The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • I see “down under” as a colonial put down! So, you’re Welsh, Happy? Do you sing well? πŸ˜‰ Ha ha πŸ˜‰
    Too late to strip off now, L…on the verandah as the sun gets lower. Rereading a great yarn..AB Facey’s A Fortunate Life.
    Enjoy your Monday girls. Cheers P

    Whoops. 29 deg here. 31 tomorrow. Must swim tomorrow πŸ™‚ P
    Ps hermaj would enjoy this book when she completes her dissertation.

    Hey Bay
    You ok? I hope your absence means you are having fun. P πŸ˜‰

    Hi Purple

    Having a fabulous time with my sister visiting. Been clothes shopping, out to woodwork gallery, to gardens and generally being totally supportive of each other. Walking each day. She is so proud of me and my new shape. πŸ™‚ lucky to have her on my team. Fasted yesterday in preparation for family gathering today. Weighed in at 59.3 kg this morning. Totally new low weight. Yay!

    Cheers to all MCers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Sorry, I haven’t had time to read back on others posts. Will catch up tomorrow after she goes home. B πŸ™‚

    Hi maintaining mates.

    Just checking in – have been reading (I think someone referred to it as ‘lurking’) but didn’t post because would only be repeating what I’d said on the fast tracking and southern hem. threads.

    Great to read such positivity and thought-provoking posts.

    One FD down and tomorrow to go – coping OK while staying busy. Yoga at lunchtime today takes me away from all the lunchtime yummy smells. Unfortunately a big tummy rumble during Warrior II – everyone laughed.

    Keep up the good work, you’re all such an inspiration to someone with a long way to go to that happy land maintenance. On a positive note, I’m still gradually getting smaller so not all bad. N

    Hi Bay
    How lovely for you to share your joy with your sister. She must be stunned by your success. Well done on the new pb, too! Enjoy gadding around together in this beautiful spring weather.

    Hi Nicky. Good to hear you are still lurking in the background. Keep us up to date on any news. I’ll bet the Adelaide gardens are looking gorgeous. Btw, it was so hot here yesterday, I had to close the car roof!!!

    Hi Happy, Carol, Lichtle, ssure and hermaj (who shouldn’t be reading πŸ˜‰ ) and others my dull brain can’t recall right now x

    Stuffed mushroom for me for brunch and a morning swim..31 predicted here. Cheers P

    Hi PVE,

    Long day, just home. I see the smiley face I had added after my ‘down under’ comment was removed from my post. I had carried on with a congrats to Lichtle, but my phone apparently thinks smiley means delete everything that follows!

    Sorry for any offence! No colonial put down intended. Weren’t Men at Work an Aussie group singing about a land down under….? And I may be Welsh but no, I don’t sing well! In fact very very bad!

    Hi Happy
    No offence at all…just a friendly dig! I tossed in the Welsh singing thing for the same reason. Men at Work were sending up the stereotypes. .men chundering/ plundering, Vegemite eating etc. It was played constantly when we were the first country to take the America’s Cup off the New York Yacht Club back in ’83. Nationalism gone mad.

    You sound tired after work. Relax/ go for a run. πŸ™‚

    I am still working on iwillbe’s sourdough starter. Not working too well yet. I do miss her happy chatter…and Auriga and Elaine. It is frustrating losing friends with no way of contact again. Enjoy your evening. P

    Re stereotyping, and not singing… I nearly added a comment about what I, being Welsh, might do with sheep…. But then realised that can also be applied of the Aussies!

    Too late for a run now, it’s half ten here. I had an all day meeting down south (southern England) and then a 4 hour drive home. Bed time now.

    Must admit I haven’t tried the sourdough recipe yet. Perhaps I’ll wait for you to master it first!

    I live in hope that our missing maintainers may yet come back…

    I think the sheep thing applies to Kiwis πŸ˜‰

    Oh damn…
    Cooking mussels in tomato chilli soup, cutting up thw salad… a capsicum with a sharp knife…tried to take the top off my thumb πŸ™ Lots of blood and pain!
    OH is now doing the mussels. I’m sitting outside, beautiful evening, drinking. .purely for medicinal purposes! P

    O, dear. What a shame, Purple. πŸ™‚

    Thanks Bay. Amazing the anesthetic effects of wine! OH did a good job resurrecting the dinner but needs training on cleaning up after.
    Hopefully the throbbing stops by tomorrow. P

    Hi P,hope your mortal thumb wound didn’t keep you awake. I guess you’ll be on light duties for a few days?!

    Bay, congrats on the new low weight. And great that you’ve got genuinely supportive people round you in the real world also!

    Nicky, good work on reducing. I still think as long as you aren’t gaining then you must be at least maintaining!

    I have a confession to make… Having reviewed my eating from yesterday’s meeting and 4.5 hour drive…it’s not good! A big croissant, a banana, a falafel, a tomato and cheese tart, a cupcake, a latte and a chocolate tiffin…. Whoops!

    Morning MCs
    Isn’t that the point Happy? You can do that occasionally as you know not to do it every day πŸ™‚
    Thanks for your enqiry re my poor thumb. Still hurts like mad but I had to mix and need the sourdough this morning. Quite hard one handed!
    Hermaj must be having fun…gone AWOL πŸ˜‰
    Cheers P

    Yes, I haven’t yet congratulated Hermaj for getting her dissertation finished. Collapsed in a heap, or out partying?!

    The latter I hope!

    Hi Purple

    You won’t be able to sit with thumbs turned out for relaxation of shoulders now πŸ™

    Thanks to Ihaveawaist for the suggestion, turning the thumbs out really works for me to lessen tension as the shoulders lower when one turns thumbs out.

    Hope you heal fast. Bay πŸ™‚

    Yes Bay, I thought that. Lucky it wasn’t my texting finger like last time πŸ™‚
    I must stop sharpening knives…it was only the blade hitting the nail that stopped a whole section being lopped off and into the salad. Btw the mussel soup was stunning!
    Enjoy your fast today and your social weekend. I’ll fast Friday after Thursday night’s dinner (I’ll need to!)
    Off for a long walk as the temp has dropped down to comfortable walking weather. P x

    Good morning maintaining mates.

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Have been reluctant to say ‘hello’ on here because I’m definitely not at maintenance but also not gaining.

    Purple, hope your attempted thumb amputation is now fading from your memory – such a hard place to apply pressure to stop the bleeding because bandaids don’t fit well.

    Our back up receptionist is on leave so have just been at front counter while regular lady at morning tea. Spent time between phone answering browsing a cookbook and found yummy sounding veal and leek casserole recipe 390C/serve. Will try this weekend and possibly tweak to reduce calories. If OK will post on ANZAC recipe thread.

    Two good fast days under my belt, another 0.2kg up in smoke and 1cm more off my waist. So far so good – 10.3kg (about 23lb) fat and 15cm (6″) from waist lost in total. ‘Only’ 10cm from waist and 25kg to go πŸ˜‰

    Bay, also loved the thumbs turned out exercise, definitely good for shoulder tension!

    Relished first cafΓ© latte for the week – yummmmm!

    Keep up the good work everyone. N

    Hi Nicky
    To take my mind off the thumb and while the sourdough is rising, I went for a really long walk around the backstreets to check out the spring flowers. Absolutely stunning! I also have the advantage that I can stop the walk anywhere I please and catch a train home. Here it comes! Cheers P

    You guys are so inspiring! I’ve been having a bit of an up and down week. Had to alter my fast days last week due to birthday dinner I attended. I then had 4 days straight with no fasting and put on just over a kg. Not too bad but what I noticed is Sundays seem to be a bad day for me. We’re either out which usually includes eating and drinking or at home where I just potter. This lack of structure seems to lead me to my old habit of ‘grazing’ and boy did I graze! So this week I have weighed myself everyday just to see what the pattern looks like. I am below goal weight and wanting to go to maintenance (6:1) but would prefer to have a kg to play around with. I am so scared of gaining the weight back!

    Bay thanks so much for the tip about the thumbs! I am always tense in the shoulders and never know how to really relax them.

    PVE at least you weren’t as silly as me – I chopped the top of my finger off with the bamix!


    Thanks Carol
    Reminds me of the old joke (Monty Python???) where a guy, who has just had a limb chainsawed off, is commiserating with a fellow who has just cut his finger on stationary. “Oh, papercuts! They’re the worst!” πŸ™‚

    Re maintenance on 6:1, both Bay and I find the regular two day reminder resets the mind and body. I find if I don’t do it every few days I could easily slip back to overeating again. I also love seeking out tasty, wholesome low cal foods.

    Non fast day today. Had a small amount of a chickpea dish I had made and froze and will be making my chilli and cashew fish tonight. No bread or rice, but filling and healthy. I find by eating this way I am less likely to go off the rails too far on feast days.

    I like to have wriggle room to stay below 60kg, so I fluctuate from 57 to 59. I weigh every day to keep an eye on what I’m doing.

    Have a good day P

    Had a wonderful time with parents and family who left yesterday evening. Feeling a bit low this morning as I won’t see them for a while.
    Checked out the damage of six days extensive cooking with deserts and cream teas in the afternoon. + 1lb. Today and Friday will be fast days which should be Ok as I am back at work with no food/cooking temptations.
    @PVE hope you are healing and LOL at your Monty Python comparison.

    Thanks L
    Sorry to hear you are feeling down sans visitors. 1 lb isn’t too bad at all! That is only 4 packets of butter πŸ˜‰ P

    Yes, good joke PVE!

    1lb is nothing Litchies, you will get that off easy.

    Will take your advice then PVE and stick to 5:2. πŸ™‚

    Lichtle – that’s amazing, merely +1 lb after eating so much more food. Did you do a lot of sight-seeing and walking about with your visitors?

    PVE: “1 lb isn’t too bad at all! That is only 4 packets of butter” – ah, like the USA, you purchase butter in 4oz or 125g blocks? Butter is 8oz or 250g in the UK. I know this because after my body composition reported 42%, I kept thinking about the fat in terms of packs of butter, had I had to double the number, that would have been even more traumatic πŸ™‚

    Yes I realized ssure after I posted. 1 lb is only 2 packets. ..nothing πŸ˜‰

    Hi thanks everybody – I am OK with the gain considering the indulgences. Having a good fast day so far. See how it goes later on. Evenings are my weak points. Once asleep I am fine, never hungry at night it’s as if someone flicks the hunger switch to off. The problem is getting there.
    With the hunger switch turned off, I wonder how great it would be if we could hibernate during fast days. Or even better, work out how much we need to lose and just hibernate for the amount of time to get the calorie deficit. Hibernate during winter and we could avoid both hunger and cold. Double whammy.

    After a 25 hr fast, I had a cup of miso soup and an apple. A couple of hours later I had a plate full of steamed vegetables with a few tablespoons of left-over stew (mainly gravy to flavour the veggies). Filling the gaps with coffee and feeling reasonably full and content.

    You’re a champ, Lichtle P

    Thanks PVE, it’s your turn to fast now – it’s already Thursday in Australia. Good luck.

    Hi MCs
    Just gave myself an F for proofreading. I DO know how to spell knead πŸ™
    The sourdough was a great success. (Thanks iwillbe x) I made a heavy grain bread in a cob. Very crusty. OH tried some and will let me know how he reacts. The whole purpose of this is to see if I can make good homemade bread from quality flours that my gluten intolerant hubby can eat, in moderation. πŸ˜‰
    Sliced and froze most of it to resist eating it all. I will call my starter “Charlie” after iwillbe’s starter. (Miss you, mate).
    Fasting tomorrow. Out to dinner tonight. Cheers P

    Show 25 hours that’s impressive Lichtle! Congratulations!

    Yes it is Thursday here already. Sitting here with my cup of tea checking emails. Nothing to eat til about 1pm. But got on the scales this morning and all good. πŸ™‚

    Good morning maintaining mates.

    Carolannfud, happy fast day. Despite promised forecast of sunny day it’s cool and overcast here in the Adelaide Hills. I’m always happier when the sun’s out. Suspect I’d really get down if I lived in higher latitudes.

    Purple, your bread sounds yummy. I freeze mine too or would eat the lot barely before it was cold, at least in the past. Now noticing my ‘eyes are much bigger than my belly’ and often struggle to finish what seemed like a moderate serve in the past. Have switched to an entrΓ©e plate which helps.

    Lichtle, only 1lb gained after a week of visitors? That’s fantastic and it will probably be gone within the coming week.

    The first day of my very long weekend (Public Holiday on Monday). Woke at 6 as usual without the alarm πŸ™ but lay in bed listening to the dawn chorus and my little under-the-pillow with earpiece radio until 7. OH still asleep so made very quiet coffee and started shopping list. Don’t often these days get early mornings to myself, bless him!

    Happy Thursday all! N

    Hi PVE and NickyF, I used to bake my own bread for years with a sourdough and loved it, but the freezer just grew too full once it was only two of us.

    I used to do the “no knead method” as propagated by Jim Lahey at Sullivan Street Bakery NY (Youtube) where the bread is baked in a dutch oven which basically is an oven proof dish with a lid where the steam makes the crust sooooo crip and crusty. It is the easiest thing in the world. No kneading, just quick mixing of ingredient and letting it sit on your kitchen counter for 10 – 12hrs (usually overnight). In the morning you scrape the dough out onto a floured surface, shape it a bit and drop it into a piping hot dish with a lid where it expands and rises. It is a very different type of bread making (the dough is quite wet and you need to get used to handling it.

    There is a wonderful website: If you are a bread enthusiast, please check it out. There are lots of video clips and watching them is seriously addictive. If you like rye bread there is a most delicious instruction on a sourdough rye bread, containing rye flour, Molasses, Fennel Seed, Anise Seed, Caraway Seed and a zest of orange. This bread smells and tastes divine.

    Oh, just writing about it makes me want to rush into the kitchen and bake. The long overnight proofing requires less rising agents (yeast or sourdough)and if you live in a warm climate where the temperatures don’t drop too low at night time, it is almost fool proof. This method has gained such popularity that youtube is full of films on this subject.

    Thanks L. I’ll check tomorrow. P

    Evening (or morning) breadmakers,

    You’ve now put me off making my own sourdough. I hadn’t really thought it through as anything more than a ‘one off’ loaf. I now fear that I would either gorge on bread or (perhaps worse) neglect (or possibly even murder) the starter. That was perhaps an acceptable potential future for the starter… But, no, now the starter has a name! How bad would I feel neglecting or killing ‘Charlie’….? Thanks!

    Hi Happy
    I just opened your post after I had wandered down to the kitchen to say good morning to and feed Charlie. I’m fasting. Charlie is not πŸ˜‰
    The loaf I made wasn’t very big…you CAN control size. ..and we only ate one slice each.
    My son, who is also a breadmaker, says I can even freeze the starter if I go away or put “him” on hold in the fridge. I intend to make one loaf a week and give away any excess. OH had no reaction to it! Yeh!
    We dined out for our wedding anniversary last night…Lovely views of the Harbour. Excellent food. .prawn and spicey tomato soup, ‘roo with beetroot, chilli jam and sour cream. Pear, walnut and rocket salad. Passion fruit souffle for dessert.My tight straight size 10 dress was comfortable all evening. And I’m still 58 this morning πŸ™‚
    Found a girl selling homemade vegan salads and dishes at the local street market yesterday. Fabulous. Low cal, delious and healthy.
    Fasting today (I wonder why?) before our long weekend holiday at home. Swimming weather expected.
    Cheers MCs whatever you are up to. P

    Hi PVE,

    Thanks for the info on keeping Charlie alive. Am I ready to take on the responsibility for another life…?!

    Happy anniversary! The meal sounds fantastic. I was about to ask what ‘roo with beet’ was…. And then I thought about it!

    Definitely not swimming weather here. 2 degrees this morning… So now I’m about to find that my winter wardrobe is all at least one size roo large.

    I haven’t fasted properly this week, although I did go Monday lunch to Tues lunch with only a tiffin slice and a latte… Not sure that counts, but it appears to work! 58.5 every day this week. I don’t really want to go lower so, although I do miss a full fast, I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing.

    Have a fab weekend. The forecast here is a total washout. Boo hiss.

    PS I’m starting to think we’ve got maintenance cracked!

    Congratulations, Purple, well done! Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi again H
    I think you could be trusted with another life to care for!
    It IS a dilemma deciding how to manage the weight isn’t it? I am not as strict on fast days now, but actually find I often do quasi fasts on other days when I am busy or if there is some really delicious low cal food around.

    It was a little cool as I was going out last night, so I dug out a choice of two short light weight jackets to toss over the dress. When I bought then 3-4 years ago they were WAY too small for me…didn’t do up. Now they make me look like I’m starving. I guess I’ll have to replace them.

    Kangaroo meat, lightly grilled or bbq’d is very tender, very similar to beef. It went really well with beetroot, chilli jam and sour cream.

    If you are 2 deg in the morning now, how cold does it get by Feb? Brrr….
    Sleep well, P

    Cheers Bay. We CAN eat well, live the high life and still look good (well as good as any 63 year old!)
    I was telling the pharmacist, yesterday, that I no longer use BP meds. He was incredibly complimentary about me…said I looked like I was full of life…and spent ten minutes finding out about 5:2 to share with his mum. I had walked about 7 km to and from the shops and then back up to see him. Time is the only inhibitor on my walking now.
    Have a great long weekend at the coast. Don’t hold back, you under 60s girl! P πŸ™‚


    Thanks for posting the info about the NY no knead bread. A relative in Canada was recently enthusing about it, but wasn’t very specific on detail!

    Hi everyone. No worries about committing any acts of murder. A sourdough is almost impossible to kill when kept in the fridge. I made mine from rye flour and called it Ryan and had a small amount of twin Ryan in the freezer. You can even dry sourdough and bring it back to life.

    Homemade bread just tastes too good and i found it hard to restrain on baking day and also I had to make full use of energy in oven and always made double quantity. With grand children, Purple, quantity is luckily not an issue there are plenty of takers. Once the bread had cooled down (and we had eaten) I used to slice the bread (i even bought an electric slicer) and froze the rest so that we could de-frost individual pieces. Did say that wastage was not much of an option? πŸ˜‰

    @happy I am not yet able to say that I have cracked maintenance but want to give it until early February. The run up to Christmas will tell (more so than Christmas itself). I love Advent the preparation time. Also interesting how I will cope with the cold this year. Previously I gave up fasting in the cold months but determined to keep going this year. I have a few coping strategy ideas.

    Hi L
    Thanks for the bread man link. Addictive viewing for a fast day!
    I like the idea of freezing some of the starter and the rest in the fridge.
    As regards winter, I found veg soup…no lentils or peas, just low cal veg and lots of garlic, chilli etc was the trick as you can have large quantities for few cals. Also, bulking out foods with zero/miracle noodles was the go. I prefer winter for fasting as I can get out in the garden or go for a walk and get really energetic. The 2 hot days we had this week reminded me how much harder it is to do manual labour in the heat.
    Went for a very long distracting walk today and just had a hardboiled egg with lettuce, asparagus, snow peas and toms. (1.20 pm) Cheers P

    Hey MCs Check out:
    It is a lovely practical video using home equipment to make a rustic sourdough loaf.
    P πŸ™‚

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