The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • @purple, thanks for the link, will take time to watch it tonight. Oh, you have started me off again, I was totally into this whole bread making for many years and knew all about baker’s percentage and individual countries’ styles etc.

    I will definitely start making larger quantities of vegetable soups again, never tried chilli as I am a baby when it comes to heat. DH has to cook two curries one for me and one form himself. I love vegetable soup pureed but have heard that leaving the vegetables whole, tricks the brain into thinking that we have eaten something more substantial. Will try out this weekend as I have loads to use up. Will look out for zero noodles, too.

    Lich, start off slowly with chilli…your tolerance builds and builds. Very warming and sustaining. P

    Hi Lichtle, I read somewhere and have done this myself and agree with the suggestion that – eating food we need to chew satisfies more. All our food these days is very processed, soft and easy to eat without chewing and as a species we need to chew. I think that’s why we all of us on this site like our almonds and if I’m feeling hungry on a fast day I find an apple works wonders. If I make pea and ham i purée that because it ends up very thick and is filling but everything else I leave the veggies chopped but not puréed.

    Thanks for the reminder Carol. For the first year of 5:2 I got a very achey jaw on fast days. So much so, I had trouble sleeping. My dentist worked out that the jaw needed exercise (I’m a chatterbox so that was odd!). I took up eating apples and raw carrots and doing resistance exercises with my jaw. No more problems! P

    @carolannfud – thanks for that info. Had never thought about it that way, but yes, I do love nuts I always eat apples and other fruit(apart from fast days) and I love acoompanying veggies al dente.
    @purple, your jaw problem sounds quite funny (I know it probably wasn’t at the time). I am astonished that one day not chewing made such a difference or did you do B2B fasting?

    No L. Single days. But as I am retired I wasn’t talking all day either!! 🙁
    I still do the resistance exercises sitting on trains. Others probably think I’m mad!
    Just Skyped with some of my grandkids. Such a thrill to watch them skylarking from far away. Great technology. P

    Yes, new technology is a marvellous thing. It makes being apart that little easier. It’s even more important with grand children who grow up so quickly.

    I used to have a a thing were my jaw locked and I had to do some excercises, but haven’t had that problem for a long time. Dentist told me, that the jaw was the most complicated joint in the body and a lot of head aches were associated with this.

    I’ll second the benefits of chilli. I’m going to make it my secret weapon against the cold this winter when working at home (in addition to the thermals, and hot water bottle…)

    Hot stuff, Happy 🙂

    Hi Luvtcook.

    How are things with you? Hope you’re still lurking out there and travelling well. Haven’t seen any posts since mid August. Any new full fat, low carb recipes for us to try? Miss your cheery, practical advice.

    All the best, Bay 🙂

    Yes Bay
    We miss Luvt and her recipes. I hate the way our mates disappear without a trace:(
    Lovely sunny long weekend here. Hope yours is going well.
    Cheers P

    Well folks…2 weeks have passed now since I chose to try some weight loss! Progress? YES..2kg gone! At this stage, I have just stopped a large volume of junk lollies. Also have made some mods to my fridge and pantry contents with a focus on quality and not sacrificing taste. Licorice, mixed nuts and flavoured yoghurt, together with stir fries of chicken and spices and mushrooms and pineapple for zesty tastes..are all now regular menu items. A rice and salmon mix also entered the menu. Next, I am going to make a yummy curry and will see how that goes! I’m a single bloke so I make all my own stuff…it helps that I enjoy cooking too!.. School holidays finished now..back in 2days..bugger!
    I recommend folks look online for quality menu items and low fat meal ideas, I have found heaps of new ideas to be tried. But remember…keep it simple! KIS principle.
    Ps…I haven’t done any body measures other than my scales!…my belt buckle and shirt size will tell me!
    Keep it going folks.

    Gah, lots of things annoying me at present but I think that’s because I had a fall the other day and it’s difficult to cope with the pain in my back and hip. I’m trying to think of it as a rehearsal for the plausible post-surgery frustration and mobility limitations and an opportunity to practise some coping strategies. Yeah, it’s not always working to convince me but it’s a helpful way to think about it. 🙂

    My weight’s dropped a bit but it’s still within reasonable bounds (not that that is clearly defined when it’s a proxy for body fat levels).

    I hope other maintainers are flourishing.

    Sorry to hear of your fall ssure. I hope the sun comes out for you today. 🙂 P

    @ssure, so sorry to hear about the fall raising your frustration levels a bit. I am confident that you will be coping very well with your planned (post)surgery. You seem to be a person very much informed and in control. Just knowing about the difficulties can make you better prepared. Although sometimes giving up control can be a very valuable lesson because it gives the people around you an opportunity to show what they are made of.

    Years ago I was friends with a lovely lady of advanced years whose eyesight had started to fail. She said to me: “I have always been active and in charge and the one who organised everything and now I have to rely on other people for so much. This is a lesson I have to learn at this stage in my life and I am finding it extremely difficult.”

    Try and make it a life lesson to be learned and mastered.

    I am sorry but it does not seem as if the sun is coming out today anymore (although we had a glorious morning here in the east) . Lets hope you can make the sun rise within you. Or maybe DH can be your sun shine ;-).

    I have noticed a smell in our bedroom for days. Just about to go to bed when OH discovered a dead bird under our bed!!!! And I HATE birds. Thanks to our cat who recently lost here bell collar. She’ll get a new one tomorrow.
    To sleep, perchance to dream (bird nightmares) Urrrggghhh! Night all. P

    @purple 🙂 sleep well. Glad to here there were never any accusations between the two of you. :-))

    How horrible for your, Purple, and how very naughty of your moggy to fail in her duty. But at least the boid wasn’t choipin’ 🙂

    Ha ha, P! A familiar happening in our house, although rodents not birds are our cats favoured prey. More often than not The Oaf lets his new ‘pet’ go, and we dismantle the house to catch it (although luckily he kills rats before bringing them to me!).


    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. In my experience, if you can control the pain you can perhaps better control the other frustrations.

    14 years ago I compressed 2 discs and herniated one into my sciatic nerve. I had 6 months off work before surgery, unable to bend or sit down or walk very far (I couldn’t reach my feet to put socks or shoes on, and it later transpired I had had a dvt in my sciatic calf, which luckily didn’t kill me, but prevented me from putting my foot flat to the floor).

    After surgery it was a month until I was mobile and could get out and start recovery.

    So for seven months, the downstairs of our house was my life. And daytime tv my friend. My world shrank while I waited for things out of my control (surgery) and I took pleasure in what was available to me (pretty limited when you’re mostly lying on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine aligned).

    Anyway, at month 7, when my world expanded again, I realised what total dross daytime tv was (at that time! No comment on current daytime tv, and no offence to people who enjoy it now).

    Several people have said that they would have ‘gone mad’, as if my response was abnormal. And probably yes they would, if they continued to rail against things they had no control over.

    Be happy in the moment. That is all you can influence.

    Hi gang
    Slept properly for the first time in days…I must have sensed the dead bird. Madam often brings in live lizards and the occasional little mouse and we do have chaos separating them, but she has never brought a bird in before. She is 9 and well fed.

    Back pain is unbelievably debilitating, isn’t it? OH has had slipped discs in the past. One time, when the kids were young, I booked a beach holiday that we really couldn’t afford. He slipped a disc a week before! We had to find restaurants where he could stand (eg river dinner cruise) and he stood on the beach so long, people thought he was a lifesaver!

    His back is good these days, thank goodness. Hope you are feeling better today ssure. P

    PVE, nothing quite like the smell of putrefication to interfere with sleep! Our house dates from the 1700s, and we have mice in the (3ft thick) walls and behind the dry lining. They do occasionally just die out of sight, and smell for a while, or emerge into the house in the night and meet the cats…

    Re back pain. Until your back doesn’t work, you don’t realise that everything else depends upon it. I couldn’t actually exert enough down pressure to flush a toilet (handle, obviously!). OH used to suggest I might like to look a bit more in pain when we had visitors!

    Happy, we used to live on a farm. I’ll never forget the smell of dead mice and rats. This bird smelt more like urine. Very odd!
    I had no use of my left hand for months
    after an operation a couple of years ago. Very difficult especially at the shops trying to get change out of my purse. I had to explain to people why I was so slow. The chopped thumb at the moment reminds me of it.
    Predicted 34 here today. The pool is uncovered and ready 😉 P

    A couple of months ago, I nipped in to see my GP after I’d hurt my back in a different fall: I managed to open the door to go into the consulting room by approaching the handle from the side, pushing down and putting my back against the door to push it open. However, when I needed to leave the room, the GP was baffled that I couldn’t open the door (not enough space by the handle) nor could I pull it open. 🙂 And you really can’t lean even slightly forward to turn on a tap.

    I’m not good with pain relief. Opiates lead to nausea etc. within 30mins. I develop acid reflux with NSAIDs and rebound hyperacidity with the NSAIDs with PPIs. I know that I’ll probably need some but right at the moment, I’ve no idea what it would be.

    I was sedentary for so long after an accident a while back that I hate it – and I know that’s not a good attitude. 🙂 It’s one of the reasons that I’m trying to adopt One Moment Meditation as a practice, to deal with frustration.

    Oh poor you ss. What else could you do? Have you tried a TENS machine. I get enormous relief with mine. P

    Hi SSure,

    On the subject of bad backs, doors, taps and toilets… I remember that I was also unable to mash potatoes…

    🙂 HappyNow, I laughed when I read about the mashed potatoes as I have positively vats of fruit marinading for Christmas Cakes and I need to drain them and start stirring them into batter so that I can bake them before the end of the month – but I can’t handle the draining and beating at present.

    It’s odd how difficult the simplest things become, isn’t it. 🙂

    Hi everyone, wanted to say weighing myself each day for the past 2.5 weeks has been illuminating! Seems I’m not ready to go to maintenance yet. The weighing showed I put on 1-1.5kg over the weekends. This time last week I was actually 300g lighter than this week! Weekends I do indulge. I basically eat and drink what I want within reason ie wine, takeaway meal, cake. Not excessive but obviously enough to regain what I lose. Hmmm, have to do some thinking about this. My whole aim with this WOL was to be able to enjoy wine, cheese, cake etc occasionally. 🙂 carol

    Hi Carol
    I always go up and down between 57.5 and 60 every week. I’ve been in this range for 6 months. That’s what maintenance is. Have you reached your wriggle room goal? ie a range of weights which put you squarely into the healthy range?
    Of course you can enjoy the wine and cheese. Just choose quality over quantity 😉 I do. I also still fast twice a week. Will do forever. Cheers P

    Thanks Purple, that’s reassuring. I am actually below my goal weight and definitely within the healthy weight range. I have now set myself a new goal weight and wanted to be a kg lighter than that to as you say ” give myself wriggle room”.

    You’ve told me before you still do your two fast days and I guess I was hoping at the rate I was losing weight I might be able to go down to one fast day but accept now that it will need to be two.

    The first time ever though I have been heavier than what I was the week before and that was scary especially as I can’t see what I did that was different. Fast day tomorrow though so will probably lose it by Friday.

    It’s not the end of the world I know but now I’m so happy with my weight loss I want to keep going!

    Thanks for your reply. 🙂

    Hi Carol,

    I know exactly what you’re going through!

    My weight does exactly the same thing, 1.5 – 2 kg heavier immediately after the weekend and then drops back. I assume most of that is water weight/ food in transit rather than fat gain and loss. But it looks scary on the scales!

    And I know that fear of seeing my ‘weigh in’ weight for the first time greater than it has been for weeks or months, and worrying that I am on a slippery slope (and might wake up the following week having instantly gained all my weight back…!?).

    I’ve been maintaining at/ slightly under 60kg for 4 months now. I weigh myself most days, and get strict/ relax a bit accordingly. Some weeks I have to work harder than others to bring it down again, but the general trend is stable.

    And it was PVE who held my hand during early maintenance and reassured me I was normal and could do it it. She was right!

    I’m sure you’ll be fine.

    G’day Happy
    I always think of you as the one keeping me going! I often put off eating as long as possible saying “What would Happy do?”
    I bought a spinach roll and a tiny pastry for a very late lunch while I was out. I’d hardly eaten all day, fast yesterday and tomorrow, and and I was 57.5 this morning. All good!
    Just came in from 1 hour shoveling soil and wet leaves. There’s no stopping me these days. P 🙂

    Soil and wet leaves?! What happened to a billion degrees in the shade, melting in the pool?

    Great news on continued maintenance though!

    I had to check the label on the new skirt I bought (and compare it’s waist band against existing skirts). It just seemed too comfortable to be a size 8…. It is!

    And just ordered a new coat (blue velvet from White Stuff), in a size 10 (thinking of layering under it). Just hoping it isn’t too big! I’ve got a feeing it’s going to get expensive, being slim and actually caring about my appearance….

    Yep. Know what you mean Happy. I am discovering hardly any of my last summer clothes (when I was 65kg) fit. Your new coat sounds lovely. Probably need 10 once you put a few winter woollies underneath.
    Nice cooler day today (23) and the green bin goes out tonight so I did it in the cool of evening. Excellent exercise too!
    The cat is going mad while I type..hope she hasn’t caught something again 🙁
    Btw iwillbe’s sourdough is tops. OH likes it. Making another tomorrow for my birthday party. P 🙂


    Like PVE, HN et al, I keep a weight range in maintenance, 105-110lbs (48-50kg) and I fluctuate within that, depending on whether I’ve some DOMs for physical activity, water retention from taking NSAIDs/eating salty food etc.

    I’ve been maintaining for some time and still 4:3 but that’s to allow me to eat more generously on non-fast days (low TDEE).

    Ssure, you have me intrigued with all your abbreviations! I just guess most of them. 🙁 P

    Hi everybody and @carolannfud. I am exactly where you are. I reached my target weight but forgot that this was after a fast day as I was too happy to want to admit this. Now I need to get real and give myself some “wriggle room”, too (like this description) ie lose a couple more pounds to account for Monday weigh-ins (following two relative indulgent days) I want my goal weight to be the maximum not the minimum.

    Since maintaining, I have been doing 5:2 and although it is great to have only two fasting days instead of 3, I am now experimenting with going back to 4:3 like Ssure. Being small I have been doing only 350kcals on FDs which is next to nothing, but if I did 3 fasting days I could fast at maybe 500kcals like everybody else on Monday and Friday and do a third, more relaxed fasting day on Wednesday at maybe 800kcals which would amount to a decently filling meal at the end of that day. This routine during the week may suit me, enabling me to relax totally at the weekend regarding calories. It’s my first week and I look forward to see how it works out.

    I like experimenting with maintaining and not getting disappointed when the scales haven’t moved downwards on a Monday, though.

    Yes, Ssure what is a DOM? 🙂

    Fun, isn’t it L?
    I’m much more relaxed about fast days now. If I feel like some salad at 3 or 4 I’ll have it. My wriggle room is anything under 60kg. Ultimately I’d probably like 56 kg but am happy where I am.
    Enjoy your experiments girls.
    P (watching the Eclipse of the Moon..blood red supposedly! )

    Hi maintaining mates.

    Purple, just been outside to look at the moon. As you say, allegedly blood red but as they say in the classics, ‘a blind man would be glad to see it’.

    Happy birthday for tomorrow – is it time to sing the old Beatles song ‘When I get older, losing my hair …. when I’m 64’ – is my arithmetic correct?

    Thanks Nicky. No, the old man is about to be 64. I’m 63…a spring chicken! I’ve been stirring him about not needing or feeding him though.
    The moon did look beautiful. I have an imagination and saw it as a soft orange. .looked like a ball hanging just above us. OH reckoned it “looks grey” and went back inside! Mind you, I tend to howl at full moons! Definitely a lunatic 😉 g’night, P

    Lichtle – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness 🙂 Whether that’s from a heavy session in the garden/gym or a nasty fall 🙂

    @ssure 😉 Thank you. Never knew something as simple as sore muscles had such a fancy acronym.

    @purple & @nicky no moon here – just torrential rain. 🙁

    Something occurred to me this morning. I have lost 17lbs over the last 2 years and whilst I appreciate that my weight fluctuated a bit in that time due to not fasting during the cold weather, (maybe 6-8lbs) nobody seemed to have noticed my weight loss other than DH (and I believe he only noticed because he saw me fasting). I know 17lbs is not earth shattering but with me being rather small/short I should think this ought to be more noticeable.
    I can only explain this with the fact that
    1. I work mainly with men and since I am an older woman (most of them could be my sons) it is not the done thing to mention weight loss or/and
    2. I had a slim face to start with or/and
    3. I am quite bottom heavy with big thighs and bum but my top half and waist was always OK or/and
    4. I used to be quite good at disguising my weight with trousers and long tops.

    I wonder at what weight someone would say: “You look tired” which I would translate into “old” which I would translate into “scrawny”. 😉 No way will I enter this experiment though 🙂

    LIchtle – DOMS is a bit more than that, it can be severe enough to make people think they’ve pulled a muscle but realising it’s DOMS from intense exertion, unusual levels of activity, or an ancillary strain from a fall is supposed to reassure them that the pain will pass. It’s normally accompanied by some swelling/fluid retention as the muscle repairs the micro-tears.

    “I have lost 17lbs over the last 2 years and whilst I appreciate that my weight fluctuated a bit in that time due to not fasting during the cold weather, (maybe 6-8lbs) nobody seemed to have noticed my weight loss other than DH (and I believe he only noticed because he saw me fasting)”

    🙂 I’ve shed >60lbs and, similarly, not a single comment (even without the uptick/fluctuation you mention). And, likewise, I think DH only knows because he records our weekly weigh-ins.

    Contrariwise with me, I think because I have a wattle/double chin no matter what my size, I think the facial fullness means that people somehow don’t notice the rest but I don’t know. However, this may be why no one has told me that I look tired/thin/old/scrawny or other unhelpful descriptors 🙂 (And this is a major upside of nobody noticing/commenting on the loss.)

    Frankly @ssure, that is unbelievable. 60lbs and no comments???

    But now come to think of it; a friend of mine has a very fine or defined face with high cheek bones, her body however is overweight, but somehow I don’t notice that so much because most of the time we look people in the eye/face when we communicate. The opposite of course is true for people with round or wider faces, they never look too thin.

    When I look at images of people before and after severe weight loss, I am often intrigued at the facial changes. Maybe that is why some people don’t like it when their loved ones lose too much weight. When we age there is a more gradual change in our features and people can get used to it.

    L and S, you have both done well. Ssure we have lost the same amount and people certainly notice my scrawny face. I have to point out the flat rear! I guess the important thing is how YOU feel. I am more than happy to have a thin face and wrinkly skin to feel so light and energetic. Maybe you two are much younger and your skin is more elastic than mine. P

    Bay, did you have a good weekend with your friends? I hope you ate plenty of yummy things without a care! 😉 P

    Yes @purple, it’s all about how we feel about ourself; improved health, fitness and general well being are more important than a few wrinkles.

    Hi All,

    I remember my Mum saying that she wouldn’t want to lose too much weight and end up with a scrawny neck. Yes, far better to be obese, inactive, unfit, hypertensive, plagued by aches and pains, and die young from cancer….but hey, no scrawny neck!! I loved her dearly, but really!

    I know which future I want. It might involve scarves 🙂

    H, I’m wearing a lovely red coral necklace today for that very reason. 😉 P

    Hi Purple
    Had fun w friends n sis for her week. Am now at coast with four grand kids for the week. New swimsuit getting good workout

    Happy Birthday to you, you lovely right size person. Hope your birthday is lots if fun 🙂

    Have eaten all sorts of things and enjoyed them all. GF cake n crisps being the most indulgent. 🙂
    Hi to everyone else. Doing this on phone so will quit. Bay 🙂

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