain this is working as psychologically I am allowing myself to be slack on fasting days. It almost felt I had given up. But I think trial and error are the way forward.

    Hi Lichtle
    it IS too easy to slip back, isn’t it? I am amazed that I still need the twice weekly reset of the fast to keep me in maintenance. I guess I spent a lot of years thinking I could get away with eating whatever I wanted but didn’t allow for my reducing energy usage. My body doesn’t need very much food now and the only way I can manage that is to fast and eat mindfully on all other days. But, I can still eat delicious food.
    Fasting today. Good luck all. P

    @PVE I agree with you re our bodies needing less food as we get older. I think a lot of people think this is because the metabolism has been changed through diet. And Of course I don’t dispute that.

    Lately I have been thinking/remembering my great grandfather who was a small man. I was always impressed when my mum kept saying how little he ate. Like a “sparrow” they would say. Mum would say that old people are less hungry. He apparently ate very carefully because of some stomach problem, when in the 50s he was only given a few months to live. I know that does not mean too much considering medical knowledge at the time. But he changed his diet and somehow made it to 90. I also remember other old people when i was a child and they all ate very little and no-one dieted. They just adapted their food intake to what their body required.

    I think/hope i have accepted this now for myself even though I am not quite that old – we definitely can’t eat like we could in our 20s.

    Hi Lichtle
    Just walked through the main mall in the city. They had a charity promo to raise money to feed hungry Aussies. They were pushing “5 Healthy Aussie Breakfasts”. All were heavily carb based. When I was offered one, I engaged the guys in a discussion about overeating carbs at breakfast causing our obesity problems. They just smiled, as they tend to do when listening to the ‘elderly’. I usually donate to needy causes, but this was too misguided and obviously a promo for breakfast food companies. P

    Hi P,

    Got to feel sorry for the charity promoters… I suspect the reason they just smiled was less to do with your age and more to do with their ignorance!

    Hi Happy
    You are probably right 🙂
    Exhausted from walking miles today. ..good weather and a fast. I walked across the Harbour Bridge like a tourist as well as catching the wrong train and tripling the distance from the station. Amazing how much I miss the exercise when I have guests or the weather turns nasty. I’d have great trouble over your way 😉
    I’m watching a show on obesity in country towns (4 Corners ‘Fat Chance’ for Aussies). Another wake up call program. I hope it helps.
    Hope you have a good day at work. P

    @PVE the smiles of the promoters were just ignorant smiles. Even if they had agreed with you they could never admit that being paid to say what they are instructed.

    In England they say: There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing. 🙂

    I walk about an hour per day and I find it very relaxing.

    Yes L. I know the line. ..Billy Connelly says it about Scottish weather. Trouble here is we don’t prepare for cold or wet as we don’t get a lot, then it snows in the hills nearby. Our houses are built for breezes to come in!
    We have had 120 km winds with branches flying and torrential rain in the last few days. Not really suitable for a brisk walk, no matter how appropriate the clothing 😉

    Off to bed now. Happy Thursday fasting MCs. P 🙂

    same to you auriga….

    Regular fast day for me as it’s Friday. Fluctuating weather – from heavy rain to sunshine so I’m experiencing some warning indicators of a migraine but, so far, it’s not settled in which is fortunate.

    I’m paddling on Saturday and Sunday – looking forward to those sessions. Still baking my way through 200 Christmas Cakes 🙂

    I hope we all have good plans for the weekend.

    @ssure you don’t seem to be doing things by half. 😉 200 Christmas cakes!!!??? 😉 and paddling in the cold water brrr. ;-).

    For years, I used to make 25 Christmas cakes – I never want to see one cake again. ;))

    Good luck with fasting today. I am maintaining well at the moment and even gaining a little wriggle room of 1lb below GW. No sugar cravings at the moment. I wish I could ditch the cravings altogether and most of my weight issues would be solved.

    Hi everyone

    There’s a jaunt to York being organised over on Jojo’s thread. It takes place on the weekend of 29th/30th Nov when the Christmas market is on. It’s not exclusive to that thread so is anyone here interested? Accommodation is getting rarer than hens’ teeth so hurry! There’s four of us meeting up so far. The more the merrier 🙂


    Hi Lizzy,

    Thanks for the invite. I would have loved to have joined you, but I just can’t afford it at the moment (I’ve spent my spare cash on smaller clothes, had some additional expense (sick cat), and it’s sooo close to Christmas).

    I’d definitely be up for a meet next year though. Fingers crossed you all get on and want to repeat it!


    Apologies if you’ve already told us this! But why are you baking 200 Christmas cakes? Presumably this is work, not pleasure?!

    Hi Happy
    I wondered about the 200 cakes, too! I used to make cakes to sell, but never that many. I’d better make my pud soon. Should do it while the weather is cool.

    Lichtle, my sourdough starter had a smell of nail polish remover (acetone) last night. The sponge smells ok this morning so I’ll use it, but wondering if I need start a new starter? Any ideas? P

    Hi Happy

    Smaller clothes 🙂 that’s well worth celebrating. Sorry your cat’s been poorly though.
    The suggestion is for Scotland next spring so hopefully you’ll make it to that one.


    Doh P, and I was just psyching myself up to start a ‘Charlie’ (?!). It sounds like it might just be one more thing I don’t need to worry about…

    Charlie starter is very well behaved Happy. I think he must have had a night out on the tiles when I wasn’t looking 😉 Can always make flatbread with the dough if I can’t get a rise out of him. P

    Night out on the tiles?!

    Presume your bathroom floor is tiled…? And the bathroom cabinet is where Charlie found the nail varnish remover…?!

    Maybe if you’d let him out once in a while he wouldn’t have had to resort to drinking the contents of the bathroom cabinet 🙂

    I can’t have an acetone addict in the house…washed him down the sink and starting Charlie 2. OH had better be careful with HIS drinking; )

    @PVE aaawh poor Charlie 1. All he needed was feeding or using up 🙁 If this happens again, please don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater 😉 just feed him (double the quantity) and wait for a few hours. The acetone smell will go and become mild and sourdoughy.
    You could have used him for bread, too. Where do you keep Charlie? may I suggest the fridge (unless you bake almost daily) as fementation is slowed down to need baking only once a week or less especially if you keep starter quantity low. I often only had less than 20g (or 1/2 oz) starter quantity so that I could comfortably double/feed several times before needing to bake. If your initial quantity is too high you might hesitate to double for fear of having to throw out excess sourdough which can make it go a bit pongy.

    @jojo thank you for the invitation, but I can’t take time off work. (I work full time). Hope you have a lovely time and we can’t wait to read great tales of your meeting.

    Hi Lichtle
    Thanks for the reply. I did make bread with it…it is rising now, I had fed him and replaced him in the fridge last night, but he seemed so sad. It’s ok. I can cope with the loss as I know how to start again. I do keep him in the fridge until the day before I am baking. I feed him every day and let him get quite energetic before I use him for sponge. I thought he must have become contaminated with another yeast. Do you put him in a new container every time you have used some?
    We have been fun making the different sourdough loaves (only one a week) and OH even bought me a cloche and proving basket. It is great that after 20 years we can share one loaf of bread. 🙂 P

    @PVE So now I am confused. You did use Charlie1. ???
    I fed my sourdough by doubling in equal WEIGHT not volume like some people.
    So if I had 50g of starter, I added 50g water and 50g flour. (On digital scales) It makes it easier to calculate water/flour ratio of bread to be made. (For example you might want to make a chiabatta with a higher water ratio. (I think it is called working out baker’s percentage).

    As I said I always used up all but very little sourdough so I could comfortably double about twice a week. No need to feed every day when kept in fridge. I did transfer the little bit of starter to a fresh container every time I used to make bread to avoid it looking dried around the edges or a bit unsavoury.

    Thanks for your continued advice L 🙂
    Yes, I used Charlie 1 in the loaf I made today. ..just out of the oven…mmmmm …as I had already used flour to make the sponge. I threw out the small amount I would normally reserve. Charlie 2 is sitting on the kitchen bench, hopefully doing his ‘thing’. He’ll be ready by next weekend.
    The loaf rose, but flattened in the oven. Will still be delicious. I read you shouldn’t cut bread for an hour as it is still cooking. I’ve always hacked into it straight away, but with this woe I am far more restrained
    😉 P

    Interesting reading about Charlie (1). I realize I know the smell you mean P. I often make flatbread. It’s usually too much for us, so some goes in the fridge for another day. If it’s still there two days later it smells nasty. I hadn’t considered feeding it, but I suppose it is almost a ‘starter’?

    Today is wet and windy, and I have other food prep to do (preserving the end of the tomato crop, pickling chillies, baking soda bread) so I will have a go at a starter today also. OH is a white bread boy, not sure I’ll be able to convert him though 🙁

    Happy, we’ve had a stunning day here..24 ideal for heavy gardening work. We built a dry stone wall and moved quite a lot of soil to control a rough area of the garden near my vegies.
    In all the drama this morning I forgot the oil and salt in the bread, but it was ok with panchetta and cheese for dinner sitting outside as the cockatoos screeched! My OH has eaten gluten free breads for years, so no matter how bad my sourdough is, it shines 🙂
    Hope your Sunday is relaxed Happy. P

    PVE, Happy Now – it’s leisure 🙂 It always turns into Santa’s Workshop in my home from around August as we make Christmas items rather than cards to give most people and we give Christmas Cake/seasonal items rather than anything else to a fair number.

    The 200 aren’t all full-sized, the majority of them are small -> small-medium as lots of people live by themselves or small families and don’t want something hanging about for months or tempting them to eat it to excess. We make up hampers of seasonal foods, scaled down to small sizes, and that’s something we give out to various neighbours or family/friends.

    Assuming that I’ll be OK to do this in early December, that’s when I start making Dan Lepard’s Orange and pistachio stollen bars (recipe on Guardian site). Again, lots of people like Stollen but don’t want to buy/bake it for 1 or 2 family members – Orange and pistachio stollen bars are an excellent compromise (and a fair number of people prefer it to Stollen).

    Good stuff ssure. I used to do that sort of thing for Xmas presents. I seem to have become too grumpy or maybe too busy making little dresses for granddaughters. You are inspiring! P 🙂

    Good stuff and very impressive @PVE and @ssure. Santa’s workshop I like that. Great idea about the hamper giving. Everybody loves a little indulgence and nothing to dust once enjoyed.

    Morning my MC mates.
    I’m up early this morning. ..interesting. ..despite eating a whole pizza and a ridiculous piece of cake in the vineyards on Sat and hoeing into bread, cheese and cold meat last night, I’m still only 58.1 this morning before I fast today. Whoohoo! I CAN have my cake (and wine and cheese and pizza …occasionally) and eat it too 😉
    I could hear wind that sounded like rain, so just rushed out, in my nightie, to put the outdoor chairs under cover…the new moon looks lovely AND it is a tipping moon. My grandmother used to say if the new moon is like a saucer it will hold water..won’t rain that month. If it is tipping it will rain. Check it out. works.
    Embrace your fasting if you are in to it today. P

    It’s Monday, I’m 4:3, It’s Fast Day, yeah. Doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as Crackerjack, does it. 🙂 (UK TV show: It’s Friday. It’s 5 O’Clock. It’s Crackerjack.)

    Sedentary day planned for today. I’d been hoping to nip along to a handstand class tonight but one of my shoulders/knees are being unhelpful and, much as I’m trying to tell myself that some mobility work might loosen them, I can’t pretend that’s what’s involved. 🙂

    Good Luck to any fellow fasters.

    Hi ssure
    At the end of my Monday fast day. OH left early and as it was windy and rainy here, I thought I’d catch a movie. I saw “The 100 Foot Walk” with Helen Mirren. Good film, but not a good choice for a girl trying to avoid food (if you haven’t seen it, it is all about restaurants.) Still, I made it until 3.30 when I had some chickpeas and veg out of the freezer. Then at 5.16 I had quite a few handfuls of peanuts (SO addictive). That’s it. Not hungry.
    It IS interesting letting yourself eat only when really hungry. Normal meal times go out the window. My natural time to eat must be 3.30 and 5.30.
    I’ve just spent hours on the computer sorting photos. Found some nice fatty ones of me (lovely plump smiley face), but virtually none recently. I’ll have to do a photo shoot. Enjoy your fast MCs, P


    I’m impressed by your industry

    I do like the Guardian website for food and drink, but hadn’t seen the stollen bars. Definitely going to try them as OH doesn’t like Christmas cake/ mince pies/ Xmas pudding…

    Sorry to hear you’ve had to miss your handstand class! Sounds like hard work?

    Hi P,

    It’s all delightfully spontaneous and unstructured when you break away from set meal times! Eat whatever, whenever.

    Today I made it to half 2 with no food, but then succumbed to yesterday’s soda bread.. toasted with butter. I froze some and made sure I ate all that wasn’t frozen… (to be rid of temptation tomorrow you understand!). Now I remember why I don’t make it more often. Yum.

    And tonight I had pasta AND garlic bread.

    Guess what? Yep, fasting tomorrow!

    Hi Happy
    I’m on the morning after fd and couldn’t be bothered having breakfast. Remember I was the mad breakfast fanatic when we started this 😆
    Freezers are marvellous for delaying impulse eating, aren’t they?
    Btw, how’s your dad going on his cheesecake fast diet? Cheers P

    Hi P,

    Dad’s weight has plateaued for the last few weeks. It serves him right though for being so smug about his initially rapid weight loss (oh no, I’ve lost much more than you in the same space of time)!!

    His health is improved, and he has already lost about 21 lbs (BMI probably 26 now, down from 30), and at least he isn’t gaining anything, so I’ve suggested that he perhaps doesn’t need to worry about further weight loss too much and could just carry on as he is (and he might find the weight loss starts again anyway once his body’s readjusted).

    But he wants to lose another 14 lbs. He’s rubbish at the whole numbers thing (“I looked online and it was all about what calories there are in an ounce of this or that. How am I supposed to know how many calories I’m eating?”, “Ermm, you could weigh your food…?”). But he has decided that the amount he’s eating now (much reduced on all days from his pre-5:2 diet) is probably the maintenance amount for his current weight. So his solution is that he needs to eat less.

    I suggested he could perhaps cut out/ reduce the cheesecake/ crumble and/ or wine on a fast day, or perhaps try 4:3 for one week and see what happens. But he seems to think the answer will be water fasting rather than eating at all on a fast day. Quite extreme, and I don’t think he would stick to it (particularly not if he has any length of time with friends or family), but we’ll see.

    Hi Happy
    At least he is thinking about his health. That is a good start. And he is pleased with how much he has done so far. They don’t like being told by their kids. I wouldn’t listen to mine either!

    Having a glass of red to celebrate the life of our elder statesman, Gough Whitlam, who died at 98 this morning. He changed Australia forever in his brief Prime Ministership in the 70s and was dismissed by the GG for his efforts. He had some great lines…he asked the Catholic Archbishop if he could use St Mary’s Cathedral when he died. The Archbishop was a bit surprised that atheist Gough might convert. “Oh no,” replied Gough, “I just want to be buried in the crypt. I’ll only need it for 3 days.” 🙂 P
    PS…get back on that hamster wheel, girl!

    Hi MCs
    This morning, on the radio, they are talking about uni research showing people can lose weight by skipping breakfast! Mon Dieu! What next? Snacking is bad for you? 😉 P

    Hi Purple

    I think the article about fasting until lunch is in the Sydney Morning Herald. Can you provide the live link for the various threads? I have yet to learn how to make a live link. 🙁

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

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